I thought we were friends til...

By iregretmypast

9.7K 187 41

Jacob and Olivia (Liv) Uley have been best friends since fourth grade. They were in a fight about the Pack be... More

"Liv, I miss you." "Yeah, I miss you too."
Truth or Dare, etc.
Stupid Leech
II have to go
Second chances are for losers, but fifth are not.
A note
Screw Life... And its mom
I'm coming home
To hell and back
Pain without Love

I thought we were friends til the End

2.3K 26 5
By iregretmypast

As I laid on my bed, listening to Paramore, I thought about Bella, Jacob, and me. See, Jacob and I have been best friends since fourth grade. Everything changed when Bella Swan moved back from her flighty mom and to Charlie's.

Lately, everytime Jake gets a chance to hang with Bella, he just drops our plans. I mean I understand. THe bloodsucker only lets her out of his sight when he needs something to sink his teeth into. But I'm just supposed to accept it and now be poed when he stands me up for a movie or something. Then get his text later saying that something came up. When he will hang out with me, he's all doom and gloom about how Bella doesn't love him. Nobody knows that I imprinted on him. I try to fight it but sometimes I just succumb to it. EMbry told me Jacob imprinted on me, so what's his problem? Oh wait, he's in love with Bella. It breaks me to hear him moan about Bella, but then I just suck it up and move in. I just want my best friend back, not this moaning zombie of one.

Jacob and I had met because we were in the same class. We never talked until this one kid, Nathan, came up to me on the bus and pinned me againist the bus seat. Jacob stood up for me and punched the kid, and we were all sent to the principal's office. That was just one occassion. Later, in middle school, we met QUil, Embry, Jared, and Paul. We became best friends. THen in high school, Sam started acting funny and stopped talking to me. I mean, that's pretty hard seeing as we live together and he's my brother.

He managed and then so did Paul, then Jared, then Embry, then Jacob, then QUil. I was the only normal one left and I was in my tree house thinking and I got so mad, I was shaking. I was sweltering and I was vibrating. Soon, I turned into a giant snow colored wolf, with black paws. I mean, I was a freaking beast. Then I heard voices in my head and I understood. Then, everything went back to normal. We were all friends again.

Soon, Bella started coming around, demanding to know what was going on. Soon after that, Jake spilled the beans. Paul got pissed and they fought. I broke it up, seeing as I was the fastest and second strongest only to Sam. Sam placed me as Beta, and I was excited. Then, Jake kept being "busy" whenever I would call. THen the bloodsuckers came back and the leech lover immeaditely went back. Jacob was all grumpy and depressed and then I would have to hear him moan about Bella.

My phone vibrated and I jumped, startled. It read, "New message from: Jacob Black." I flipped it open and it read, "Hey, babe, wanna hang?" I rolled my eyes and typed:

Sure. Where do you want me?

I started stripping off my clothes and put on my jean shorts and tank. I put on some deoderant and brushed my straight black hair. Someone knocked and said, "Olivia Uley." It was Paul.

I rolled my eyes and opened the door. He walked in and flopped on my bed. He scooped up my phone and started going through my messages. He crowed, "You've been texting Alec Gibson quite frequently, huh?"

I blushed scarlet and pounced on him. We wrestled for a minute until I pulled the phone out of his hand. He pouted and said, "I don't think Jake will like that you've been texting the school player."

I said, "Hey, don't hate the player, hate the game. Anyways, I was just telling him the scince homework. And I don't think it's really his buissness who I associate with."

He laughed, "He's your best friend."

I said, "So? You don't see me asking about Bella even though I hate her guts and he drags me to her house all the time."

He smiled and hugged me. He said, "Liv, he'll get over it eventually." I hugged him and my phone buzzed again. It was fromo Jake and it said:

I'm on my way to pick you up.

I threw my phone on the bed as I grabbed my old flip flops. Paul said, "Going over to Jakey Wakey's?"

I pointed to my butt and said, "Kiss it." He made puckered lips and said, "Yes, ma'am."

I laughed as a horn beeped. I picked up my phone and said, "Bye, Pauly L."

He chuckled as he walked out of my room and downstairs. I followed him and into the living room. Most of the pack was there watching some game. I said, "I'm going to hang out with Jake. He's picking me up. I'll see you later, guys."

They waved as I yelled, "Bye, Emily."

Emily yelled, "See ya!" From the kitchen. I walked outside, and there was a orange truck in my driveway. Bella's truck. I was considering going back inside before Jake waved at me from the passenger seat. Shoot. I texted him:

I didn't think Bella was going to be here. I don't want her here. I thought I was just us. But no, I think I'm just goinng to go back inside. Bye, Jacob.

I saw him read the text and frown. He said something to Bella and hopped out of the car. He frowned and strode over to me. He said, "WTF I mean seriously. What's wrong with her? Don't go inside, please."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Jacob, I'm not going with to just sit in the garage, bored out of my mind. Or if you take the nikes out, I'll be stuck on the road, alone. No thanks. And what's wrong with Bella? Oh, I can say a lot of things, Black, but they aren't nice so I won't." My phone buzzed and I flipped it open:

From Alec: Hey, so you want to hang out? ;)

Olivia: Sounds fun! We can hang at the park (:

Jake said, "Who are you texting?"

I snorted, "Is that any matter to you? Now run along and play with the Leechlover."

He quickly took the phone out of my pocket and starteed reading my messages. I pounced on him and snarled, "Give. Me. My. Phone. Black."

HE handed it to me and said, "You've been texting Alec. You guys are going to hang out. I thought you were going to hang out with me."

I said, "I did too. Then I found mthe parasite lover was coming, and you'll just ignore me either way so what's the point? It's not like you'll notice me. I mean, you haven't noticed me anytime Bella's been around. Even when she's not, you're moaning about how she doesn't love you. I don't want too. Call me when you're again."

I turned one heel and his hand catched my arm. He murmured, "Liv, I'm sorry. I don't mean to ignore you."

I shook his hand off and he grabbed my waist and spun me around. He growled, "I'm trying to talk to you. To apologize."

I said, "Sorry's just another word. You aren't going to change. You've been like this since the bloodsucker came back. It's June for God's sake." I whispered, "The guys gave up on you and your little depression, and I think I might too. I'm sorr, Jake. I tried." A tear leaked down my cheek as I ran inside and up to my room. I heard him call after me as I slamed my door shut. I locked it and I looked out the window.

Bella's truck was leaving without Jake. Someone pounded on my door and I said, "Who is it?"

Jacob called, "Liv, it's me. Let me in. Please."

I sghed and groaneed, "Why?"

He begged, "I left Bella to talk to you. Please."

I sighed and walked over to the door. I unlocked it and then I flopped down on my bed. He creaked the door open and walked in. He sat on my bed and moaned, "Olivia Marie Uley. Look at me."

I buried my head into the pillow and moaned, "Why?"

He said, "Because. I need to apologize."

I ripped my head off the pillow and snarled, "How many times have you apologized to me? For her and slutty self?"

He started shaking and growled, "Don't call her a slut."

I exclaimed, "HERE WE GO AGAIN. YOU ALWAYS FREAKING DEFEND HER IF WE SAY ONE BAD THING AGAINIST HER. You've never stuck upp for me to her when she's called me a whore, a slut, a bitch, and some other not nice words. You've enever because all of your time went to BELLA. No effing time for your best friend. GET OUT!"

He drooped his head and slowly moved to door. Once there, he looked back with sorrow and murmured, "I've really screwed thing up."

I yelled, "You just got that." I started shaking with anger and I shoved past him and started running downstairs. Everyone stared at me as I ran, shaking, towards the back door. I phased as I was running, and went into wolf mode. Jared was already wolfie and he thought:

Whoa, never seen anyone this pissed before. What happened?

I said, "Don't. Want to talk about it." He had already seen my thoughts and he phased back. I was still shaking and I took a deep breath. Jacob entered my thoughts and I quickly phased back. I was naked and I quickly grabbed a huge t-shirt on the ground. I ran back to my house, controlling the anger relish throughout me. I quickly climbed up on the tree that was close to my window and I jumped inside my room. Embry was laying on my bed and he grinned at me. I smiled halfheartedly and I went to my closet. I grabbed a t-shirt and some sweats and quickly changed in the closet.

I came out and I flopped on the bed next to Embry. I sighed, "Sleep with me tonight so Jacob doesn't come in."

He yawned and nodded and I drifted off to sleep.


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