One Direction Imagines & Pref...

By sabriina_marie

18.1K 141 11

One Direction Imagines x Clean, Romantic, Sad, & Dirty;)) (NOTE: I made this back in the 8th grade and now it... More

One Direction Imagines & Preferences
Niall Horan(Dirty Teacher Imagine)
Niall Horan(Dirty Imagine)
#1.How You Tell Him You're Pregnant
#2.Your First Date
Louis (Camping Imagine)
Zayn (Fight Imagine)
#3.Your Twitter Convo
Niall Imagine(For Ally)
#4.How He Proposes(2/5)
#4.How He Proposes(3/5)
#5.How You Meet(2/5)


871 9 0
By sabriina_marie


I found this online, and I just love it so much, so I'm just sharing it with guys :) , Enjoy!!! x



You look down at both your intertwined hands and can't help but smile to yourself. You still can't believe that your boyfriendis Niall Horan - also, he's your first boyfriend. You two haven't been dating for long, only a good week or so. You've never kissed him before, or any boy to be truthful.

You're actually sort of afraid that you won't know what to do when he leans in and kisses you. And thanks to Zayn who so kindly hinted around; he plans on kissing you today. You're really nervous and you have no idea what to do when the time comes.

You two go back to your house after your walk around the neighbourhood on this beautiful summer day. Once you get on the porch, you turn to Niall and smile, your cheeks blushing a bit.

Niall rests one hand on your waist and he tucks a piece of hair behind your ear before resting the other hand on one side of your face. You slowly wrap your arms around his warm neck and smile a bit.

"Well, I have to go see the lads for a show coming up but ... I'll see you later?" he asks hopefully, smiling a bit.

You nod and add, "Yeah see you later!"

Niall remains there and your heart stops. This is it, your first kiss is finally going to happen. You feel as if you can't breathe and Niall slowly moves in, tilting his head a bit and closing his eyes.

You just remain there as Niall continues leaning in and you have absolutely no idea what to do. Do you close your eyes or wait until he's actually kissing you? Are you supposed to lean in as well or?

Your thoughts get interrupted by a soft warm pair of lips pressing gently against your own. You feel as if the whole world stops and your heart finally feels like it's beating again. His lips feel soft against yours and it feels right - the perfect fit.

As if on instinct, you close your eyes and kiss him back - not even knowing what your doing. Your lips are moving as one and the kiss is amazing! His warm lips tingle against yours and you wish they'd never leave. You feel him apply more pressure with his lips; kissing you deeper than before. You find yourself doing the same and running your fingers through his hair, sucking gently on his bottom lip.

Niall pulls his lips away slowly, gently pulling on your bottom lip before pulling away but pecks them softly once more before resting his forehead against yours, grinning the biggest smile you've ever seen him have.

Your cheeks redden and Niall grins even more which you didn't even think was possible. Your first kiss is already over, but it was perfect.

"I'll see you later [Y/N]," he smiles and pecks your cheek softly before pulling away.

He waves at you before hoping into the car. You didn't even notice all the other boys staring from the car - you didn't even know his ride was already there! You were too caught in the amazing kiss.

After the car is gone, you smile and slowly slide down against the door, grinning like a big idiot and biting on your lip; trying to make the smile not seem too big.

That kiss is the only thing on your mind for the rest of the day.

- - -

"Come on we should get off the bed," your boyfriend of five months, Niall, says.

"Noooooo," you reply, intertwining your legs with his. "Let's stay!" You do your cute pout thing that Niall almost always falls for. He looks at you and groans, trying to shield his eyes which makes you giggle.

"That's what you said five minutes ago [Y/N]," he chuckles but pulls you closer anyways.

You smile and rest your head in his warm chest, playing with his fingers. You've fallen hard for Niall in the past five months and you love him - much more than you even thought was possible. You don't know what you'd do without this boy; he's basically your life. You love him so much.

Niall starts lifting up but you stop him and look up into his eyes.

"We could ... you knooow," you say in a sing-song voice, pecking his lips softly.

Niall's been sort of hinting that he wants to have sex. He tries not to make it obvious but the boners didn't help much and let's just say you two never went swimming anymore or else Niall wouldn't be able to deal which you find hilarious. It's so cute to see him all flustered and upset that he can't do anything about it so he grumbles to himself under his breath while pacing around. It's really quite a sight to watch.

You want to take the next step with him and make love, you're just so afraid - you're a virgin. You're afraid you won't be good in bed and also ... you're really self conscious about your body; being curvy and all.

Niall says he adores your curves and he says, quote: "There's more to cuddle with.", but you hate it anyways. You don't like your curves with clothes on, with clothes off? You're afraid Niall won't like what's in front of him. You don't want him to cringe whenever he thinks of having sex after you do the first time. You want it to be perfect - with him having more experience than you.

"Don't joke about that [Y/N]," Niall groans, already getting a little bump in his lower region.

You may have joked about it in the past before to tease him and make fun of his boner. Truth is, you said that so he could stay lying down but you actually do want to have sex with him. You feel as if you're finally ready - whether your body agrees with you or not.

"I'm not joking Niall," you say softly, your voice trembling a bit.

He looks down into your eyes and his eyes go huge. He grins and says, "Are you sure about this? I don't want to rush anything."

You nod and smile. "No I'm sure, I'm ready."

Niall smiles and leans down, pecking your lips softly. You kiss him back and let yourself drown into the kiss, deepening it ever-so-slowly. He pulls you closer and you sit down on his lap; your legs on either side of him. His tongue licks your lower lip gently and you smile, loving the feeling of his tongue against your lower lip. You part your mouth and let him in.

He tugs gently on your bottom shirt and you freeze into the kiss and wince; your reflex kicking in. Niall notices and sighs, pulling away. He runs a hand through his blonde hair and looks deep into your eyes, making your heart skip a beat.

"[Y/N] it's fine, we can still cuddle on the bed for a good half an hour if that's what you want. I just don't want you doing this other than for yourself," he tells you, intertwining his hand with yours.

You wince and close your eyes, feeling so scared and vulnerable. Your cheeks turn red and you feel as if you can't breathe; you have to tell him what's been taunting your mind for awhile now. You quickly just let it out and say, "I'mafraidIwon'tbegoodinbedandyouwon'tlikemycurves."

Niall doesn't say anything and you peek your eyes open. Niall looks like a lost puppy as he tries to revise on what you said in one breath. You bite your lip to keep from smiling and shut your eyes again; embarrassed that you just confused him. He looks so cute though when he's lost - it's one of the most aodrable things he does.

"Ohh," Niall mutters, finally understanding. "[Y/N], please look at me beautiful."

You slowly open your eyes and he cups your jaw with both his hands, warming up your jaw with his warm hands and looking deeply into your eyes. You feel your heart melt slowly from his intense staring and you love being this close to him.

"It's not possible for someone to not be good while making love hun. Pleasure is pleasure and it will always feel good. We'll take things super slow and go easy, I won't do anything to hurt you on purpose. And [Y/N] sweetheart, you know I love your curves! They make you unique and there's more to cuddle to. I love it beautiful and most of all; I love you! It's not too late to back out of this sweetie."

You're so touched and shocked by everything Niall just told you. You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him deeply and passionately on the lips. Niall seems shocked but he kisses you back deeply, resting his hands on your waist. You feel him smile into the kiss which makes you smile.

You pull away and slowly press your lips against his ear. You breathe lightly and say, "I'm 100% sure I want to do this."

Niall grins and presses his lips back down on yours, kissing you deeply. You smile and kiss him back, enjoying the feel of his lips on yours. He gently licks your bottom lip and starts taking off your pants.

You ignore your heartbeat speeding up and just focus on Niall's tongue running over yours. You run your hands down to the bottom of Niall's white polo and pull it off - detaching your lips from his for a few seconds while you pull it over his head.

You're about to press your lips back on his but he tugs gently on your shirt before slowly lifting it up. You bite down on your lip nervously as the top fully comes off and hits the ground.

Niall eyes what he can already see and you feel his boner increase against your bum. You giggle and surprisingly Niall blushes just a bit. His warm hands run up your stomach to the ending of your bra. You start chewing on your bottom lip and look at Niall.

He gives you a look asking to continue, you slowly nod and watch him. He brings his hands to the back of your bra and gently unhooks it, slowly taking it off.

The minute the bra leaves you, you feel overexposed. Your immediate reflex is to cover your arms over your breasts - which you do. Niall takes your arms in his hands and slowly moves them away, never taking his eyes off you.

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