GOLD & FLOWERS // tronnor

By mindrop

46.1K 3.2K 2.7K

@troyesivan: @connorfranta can i marry you holy fuck @connorfranta: @troyesivan buy me aesthetics first - whe... More

"i'm 69 years of fucking age"
"i am a grown man"
"gotta eat that ass!"
"i can be all you have"
"are you gay?"
"answer please"
"i need to talk to someone"
"your face brings me joy babe"
"is it still love?"
"i miss you"
"his devotion was not enough"
"perhaps another visitor?"
"lay with me"
"id fall for him anyday"
"i do happen to like you a lot"
1K READS !!!
"connor franta is my boyfriend!"
"i love you"
"only you"
"keep on kissing"
"gold paint, please"
10K READS !!!!
"people wear what they want"
"thank you"
"more important than this?"
"i love him!"
"you're beautiful"
"sound familiar?"
"i want you"
"i need you so badly"
"i may have fucked up"
"so much help you've been"
"i gotta let him go"
"smile for me?"
"ball and chain"
"we were expecting you"
"all i need is him"
NOW (start to) READ THIS!
author/character q&a!
alternative ending

"wanna move in?"

744 49 35
By mindrop

Troye stirred awake to the bright white light that shone from Connor's window. He felt an arm that was wrapped around his blanketed body but was laid the other way where he couldn't see the boy's face. He sighs deeply and smiles, before turning himself around to find Connor sound asleep.

His arm was still wrapped around him however, and Troye was able to slip out his arm from his hold and moved his hands to his angelic pale cheek and brushed his fingers on the surface. He smiles to himself as Connor stirred in his sleep, but didn't wake up fully and instead was capable of  pulling his body closer to his', where Troye's head was almost to his chest - where his legs were dangling off of the bed, of course.

He giggles softly and admires his soft facial features with his thin lips closed and everything was so silent, he could hear him breathing through his nose. Troye brings his hand up to his nose and pinches the side just slightly. Immediately Connor's mouth opens into an 'O' shape and he attempts to take in a breath. He gasps and his eyes flutter open when Troye takes his hand off, now laughing as his boyfriend groaned at him.

"Oh, haha," Connor says sarcastically as Troye continues to giggle next to him. He rolls over on top of him where the blankets begin to fall and positions his hands on the sides of his face so that he was looking down at the beautiful creature that was his boyfriend. When he felt his skin on his, it reminded the two that they were still both naked. "Hi."

"Morning," he hums. "You sleep well?"

"Yes, that was until you almost stopped my breathing."

"I wanted you to wake up." He pouts.

"There are so many other ways to wake someone up you doofus," Connor responds.

"Shut up and kiss me."

He laughs but closes the space between them and they both meet into a soft and brief kiss, their chests pressed together before Troye breaks away, grimacing slightly. "Never mind. Morning kisses aren't for me."

Connor gasps in shock playfully. "Rude."

However he gets off of him lazily and walks over to his dresser on the other side of the room to get a fresh set of clothes. He didn't feel really exposed at all as at this point, he was comfortable around Troye with or without anything on. But he did feel a blush burn on his cheeks as he began to turn around to ask if he wanted to take a shower first. Troye's eyes were practically staring through his body but with complete heart eyes with his back just slumped against the head board of the bed, the white sheets still able to cover his bottom half but they were both semi-hard. Troye mentally groaned because he knew he'd have to take a cold shower.

"I'm one lucky man," he says contently, as Connor turned back around shyly to get his clothes.

"Quit staring at my ass," Connor rolled his eyes, though he couldn't see. He pulls out a random T-shirt and some sweatpants, assuming they were going to stay in. "Wanna do anything today?"

"Honestly after last night, I don't think I can walk," he admits.

"Oh stop overreacting," he turns to face him, half naked with his pants. "I wasn't that rough, was I?"

Troye quirks an eyebrow and to prove his point, he got out of the bed just fine but as he planted his feet on the floor and stood up, he - quite dramatically - shrieked out in pain and placed his hands on his thighs with a hunched back, screaming silently as he looked over at him in pain. "What did you do to me?"

Connor just laughed. "You're ridiculous."

Obviously he was and Troye stood up normally and laughed to himself. He made his way over to the now clothed boy and pecked his lips. "But really, my legs are kinda sore. Wanna slug off?"

"Yeah, sounds good," he agrees, and throws him a pair of sweatpants. "Wanna shower first?"

Troye shook his head as he slips them on. "Nah, you can."

"Kay," Connor nods, but before he could make his way out the room, he asks, "Could you change the sheets, too? There's probably still some...stuff on it."

He laughs. "Of course, I'll make us breakfast too."

Connor pulled out his phone from the pocket of his sweatpants and gave him a look. "It's 1:20pm, and you can barely make pancakes. Just order delivery or something."

"No, I make good food!" Troye exclaims back, crossing his arms on his naked chest, pouting slightly. "Come on, why waste money when you got chef Mellet in the household?"

His boyfriend gives him another look, but then gives him a "whatever" face. "Fine, just please don't burn the house down. I kinda wanna live in it for a little longer."

"You got it." He grins, clasping his hands as he exited the room. He opens back the dresser where Connor had evenly separated his clothes from his, saying they could buy another dresser soon, but Troye didn't really care. He felt more homely when Connor let him use his own things. It was like he was living with him, though Troye doubt that would ever happen, which got him to start thinking. Maybe he should start looking for places to stay in. Preferably close to him, of course.

He threw on a LANY t-shirt he found in this alternative store with Connor which both agreed to share on wearing and grabbed his phone from the pants he had worn yesterday before things got a little...crazy.

And being the good boyfriend he was, he grabbed all the clothes and pulled off the dirty bed sheets and walked over to the small and cramped laundry room across the hall Connor had shown him just once and tossed it in a hamper stored next to the actual machine, not knowing how to function it at all. After that he quickly grabs a comforter and makes the bed neatly as he wanted to make the food before he could come out the shower.

He finally makes his way towards the kitchen and ponders around before thinking what he was going to make, and gasps like a light bulb flickered in his mind — mac and fucking cheese. He scrambles towards the cupboards and opens whatever he could and thankfully, there were boxes of the small noodles and he took out one after setting out the pot.

Troye wasn't surprised when he could barely find the cheese - which he ended up finding cheddar all the way in the back of the fridge - and seeing a bit more than half of the milk still full and it expired the next day.  Tsking to himself, he took a few minutes to boil the noodles and shamelessly yelped at the large flame that came bursting at him.

He then returned to the stove after draining out the water with some salt and began grating loads of the cheese from its block form, letting it melt gracefully onto the noodles and stirred once in a while. By now he was giving himself pats in the back because he felt like a pro as he hadn't made any messes just yet. That and also he's been making this exact same recipe for years whenever he was home alone and he had to make food, which was most of the time.

After adding all the cheese and a bit of milk, he hears the water turn off from down the hall and Troye quickly stirs the holy cheesy goodness in the pot one last time before serving it in the white bowls on the counter.

He hears footsteps from down the hall and he returns back to the fridge once again to put away the milk and the small portion of the cheese and took out a container of orange juice to serve with it. "Troye?" He hears from down the hall.

"In the kitchen!"

A few seconds later he's met by Connor with his wet hair that curled a bit at the sides and the t-shirt he was wearing before stuck to his body much more than before. Troye was concerned if he knew how to dry himself completely, but he didn't really care about it because he could see the shadows of his abs through the loose shirt.

"And what has Chef Mellet prepared for us today?" Connor questions, leaning on the chair behind the table as he peered over the dish. "Did you use the fire extinguisher?"

"Shut up," Troye rolled his eyes, but then alternates his voice into a solid and professional tone. "I have prepared for you today a boiled cursive pasta served in smalls with a brilliant orange dairy product that is cheddar cheese as the sauce to glue it all together, with a splash of 2% milk to empower with a creamy texture and that freshness of this dish. And to season I added some bit of salt and pepper and other spices to bring the flavor all together to make this delectable masterpiece."

"It's just mac and cheese, Tro."

[if u kno this meme ily]

"Let us feast!" Troye exclaims, raising his arms and quickly rushed over to Connor's side of the table (while limping) and respectfully takes the seat from underneath the table for him to sit.

"Why thanks," Connor laughs and moves the chair back up to the table where he looked at the decently prepared food. "I don't remember buying microwave mac and cheese."

Troye gasped. "Because I made it, jesus," he groaned. "I've been making it since I was little. It's been my favorite food since my mom taught me how to make it and whenever my parents were out - which was like all the time - I'd make it for myself."

"Well I guess it must be good," Connor grins at him, and he picked up his fork with some noodles and took a bite. He raised his eyebrows and his eyes widened slightly as he chewed. "Well, shit. That's fucking amazing."

He smiles and eats as well. "Damn right it is."

Troye finds this as an opportunity to finally check his phone as they ate in silence and when he opened to his lockscreen, he furrowed his eyebrows at the amount of notifications he got from Tyler. He opens up to the app and scans the messages, his eyebrows crossing in concern.

"Are you alright?" Connor asks, looking at him from across the table in concern as well.

"Yeah, yeah," Troye nods, not looking up from his phone, and began to reply.

dm messages — [pretend it wasnt his bday]

@tyleroakley: pls come home :((((((

@tyleroakley: bring cockroach too if u want


@troyesivan: ty what the fuck

@tyleroakley: TROYE PLS

@tyleroakley: what the hell were u doing yesterday anyway it wasn't that late

@troyesivan: erm, stuff

@tyleroakley: boi

@troyesivan: ok fine, we did it

@tyleroakley: bOI I IICI U

@tyleroakley: PROUD OF MY GAY SON

@tyleroakley: how was I T TT ??

@troyesivan: oml shut up it was amazing, now can we talk about this situation now ??!

@tyleroakley: right right

@tyleroakley: is there any way you can come back home ????

@troyesivan: yea but for what?? what can we do ??

@tyleroakley: ..keep me company?

@troyesivan: ty, oh my god

@tyleroakley: tro im so scared, he literally called and texted me right before you texted back

@troyesivan: what'd he say ??

@tyleroakley: "Call me back, now. We need to talk, or I will find you."

@troyesivan: well shit, a correctly grammatical threat

@tyleroakley: bitCh




@troyesivan: ty theres no way he can find you, the club was all the way out in the city. and you have security cameras all over the building. he can't possibly just get in and kidnap you

@tyleroakley: ..i guess youre right. but i have all my things packed

@troyesivan: my god tyler

@tyleroakley: im hiding in the closet

@troyesivan: lMAO

@tyleroakley: what

@troyesivan: u back in the closet

@tyleroakley: SHUT UP OMG I HATE YOu

@tyleroakley: this is srs i am hurt :(

@troyesivan: ikik, you're safe tho alright

@tyleroakley: yea ywsh

@tyleroakley: oHFUCK

@tyleroakley: someoen rang the doorbell and knocked rlly loud

@troyesivan: its just the police, youre fine

@tyleroakley: yea but dont they like yell "police!" or some shit?? or like break down the door

@troyesivan: ty do u want to die or not

@tyleroakley: jc alright im getting out of the closet

@troyesivan: pft

@tyleroakley: if i die, i wrote a eulogy to all my friends and family, and employees at my work

@troyesivan: are u srs

@tyleroakley: yes, i am 100% fucking serious

@tyleroakley: i love you troye

@tyleroakley: if i die, bring that $20 u owe me at my funeral

@troyesivan: ur not gonna die the author wouldnt kill ur tiny and precious soul

@tyleroakley: dID U JUST BREAK THE 4TH WALL

@troyesivan: stay safe boo ly text me when ur safe

@tyleroakley: bye :'


"Who were you texting?" Connor asks when Troye decides put pit his phone down.

"Just Ty," he shurgs, not wanting to worry him this time. Hopefully it won't be all over the news, he just wanted them to feel safe and know that everything was over so they can live their lives in peace. "He just misses me and all."

He nods slowly and understandingly when a notification sound appeared from his phone. "You know he can visit you, or vice versa," he suggests as he picks up the phone.

"Yeah, but maybe some other time when-"

"Oh, shit!" Connor suddenly shouts, groaning as he put the phone down on the table. Troye furrows his eyebrows, it wasn't on the news already, was it?

"What's wrong?"

"Sorry," he sighs. "It's nothing."

"That didn't seem like nothing." Troye raises an eyebrows, knowing that it wasn't what he was worrying about.

Connor shook his head. "It's just something I've been working on for work,"

"Wait, you have a job?" Troye asks. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"No it's not official, it's a work in progress," he purses his lips. "It's a lifestyle brand, called Common Culture, but my manager said that he can't find anyone for me to sign for the music label. And that's an important part of this whole thing."

"Common Culture," Troye repeats. "Wait you've tweeted about it, haven't you?"

He nods. "Yeah, but I stopped because the market crashed and that's why I'm practically losing money."

"Oh Con, I'm sorry," Troye sighs.

"It's fine," Connor shrugged. "Business is business."

His boyfriend looks down glumly and chews on his lip and glances back up at Connor who was scraping his fork inside the empty bowl. He smiles lightly. "I'm gonna find a job," he states. "And help you."

"You don't have to, Tro," Connor looks up at him, his eyes really saying he didn't have to which just made him more motivated to fine one.

"I will, alright? I'm going to have to soon anyways. I can't just slack around your house doing nothing."

" house?" Connor asks quietly.

Troye furrows his eyebrows. "Yeah?"

"Oh, I thought we were..."

"What?" Troye just felt much more confused.

Connor looks at him and makes an expression Troye couldn't quite read. "I can't believe I've never mentioned it. Um, do you wanna move in?"

Troye was completely thrown off. Him moving in? He thought only married couples do that. But he looks at him and he looks like it wasn't a big deal, maybe because he was calling this home for three weeks and spent literally every second with him. But moving in? He doesn't understand how Connor would be able to deal with him for the next few years, if they even go up to that point.

But Connor seems to be waiting for an answer and Troye's smile seem to be growing wider. They were going to get their life together as an official couple, overcoming any obstacle that comes in their way in this next step of their relationship. "Yes, I'd love to move in with you."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

yea i broke the 4th wall come at me ;; and no tyler aint gonna die but phil is still important sO YE !!!

also new fic comin vv soon !!! and im planning this fic to be coming to an end with five more chapters and possibly an epilogue and/or character ask but yea positive 5 more chaps its literally been amazing how much this story has grown anD AHHhh just wanna thank u guys so much for all the love !!! <3

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