Unexpected (a Somebody To You...

Από JimmyJam96

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Jamie and Jonathan are back, after a painful breakup the two of them cross paths once again. during the Worl... Περισσότερα

Everything I Didn't Say
Chapter One: a Big Announcement
Chapter Two: Goodbye for Now
Chapter Three: I Do
Chapter Four: When I Look at You
Chapter Six: Back to Normal, Part One.
Chapter Seven: Back to Normal, Part Two.
Chapter Eight: a Second Chance
Chapter Nine: What God Has Put Together, Let No Man Tear Apart
Chapter Ten: Memories of a Broken Heart
Chapter Eleven: The Bad Thing
Chapter Twelve: All Over Again
Chapter Thirteen: Unexpected
Epilogue: She Will Be Loved.

Chapter Five: Still Falling for You

331 5 1
Από JimmyJam96

A/N: it is recommended to listen to listen to Still Falling for You by Ellie Goulding :) enjoy.

Press Play

Jonathan's P.O.V.

After a week of training and practicing for the World Cup of Hockey, the tournaments were about to begin and everyone was excited. Patrick and I both had games today, his was this afternoon and my game was later this evening so the two of us decided to have breakfast together before things get hectic.

"Where's the girls?" I asked Patrick as we both sat down.

"Ryan was working out and Jamie was still asleep." Patrick replied as he looked over the menu.

"Still asleep?" I raised my eyebrow. "Does she know that it's media day today and that she has to be there?"

"She knows, she was just up all night last night. Jamie had another attack" Patrick responded calmly while still looking at the menu.

It's like he was used to it already, like it was a normal thing to him.

"Why didn't anyone come to get me?" I was a bit offended that Jamie went to Patrick instead of coming to me.

Then again, she just started talking to me.

"Jamie said if that happens to her while she's here, she doesn't want to burden you with her problem. She takes her meds and she's fine."

"What made the attack happen?"

"She has PTSD man, any small detail can trigger it off." Patrick finally looked at me. "Hey are you okay?"

His facial expressions were full of concern once he caught s glimpse of mine.

"She has PTSD?"

I was in complete shock, I didn't know she had to go through this every single day of her life.

"Yeah, she has it pretty bad.... You didn't know?" The concerned expression left his face and now it was full of regret.

"No, I didn't.. that must suck for her."

"Ah, shit. Don't tell her I told you, she really doesn't want anyone to know. The only reason I know is because I overheard Ryan and Emily's conversation with her."

"No don't worry, I won't tell."

At this point I wanted to get up and check on her but I couldn't, I was afraid she changed from the day before, I was afraid that she was pretending to like me again, I was afraid she still hated me.

It was time for the teams to speak with the press about the tournament, each table was surrounded with people waiting for us to speak. I made my way to podium and sat down, I searched through the dozen of faces in front of me and found Jamie's gorgeous features; her small, tiny frame was clothed in a white and blue cotton dress that tied at her waist, she stood tall in a pair of white pumps that showed off her sexy legs, her hair was still short with neat waves that had blonde high and lowlights running through her dark brown locks, she had her signature natural makeup on with a bold lip color that looked incredible with her smile.

I grinned once I got a good look, Jamie caught my gaze when she looked up from her note pad. I chuckled as her head shot back down with her cheeks turning a dark shade of red.

I love when I do that to her.

"Wow, Tazer. Could you be more obvious?" Chris Kuc, a good friend from the Chicago Tribune chuckled as he watched the scene that just went down.

The other reporters also saw what had just happened which raised a few eyebrows.

"Couldn't help myself." I shrugged with a smirk.

After thirty minutes of questions from the media, Canada was finally done for the day and I was ready to hang out with Jamie.

"Hey." I greeted her with a smile.

"Hey," she returned the smile. "Why'd you do that earlier?" Jamie questioned with a tint of pink in her cheeks.

"Because I thought you looked pretty." I smirked at her.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Yeah, right-"

"Reunited and it feels so gooooodddd." Patrick sang as he approached us along with Teuvo and Brandon.

"Teuvo! Brandon!" Jamie exclaimed as she ran up and hugged them.

"I get Teuvo, but why is she so close with Brandon?" I looked to Patrick for the answer.

"All-Star Game," Brandon answered. "Maybe if you didn't pretend to be sick and came you would have seen our friendship blossom."

"Why does everyone think I lied about being sick?"

"We all know you didn't want to be at that game." Teuvo laughed.

It was great to see the guys again.

"Hey do you guys think Ryan Kesler will get mad if I asked him why nobody likes him?" Jamie asked as she looked over her notepad.

"Don't ask Ryan Kesler why nobody likes him, Jamie." I looked at her, serious.

"Why not?"

"Because he'll say something to you and then I'll have to punch him in the throat."

A little too over protective there, Jon.

"But I'm curious, why does everyone hate him?"

"He's actually a really cool guy." Patrick added.

Patrick gave me a look that said 'calm down or I'll kick you'

Surprisingly, Patrick was keeping me sane. 

Jamie's P.O.V.

After a very long day of dealing with the teams and Jonathan, I was ready to head back to Chicago but I couldn't do that. I laid face down on the king sized mattress waiting for Ryan to decided what she and Patrick wanted to do for dinner, they still haven't made up their minds.

I haven't seen Jonathan since earlier today after the media session, he said he'd stop by later but I wasn't sure when. It was weird to be close with him again, I'll be honest, I didn't expect it to happen so quick and so soon. We aren't back to the way we were when we dated but we're taking really small baby steps here.

I have to admit, I missed him. 

"Ah! My boob's vibrating!" I laughed as I reached for my phone out of my bra.

It was a FaceTime call from Emily.



"What's up?" I asked with a small laugh.

"Nothin' fixing dinner for Trev. How's Canada?"

"Pretty good so far," I paused for a short second, hesitating to tell her about me and Jonathan. "Sooo... Jon and I are talking again."

"Talking like 'hey what's up' or 'I missed you so much I love you'?" Emily's face lit up with excitement, it was like she was waiting for this to happen.

"Hey what's up talking." I laughed softly.

"Well that's really good! I have some good news to tell you. Where's Ryan?"

"Go ahead, I can hear ya." Ryan responded from the bathroom.

"Oh boy, I have no idea how to say this.." Emily grinned and giggled.

"You usually use words, Em." I smiled at her.

"Okay, okay," she took a deep breath then exhaled. "I'm pregnant." Emily finally blurted out.

I shot Ryan a shocked expression, she mirrored my actions and quickly ran to the phone.

"What?!" Ryan exclaimed.

"How?" I questioned, it was so sudden that it was hard to swallow.

Probably what Emily should've done tbh.

Uh, rude.

"Me and Trevor had sex, what do you mean how?"

"No like, how aren't you like super safe?" I asked again, still in shock.

"Well yeah, we are. Trevor always wears a condom but I guess it broke during-"

"We get it," Ryan laughed, cutting Emily off. "Well, congratulations! I thought it would be me to be the first one to be a mom to be honest."

"Jamie, are you crying?" Emily asked through a laugh.

"Yeah," I smiled at her. "It's just like you're gonna be a mom, Ryan's married.. It's weird, exciting. Ya know?"

"Jamie." I heard Patrick's voice call out to me.

"Yeah, Pat?"

"Jonathan's asking if it's okay to call you," Patrick asked as he showed me the text message. "Hey Em, congrats on the pregnancy. Tell Trev I'll call him later."

"Thanks Pat!"

I stared at the text message and mentally debated with myself.

Tazer: not much, hey can you ask Jamie if it's okay if I can call her? I don't just wanna do it without asking bc I don't want her to get mad or anything.
Delivered 6:45 pm

Whatcha gonna do?

"Uh, yeah sure, tell him I still have the same number." I finally answered Patrick.

"I'm almost positive that he still has you saved in his contact list." Patrick chuckled and texted Jonathan back.

"I'll call you later Jamie. I want details." Emily gave me a look then hung up.

I searched the bedside table drawer for my earbuds as I waited for Jonathan's phone call.

Just breathe, it's only a phone call.

I had to remind myself to stay calm and not freak out but I was actually dying, I felt like throwing up and my hands were trembling. I haven't spoken to Jonathan over the phone in a while so I couldn't imagine what he wanted to talk about.

"I'm going outside." I informed Patrick and Ryan.

"Okay, be careful." Ryan said.

"And try not to freak out, it's just a phone call." Patrick chuckled.

I gave them both a reassuring smile and walked out of the room, after a short elevator ride I went through the revolving door and ended up outside where there was a generous amount of hockey players enjoying the nice evening in Toronto. I smiled politely as I walked passed them by and ended up sitting on a bench, waiting for the phone call.

A few seconds went by and my phone started to vibrate, my heart rate sped up as soon as I recognized the digits. I took a deep breath and answered.


"Hello? Jamie?"

"Yeah, Jon?"

"Yeah, yeah, it's me. What's up?" His voice was smooth but had a hint of nervousness.

"Hey, yeah, um not much just chillin'. What about you? How are you feeling?"

You've saw him only a few hours ago, he probably still feels the same.

"Uh, same, just chilling. I'm feeling fine, pretty fine.. You? Pretty fine? I'm such an idiot.." Jonathan muttered the last part but didn't realize that I could still hear him.

"I'm okay," I chuckled softly. "Just a little tired."

"Well that's good, you being okay not you feeling tired."

"Uh yeah, I guess so.."

There was a short pause before Jonathan spoke again.

"So I'm going out to dinner with Carey and Sidney.. Do you wanna come with me..?" Jonathan sounded hesitant and scared.

"Uh wouldn't that be weird?" I was very confused, why would he invite me to dinner with his friends?

"No, I forgot to mention that Angela, Carey's wife and Jessie, Sid's girlfriend will be there. It's not a date or anything, I just don't want to go alone and be a third wheel." a Small, nervous titter of laughter escaped his lips.

"So, you want me to third wheel with you?"

"We can third wheel together, we can be a motorcycle or something." He laughed again, this time his voice wasn't so nervous.

"That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard you say," I laughed. "I'll go, I'll be the third wheel with you."

"Great, be ready by seven-thirty."

"Alright, bye."

"Bye, Jamie."

The line went dead and I've come to the realization that this was a date.

A freaking date.

After panicking with Ryan to find the right outfit, I calmed down and waited for Jonathan to pick me up from the hotel room. Okay, I'm lying, I didn't calm down I was a nervous wreck. I was just as nervous as the first time I went out to lunch with him, I had no idea what was going to happen after this night, maybe nothing's going to happen and I'm making a big fuss out of it. Or, my feelings come back a zillion times stronger for Jonathan and I spend the rest of my days torturing   myself.

Either way, this night was going to kill me.

"Tazer's here." Patrick's voice yelled.

I looked myself in the mirror one last time as I adjusted the belt on my dress, I slipped on my ballet flats and grabbed my purse and sweater.

"You'll be fine, remember to breathe and try not to overthink. Angela and Jessie are really great girls you'll get along just fine." Ryan assured me with a happy smile.

"Okay, thanks Ry." I nodded, I exhaled gently as I made my way to the door.

Jonathan stood tall in black slacks and a white dress shirt that had one button undone at the top, the shirt fit him perfect, it hugged his toned, chiseled chest with ease. It was something to make you droll, talk about heart eye emoji.

"Hey," He grinned as soon as he saw me. "Ready?"

"Yep." I answered with a nod.

"Do you have your medication?" He questioned again, this time with concern and worry lurking in his voice.

"Yeah, I got them." I replied once again.

"Alright, let's get going. See ya guys later."

I left Patrick and Ryan snickering which made me wonder what they found so funny, I shook my head of my thoughts as I walked down the hallway with Jonathan right beside me.

"I can't believe I'm going to have dinner with Carey Price and Crybaby Sid." I say to Jonathan with a laugh.

"I won't let you go anymore if you're going to call him that." Jonny laughed along.

"I promise I won't."

We got to his rental car and drove to the restaurant in a comfortable silence that I was all too familiar with.

"Toronto is really nice." I said as I gazed out to the city in front of me.

"Yeah, I'm glad you finally get to experience Canada for while." He smiled at me then went back to focusing on the road.

We fell silent for a good ten minutes until he spoke again.

"I like your long hair better." He said as he kept his eyes on the road, it's almost as if he didn't want to say it while looking at me.

"What?" I asked, dumbfounded. 

"Your hair, it looks good like that but I think your old hair was better." He repeated, this time looking at me.

"Oh... Eh, I just thought I would do something different for the summer. Emily told me to do the highlights."

"Is it true that Emily's pregnant?"

"Oh my god, yes!" I grinned at the thought of one of my best friends being a mom.

I was really happy for her.

"I was so confused, James was talking to Trevor about it earlier today and I didn't understand anything." Jonathan laughed.

"Yeah, Emily and Trevor are going to be parents."

We sat at a table for six, I sat beside Jonathan and across from Jessie and Angela, there was mindless chatter about hockey and exercise tips with the guys, Angela and Jessie were talking amongst themselves. I was there, observing because I didn't fit in. I wasn't a wag, I wasn't insanely rich, I wasn't super gorgeous, I wasn't mentally healthy, I was an outcast with these people and I honestly wanted to go back home, in Chicago.

"I'm sorry, Jamie, is it?" Sidney Crosby stopped mid-story and looked at me.

I was still star struck whenever I was with NHL stars, I can never get used to it. My eyes widened because I didn't know he knew my name.

"Uh, y-y-yeah." I stuttered my words as I looked in his direction.

"You look really familiar, have we met?" He asked.

"Well, kinda, I interviewed you during the second period intermission at game two of the Stanley Cup Finals." I answered then took a sip from the iced tea that I had ordered.

"Wasn't you the girl that almost fell at the last game?"

"Yeah... That was me." I answered. sheepishly

"She tends to do that." Jonathan added as he nudged me with his elbow.

He was referring to the night of the two thousand-fifteen Stanley Cup Finals, the night we met.

"How do you know Jonathan?" Carey Price asked.

"Yeah, are you guys like together?" Angela chimed in.

"We were," Jonathan answered quickly. 

"We're just friends now." I said to the couple.

Damn, you just threw Jonny under the biggest bus.

Everyone went back to their own conversations, I sat in my chair and continued to eat my food in front of me. I couldn't wait to get back into my hotel room, don't get me wrong, Angela and Jessie were great so were Sid and Carey. I did join in on some of the conversations but I was so uncomfortable it was mentally exhausting.

~Fast Forward~

"Do you guys really have to leave me alone here? By myself? I'm not sure if I can handle that." I whined as I tugged on Ryan's arm.

"Jamie you'll be fine, Kristy's here." Ryan said, finally managing to get out of my grip.

Team USA got eliminated from the tournament and Patrick was heading back to Chicago to rest up for camp.

"Corey and Kristy are gonna get annoyed with me."

"Jamie, you are a grown woman, yes you're a little kooky but you'll be okay. You always are." Ryan placed her hand on my shoulder and looked at me with confidence.

I couldn't have Ryan look out for me all the time, I had to accept this.

"You're right."

"I always am," Ryan winked and gave me a quick hug. "See ya at home, kid."

"Have a safe flight."

I watch Ryan walk out of the hotel room we shared and out into the hallway. I plopped down on the bed with a heavy sigh, I was going to lay day for the rest of the day until I remembered that I had to get ready for tonight's game. Team Canada verses Team Russia, so far Canada is undefeated and I had a feeling they were going to go into the finals.

Jonathan has been playing great, not a lot of goals but he's doing a lot to help the team. We've both been so busy we haven't seen or talked to each other since that dinner with Sidney and Carey.

There were short hello's and goodbye's but nothing more.

Game time
Team Canada vs Team Russia

The press box was filled with people I barely knew, and you can guess my anxiety levels were at an all time high, not because of the game Russia was trailing by three goals and we were already going into the second period. I don't think anybody can beat Canada at its own sport to be quite honest.

I left the press box and went out to the concession stands to refuel myself by getting a soft pretzel and a coke, that's when I ran into Ksenia with Adriana and Artemiy.

"Hi Jamie."

"Hey Ksenia, hi guys." I smiled down at the kids.

"What are you doing out of your box?"

"It got boring in there." I laughed softly. "I gotta go back though, second period's starting."

"Seems like you don't want to."

"I don't, I actually want to go home."

"Oh my god, I thought I was the only one." Ksenia laughed.

"I'll see you later." I waved goodbye to her and the kids with a small chuckle.

The second period was underway, Russia had a few chances to even up the game but Corey was too quick for them, Russia also had good puck possession until the puck got turned over and ended up on the blade of Jonathan's stick, Jonathan raced toward Russia's neutral zone quickly and wrist-shot it in giving Canada a four-to nothing lead. His speed on the ice still impresses me.

Both teams met at center ice for another puck drop, Malkin won the face off for Russia and sent the puck to Artemi's stick, Temi was quick enough to get passed Corey and got Russia on the board.

The horn went off signaling that the second period was over, I had to leave the press box again because I was scheduled to interview one of the guys from Canada, I just wasn't sure who.

I stood outside of Team Canada's dressing room waiting for the mystery person to come out.

A sweaty Jonathan walked out in his grippy with a towel around his neck, he was out of breath as he stood beside me.

"Hey." He greeted me with a tired smile.

Why is it always him?

"Hey, ready to do this?"


"Hello everyone, I'm Jamie Smith reporting to you live from Toronto's Air Canada Centre and this is NHL On The Fly, with me now is Canada's very own, Jonathan Toews. How it going, Jonathan?"

"Couldn't be better, Jamie."

"So Canada is at the top right now, why is that?"

"Uh, I think it's the great chemistry between me and the guys on this team, ya know? I've worked with Crosby before, we get along, we know how to handle things."

"Jonathan, you have two Olympic gold medals and three Stanley Cups, what would it be like for you to win a World Cup along with the many great achievements that you already have?"

"Oh man, that would be.. Crazy," He chuckled softly as he rubbed his chin. "Just to be known for playing in this tournament and to represent my country is a huge honor for me."

"Alright, thanks Jonathan."


I shut off the microphone I had in my hand as soon as the cameras went off and looked to the door that Jonathan had just gone through to get ready for the third period, I sighed softly and began to make my way back to the press box.

The game finally ended and Canada came out on top yet again, they defeated Russia four to one, Air Canada Centre was booming with loud fans and very happy hockey players since Canada was advancing to the finals to play either team Europe or Sweden.

I was walking to my rental car to grab some take out and to head back to the hotel until a text message stopped me.

JT🏒: wanna grab a bite to eat?
JT🏒: my treat 😁
Read: 10:01 pm

Jamie: eh, idk I already ordered take out :/
Delivered 10:02 pm

JT🏒: oh that's fine
Read: 10:03 pm

Jamie: I'll take a rain check tho, it'll be my treat. How's that? 💁🏼
Delivered 10:04 pm

JT🏒: okay I'm totally holding that against you.
JT🏒: goodnight, stay safe.
Read: 10:05 pm

It's been a while since he said goodnight to me..

The finals of the World Cup of Hockey is finally here, it was game two Team Canada versus Team Europe. This was a lot different from the Stanley Cup finals, mostly because Canada won the first game and those guys were excited and the atmosphere was incredible. The crowd was so alive, energized, I was soaking it all in.

The game was in the middle of the first period and neither team had score, the puck went back and forth from Team Canada to Team Europe back to Canada then back to Europe. It was basically just a game of monkey in the middle minus the monkey in the middle, most of the other reporters were snooty and stuck up who didn't know how to make a joke. This game wasn't going anywhere, we might as well entertain ourselves.

The time went by slowly but the first period was finally over, I couldn't be any happier as I whipped out my phone to scroll through Instagram.

A few minutes went by rather quickly and the crowd was roaring with excitement as the second period was about to begin.

Not much happened in the opening frame, Canada had a few good shots on goal but couldn't get passed Europe's goal tender. It was late in the second when things started to get interesting, Roman Josi managed to get the puck in the net passed Carey, Canada was frustrated, Jon was frustrated but they kept their cool by continuing the game without doing anything that they might regret later.

~Fast Forward~

Canada was working hard as the clock was winding down fast during the third period, Drew Doughty managed to score for them to tie the game but they wasn't giving up just yet, Jonathan and the rest of the third liners were out on on the ice fighting to get that extra goal. I watched closely as Jonathan had possession of the puck, he tried to get it in the net but Europe's goal tender denied him and flicked the puck away, Jonathan got the puck back from the rebound and passed it to Brad Merchand where Brad finally got it in and Canada was now in the lead. The feeling inside the arena was exhilarating, everyone was on their feet cheering, the Canadian bench was full of smiles and hugs just as Europe pulled out their goal tender for an extra attacker. The back went back and forth but Canada was just wasting time.

The horn went off and everyone was on the ice celebrating and congratulating Carey Price, my eyes were locked on Jonathan as he skipped his way to his team with a huge smile. I shook my head and laughed while following the other reporters down to ice level, I didn't see much but I could hear that Sidney Crosby was named MVP of the tournament.

Should've been Merchand to be honest.

I made my way to the ice with the other reporters shoving and pushing to get to the players, this was the one thing I hated about this job everyone wants the first scoop. Well, chill you ain't gonna get by pushing people.

"Ow, hey watch it!" I said loudly to a large man that thought my foot was the ice and gave it a big stomp.

Nobody heard me, instead they nearly trampled me causing me to trip backwards but I was caught just in time. I looked up to see who my knight in shining armor was, Jonathan Toews was the man who caught me with a big ol' smirk plastered on his face.

I felt a burst of butterflies in my stomach, I started to remember the night we met, the night he won the Stanley Cup, the night he was so kind to me, the night that changed my life.

"We gotta stop meeting like this." Jonathan laughed, his perfect smile replaced the smirk.

"Ha... Yeah." I agreed blankly.

I gazed into his eyes like I was looking up at the way you look at the stars, how you would fall in love with the night sky because of the way the stars completed it.

I was still falling for him.
Jamie's outfit #1:

Jamie's outfit #2:

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