A Never Noticed Mate

By ElsaQuinn

2.3M 74.9K 11.8K

Soul mates An invisible force that ties the fate of two people together in a strong unbinding red thread of l... More

No Breakfast
Fixing The Punishment
Getting The Punishment
Meeting My Parents
Celebrating Birthday Part 1
Celebrating Birthday Part 2
Before the Party
Meeting Mate
Getting Rejected
Painful Rejection
Betrayal Part 1
Betrayal Part 2
Where am I?
Meeting the Moon Goddess
Black Heart Pack
Meeting The Alpha
Joining the pack
His Sister
Meeting a New Stranger
New Bonding
Caught Red-Handed
Training! What???
Scaredy Cat
Haunted Past
What Is All This?¿?
Accidental Confession
Promise (Part 2)
Can't Let Go...
A New Start...
Not So Laughable Joke
Lesson No., ...
Voting the Ceremony Part 1
Voting The Ceremony Part 2
Voting The Ceremony Part 3
Mystery Of Purple
A Flashback.
Mutual Hate
His Sadistic Ways
Finding him
Pain in the Ass Wolf
Plan Backfired
Not so cool Training
Fighting The Beast
Memories Of The Past
Master or Sir?
Final Destination
Raw Vegetables, Really?
Cookie Bookie
Back to Training
An Unexpected Change
Bloody Fangs
Fifth Satan
Jumble Blunder
Training Without Losing
Encountering A Hasty Situation
Underground Shambles
Pesky Tests
Requited or Unrequited Hate?
Mystery of Truth and Lies.
Tears of Joy and Tears of Pain
Truth or Dare?
Fiancée Mishap
Lengths of Pretending
Figuring Out Their Intentions
Engagement Ring
Conflicting Feelings
Unmentionable Past
Drunken Night
Desires Unraveling
Half Vampire and...?
For His Happiness
Love or Game?
I Love You...
Let's End This (Part 1)
Let's End this (Part 2)
A Gift and A Scar
Love and Tears
When Dreams Shatter
When Dreams Shatter (Part 2)
Hera The Protector
Love, Prophecy and Reality
Ending Note
Sequel is out!
New Chapters Announcement
Continuation Announcement of 'My Only Person'
Filler Chapter - 1
Filler Chapter - 2
Filler Chapter - 3
Filler Chapter - 4
Filler Chapter - 5
Filler Chapter - 6
Filler Chapter - 7

Promise (Part 1)

32.2K 1K 25
By ElsaQuinn

Clarissa POV

      I woke up with an irritating voice going off somewhere near me, which irritated me the most. I hate it when I'm disturbed while having a good slumber. I moved my hands to shut that annoying voice but it didn't stopped, I tried again, but no success at all, then again, but nothing and then again, but then too the voice didn't stopped, instead it kept getting higher and higher the more I tried to stop it, it was teasing me. Extremely irritated and agitated at the voice, I opened my eyes to glare at the source of voice but to my unfortunate fate, I was only faced by my friend, darkness.

       Ah! Not again. Please don't let it be another nightmare, no this won't be happening, it would be just because of my sleepy state that I can't see anything. Yeah, that would be it. After consoling myself, I did the only thing, I could do now to come out my sleepiness. I rubbed the back of my hand over my eyes to rub the sleep away and opened my eyes. And you know what I saw. I only saw darkness, I was just going to cry, irritated, when I heard the faint whispering of someone. Could it be Alexa or worst Tyler. My heart started pounding in my chest wildly at the mere of thought of them being here. I shut my eyes tightly, not wanting to see them. The irritating sound from earlier raised its octave to a newer level, sounding as fast and rapid as my heartbeat, but I was so scared to realize that, the faint voices were also raised by a few notches and were replaced by screams rather than whispering. Oh, God, they are near, what should I do to hide myself. 

     I opened my eyes again but saw nothing but darkness and heard the mixed voices of screaming but I couldn't see anything. Have I gone blind, last time I remember, I could see everything well, did something happened which in any way affected my eyes. I recalled all the past memories and when I did, I wished, I didn't, my heart shattered in million pieces, my eyes stung as the water oozed to come out, but surprisingly it didn't. I remember all that happened to me, my mate just marked Alexa as his and once a wolf marked and mated with another wolf, the mate bond between the real mates dies. The one rejected suffers the most, a long undeniable pain awaits them and if they can't handle the pain or being jested by the other wolves, they slowly and eventually but surely dies and that too a painful death. I have become a laughingstock on which other people could only laugh. 

     What am I going to do now? No, one would accept a rejected wolf. Sighing, my lips felt cracked, my throat itched for water and my eyes felt puffy with crying but actually their was not a single drop or a trace of tear. I slammed  my eyes tightly to force drop a tear but then too, not a single tear graced my cheeks. Confused, I moved my hands to rub my eyes and see whats wrong but I thought my hand move but didn't felt the sensation of it on my eyes. I moved again, thinking I didn't moved it the first time, but surprisingly it didn't moved one inch. Now, I was really baffled but as I tried to move my other hand I felt  like I heard someone. 

     Is the person really here, or am I just imagining things. I knew from the beginning someone was here and thought of it of some creepy nightmare but I am now damn sure that it is not related to Tyler or Alexa, if they were really here, they would've expressed their presence a long time ago. Concentrating all my attention on making out the words, my ears perked up and letting all my other worries slip for a moment, I simply focused on hearing the voices.

       And I did hear them, they were muffled, and I couldn't make out a single word but as I further heard their voices, a relief filled sigh escaped past my lips as I learned that I was not in the clutches of Tyler and Alexa. I was safe. But for how long, these people, are they really not going to harm me?

    "Will she be okay?" the voice whoever it belonged to sounded familiar but extremely worried and timid, and it was from somewhere very near.

    "Yeah she will be okay physically as long as his mate doesn't have sex with other females. Whenever he will make out with another women she will be the one who will suffer the pain. But not as strong and painful as the first time but don't expect anything less" An unfamiliar gruff and rigid voice replied with straight to the point answer. But later on better thought,he added "I can't say anything about her mental stability, because when one wolf goes under the burden of rejection and to top of that coming under the knowledge that their mate has marked and mated with someone else, they can't accept the refusal too well and started to imagine that everyone sees them with pity and is mocking them so ultimately when they get to frustrated to handle it, they commit suicide."

     "Can't we do anything about it, can't we reassure her and convince her to live her life again" the same familiar voice asked but this time his voice sounded more defeated, lost and sad, it was like the person was on the edge of tears.

   "I don't know, but I can suggest you one thing and that is please don't leave her alone while she is going through such a tough phase, console her, encourage her, cheer her whenever you can and teach her to live again, plant the roots of trust and faith in her, water it daily and I am sure you will certainly get a juicy fruit in the end" the gruff voice suggested in a daze like he was really thinking at that time.

   But I didn't got what he meant by planting, watering and getting a fruitful end. What is the fuss all about? Why there is a teary voice and who the hell are they talking about, troubled and furious beyond limits. I opened my mouth to yell at them and demand answers as to why can't I move and see and the main question was, who they are ranting about. But my words didn't came out of my throat, they were trapped, not even a  gasp would resonate through my vocals. I was once again distracted by the voices.

      "Listen here, doctor" A high pitched female voice entered my ear and would it be stupid if I admitted that it sounded familiar too.

    "Don't pity us and give your ill-advises to us. Because we don't give a damn about your suggestions. Do whatever you can to help her and if you can't do that then tell us the truth, don't give us false hope to hang on. She is unconscious for two days now and you are telling us the same thing all over again, if you are not capable enough to give us results than I am sorry to say but we have to find someone else, someone more better" she sneered and her tone expressed anything but sorry. A loud gasp was heard after the female's undefined anger and yelling which was covered by a fit of coughs.

      "I am trying my best and I'm doing everything in my power to bring her back, she is okay and will be awake soon, she is just traumatized and her wolf is taking her time to heal her, they both need some solitude" the unfamiliar gruff voice tried to reason out but it looks like the female was in no mood to listen to him.

    "But, why is it taking so much time, it has already been two days, do you know what it means, it means total 48 hours." she yelled frustrated, but later gasped "Have you done something to her, have you poisoned her, are you bribed from her old pack or mate to annihilate her, are you the reason why she hasn't woken up yet? Answer me or I will give you the most agonizing death ever" she accused him of one or the other thing and now I was sure they were talking about me, her threat sounded familiar and dark, very dark, like I know someone who is this terrific, I am sure the hairs on my back have stood up after her horrific threat.

     I am still not sure where I am and who they are but listening to them, their voices sounded so familiar and that girl who was threatening someone for me, was almost exhilarating but I was still not sure if I was safe with them or are they just another ploy to disable my mental ability. The first question I need to find answers to, is why can't I move and see and say something.

       "Get a hold of yourself lady, you may be a Beta but I'm much older and experienced then you are. And don't put false accusations on me so simply because everyone knows my loyalty rest with the Black Heart Pack alone. I would rather die then put danger on this little girl. I am a doctor moreover, I live my life to aid people,not to poison them" he growled back using the same tone as hers.

     "Oh, really, then pray tell me what has happened to her, if you are oh so capable and loyal doctor" she scowled with utter hatred and anger, her voice so loud that my eardrums hurt to hear it, if I could I would've put my fingers to protect my ears.

    "I told you before also, it'll take time but she will....." his answer was cut short by the enraged women screaming and breaking all her limits as her anger flared up to its highest peak "She will, what?" 

    And her yelling was break short by the loudest and superior voice, an ear flinching and heart stammering  growl and it reeked absolute respect, power and dominance and might I add a little annoyance too.

     "Enough" The voice boomed blocking the two to not to rip each other throats off and for that I was very grateful,they were really aggravating. After that no chattering was heard, I was happy as my head was hammering with there screaming and yelling. Only silence could be heard, complete silence, not even once heartbeat or breathing could be heard. I waited for a minute or two to hear something but nothing, it was like they were gone. But then the dominant voice disrupted my happiness of peaceful silence by announcing,

     "I want you two out of this room at once. This is not a battlefield but someone's room, there is a patient here which needs rest, rather than your screaming and accusing each other. Are you two kids, can't you understand the delicacy of the situation. Instead of shouting to show who's right, think about Clarissa" my breathing hitched in my throat, they were fighting over me. But where am I, he said someone's room but whose room in particular. And who are they, their voices sounded familiar but exactly, put my finger on it. This questions raised in my head but before I could find the answers the voice continued a little softer than before. Paying more attention then before, curious as to where the conversation was going and why can't I wake up and feel any parts of my body.

      "Clarissa needs our support and help, if you continue to fight like dogs then I have no other option than to throw both of you out. She has already suffered enough. I don't, actually we don't want to bother her with more problems."

     Again silence was the answer after the long speech, it took me some time to let the words sink rightfully in my mind. Whoever they are, they care deeply for me. But I don't know why but I feel scared, scared that they will betray me just like Alexa did. I don't want to trust them but the little part in me forced me to believe them.

    "Am I clear?" That same voice demanded a little impatient this time.

    "Yes Alpha" two voices said at once without any delay or hesitation.

    Oh, so it was Alpha Carlton all this time. I should have guessed this, oh how stupid of me to think that I was back in my old pack, they wouldn't even worry if I was alive or not, they would've let me die rather then saving me. The only people who care about me is them. So foolish of me to think that they will leave me when I needed them the most. They really are my guardians, angels from above to help and heal me, in every way possible.

     "Now, if that's sought out, then Doctor Karl thank you for your assistance and help, I don't know what we would've done if you were not here. Please, on behalf of Mariya, I apologize for her harsh behaviour towards you, I am sure she was just upset for Clarissa, otherwise she respects you equally like every other member of this pack does. And we don't doubt you even for a second that you would betray us,mislead your patients and poison them." A sweet and equally dominant voice just like an Alpha requested in a very sweet manner.

     She must be Luna June, and that fighting voice must've belonged to Mariya. I should have known, the only one who can make anyone pee in their pants with her dark threats must be one and only Mariya. I laughed softly in my head at her behaviour. She shows that she doesn't cares but her behaviours shows exactly how deeply she cares for me. My heart was smiling but their was a part in it which said don't get too much attached, for you will be the only one who will suffer in the end.

    "Ah, forgive me Luna and I know she is worried for her friend, its just that I've never seen her so vulnerable, this girl, Clarissa must be special for her." The gruff voice responded softly, my heart flipped at the word 'Friend'. She already considers me as her Friend, what the hell is wrong with this pack, I mean I like them very much but they get attached to strangers very quickly, they really are good people. And I don't deserve them.

    He added a little later "And please don't lower me in my gaze by apologizing, it is my duty to treat the needful, so I will be taking my leave then, please call me when she awakes" he said signalling his farewell. "Alpha" "Luna" he said in a submissive tone and then the sound of boots walking away ended with a click of door.

    If everyone is here, then where is the person whom I love the most, where is my brother, Xavier. My heart ached suddenly thinking that he must be disgusted by me, who would want a wolf for a sister who is rejected by her own mate. Tears started to brim in my vision.

    "Mariya you come with us to the pack house, let Xavier have some time with her sister" what, Xavier is here. I really am a fool, my soul and my body started to dance with happiness.

     "No, I can't come, I should be here with my mate, he really is sad and down, maybe I can help him" Mariya tried to reason out, her voice suddenly alarmed.

    "Mariya, please come with us, you need some rest, you haven't slept for whole two days, come with us to the pack house, take some rest, eat and then we will not stop you from coming here" Luna requested softly but Mariya didn't backed down so easily "So does Xavier, he hasn't blinked his eyes from the time when he saw Clarissa on the floor, he needs rest too, he is sitting on that chair for days. Please let me be with him" she begged them but alpha wasn't having any of it.

     "You are coming with us, that's an order" Alpha ordered in his alpha voice, making the room go silent once again. I can feel the temperature of the room going down.

   "I..... But.....I want to stay here and..." Her sentence was cut short by a heart wrenching growl.

    "Now" he roared, leaving no space for further argument.

   "Okay, Alpha" she gritted defeated.

    I heard footsteps coming my way but they stopped a little far from me.

   "Will you be okay Xavier" she questioned, worried. My heart warmed for how much they love each other. I am so happy to have such a cute and loving couple to call my 'family'. Wait, what, then it dawned on me, I have already considered them as my family, a small smile tugged at the edge of my lips.

     "Yes" he replied in his teary voice. How much I wish I could sit up and tell him that I am fine, how much I wish I could take his pain away, how much I wish I could wipe his tears off. He cares for me so much, as a brother he has fulfilled all his duties rightfully, but me, as a sister has failed him, for I can't give him anything but pain. I always wanted an older brother who would care and support me, after the death of my parents everyone turned their backs on me, instead of consoling the young child, they put all the blame on me. I wished I could have someone to rely on, who would trust me and that wish came true when Alexa entered in my life. But that happiness was short lived just because of Tyler.

     There was a minute of silence until Mariya said,  "Get well soon Arissa. I will come tomorrow and you better be awake" she warned me but her voice gave it off, as she too sounded on the edge of weakness and tears.


      Hello Ladies And Gentlemen,

My Dearest Readers,
I hope u all r fine. Please forgive for another delay. And to make it up to I have already Tyler the next chapter but a little finishing is needed, so I won't be able to update it tomorrow but on Saturday I promise, I will surely update it.

I hope u won't be angry at me. O wanted to announce something else too. I have created an Instagram account for you guys and I would be grateful if you would follow me there, I have planned to post the teasers for the upcoming chapters.

My Instagram account's username is elsaquinn.Taiyaba. I am not doing it to get more followers but one reader suggested me that it would be great if I opened it. So here I am.

Please do follow, comment on my chapter and please do vote. Our story is currently ranked as #13 in werewolf.

     I want to thank all my readers, for this wouldn't have been possible without your support.

Love you and thank you,





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