Sign Your Name

Par secret_dont_tell_Xx

538 39 13

A cliché romance, just without the cliché. Maddison Parker is a proud mother, and owner of Parker Tech, a bu... Plus

Chapter one
Chapter three

Chapter two

78 7 2
Par secret_dont_tell_Xx

Chapter Two.

"Hi Mummy!" Hattie shouted as she propelled herself into my arms.

"Hi baby!" I crouched down to her height and gave her kiss on the head as I grabbed her bags from her. "Did you have a good day?"

"Yes! I made a new friend, Amelia!" She squealed as she grasped onto my hand. "Amelia says that I can go to her house! Can I mummy please!?" She looked up at me with a big grin, a big contagious grin.

"How about you show me who Amelia is and let's go talk to her mummy and daddy." I chuckled slightly as she let out a sequel of joy before taking off across the play ground screeching Amelia's name.

"Amelia this is my mummy!" Hattie proudly presented me to a short brown haired girl who was just as exited to see Hattie again, as Hattie herself.
"Hi Amelia." I waved at the small girl who was clothed in a matching school dress to Hattie.


"Where's your mummy or daddy?" I questioned glancing round the playground for the seemingly missing parents.

"Mummy is gone and daddy is late." A frown graced my lips at her words. Gone? What does that mean? From her casual tone I was going to assume that her father being late was a regular occurrence. Amelia dropped her bags on the floor and both girls took of running around the play ground. By this time most parents had received their children and left the busy school grounds.

I stood watching the girls with a smile. They were so innocent and lively.

"Amelia!" A deep voice shouted from somewhere behind me. I spun to see who it resonated from.
A handsome brown haired man was briskly walking across the play ground towards the two oblivious children. "Amelia!" He called again.

Amelia and Hattie ran to a stop in front of the tall man before tugging him towards my direction.

His tall frame towered over my 5"6 one, even in my 4" heels. Dressed in a dark coloured suit with a vibrant red tie, he was the definition of confidence.
"Daddy can Hattie come to tea!?" Amelia and Hattie were now stood hand in hand with matching grins facing myself and Amelia's father. His striking brown eyes matched my own.

"If it's okay with Hattie's mum." Oh my, his voice is lovely. I glanced at Hattie's hopeful expression.

"Yeah it's okay with me girls." They took of running again. I turned to face the man besides me. "Hi, I'm Hattie's mum."

He held out a hand as a slight smirk appeared on his face. "Hi, I'm Garret, Amelia's dad." A blush appeared on my cheek as my hand was engulfed by his in the handshake.

"Oh- I'm Maddison, or Maddie." Realising the hand shake had definitely been going on longer than it should I dropped my hand back to my side and took a step back.

"Hattie is welcome to come to tea. In fact, you're both welcome to come If you'd like?" Garret bent and picked up Amelia's discarded school bags, before we both began walking in the direction of the girls.

A frown graced my lips, would I be able to attend tea? "I'll need to contact my assistant to see if I'm free." His eyebrows quirked up slightly but he nodded his head. I grabbed my phone out my jeans and sent a quick message to Becky asking to clear my schedule, and mentioning that I would not be returning to the office tonight. "Okay, all done. Hattie and I would love to join you and Amelia for tea."


Their home was, to put it quite simply, beautiful. The 4 bed house had a modern exterior that matched the modern yet home-y interior. It was a house that looked well lived it whilst remaining extremely stylish.

"Excuse the mess, we weren't expecting anyone to come over so soon." Garret murmured this into my ear causing me to jump slightly in surprise. His breath was on my neck and I suddenly felt a slightly too hot in my simple black blazer.

Upon his words I noticed that the hall was temporary home to an abundance of broken down cardboard boxes. "We only finished moving the other day and I haven't had the chance to go to the tip yet." I was still curious as to who 'we' meant, as Amelia's sparse comment on her mother being 'gone' did leave many questions blooming in my mind.

As soon as the front door closed behind us the two girls took off running into the house, leaving me to half-heartedly call for Hattie to take her shoes off.
"It's alright," he paused and chuckled, "you can leave your bag here if you'd like?" I smiled graciously and hung my bag and blazer on the coat rack, taking a subtly note that there only seemed to be men's and children's coats on the rack. "Take a seat in the living room, I'll have a look what I can make for tea. Would you like a drink or anything?" His tone was so inviting that all I could do was nod my head and say please.
Once he vanished from the room completely I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Damn, since when did I get this flustered over a man. A man I didn't particularly know either.

Taking another breath I pulled my phone out my jean pocket, taking note of a message from Becky saying 'Done, have a good evening.', moving on from that I began to respond to emails again, including one from David containing multiple attachments and a simple message about them being the files on prospective CEOs for me to go over. Another email was from a new anti-virus firm requesting we go over the new deal I had been building them.

Feeling eyes burning into the side of my head I looked up to see Garret leaning against the open plan wall watching me. A smirk was playing at his lips.

"Texting your husband to tell him where you are?" Garrets slightly sarcastic tone bemused me. He strolled into the room and perched on the grey sofa alongside me, whilst placing two coffee mugs on the table in front of us.

I laughed. "No. No husband to text."

"Oh so your boyfriend then?" He reclined back on the sofa, spreading his arms over its back, his red tie flopping to the side. I blushed slightly and laughed again. Was this his way of finding out if I'm single?
"Actually I was answering work emails." If he was surprised, he didn't show it. In my previous dating history, including Hattie's father - Mark, the men never liked it when a I (a female) was more successful in my career than they were in their own.

Just as he opened his mouth to retort a voice called from upstairs.

"Daaad! Can Hattie sleep over?!" Garret glanced at me and a shrugged. Pondering it for a moment whilst Garret looked at me expectantly I nodded.
"I don't see why not. Is Friday good for you?" If Hattie had a sleep over here on Friday it would mean that I didn't need to get a baby sitter, and also meant I had another excuse to see Garret.

Both the girls had ran down into the living room before we had a chance to call back. Amelia had changed out of her school uniform into a pretty pink dress. The two girls were giggling and clutching onto a barbie each as they grinned from ear to ear. Loving the moment I took a picture on my phone.

"Hattie do you want to sleep over here on Friday?" Said girl began bobbing her head enthusiastically, making me smile. "Right it's settled then!" They took off running back upstairs again squealing in excitement as they went. Letting out an amused laugh I glanced at Garret again. He had a similar expression to my own, his eyes sparkling with happiness.

"I'm going to start tea. Is lasagna good?" He stood and began walking toward the kitchen. At the mention of food my tummy rumbled, making me realise I hadn't actually eaten anything since a bagel before I got to work this morning.

"Lasagna sounds amazing. Do you need a hand with anything?" I questioned grabbing the mug of tea on the table, realising that I hadn't actually drank any of it yet.

"Nah, I'm good. You can put the tv on if you'd like." And with that he was out of sight.

Garret confused me. I was so comfortable with him, yet I had literally met him an hour ago. Yet, here I was sat alone in his living room, relaxed. Weird.

Since breaking up with Mark 4 years ago having a relationship has been difficult, especially as I was a mother. Some men felt weird stepping into an already formed family setting. Whilst others hated that I owned a successful business. But Garret was something else. I mean, don't get me wrong I'm fully aware we are not in a relationship I mean I met him an hour ago, but I was comfortable with him. And him seemingly so with me. It was just weird.


An hour later, after answering some phone calls and emails, before assisting Garret in the kitchen (much to his reluctance), the four of us were situated around the kitchen table happily eating the home made lasagne and garlic bread.

"Mm. This is so good!" I groaning happily, praising Garrets cooking. "Hattie do you like it?" My daughter could more often than not be a fussy eater, but from the way her face was already covered in food I was guessing she liked it. She nodded, her mouth full.

"My daddy is the best cook!" Amelia proudly boasted before shoving another mouthful of food into her mouth. I glanced at Garret.

"You never told me what you do, are you a chef?" I enquired whilst moving some lasagna on to my fork. Garret snorted. Slightly offended I simply raised my eyebrow.
"No. I'm not a chef. I used to be in some business stuff but since Amelia's mum left the picture when she was born I became a full time dad." He paused for a bite of food before continuing. "I am looking to get back in the game now, some new jobs popping up here and there that I'm interested in." I nodded in understanding. Being a full time dad was an admirable job, something non of the men in my past would have volunteered to do. 

"Interesting. I'm in the tech industry." As the conversation flowed the girls began to join in more, steering the conversation towards more childish topics.

After a bowl of ice cream, Hattie and I decided it was time to head home.

"Maddie, why don't you give me your number and I'll call you with the details for Friday?" Garret was stood by the stairs watching myself and Hattie prepare to leave, Amelia perched on his hip. Little strain was showing on his face from the weight of his child, contrasting what mine would show if I was holding Hattie.

After reciting both my own mobile number and Becky's number, Hattie and I left for home.


Whoa. Chapter two already? Yes this is a kind of fast paced book, but as it is only a short story I wanted to get the ball moving fast. Tell me what you think! Love it? Hate it? Let me know!


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