Too Much Too Soon

By Miss_Hoodnificent

250K 4.9K 946

Here is a short little story that I felt like writing(: Kira is a 16 year old girl who can't complain about... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Part 2

Chapter 10

12.2K 463 430
By Miss_Hoodnificent

Too Much Too Soon: Chapter 10

~2 Weeks Later~
~Joey P.O.V.~

Drew's ass has been long gone. I knew back before we chased him out, I should have just finished him right then and there but I spared him just because the cops were on our asses as it was. Oh well, that was the past, we livin in the present and Drew is gone. As for his boys, they were each tortured painfully and slowly in front of each other.

In more important matters, Kira's been doin better. Her cuts were healing nicely but she absolutely won't stay home alone. She either comes with more, or I'll call over one of her friends or mine, so kick it with her.

I finally got home. I was out late doin another job, it was just Decari and I and it took forever but I was done and just wanted to go bed.

"Aye, thank god you're home. My mama was getting mad as fuck cause I still ain't back at her house. I'll hit you up later" Ace said as he dapped me and walked out the front door.

"Kira? Where you at girl?" I laughed as I called her. I felt her arms wrap around my waist and work their way down along my V line "Whoa whoa whoa watch where you're letting your hands roam" I laughed

"Sorry about that" She said shyly as she started to take her hands away

"Nah, keep em there, I like em there" She did as I said and that actually felt pretty good "Just don't go any further" I said with a smirk

"What if I wanna go further?" She started to drop her hands lower

"Kira, you don't know what you're doing." I laughed as I grabbed her hands and turned around "You have that freakish side to you. One day Ima have to explore that side" I kissed her forehead

"Tonight" She wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her face deep into the crook of my neck

"Nope, another time" Denying her like that drives me crazy. It just makes me want her more but I care too much about her. Shit, she got me whipped and ready to just wife her up.

"Why?" She said in between kisses she was planting on my neck

"I don't wanna do something you may end up regretting."

"I don't regret anything when I'm with you." She stepped back and look up at me

"Stop right there, you got cha boy gettin hot" I peeled her arms off from around my neck and started walking up the stairs.

I walked into our room and changed into a pair of sweats. I didn't need a shirt so I crashed into the bed.

~Kira P.O.V.~
~In The Morning~

I woke up next to Joey and for the first time, I woke up before him!

I looked over at him and saw him sleeping peacefully. His bare chest was a work all on it's own. His tattoos were stunning. They covered up his gorgeous skin but they still looked really nice.

"Morning Kira" he said with a small laugh

"Morning Joey" I smiled back

"What chu wanna do today?" He stretched and sat up, leaning against the headboard

"Call me crazy, but I think maybe it was time you met my parents"

"Aight, let me get on my suit-"

"No. Just meet em as yourself. I love you for who you are, I'm not ever ashamed of you and if they can't accept that, then that sucks for them because I love every last detail about you."

"I'm still gettin out the pretty trues" he laughed as he hopped off the bed "and thank you for loving all of me" he said as he disappeared into the bathroom.

I was feeling kind of nervous about him meeting my parents. Joey was just beyond perfect in my eyes but to my parents, perfect would be considered a guy who was on his way to Harvard to become a renowned brain surgeon. I am tired of having to hide Joey from them and lie to them whenever I went to hang out with Joey.

About an hour had passed by and we were now sitting in my parents drove way.

"Ready?" I asked kind of nervously

"Girl, I was born ready" he laughed and gave me a quick kiss before sliding out of his car. He came around and opened my door for me like the sweet gentleman that he is. He grabbed my hand and together we walked up the never ending pathway.

We walked in through the door and I was just waiting for the judgement to come piling in.

"Mom? Dad? I'm home" I said a little hoarse. Joey squeezed my hand and I looked up at him, his calming eyes shifted my tense mood to more relaxed.

"Your Fathers not home, he's at work-" she stopped dead in her tracks "and who is this?" My Mother rose an eyebrow as her vulture like eyes gazed up and down Joey and I.

"Mom, this is my boyfriend Joey and Joey this is my mother"

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Jackson" Joey said as he held out his hand. At first I thought my Mother was simply going to ignore the gesture and start to slander why this can't happen, but she shook his hand in return with a warm smile

"Nice to meet you too, Joey." She motioned for us to have a seat on the couch and naturally we did. We were on opposite couches but I kept searching her face for an answer. Did she like him? Did she despise him? Was she simply putting on a show to seem dear and sincere? I just didn't know and that made me feel more nervous. "So Joey, tell me about yourself. Tell me everything you feel I should know." She crossed her legs and didn't break her stare from him.

I simply sat there and listened to Joey as he told my Mother everything about himself. From his childhood to now, aside from what had happened to me just 2 weeks prior. My Mother sat there intrigued as she listened to every word. Call me crazy but I think she might find Joey okay.

"So that's pretty much everything about me." He left out one key fact. That he was in a gang and dealt with drugs and was a killer. He talked about how he hung out with his friends on a regular basis but not that his friends were also gang members.

"You do have a lively life, I give you that. How did you meet Kira?"

"At her job at the cafe. I walked in for a cookie, saw she was really cute, gave her my number and we just kind of clicked" How he managed to stay so calm and collected was beyond my knowledge. If I was him, I would have been nervous, shaking, and probably even stumbling over my own words.

"When did you two actually start dating?" She shifted her eyes at me like 'so you were being sneaky?'

"About 2 months after we met." My Mom nodded her head and sat back in her seat

"Interesting, well I would have enjoyed talking to you more but I need to pick up my other daughter." My Mom said as she stood up and adjusted herself "nice to meet you again" she smiled at Joey before walking upstairs

"That wasn't bad at all. I thought I was going to need to show I.D, my birth certificate, and probably be stripped searched" he laughed

"That went pretty well" I reached up and stole a kiss from him

"It did, look I gotta go, chill at home for a while, I'll come back and Decari, Jackie, you, and I can all go out bowling or something, alright?" I nodded my head and walked him to the door "Love you"

"Love you too" I smiled at him and closed the door behind him. My Mom came walking back downstairs

"Absolutely not, Kira." She said without even looking at me.

"What do you mean?"

"No. Not Joey. I don't want you anywhere near him."

"You seemed fine when you met him. He's so sweet, kind, a gentleman, and just a love bug all around."

"I don't care. I don't want him for you." She grabbed her keys and started heading for the door. "Lord only know what you two have been up to since you both have been sneaking around."

"Mom. I'm not like that and he's not like that either. I'm staying by him." My Mom stopped and looked at me

"Then get out of my house."

"Fine. I'm gone." I started walking up to my room and slammed the door so she'd hear from downstairs.

I don't care what she thinks. I love Joey, and I'm staying by him no matter what. I'd choose him over my Mother any day.

~Joey P.O.V.~
~That Evening~

Kira's Mother was actually pretty nice. I was surprised but Kira wasn't all that happy.

We were in the car and just dropped off Decari and Jackie.

"Why ain't you happy love bug?" I laughed as I peered over at her

"My Mom kicked me out after you left because she doesn't want me with you." she sighed as she looked down at her lap

"Move in with me. We'll get your shit tomorrow and you can just live with me. You pretty much do anyways"

"Thank You so much Joey" She reached over and gave me a big kiss on my cheek. We pulling into the driveway and boy did it feel good to be home. Bowling was hella fun, it was females against guys and us guys won of course.

"I'm going upstairs" Kira said. I nodded my head and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a water bottle and decided to head upstairs too. I turned off all the lights downstairs and made my way slowly up the stairs. "Jooooooey" she called.

"Wassup g- is that my shirt again?" I laughed

"Mhmm, I like your shirts"

"They like you too." I wiggled my eyebrows and managed to get a shy giggle out of her. "So what chu wanna do?" I hopped onto the bed with her

"Things" She pulled my collar till our lips were just barely touching each other. Not this again. I swear this girl just wants the D like y'all wouldn't believe

"Ki-" she closed the tiny amount of space that was between us and there was something so different. She wasn't holding back anything. She slipped off my shirt and let her hands have complete free range.

~Kira P.O.V.~

I pulled away for just a quick second and looked at him with an innocent face.

"Please Joey?" He brought his eyes to mine and they looked wild again. I was overcome with a feeling that I'd never felt before.

"Fine" he said with a sexy low growl. I slipped off the shirt and Joey started kissing all along my neck, down my chest and stomach and stopped right at my special place. I was starting to breathe faster. After all Joey had way more experience than I. "Relax" He said as he looked up at me. I nodded my head and tried to calm myself.

He slipped off my underwear and that's when I realized what was about to happen. He spread my legs apart and I felt myself blushing.

I felt his warm wet tongue start to lick as he rubbed along my inner thigh. Just that alone had me throwing my head back and moaning softly. I felt his tongue slide in and it was a feeling that followed that only made me want more of his tongue.

"Joooey" I hissed through my teeth. I felt his smirk as he continued deeper. He pulled his tongue out and moved to sucking on my clit. The sudden changed cause me to let out an even louder moan.

"Let Daddy hear it" He smirked. He continued for a little but longer then slipped off his shorts. I saw his package and my eyes went huge. I swear that must have been 9 inches at least. There was just no way.

He propped himself and looked at me

"Ready?" I nodded my head "if it hurts let me know and I'll stop okay?" I nodded my head once more. He slid in all at once and I let out a blood curdling scream "it was better all at once, I promise" He said against my lips. I don't even remember what happened after that. I was so overcome with lust but Joey really didn't hold back at all.

~In The Morning~
~Joey P.O.V.~

Last Night.

Was one of the craziest nights. All those times I denied her was so worth it. We had so much tension between each other. I know the neighbors know my name very well now. We ended up taking it to the shower and it got hella freaky quick.

Stamina was no where near an issue.

"Good Morning Daddy" She said seductively as she kissed along my neck

"Morning to you too Mami" I smirked "How do you feel?"

"Sore as ever. Especially since I could feel you in my stomach" I took a lot of pride in that.

"Good, so you want to get your shit and go on a date tonight? I just wanna spend time with you." I said as I rubbed her shoulders

"That sounds good to me." She tried to get up but winced in pain and held onto the side of the bed "oh my god! What happened to your headboard?!"

"We broke it, remember?" I fell back on the bed laughing

"Oh, oops" She bowed her head down

"It's all good, but come on let's go."

~A Little While Later~

"So you want me to go in and hel-"

"No. I can do it myself. I don't want anything to happen especially since my Dad's here." I nodded my head and watched her hop out. I pulled out my phone and hit up Ace.

*Text Convo*
Me: Ayee
Ace: Wud Up?
Me: Kira movin into my crib today, you?
Ace: gud shit, when we finna kick it?
Me: i ont kno, i'm spendin the day with Kira
Ace: yee I had a feelin haha
Me: she my wifeyy so I wanna show her she special
Ace: gud for y'all. U always was more of a rico suave anyways
Me: word up on that
Ace: i'll hyu later. Got shit to deal with
Me: aight peace
Ace: peace
*End Of Text Convo*

You know when you get that feeling like something's off? I had that right now. I never liked that feeling.

"Let's go" She snapped me out of my thoughts.

"You got all your stuff in the back?"

"Mhm, can we please just go?" I nodded my head and pulled out of the drive way. "Where are we going?"

"Special beach" I laughed. She looked at me funny so I pinched her cheek

"Why can't I ever know exactly where we go and what we're going to do?" She said with a small laugh

"Because it's a surprise"

"You've always got something up your sleeve. You know that?"

"I always do. That's just how I am" within moments we pulled up to the beach. It was hot as fuck but a nice day to walk all along the beach.

"Joey! We should get ice cream!" She screamed when she saw the ice cream trolly. I nodded my head and we walked up to the trolly to get our ice cream.

She had gotten strawberry and I had gotten chocolate. We were walking hand in hand along the waters edge.

"Joey, come here" she whispered kinda loudly. I brought my head down to her mouth so I could hear her better and she dapped her ice cream right on my nose "now you have a little pink nose, like a piggy" she said with a loud laugh

"Really? Come here-"

"No! Joey don't!" She screamed as she tried to run away from me "Joey! Don't!" She said in between laughs. I caught her by her arm and smudged my ice cream on her nose

"Now you're nose is brown, like a little doggy"

"I look like a cute doggy right?" She rose an eyebrow

"The cutest" I leaned in and caught her lips for a quick kiss.

~That Evening~

"This was one of the best days ever. I loved it and more importantly you and I have grown so close" She snuggled right up to my chest

"I agree. I know we haven't even been together for a year but I just know you're my only one. No other woman makes me feel the way you make me feel. I think about you all day and even in my dreams. Being away from you makes me feel like I'm missing my other half. Kira Jackson" I stood her up but got down on one knee and pulled out the little box "will you be my wife?" Her hands were covering her mouth and she stared wide eyed in awe.

"Joey. I-I Do" I slipped the ring on her finger and pulled her in for a warm embrace followed but a passionate kiss. "Why did you propose now though?"

"Because I vowed to myself that before I die I'd be tied down." I said with a sigh

"What are you talking about?" I sat down and laid back into the sand. She willingly laid right by my side. I heard the cop sirens starting to get closer

"I'm done with the game. You officially changed me. But Kira?" I asked. With my free hand I started to pull out my gun


"I want you to close your eyes." She nodded her head and closed her eyes, like as if she was asleep "Do you trust me?" I asked as I took the safety off the gun.


"Do you trust me with your life?" I slowly brought the gun up

"Of course. I love you." I placed my hand on the trigger and brought the gun up to her temple. It wasn't touching her so she couldn't feel it. I gave her one last kiss before I pulled the trigger. Her body laid there still entangled with mine.

"It was all just Too Much Too Soon" I brought the gun to my temple and pulled the trigger.

The End

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