The Alpha And His Mate

By blackwings17

52.8K 1.1K 118

Becca White is 17 and super excited now that she finally got the apartment she's been wanting for months, but... More

The Alpha And His Mate chapter 1
The Alpha And His Mate chapter 2
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 3
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 4
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 5
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 6
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 7
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 8
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 9
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 10
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 11
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 12
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 13
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 14
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 16
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 17
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 18
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 19
Chapter 20
Untitled Part 21
Untitled Part 22

The Alpha and His Mate chapter 15

1.9K 53 3
By blackwings17

Chapter fifteen

Becca's P.O.V

I wasn't sure what to feel. I was feeling a little bit of every emotion. I scared and mad that Raven had marked me so suddenly, yet I was excited and happy at the same time as well as sad. I was so confused as to if I should be mad at Raven, and at the same time I didn't know how to respond to what had just happened. I covered my face with my hands as I continued to cry.

It wasn't that it hurt anymore, in fact, it was the rush of emotions I felt after Raven's teeth had pierced my skin. It only hurt for a minute at most, before it turned to pleasure, but I wasn't sure why I kept crying.

As soon as Raven had pulled away from my neck and saw the state I was in, he cradled me to him and tried soothing me and kept apologizing for doing it.

"I'm so sorry Becs. I didn't mean to lose control so fast like that. It will never happen again." He said as he pressed me closer to his body. He kissed my forehead softly while rubbing small circles on my arm.

For some odd reason it was comforting and making my emotions and sobs go away. I was now just feeling one emotion and the tears had finally stopped flowing, although I couldn't quite describe what I was feeling, but I knew one thing was for sure. I wasn't mad or angry with Raven marking me.

Yes, I was scared at first and shocked as well as slightly mad that he had marked me after he had said I wasn't ready. But in the end I was glad he marked me. I could feel different. A good different.

I felt almost whole.

It was then that I started to replay Raven marking me, that's when I remembered I was in just a towel.

My eyes shot open and I grabbed a hold of the towel. I looked at Raven only to see him smirking at my reaction.

I glared at him for a few moments before I broke into a smile and blush.

"You know, you're cute and innocent when you react like that." He whispered in my ear as he rubbed his nose against my hair.

I began to blush even more, before the door was slammed open, and in walked the guys. I pushed myself closer to Raven, I wasn't sure why, but I didn't want to leave Raven.

The guys just stood there looking at me and Raven, before they all broke out into smirks. Raven had tightened his hold on me.

I smiled to myself loving the way Raven was being all possessive of me in this moment. That is until he growled at them threateningly, and grabbed one of the many pillows on the bed and put it over me, thats when I realized for the third time today that I was in a towel.

I was too embarrassed and horrified that the guys of all people found me on Raven's lap in just a towel.

"Well, it's about time Raven." Eric said with a huge smirk plastered to his face.

"You marked her?" Daniel asked as he sniffed the air.

"Damn!" Michael said before he whistled and winked at me.

Raven growled loudly, shaking the bed slightly, as he ran with inhuman speed and had Michael pinned to the wall and was choking him.

"Raven stop!" I yelled as I ran over to him and Michael. "He was just playing around and won't do it again. Right Michael?" I said sternly as I glared at Michael who had enough nerve to smirk.

Raven reluctantly let go of him and turned around and wrapped his arm around my waist possessively while pushing me behind him.

"Leave now. All of you." He said looking at all of them with a deathly glare.

Michael and Daniel bowed their heads before leaving.

Eric on the other hand just stood there, before walking up to Raven.

"Good job, alpha." He said as he bowed his head.

For the whole entire time I've been here, Eric had never once called Raven alpha or bow his head to him.

I peeked my head around to see that Raven had a slight smile on his lips as Eric left.

After Eric left, I decided to get into my clothes while Raven showered. He told me that he was going to spend the whole day with me. I was so excited I couldn't get rid of the smile on my face.

He also told me that the mark will cause two things to happen to me.

One, it would cause my emotions to be on edge. In other words I was going to be very emotional for a few days.

The second thing, I was sure was a curse of the mark. Raven had said that for a she-wolf, after she is marked she goes into heat and the only way to bring her out of heat is to fully mate. The heat is very strong and painful if she does not mate. But because I was human, Raven wasn't sure it would happen. I hoped it wouldn't happen.

It's not that I didn't want to be mated with Raven, it was just that I didn't want to get pregnant and have a big stomach for nine months, and I didn't want to be like those girls who get pregnant in high school. I know there is protection and all, but would it protect me from getting pregnant from a werewolf?

I didn't want to worry about that, especially since Raven and I were going to spend the day together.

After Raven and I were ready, we went to this small diner in town. Raven told me he used to always come here when he was younger, but he cut himself off short before giving me any more information about his childhood.

As we sat down in a booth, I looked around and took in the quaint little dinner. It had soft and warm browns on the walls, darker brown on the bottom half and a lighter brown on the top. The chairs were covered with a dark chocolate brown leather covering and the tops had a deep rich red cushion. The waiters uniforms consisted of all red and brown shoes.

I looked back to Raven to see him starring at me. He was just watching me. Under his gaze, I felt slightly uncomfortable, but I liked him giving me attention. I smiled at him, feeling my insides warm up and a blush coming onto my face.

"What?" I asked still smiling like an idiot. "Is there something on my face?"

"Oh nothing." He said as he moved my hair away from my neck. "You're beautiful. Just perfect." He leaned across the table and planted a soft delicate kiss on my forehead.

My smile seemed to grow wider after he did that. A few seconds after that our waiter came.

"Well, isn't it about time I see you, Raven." She said as she gave Raven a hug as he stood up.

Jealousy came over me in a flash. Even though the waiter was much older than me and Raven, I couldn't help the feeling of being jealous that she had a better relationship with him than me right now.

They talked as though they were close good friends. Something that I knew me and Raven weren't yet. I could feel the pull I had with him and that was the only thing that pulled us together, but he never really did take the time to know me, then again he's a werewolf. Maybe things are done differently.

I shook my head mentally. Today was going to be a good day and I didn't want to have a mood. I had started to pay attention to Raven and the waitress' conversation now.

"Well, you're here now, so I have no need to worry about not seeing you as much." She smiled at him before looking in my direction. "Well, I can see why you haven't been here in a while."

My cheeks started to burn at her comment. She glanced between me and Raven when we didn't say anything to her comment.

"I'm Roxy, by the way. An old friend of Raven's." she said as she stuck her hand out for me to shake.

"Becca, and it's nice to meet you." I said politely as I shook her hand.

The rest of the time at the diner, was spent in small talk. I was mainly talking, only because Roxy kept coming and talking with us when she would get a chance. She would go back and forth from asking me a question to asking Raven one. It was weird at first, but I warmed up to it fast.

By the time we got back to Raven's house, it was late. Raven and I walked around town for an hour or so after leaving the diner, showing me around and telling me what he owned and what he didn't own.

I was exhausted when I finally got into the house. I collapsed onto the cozy couch and just laid there for a few minutes, resting my eyes.

Suddenly, I felt arms going beneath me and I was lifted in the air. My eyes shot open as my arms instinctively went to grabbing onto the persons shoulder and neck.

I relaxed instantly when I realized it was Raven.

"Sorry, you scared me." I said as I just starred deeply into his eyes. They were so mysterious and held so much pain.

He chuckled deeply as I realized I was zoning out. He kissed the side of my head as he started to walk up the stairs.

"Where are you taking me? Wherever it is, I can walk." I said trying to get out of his hold, only to have his arms tighten even more around my small body.

"You are tired. I'm simply bringing you to bed." He said as he pushed open the door to the bedroom.

"I'm not that tired, I was just.." I cut myself off realizing I was about to say tired. "Whatever." I said as I rolled my eyes and smiling to myself.

Raven really knew how to make a girl feel like she's queen.

He set me on the bed as he went into the closet to get some clothes. I kicked off my shoes and stretched myself out when Raven came out. He had changed into some basketball shorts and had my pajamas in his hand along with his shirt.

He handed me my pajamas including his shirt. I starred at the clothes before looking at Raven.

"This is not my shirt." I said as I handed him back his shirt. Maybe he meant to grab my black shirt, but accidentally grabbed his.

He didn't bother taking his shirt, but instead answered my previous statement.

"I know it isn't, but I want you to wear it to bed." He said with finality.

I stood there waiting for him to say he was joking, but he just gave me a pointed look silently telling me get change.

I walked into the bathroom completely dumb founded. Why was he wanting me to wear his shirt? Yeah it did sound nice and sexy to wear his shirt, but I would be swallowed up by it. He was much larger than me and I was petite.

I quickly decided to just change and see how big his shirt would be on me. He had brought out some pajama shorts so I was happy for that. Although, I knew the shirt would be huge I still put it on. Surprisingly, it only went down barely to my mid-thighs, at least I know why he grabbed the shorts.

I threw my hair up in a messy bun and then walked out to see that Raven was already laying in bed waiting for me. He looked gorgeous. He had messed up his hair slightly, but it looked good still. The covers were pulled back and waiting for me to hop on. I smiled at Raven as I met his beautiful face.

I heard a faint rumble and I knew it was Raven growling out of lust. I saw it in his eyes. While I must have been checking him out, he was checking me out and still was.

I quickly made my way over to him and got into bed. Whenever we did sleep together, there was always space between us, but however, tonight Raven didn't want there to be space and neither did I. He pulled me all the way against his chest as I felt him take the hair tie that was in my hair out.

"You look much sexier when your hair is down." He said huskily as he trailed kisses down my neck. "Also, when you wear my shirt."

I smiled feeling my cheeks burn once again. I felt Raven's hands settle on my stomach and thigh. He tried bringing me even closer to him, even though it was impossible because we were already so close.

"Thanks." I said unsure of how to answer him. "You're not so bad yourself." I said with a smirk coming onto my face.

I heard him chuckle before he whispered in my ear.

"Goodnight my little mate. Sweet dreams sweetheart." He said before planting one last kiss on the mark he gave me.

I yawned before completely giving into sleep.

"Goodnight my one and only Raven." I said before pulling his hand up from my stomach and kissing his knuckles and going to sleep.

Author's note!

Thank you guys soooo much!!!!!!

You all are sooo awesome!!!!

Nothing major happens in this chapter, just a little bit more of Raven and Becca moments. The next chapter is when you learn about some key things.

Something not to forget, all of the characters names. If you forget just ask me or go and re-read a few chapters.

Don't forget to vote and comment!!!!

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