A Little More (Spinoff of Wan...

Par _CasuallyMe

19.6K 534 78

For Krystal Marconi, it was a friendship. But to Andrew Sterling, it was more. After college, Krystal returns... Plus

Chapter 1: More?
Chapter 2: Good Morning Sunshine
Chapter 3: Confessions
Chapter 4: Skipped Meetings
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6: How're We Doing This?
Chapter 7:
Chapter 9: She Knows You
Chapter 10: Virgin Sheets
Chapter 11: Titles
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14: Quick Happenings
Chapter 15: Grocery Shopping

Chapter 8: Three Weeks

1K 32 6
Par _CasuallyMe

A/N: IM BACK!!!! It's been almost a month, but I think I'm ready to pick back up again! So sorry for the wait, but I could've used it; I've been going through a lot, but everything's slowly, but surely starting to straighten out! So with that, enjoy!!!!

*~! Krystal's POV !~*

Three weeks. For three weeks I hid from and dodged Andrew Sterling: the man I love. It was the hardest thing to do because after the shore, he called me at least three times a day. He would come in my room, and I would pretend to be asleep, so he just kissed my forehead and whispered that he loved me, then went to his room. I didn't even bother going into the office anymore in fear of being caught in an elevator together, or anything that required me to see him. Carmen came over almost everyday to try to get me up, but I wouldn't budge. She knew I loved her brother, I told her, but she wanted me to tell him for myself.

At this point, it wasn't a thing of time, it was a thing of pride. I loved Andrew, and I would scream it had I not ran away from him the first time he said it to me. I was beyond embarrassed that I had acted like a silly child, and couldn't face him. It hurt not to be able to feel his touch, or feel his lips, and the worst part was simply not talking to him. I missed his laugh, and him making me laugh. Our relationship was just pure fun and bliss, and I missed it every second I wasn't with him.

"Get up," Carmen bursted through my door. Usually, she would just come in, and check on me, and tell me how much Drew missed me. But I couldn't face him; I was the girl he'd always dreamt of, and I broke his heart.

"What?" I sat down my tub of ice cream, I had also done my share of binging during those three weeks, but spent a lot of my time at the gym to distract me, so both forms of my coping canceled out.

"Get up. I can't take it anymore. You're my best friend and all Krys, but I cannot stand to see my brother heartbroken when y'all can just talk. I also can't stand to see you eat like that, and throw yourself a pity party. Nope. Get ya ass up, and get in that shower," she commanded. I stared at her, trying to figure if she was really serious. "Get up! I swear, I will wash your ass my damn self if I have to!"

"Okay, okay. But can we just calm down with the cursing?" I grumbled as I walked to the bathroom.

"Ugh, you even sound like him," she scoffed. I couldn't help but fix my mouth to ask the next question. It had been burning me to know since Drew didn't come home for the past two days.

"Where is he?" I whispered. "He hasn't been here in two days," I blushed.

"He's staying with some of his frat guys, I guess. He doesn't know what to do with himself anymore. Hurry up!" She screamed, throwing me a towel and washcloth.

My heart pounded as I looked in the mirror, and bit my lip. I decided to throw my hair in a bun, leaving a few straggling pieces because Drew liked it that way. Carmen made me wear a short black and white dress that hugged my hips, and of course I wasn't going anywhere without my red pumps. Those were Drew's kryptonite, so I made it a point to bring them along.

"Are you sure he'll like it?" I second-guessed for about the twelfth time.

"He'll love it. As long as he gets to see you, and you tell him what you actually feel, he wouldn't care if you showed up in a cardboard box. Come on," she pulled me away from my mirror. It did feel good to know that he missed me as much as I missed him, and that gave me a little confidence.

I drove down the road, not making a sound as we headed to the office. It was an early Monday morning, and Carmen had planned on me surprising him at work. My heartbeat sped up as we etched closer and closer to our destination. I didn't know how the employees would respond to me, but what did I care? I was their boss, and the only thing on my mind was Andrew.

"You ready?" Carmen looked to me. I couldn't hold back anymore, and I refused to. I had fought with my demons too long, and now it was time to face it. I hurt Andrew, and I had to recognize that, because of my actions, we both suffered when I was the only one that should've been sentenced to unhappiness.

"It's now or never," I sighed, and climbed out of my car, fixing my dress before Carmen and I strutted inside.

I passed by the glares of everyone, brushing them off. Like I said, I had one person to see, and one only, and my heart pounded with each step. I stood outside of my office door, taking deep breaths. All I had I to do was tell him what I felt, and only hoped that he still felt the same way. But then, I heard giggling from the inside, and all my insecurities returned.

"If you don't mind me asking, are you single?" I heard a female voice, and waited to hear Andrew's response.

"Yes, but someone has my heart. I'm not really looking right now," I heard his voice that was like music to my ears. My heart warmed at his response, and I couldn't wait to feel his arms around my waist, and have his head buried in my neck, if he still wanted.

"Oh really? Well, she's a lucky girl," the woman said. My heart crumbled. There were many women that Andrew could have, and yet time and time again, he waited on me, and chased after me. Here I was, taking his love for granted, when other girls were desperate to have him.

"Yeah, I'm a lucky man. Thank you for bringing this to me though, I'll see you later," he sighed, and I heard the girl walking towards the door, so I moved over a little bit to where she couldn't see me. I finally took my last big breath, and walked in. At first his eyes stayed on the papers on his desk, and my heart fluttered just from the sight of him. "That's all, Tiffany. I don't have anything else," he continued to keep his eyes on his papers, and I just watched.

"Uhm, actually, I came to see you," I spoke up, a little above a whisper. His light eyes snapped up to mine as he slowly stood up. My smile quickly vanished when he started to look mad, so I avoided his gaze.

"Krystal? You're really here?" He whispered as he now stood in front of me, and rubbed his thumb over my cheek. No words could describe the amount of hurt I felt when I looked into his eyes. It hurt me to hurt him.

"Yes-" his arms pulled me into a hug, and like I said, he buried his face in my neck. I hugged him tightly around his neck, inhaling the scent, and savoring his touch. I didn't want to let go, but I knew I had some things to explain. "Drew, I need to tell you something," I mumbled and let go, immediately missing his touch. He grabbed my hand then led me to a couch, letting me sit before he took a seat, and wouldn't let it go.

"Why won't you let my hand go?" I giggled before I started.

"Because if I let it go, I don't know if you'll run away from me," he answered seriously.

"Yeah, about that... Uhm, that night, when you said you loved me, I really wanted to say it back. I tried so hard to reply to you, and yet nothing would come out. As soon as I left that restaurant, I knew that I love you too, and it hurt me to run from you like I did when I knew I felt the same way. I just didn't allow myself to tell you that I am so in love with you," I confessed.

"You love me?"

"I love the hell out of you, and I am completely in love with you," I nodded. He searched my face, as I did to him when he told me how he felt. "If you're looking for one, you're not gonna find one." Andrew chuckled briefly, before standing and beginning to pace.

"Why are you here?" He asked suddenly. I glared at him, I just told him I loved him, and he didn't know why I was here?

"Because I needed to tell you how I felt, and that I love you," I answered slowly. I was still suspicious of his actions and his questions.

"Right, but what did you expect to happen after you told me this?"

"I expected -"

"Krystal, I poured my heart out to you, and meant every word. You can't just come here, tell me you love me, and expect things to go back to the way they were. You literally ran away from me, and that hurt me. I came in your room every night, and you pretended you were asleep and wouldn't talk to me, and that hurt me too," he sighed.

"I know, I know I did. I really don't have an excuse, and I shouldn't have done what I did. I really do apologize."

"Apologies don't fix the hurt. If I broke a plate, and apologized a million times, it wouldn't just automatically be put together again. I just - I need some time to think about it," Drew mumbled.

"And three weeks wasn't enough time?" I began to get angry. If anything, he was pushing me further toward confusion.

"Not enough time when I had no idea how you felt about me. Can you just- just leave?" He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Me? Leave? You want me to leave out of my own office?" I scoffed.

"Not literally, I just want you to leave me alone. I just need some time to think about this, and think about you."

My heart stopped, and I couldn't believe what I heard. I had spent three weeks away from him, and now he wanted more time apart? I sat at the office, just enough time to finish my work, before getting ready to leave. When I stepped into the elevator, coming up to this office, I would've liked to believe I wasn't going to leave alone. And yet, there I was: alone and ready to leave.

"Oh, the rumors were true?" I heard Michael's voice behind me. I turned and saw him looking even better before, but he still wasn't a Drew.

"Nice to see you too Michael. How did rumors get to your place?" I smirked as he walked to me, resting his hand on the small of my back.

"You know how business in New York is. Everyone knows everything, and right now, you're everything there is to know," he laughed lowly.

"Well, yes. I'm back, and here to stay. Actually, I'm about to leave, so if you'll just excuse me..." I tried to find my way around him, but he blocked me.

"Can I see you later?"

"Uhm, no actually. I'm going somewhere for a little while. I just need to figure some things out, and get myself together," I sighed, and he nodded, backing away a little.


"Yeah, majority of it has to do with him... How'd you know?" I frowned.

"Everyone knows! You guys are the couple of the New York business world. I would've liked it to have been us, but ya know," he shrugged.

"Oh, about that, I'm sorry that I played around with you. I just had to test this thing out, and you shouldn't have been my victim," I apologized for the second time today. He shook his head, declining my apology.

"Nah, it was okay. I knew what I was getting into before I even asked you out. I don't know, I guess I like a challenge," he smirked, making me laugh.


"Friends, I wouldn't mind having someone to laugh with every once in a while," he shook my hand, and I started towards the door. "Oh, and Krys?"


"If you need me, you know, as a friend, I'm here for you," he smiled.

"I don't have your uhm- number anymore," I winced.

"Like you said, you're the biggest competition we have. I'm sure you have a card around here somewhere," he chuckled.

"Right... I'll call if I need you. And thanks, that means a lot to me," I nodded with a grin as I left the office.

Thirty minutes later, I found myself at the shore; hair up, jeans on, and heart on my sleeve. I came back to the place that I felt the most calm, except the most important person was missing. I sat on the dock, pulling my knees to my chest, and looking out over the water. This is what Andrew must've felt: hurt, deceived, lonely. I felt all of those things, and it wasn't pleasant. I had wished I could've changed what I said, but gave up, realizing you can't change the past no matter how hard you tried. There was no going back and doing it over. There was no time machine. The only option I had was to mend whatever I had broken, and not regret what happened in the past.

"I thought I would find you here." My heart clinched.

"Yeah, well, here I am," I nodded, wiping a tear I didn't know had fallen. "The question is why are you here?" He took a seat next to me, and I still avoided his eyes, looking at the waves that rippled.

"Because I love you, and I realized that you actually love me too," he nudged me with a chuckle.

"Why is that funny to you?" I mumbled.

"I don't know. I guess I didn't really think someone could love me back," he shrugged.

"But I do, I love you so much, and it kind of pissed me off for you to tell me to leave you alone," I sighed.

"I get that. But, please understand that you left me, and I was so confused. Look Krys," he moved my chin to look into his eyes. "I know you love me, and I love you. What I need to know now is what happens?" I was quiet as I thought.

"We have some trust to repair, and get back into what we had three weeks ago. How about be try possession without labels?"

"Meaning that you're mine, but you're not my girlfriend?" He lifted his eyebrow.

"Yes, and I'm willing to work hard to earn that title. I don't ever want to throw what we are away. Much like you said, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I would be a fool to let you go like that again," I shook my head.

"And so would I," he stood up. "Come here babe," he tugged me up, holding me in his arms as we hugged each other.

"I missed you," I whispered.

"I missed you too. I have been dying to do this," his hands went to my ass and he grabbed it, making me gasp as his tongue invaded my mouth. Our lips locked and meshed together. I was on could nine with my best friend, and at that moment, nothing seemed better. I wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning into his warmth and touch.

"I love you, princess," he leaned his forehead against mine.

"Just hearing you say it makes me feel better," we laughed and I pecked him once more. "I love you more."

"Can we go home now, and let me hold you?" He smirked. I began pulling him to his Ferrari and hopping in the driver's side before he could protest. "What are you doing Marconi?"

"I'm driving home, like you promised me I could. And I liked princess better, it acknowledged who I really am," I giggled.

"What about your car?" He tried again, and I slid the keys from his hands.

"I'll ask my brother to pick it up whenever he gets here," I shrugged. Realizing there wasn't a way he could get out of it, Andrew sighed, and slid into the car next to me.

"So Aiden's coming back, huh? Like Thursday, right?"

"Yeah, he'll be back. By the way, what are your Thanksgiving plans?" I grinned as I got on the highway, on the road back to home, where Andrew and I could cuddle. I missed that most.

"I don't really have any. I want to come with you and Car to pick Aiden up though," he nodded.

"Oh, did you think you had a choice?" I smirked.

"No, not really. But after we can go to your parents' house. Everyone's going to be there, right?"

"The whole family. How should we deal with it?" I cocked my head, looking over a little as I sped up.

"Take it easy princess. And we shouldn't have to explain us, I'm sure everyone's been waiting for this to happen for the longest."

"Was I really the only one who didn't see it?!" I had missed all of signs, meanwhile, my family, all of them saw.

"Yeah, you always have been a tad slow," he chuckled, kissing my cheek.

"Shut up! What about your family, babe?"

"I love hearing that from you," Andrew grinned proudly as he checked my speedometer again.

"Hearing what?"

"'Babe,' it's adorable."

"I wish everyone would stop calling me that!" I huffed. I wasn't adorable, I was sexy, and tired of being called kiddy names.

"See, that cute wittle mad face," he cooed in a baby voice, and after seeing I wasn't enjoying it as much as he was, he stopped. "Fine. We can go to my parents' too. I'm sure they'll want to see you, since their always down my neck about you."

"Is someone a little jealous?" I winked.

"That's a rule: never get jealous-"

"Yeah, no. Those don't apply anymore. You're all mine, so I can get jealous when I want," I said with a 'humph.'

"Whatever you say sweetie. They just always bother me about you. You know, the common, 'Andy, you need to marry her before it's too late!'" I couldn't help but giggle at what his family called him. His older relatives called him Andy, or Annie, no matter how many times he explained those names weren't in his favorites category.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived safely! Thank God!" He jumped out of the car as I pulled up in the driveway, pretending to kiss the ground in his suit.

"Andrew, shut up! It wasn't that bad," I pouted, and stepped out of the car as I fought the smile that dared to appear.

"Can I call you Andy now? How about Annie?" I giggled as I unlocked the door to the condo, kicking my shoes off as we entered.

"Yes- if you want to die," he looked as serious as a heart attack.

"Awh, my poor Andy Wandy! Are you upset, baby?" I cooed just like he did me, and held his face in my hands. I saw a flash of lust come across his face as he lunged, pinning me to the couch and kissing my lips.

I clamped my legs shut, trying to prevent the inevitable, but it was no use. I was done for as soon as I allowed him entrance, and his hands roamed freely over my body. I gripped his hair between my fingers as he cupped my thighs, kissing me hungrily. His lips moved to my jaw line as he began to grind against my core. My breathing became shallow, and I moaned as he reached my neck.

"Drew," I panted. I wanted him, and without me completing what I needed to say, he knew it. He slowly unzipped my jeans, tugging them off and returning to my lips. His hand slipped into my shirt, slowly lifting my back to unclip my bra. Before I knew it, I was completely naked as was he while he stared down at me.

"You're so damn beautiful," whispered before lowering his lips to my bottom pair.

After we showered, and cleaned up our mess, Drew and I sat on his bed, in each other's arms and watched tv together. I made him watch Law and Order SVU, and he was way too into it, screaming at every piece of new evidence found. I laughed each time someone shot at another person, and he buried his face in my chest.

"Andrew, you're not slick. You just like being in my chest," I hit his head, and he purposely fell off his bed, screaming like a maniac.

"Oh God! Detective Stabler, Benson, arrest her! She was trying to rape me!" He screeched as he rolled around on the floor. I straddled his lap, making his eyes snap to mine.

"It's not rape if you like it baby, your words, not mine," I leaned and pressed a kiss to his lips with a smile, cutting it short before I ended up sore for another three days.

"Will you go somewhere with me? Tomorrow, since we have the day off?" He asked. I had forgotten all about our day off, but now I remembered I wanted to take Drew somewhere. He had no idea, but Aiden would be coming home tomorrow, and I was going to drag him to the airport with Carmen and I. We would pick Aiden up, and he was bringing a girl, then meet Carmen's boyfriend and go out together.

"Uhm, i kind of have plans tomorrow," I winced.

"With who? Matthew?" He snapped, and my eyes widened.

"Why would it be Matthew babe?" I kissed his sweet lips to distract him so I wouldn't spoil the surprise, but he didn't take the bait.

"Stop bullshitting, Krystal. What're you doing tomorrow that I can't know about? You're mine, right?" He squinted.

"Yes, I'm yours and your mine, but you can't know where I am all the time. You know we're together for almost all day, so if I'm not with you, the only place I could be is at my parents', with Carmen or at the office, doing a little extra work," I sighed. "Do you not trust me?"

"No, no! I do trust you, I just don't trust the guys who will be around you. I don't want to fight someone over you on the first week," he smiled with a slight laugh.

"You don't have to worry about it, I'm not going anywhere. Where did you want to go tomorrow?"

"To see my grandmother. You know she's had cancer for five years now, and it's starting to get worse. I was so close to her, but now they have her cooped up in that stupid hospital, and she hates it, but she loves you, hell my whole family does. I was just thinking that seeing her before Thanksgiving and bringing her some things to make her feel better would be great. It would really make her day if Aiden came too, but I know he won't be here until Thursday. How about we go Wednesday?" He raised his eyebrow. His grandmother, Nanna as we called her, is one of the greatest women I knew because she was so strong. She had ovarian cancer, and like Drew said, she hated being at the hospital.

It wasn't where she belonged. She was a free spirit, and she's funny, so she loved being around people. The first time she saw how genuine my friendship was with her grandchildren, we connected instantly, and we talked for hours. She told me, when I was nineteen, that she wanted me and Drew together. At that time, we both were dating someone else, but we couldn't deny our feelings for one another. It was always an attraction with us.

"Let's go Wednesday. I have a feeling it will be fun," I smiled as I stood up, hopping back on the bed, and starting the episode back up. Andrew looked a little different now, and wasn't making any noise. He knows I hate when he's quiet, and I'm positive he knew I would ask sooner or later. "Babe, why the frown?" I laid on my side, facing him.

"It's just... What if this is the last time me, you, and Carmen get to be in the same room with her? What if we can never laugh, or she won't tease us about being together? I don't want her to go, Krys! I don't think I'll make it!" He screamed as tears streamed down his face.

I had never seen Andrew Sterling like this, and I knew then that when Aiden got here, we weren't going to go out. Instead, we would all go to see Nanna, I couldn't stand to see him so upset.

A/N: quick chapter! Leave me comments! dedicating the next chapter to whoever comments first! I should start posting pictures of Drew and Aiden pretty soon, I'll let you all know! Love you guys!

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