It's My Life (Black Veil Brid...

By ScreamInside

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Lauren and CC had a kid named Aurelie when they were dating. Aurelie's life is probably going to be FILLED wi... More

It's My Life (Black Veil Brides Fan fiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 part 1
Chapter 32 part 2
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
New Year One-shot
An overdue author's note
Chapter 35

Chapter 20

2.8K 83 12
By ScreamInside

20. Freakin. Chapters. I LOVE YOU PEOPLE x3

Chapter 20

Ashley's POV

I was sitting in the hospital waiting room, waiting for the others. Krystal was sitting across of me quietly talking to Andy and Jordan was next to me.

I thought about what happened not an hour ago...

 "I... I just found her like this." I heard a small voice say. That was when I realized there was someone else in the room with us. I turned around and faced a girl around 19, maybe older. She had straight, auburn hair and green eyes. She was kind of skinny, but not too skinny... A nice sort of skinny.

She was wearing a hoodie that looked a bit large for her, and black skinny jeans. The sleeves went past her hands so she just hid them there.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I..." Her voice came out like a whisper; so fragile. "I come to check on her every once in a while... I live down the hall. I've been gone for a few months and I recently got back... I came to check on her not 5 minutes ago and she put her phone down." Tears pooled up in her eyes, "She seemed fine except she was crying and then... she just passed out... I didn't know what to do."

She started crying.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

Andy walked up to her, "Hey, look, it's okay. No one's at fault here. Now what's your name?"

"Krystal. Krystal Myers."

"They're on their way." Jordan said, coming back in to check on Scream. I couldn't let her go. I just couldn't. I knew I would have to eventually, but I wanted her in my arms. Safe; like I thought she was.

I thought about it. I knew I was an idiot, honestly. I should've just told Scream I liked her. Alaina was just some excuse I had used to try and... I don't know... forget the fact that maybe I liked Scream. If I just had had the guts to try again I would.

You know that feeling of guilt?

That one that you get when you know you should say something, but you don't, and then all of a sudden something bad happens, and you can't shake the feeling of 'this is all my fault'.

Now, I know, you would ask, 'How is this your fault, Ashley?' well, it is, alright?! I should've told her how I felt because if I had just told her then maybe, just maybe, she wouldn't be here. I would never have gone off with Alaina, and she wouldn't have gone out in the rain that night a few weeks ago, and maybe she wouldn't have practically disappeared off the face of the earth two weeks ago.

Two weeks.

She was missing for two weeks, but I was too caught up with Alaina to notice.

I'm a terrible person.

Andy's POV

The more I got to know Krystal, the more I started to like her. But not like her like her. Just... like her... I mean not like her in a I-want-her-to-be-my-girlfriend kind of way but in a oh-she-seems-nice-I-want-to-be-friends-with-her way.

I'm serious, I want to be friends with her.

I watched her play with her hands in the sleeves, sort of in a shy fashion. It seemed kind of cute. Again: Friendly way!



"So all of high school I was bullied... It was terrible, but I've gotten over it... I dropped out after that, I couldn't take it anymore. Then my parents called me a failure and my dad - he always had this drinking problem, like I just told you, but he took it beyond the limit. He was terrible to me and started getting abusive..." She kept playing with her hands, not looking at me, or bothering to check whether I was listening. I guess she knew that I actually was. "I ran away and ended up in the same building as Scream. She helped me out a bit, and soon I was back on my feet. I always checked on her, because soon enough she was starting to have it worse off than I was. She never let me help her, though. Said she wanted to accomplish something herself..."

This girl had a horrible life. Time to make it better.

That's when the others barged in.

"Where is she?!" Aurelie asked, I noticed there was a boy we haven't met yet standing next to her and Wynter.

Ashley looked up, "She's... She's still in surgery."


I must leave you here like this because... I'M FINALLY GOING OUT



Okay, I gotta get ready, I have 10-15 minutes left.

Bye bye!

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