His Angel

By itsirrs

1.4M 28.2K 7.5K

"Angel." Her name left his lips in a breathless whisper. His eyes dark and filled with regret, "Come here bab... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen

Chapter four

96.1K 2.1K 756
By itsirrs


"What did he want?"

Angel smiled shyly at her friend, not realising the fact that Paul was silently fuming. "He asked me out... on a date."

But the smile was slowly slipping from Angel's face, a frown taking it's place. "Is there something wrong Paul?"

Paul forced himself to calm down, not wanting to scare his princess. "It's just that... you don't even know him Angel. What if he's planning to murder you or something?"

Angel giggled at her silly friend, "I'll be careful. I promised."

But Paul being Paul, was far from being reassured. He knew what that man wanted, and he wanted Angel.

He didn't want that. Angel was meant to be his and his only. She just hasn't realised it yet.

A sigh escaped his lips, "Fine, just call me immediately if he does something alright?"

Angel just smiled gratefully at her concerned friend while bobbing her head up and down.


It was six in the evening when Angel finally decided to head home.

As chirpy as a bird and as light as a feather, Angel skipped delightfully along the sidewalk.

Her day had been great so far. She hung out with Paul for awhile at the café, then after Paul's shift has ended they went to the mall together and her brother even promised to buy her skittles tonight!

She stopped right in her tracks when she heard a noise behind her. She glanced over her shoulders to see the trash cans that had been standing just five minutes ago, we're now on the ground as if someone had bump into it.

Being the naive girl she was, she just shrugged it off thinking it was probably just cats messing around.

So she continued to walk forward, completely unaware of the unknown figure lurking behind the shadows.


"I'm home!" She yelled delightfully as soon as she entered her home sweet home.

She was suddenly being engulfed in an embrace by her brother, "Hello sweetheart."

Angel put her arms around Jared before pulling away with a reprimanding look on her face, "Where's my skittles?"

Her brother playfully rolled his eyes, "Oh you. How could I forget?"

She just grinned cheekily, holding her hand out.

"Be patient young lady" He gave Angel a stern look before pulling away fully from her. Then he walked to the kitchen.

He came back not a minute after, with a packet of skittles in his hand.

Angel's eyes visibly lit up at the sight of her favourite candy, then smiled innocently. "Love you Jared."

Her brother chuckled while ruffling her hair, "This is the last time I'm ever gonna let you be that close to that addiction of yours because I swear, I feel like you love it more than your own brother."

She pouted then poked her tounge out childishly, "You meany!"

Jared, amused at his little sister's antics, raised his brows. "I'll show you what a meany I truly am."

She widened her eyes knowing what's coming next, "Nooo!"

With his hands raised up in front of him, he brought them forward to her tummy and growled playfully, "You better run little girl!"

Angel backed up from him, dropping the packet of skittles on the floor. Before she could even blink, her brother's hands reached her sides and started to tickle her mercilessly.

Uncontrallable giggles escaped her lips, letting out a squeal, "Get away you evil meany!"

"Never!" And with that, he continued his never ending torture.

Angel was having so much fun, she completely forgot about the date.

*few minutes later*

They were both laying side to side, breathing heavily with silly grins on their faces.

Angel's eyes roamed around the room before it landed on the round clock hanging on the wall.

She immediately sat up and let out a loud gasped, "Oh no, I'm gonna be late."

It was half past six. She only had an hour and a half to get ready!

Jared beside her sat up and frowned, "Late for what?"

Angel froze. She forgot to tell Jared about Colton.

Turning her head towards him slowly, she answered quietly, "A date.."

The room grew silent after that. Angel didn't know how'd her brother would react because she never dated anyone before.

Eyes narrowed at her, he questioned. "With who?"

She shifted uncomfortably but then cleared her throat, "I swear I'll tell you later Jared but if I don't get ready now, I'm not gonna finished in time."

He remained frowning, disapproving her action of not informing this to him earlier.

Angel stood up nervously, disliking the upset look on her brother's face.

"Be back here at ten, no more later than that. Understood?"

She just nodded timidly. Then she slowly leaned down and placed a kiss on Jared's cheek.

Slowly, she pulled away and started to walk off. Completely aware of the pair of eyes following her every steps.

Jared watched Angie walked off and felt his heart pained when a thought dawned upon him.

His little sister was growing up and he couldn't do anything about it.


Meanwhile, Colton was in his office, doing some paperwork but his mind kept on drifting off to the young girl.

He couldn't help but think how it was possible for someone to be as adorable as her. As beautiful as her. He couldn't wait to see her later.

He bet she'll be wearing a beautiful dress, just like herself. And how she'll look even better without it. As he thought of her milky, white skin, he imagined making long, passionate love to her as her small and petite body withering with pleasure beneath him. Her silky locks spread out on the bedsheets. Sweet sounds coming from her mouth as he pleasured her. His eyes glazed over as he let his sinful thoughts wandered.

A knock on the door interrupted him out of his trance. He growled out in annoyance, "What?"

The door knob turned slowly and his PA, Chris, entered slowly, not wanting to anger his boss any further.

"Sir, your 2 o'clock meeting is here." He shakily informed.

Colton let out an angry sigh, "Cancel them, I have plans for today."

He stood up straight, fixed his cufflinks before striding towards his office door. Without giving so much of a glance towards his nervous PA, he exited his office with his head held high and only one thought lingered in his mind.

He's definitely looking forward to see his Angel later.


Sorry for making this chapter very shitty and thanks for being patient with me.

Thank you so much for reading! xx

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