Chim - Don't Walk Away

By X_WCheryl_X

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Chim - Don't Walk Away
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 3

508 10 0
By X_WCheryl_X


It was obvious that all the girls still kept some kind of contact but for me it was different I hadn't saw or spoken to any of them in 10 years. Nicola was clearly happy to see me but what about the rest of the girls would they have the same reaction or would they just hate me for leaving them which therefore caused the split of the band.

When we entered the hall I automatically scanned my surroundings looking for anyone I reconised. It wasn't long before I spotted two womem sitting in the cornor chatting to each other. One had short blonde hair and the other had long honey coloured hair.

" Look theres Sarah and Nadine." Pointed Amy.

" Ano pet I had just noticed."

I stood for a while just gazing at them. Neither of them had looked as if they aged either.

" Come on Chez." Nicola said with a reasuring smile.

I smiled back before following her over to them still we were all holding hands.

They where still talking when we reached the end of the table obviously not noticing our presence.

" Hello ladies." Nicola chirped causing them to look up.

" NIC . . . ! , Ohh my f*cking god !" Sarah half shouted.

I looked at Nadine who was sitting there tears where pouring down her cheeks.

" Cheryl." She said in almost a whisper.

" Hello." I smiled shyly.

I turned to look at Amy who was smiling at me a tear rolled down her cheek which I wiped away before leaning forward and giving her a kiss.

" Are you ok petal ?" I asked.

" Yes I am just happy for you."

" Amy ?" Nadine asked.

I nodded at her before taking hold of Amy's hand that I had somehow let go of a few moments earlier.

Sarah took hold of Nadine's hand and they both slowly stood up.

" I can't believe it." She said tears now falling from her eyes.

" Come here." I said before lunging forward and throwing my arms around both of them.

" I am so sorry !" I cried breaking down in their arms.

" Hey , Its ok." Sarah soothed rubbing my back.

I cried in their arms until my tears stopped. I enjoyed the closness of having them in my arms again.

" Amy come here." Nadine said inviting her into the hug which she glady accepted.

We broke apart once more and while Sarah and Nadine were hugging and kissing Amy I took my chance to thank Nicola.

" Thanks babe." I smiled at her.

" For what ?" 

" For helping me , I was so nervous."

" Awk its ok. Come here." She smiled pulling me into a hug.

After a few more hugs we all sat down at the table.

" Gees Nadine are you going to leave that poor girl alone." Nicola laughed.

I looked over at Nadine who still had Amy in her arms.

" Haha ! , No I haven't saw this wee baby in ages." She said before kissing Amy on the head.

I smiled before scanning around the room again. 

Where is Kimberley ' I thought to myself.

I felt a hand being placed on my knee. I looked up to see Sarah smiling back at me.

" Don't worry she will be here." She reasured me before leaning forward and kissing my cheek.

" Mum I need the toliet."

" Ok. Wait and I will come with you."

" No its ok a will be fine."

" The toliets are over there hun." Nadine said standing up and pointing in the direction of the toliets.

" Back in a flash." She said before walking off.

Once Amy had left all the girls turned too look at me.

" Does Amy know Cheryl ?" Sarah asked in a serious voice.

" Yes I told her everything." I smiled back sadly.

" Ohh." Was all she replied back.

" God Cheryl she is a beauty. Bet shes broke some hearts." Nicola laughed.

" Ohh my god ! , What about all of you. Have you got kids ?" I asked shocked.

Nicola smiled at me before pulling out her phone.

" This is my little girl Jess." She said showing me a picture of a little red headed girl.

" Shes just turned five."

" F*ck Nicola." I said a tear rolling down my cheek.

" My little family. I married Charlie then we had Jess."

My heart filled with sadness why did I have to leave and miss all this.

I turned to Sarah who had her phone out aswell.

" This is my son mini Tommy." She laughed showing me a picture of a little boy with bleach blonde hair and big blue eyes.

" He's 2. And this is my daughter Abby." She flicked to another picture showing a beautiful young girl. She had long blonde hair and yet again massive blue eyes.

" Shes 6." She smiled proudly.

" God Sarah they are both beautiful." 

By this time the tears where flowing.

" And you ?" I asked looking at Nadine.

" My buns in the oven." She laughed before rubbing her stomach.

I looked at the rest of the girls who didn't seem suprised so they must of already known.

" Aww babe congrats !" I cried before getting up to hug her.

" Cheryl . . . . !"

I spun round quickly knowing exactly who was standing behind me.

" Kimberley ." I said to myself.

" Kimberley ?" I heard another voice say.

Looking behind her I saw Amy standing. Her eyes where filling with tears and she looked nervous.

I turned back to face Kimberley. Her face filled with shock. She slowly turned round and stared at Amy.

" Amy !?" She gasped.

I could see Amy breaking. She really didn't know what to do. Wanting to comfort her I stepped forward and took her hand. Then turning around I faced Kimberley.

" Please say something." I whispered.

A tear rolled down her cheek. Instantly I lent foward to wipe it away but she stepped back out my reach.

" Don't please." She sobbed.

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