By lovingthejuancock

201K 7.7K 2.8K

"Ill fuck you senseless!" "I bet you say that alot." thanks hoe @Daddy-Tae for helping me with this book and... More

chapter one
chapter two
Chapter Three
chapter four
chapter five
Chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter ten
chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
chater twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty

Chapter nine

4.6K 190 63
By lovingthejuancock

"So what you wanna do?" Asked sana slipping off her converse and putting them near the front door. "You wanna watch a movie first? Its already dark out there, so perfect timing." Said Jungkook going upstairs to the living room.

"Ya!" Said Sana following after him.

Jungkook then went to the movie channels so they could pick a movie  out.

"So do you want to. You know talk about. Umm the bathroom incident
Kookie?" Asked Sana rubbing her hands against her jean covered thighs because of her anxiety right then and there.

Shit what if he gets all upset over it? I hate seeing him in pain, but he needs to talk about it rather then bottling it all up. Thought Sana as Jungkook took a deep breath.

He knew she was going to bring it up. Just didnt know when she would. And apparently right now was the time.

"Well what d-do you w-want to k-know?" Asked Jungkook forcing his eyes shut.

"Uhh well, we could um start with who did it." Said Sana hoping it would be someone she didnt know, because if she did know this person who raped Jungkook, he would be very very sorry.

I mean its got to be a guy right? It did happen in the mens bathroom sooo, but then again a girl could've gone in there.. Damn why does this have to be so hard? Thought Sana as she leaned against the couch she had sat in.

"Uh well if you must know, it was-" Sana then cut him off saying, "was it my fucking brother?"

Sana then got up and sat down on the floor in front of Jungkook and stared dead in yhe eye with him.

"What?! No! It was not him." Said Jungkook staring into his best friends eyes in disbelief. 

"Then who Jungkook. I want to know." Sana said suddenly filled with concern.

Jungkook didn't understand. She needed to know who did it. Jungkook was like a big brother to her. And no one misses with my family. " it doesnt matter any more." Jungkook said getting onto his feet and sitting on the left side of the couch.

Sana then glared knives at him. " Please just let it go Sana." He said not daring to look at her now. " Fine but later on in the future you better tell me, or your getting your ass kicked." she said smirking a bit.

" Oh ya? I accept that challenge little girl." he said chuckling afterwards.

" Ha little? Well go with that but hey guess what? Your name is pillow for now on untell I get a pillow." Sana said, getting on the couch and moving closer to Jungkook who just rolled his eyes and put his arm up waiting for her.

She finally got to him and laid her head on his chest hearing his normal paced beating heart.

They watched two movies and decided to play a quick game of goldfish and clue before taking quick showers separately.

Finishing with brushing teeth and Sana braiding her hair and a Jungkook questioning why she needed to braid her hair, and her having to explain to him "so I dont get knots in my hair", they finally headed for his bedroom. They got into his bed," hey Kookie?" Sana asked quietly, "ya?" Jungkook answered back.

"Do you have anymore comfortable pillows? This one is the opposite of comfortable." Sana said matter of factly.

" Nope." He replied, trying hard not to doze of right then and there.

Sana just sighed and said a heavy ok to her sleeply best friend. "Come here." Said Jungkook itching his neck. " You sure?" Asked Sana turning her body to face him. He then just hummed in response.

Sana then got close enough to where she could hear his soft breathing. She put her head on his chest right were his heart was and her hand around his waist. "Goodnight Sana." Said Jungkook putting his arm on her back.

"Night Kookie." she said. He dozed off while Sana was slowly starting to doze off. Her world finally shut down with the last thought in her head,
I miss my boyfriend Jehyun...

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