Dealing with Danielle

By Tweedle_Dee

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Danielle’s Mother committed suicide because of her daughter’s crazy ways, her abusive father abandoned her. I... More

Dealing with Danielle
Chapter 1- Shirley
Chapter 2- Rude Introductions

Chapter 3- Too Easy

155 9 6
By Tweedle_Dee

I know this is Short, don't murder me in my sleep for it.

Chapter 3

I sit on the cushions of the bay window, staring at the scene below me, Shirley holds baily in her arms, spinning him.

From his expression you can tell he’s laughing like a maniac, Shirley’s smiling at her son lovingly. Baily’s cape flaps around in the wind, I don’t understand what I find do interesting about their interaction, maybe it’s the fact that my Mom used to look at me like that, or maybe it’s because they look like the biggeset idiots, for rich people they sure don’t act like it.

I hear a knock from behind me.

“Come in” I yell. Not turning around.

“Hi, I’m Jason” a husky voice from me says, I turn around, interested.

“Hi Jason, I’m Danielle” Inform Jason. He leans on my doorway, his hair is a charcoal colour, he wears it in a ‘just got out of bed look’. He smirks at me, his blue eyes glistening in amusment.

“What?” I ask, not getting the joke.

“This must be a record, you haven’t shortened or made fun of my name” his smirk turns into a grin. I just sit there glaring at him and a concerned look passes his face.

“What’s wrong Jacinta?” I ask, plaster a innocent smile on my face.

He laughs, not just a small chuckle a big full body laugh, I almost join in, his laugh is contagious.

“Nice danny” any emotion towards this boy turns in to hate and I feel my face freeze over into a scowl.

“Don’t. Call. Me. That” I say, he notices my glare and his face drains from happines into a concerned expresion.

“Sorry” He mumbles before turning away, his lacers trailing behind his black converses. What a geek. I say to myself, a hot geek, but really, not doing up your lacers?

* _ *

I sit on the silver stool, they colour co-ordinate the stools to our doors, what losers.

The Chai tea burns my hand through the china cup.

 I ignore the burning sensation, sipping the tea contenly. Tea is the only thing I really enjoy, I don’t like much else, except clothes and lucky for me I have a lot of them.

“Hey Danielle” good going Derek, bursting my bubble of happiness, I guess that’s what people that drive on the road to hell get.

“Hey Derek” I don’t bother putting my voice an octave higher as if I’m happy to see him.

“I guess you’ve me Chris’s best friend Jason?” He asks, he thinks that’s why I’m not hyper,I look up at derek, his blonde hair ruffled, his grey eys staring into my turqoise ones.

“Unfortenutly” I joke, a smirk playing at his lips he chuckles.

“It’s good to know I have no compotion” He says sitting on the stool next to me.

“Mmmm” I agree smirking, he’s too easy, he probably thinks he’s in control, pfft. He slings an arm around me and I raise my eyebrow to myself, way too easy.

I put my chai tea down on the marble bench and turn to face him. He smirks, leaning in slightly; I lean in as well, slightly.

He close’s his eyes, what a girl.

I jump off the stool in a smooth movement, my heels clicking on the wooden floor. “Not this time Derek” I say leaving a wide-eyed Derek behind me.

Way too easy.

[A/N: I know this is a super short chapter, sorry :(]

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