The Bad Girl And The Bad Boy...

By olivia_0000

1.9M 47.8K 8.5K

You know them boys that ride the best cars, the hottest guys walking on earth, the players, the popular ones... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Ooops Not a Chapter
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 7

59.9K 1.3K 164
By olivia_0000

Truth or Dare

Amber's POV:

I woke up, it was Wednesday. Josh went straight home after our conversation on Sunday. I missed him, I way I was alone and he lived right next to me. I decided to message him and Claire to come over.

Come over in 20 :) - Amber

Miss me already ;) - Josh

I couldn't be bothered replying. I took a shower, I put my hair in a ponytail, and did my make up. I wore ripped jeans and the bralette I bought yesterday.

I'm coming with Luke and Jake ;) - Josh

Claire is coming too - Amber

I forgot to tell Claire to come, I quickly dialled her number.

"Hey!" I began.

"Hi, what's up?" She replied.

"The sky."

She chuckled.

"So why you calling?" She asked again.

"Come over." I anwsered.

"On my way." Then she ended the call.

She lived a few streets from mine, so she would get there before the boys.


20 minutes later, I ordered a pizza and we all sat on the couch, me inbetween Luke and Josh, Jake next To Claire, and Claire next to Luke.

"Shall we play never have I ever?" Asked Jake.

"Are we five? Lets play truth or dare." Liam spoke.
We all agreed and started playing.

"Liam I dare you to eat a spoonful of cinamon." Said Josh.

He did it.

10 minutes later, Claire was covered in eggs, Jake was sick after eating a raw egg, and Liam was only in his boxers, then it came to Josh's turn.

"Josh, I dare you to kiss Amber."

Josh looked calm, I on the other hand wasn't too glad.

"I'm hungry!" I shouted.

And then went downstairs, what a way to avoid your problems Amber, ignore them until they go away. It was quite late, Luke and Jake were leaving and Claire was asleep on the couch, Josh tucked her in.
It was awkward between me and Josh after I didn't do the dare to kiss him.
I did want to kiss him I don't know why I didn't do it.

I walked over to lock the door, as I was going to sleep but then, I got trapped between the wall and Josh.

"I always complete my dares." He whispered in my ear making me shiver.

He slowly leaned in, I'm not going to make the same mistake, I put my hand on his back and ran the other through his hair, our lips nearly touched, and then...

"BAM!" The door opens.

My mom came back.

"Mom! Wasn't you supposed to come back tomorrow." I asked "

Technically,  today because it's one am but I came early! Surprise!"

Surprised indeed.

"Is that your boyfriend, he's Juliet's son, our neighbour, right?"

"Um yeah." Josh replied.

"You were supposed to take care of her?" My mom questioned

"Yes" He anwsered.

"What's your name, dear?"

"Josh Wilson. "

"Lovely, well you're welcome here anytime."

"Mom! You don't even know him!"

"Did he phisically abuse you?" She questioned.

"No." I replied.

"Did he try to rape you?"

"Well..." I started.

"Of course not." Josh replied with a smile on his face, which was forced, he then glared at me.

"Great, well I'm going to bed, it's been a long trip."

"Goodnight." Both me and Josh say at the same time.

It was really awkward with me and Josh we were both staring at each other. The word i'm looking for is uncomfortable.

"Well, I'm going now." He said sweetly.

"Yeah...erm bye!"
I replied panicing, so as stupid as I am I smacked the door in his face...again.

I need to stop doing that!

Joshua's POV:

"I dare you to kiss Amber." I was sat next to her I turned  my head towards Amber's direction and leaned in. She swiftly shouted "I'm hungry!" and rushed downstairs. I went after her Luke and Jake were about to leave. Claire was asleep on the couch. It was just me and Amber.


I wanted to start a conversation but I couldn't. Why was I like this around her?

I saw her walk towards the door to lock it so I decided that it's time.

I blocked her inbetween me and the wall.
"I always complete my dares." I whispered.

I leaned in this time she did the same, we were both ready, our chests were touching, her hand was on my back the other one ran through my hair, I could feel her minty breath on my face. And then...

"BAM!" the door opens.

I saw her mom step in the house, we let go of each other as soon as we heard the door. We were so close!


I went home, I got to bed but I couldn't sleep I kept on thinking about her and how close we were. She was destroying me. She made me feel something I haven't felt.

Did you do it yet?- Luke

What? - Josh

The bet.- Luke

I forgot about the bet! Why am I so dumb? I realised, I'm Josh Wilson, the player, the bad boy, I can't just like someone, I can't fall for someone, they have to fall for me! That's how it works.


They nearly kissed!

But don't forget about the bet!

Will Josh fall for Amber and cancel the bet?

Or will he just be a typical player and do the bet and forget?

This chapter was slightly longer, thanks for reading.


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