That Wallflower (A One Direct...

By chips-aharry

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After three years of being nothing, just a simple, invisible, nobody, the Player of The Fantastic Five takes... More

That Wallflower (Coming May 28, 2013)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (Finally, right?)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 not edited. at all. sorry. :/
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Author's/ Apology Note *not edited so don't read if you're unedite phobic* :D
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 (the A/Ns an absolute mess, people)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Ask away
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 21

450 27 9
By chips-aharry

Chapter 21


I wasn’t sure at all what was going on with Cordelia, but I admit that I was feeling slightly betrayed since I did not know of her beforehand. I continued to walk around. I had been told that she was with her “blond friend” and she was undoubtedly discussing Perrie, but I wasn’t sure if I should go.

I mean, I won’t lie, I honestly want the conversation to be more private, but that might be hard if we’re in Perrie’s room.

I sighed and then stood up from where I sat in my own room. Screw it, I thought. Liam had already gone to make his regret known so he wasn’t in the room like usual singing Justin Timberlake. I left my room bringing my jacket with me. December just began so everything is fucking ice cold right now.

Jade’s room was in the girl’s dorms which was across campus for reasons of gender difference. I knew that Perrie’s was close to it; sometimes I have to go there to find Zayn and other times we just hung out together.

I stuffed my hands into my pockets as I paced towards Jade’s room. I probably will get frostbite if I don’t.

When I reached her room I exhaled before lifting my hand and knocking on the door.

The door opened. I was met with Perrie’s wide blue eyes. They sparkled as she grinned. “Ello, Niall. What brings you by my flat this evening, hm?” she asked.

I blushed, though I’m sure it was easy to assume it was from the cold, as I shrugged sheepishly. “I’m looking for Jade, actually.”

She nodded. “Of course. I’ll go on another walk so you two can talk.” She glanced behind her and nodded at me. I heard her say, “It’s the blonde one.”

I grinned and chuckled as she passed by me, putting on a jacket. “I’ll be back you two.” She whispered quietly, “I’ll tell you what I told Liam: use protection.” She winked.

“Pez, stop!”

Perrie cackled loudly as she walked past me and off down the hall. “Just saying!”

Jade came to the door, a frown set in her eyebrow as she glared at Perrie’s still giddy retreating figure. She shook her head and exhaled. “Sorry. She’s . . . off,” she told me with a nod.

I grinned and then began to giggle, causing her to join. “I see,” I nodded.

She nodded. “Come on in.”

I nodded at her and then entered. It hadn’t really changed; sheets of paper laying around with a few journals, a lap top on a desk with pencils on it. I sighed and put my hands back in my pockets as the back of my neck began to itch again.

“So why are you here?” she questioned before sitting on the bed. She bounced causing her hair to fly up and down a bit.

I ruffled my hair and scrunched up my face. “Uh- it’s about earlier . . .” I trailed off, waiting for a reaction.

She remained impassive. “What about earlier?”

Her hazel eyes eyed me carefully and I felt a lump in my throat. Jeez. It’s times like this where I wish I would’ve thought everything through just a bit more. “Uhh,” I hummed vacantly. “I- I guess I’m sorry?”

“You guess?” she confirmed.

I hit my face. I sounded so dumb and I was very uncollected. I sighed. “Um, yeah.”

She nodded decisively. “So what exactly are you sorry for? For humiliating me? For starting a fight on stage?” she fired back to back. Her eyebrows rose. “I could go on. Pick your choice.”

I ran my fingers through my hair. When I’m nervous I take all my stress out on my hair or my neck. “I’m sorry for all of that.”

She didn’t seem satisfied. “What exactly were you guys fighting about?”

I was mute.

“Harry, the best thing you can do right now, is back the hell off,” I seethed.

His eyes narrowed and he snorted. “You’re only saying that because she only sees you as an adorable friend. I bet that if you were to make a move she’d friend zone your arse so-”

Immaturely not wanting to hear any more I threw my fist at him on impulse.

My mouth wavered. What do I say?

I bet that if you were to make a move she’d friend zone you. . .

I shook my head. “Uhh . . .”

Her arms crossed over her chest. “Well? And don’t play dumb.” She stood up, probably because it made her seem more intimidating.

I stared at her. Looking at her right now, part of me knew Harry was right. I was growing these feelings for the girl with the big glasses and I was scared of being friend zoned, especially since she most likely would friend zone me.

Or would she?

“What did Liam say?” I dodged.

She shook her head. “Liam wasn’t the one to punch another person,” she insisted. I was silent continuously and she sighed. “What were you and Harry talking about?”

I shook my head. “How about you for once not play dumb?” I questioned.

She lost her patronizing look and seemed shocked. “Wh- what?”

“You heard me, Jade. You’re supposed to be smart so I’m sure you can figure out that it was about you. Harry fancies you, so does Liam I guess, even that Marcel guy seems to have this thing for you!” I exclaimed.

Her eyes were wide as I got closer to her.

“And I- I think I might also,” I admitted.

I felt a weight leave me. After about a week of knowing her, I had grown this admiration for her and standing here and now I am just spewing out all these words I want her to hear. I may be rejected, but at least I’ll know there wasn’t a chance. I don’t think I was in love with her or anything, but I felt this tether to her grow stronger with each and every day.

I was now in front of her. I slowly, very hesitantly brought my hand to her face. I wanted to know she wasn’t going to swat my hand away, and I felt that way as she remained still, looking up at my face. I swallowed. “Jade,” I began quietly. “Don’t you see you’re driving us all crazy?”

She stared up at me in shock. I don’t know why she wasn’t doing or saying anything. I wanted a reaction. I wanted a no or a yes. An answer. I wanted this to either end or continue on a bright looking path.

And I don’t know what it meant to her, but her hand lifted and held onto my face. Her eyes seemed to get bright with tears. “Niall,” she whispered.

With that I got this feeling in the pit of my stomach. He was right, I thought. She was going to friend zone me. Right here and right-

Before my thought could finish she kissed me.


I tugged a strand of hair behind my ear and then stepped out my new room. I walked out of it. This was my first day. I remember something similar to this. When I first moved to England where my dad and Jade’s mom met, I immediately began to make friends. I was American which they found awesome. They wanted all the details- the in, the out. It was easy winning them over.

But this is high school; a boarding school at that and as I walked down the hallway with people staring I heard multiple American voices, so clearly I was simply a new girl with nothing special. I kept my head down and then found my locker. I grinned and cheered. At least I didn’t have to look for Perrie, I thought. That would be too awkward. Especially since she will probably be giving me the cold shoulder about my history with Jade.

I found my text books in my locker like yesterday when we put them there. We went over a schedule. Since my math and English class are very far apart, it’d be best to carry both of those books in the morning. So I put them both in my book bag and closed my locker. I locked it in place and ran straight into someone.

I gasped as a bunch of papers flew around. They weren’t mine and although Jade will say otherwise I’m not completely heartless. Plus since this is my first day, I could use all the friends possible. I looked into jade green eyes behind brown glasses. “I- I’m sorry.” Okay, maybe I was a bit of a cliché popular girl at my last school but as this boy began to stutter an apology and I took in all his features, mentally giving him a makeover, I couldn’t deny he was kinda cute.

“No no. I- I’m sorry,” he stammered.

I leaned down and helped pick up the papers. “No. I should’ve watched where I was going. I guess you could say I’m new around here so I don’t know my way around,” I smiled kindly.

He chortled. “Yeah. I can tell. I thought I didn’t recognize you,” he stated.

“Well,” I shrugged making a face causing us both to laugh. “I’m Cordelia,” I introduced, putting my hand out. He took it and nodded, a smile brightening his face revealing an even more adorable dimple. I never thought a boy who dresses like my late grandfather would be so attractive to me. This place is already unhealthy.

His eyes caught sight of his watch. A crease formed in his brow. “And I’m late,” he murmured more to himself. “I’m Marcel,” he nodded, bowing his head to me. This dude, I thought already feeling fond of this character. “I’m running late, but it was nice to meet someone who didn’t immediately step all over me.”

“Well I did almost ruin some of your papers,” I blushed with a nervous titter.

He nodded. “Almost.” He then turned and ran off.

I sighed. Is it possible to crush on someone even though under any different circumstances (at the risk of sounding bitchy) you would’ve found them inferior to you?

I think so.

I turned around and with just my luck bumped into another person, though this time the only thing to fall was me. My butt hit the ground and I yelped. I hissed and then began to rub my butt without thinking. “Jesus Christ. This is just not my day.”

“Um- sorry,” this person apologized.

I looked up. Déjà vu, anybody? Jade eyes here though there were no glasses. A hand filled my vision and I grasped it. He pulled and I was soon back on my feet, though I kind of stumbled into his chest, nearly dragging both of us down.

I grimaced. “Sorry! This isn’t the most ideal first day. I’m plowing down cute boys by the second,” I blurted awkwardly. My smile disappeared. “S-sorry. Sometimes words flow from my mind to my mouth without my permission and it’s just like ‘it’s been said!’” I laughed and he seemed confused. My laughter dried up. I am such a dork. My face heated. “Just like that. I babbled. I’m sorry,” I grimaced again.

He chuckled. “It’s okay, love. I knocked you over technically,” he comforted.

I smiled.

“So you’re new?” he questioned.

I nodded. “Yeah. Just imported yesterday.”

“May I ask why? I’m nosy,” he informed.

I chuckled. “Uh- well, I guess you could say that I was a bad girl,” I said without thinking. I sighed. “Mommy and Daddy found out their baby girl liked partying a bit too much. Now I’m in prison,” I explained.

“Ah. You’re those ones. Sent here as punishment,” he nodded.

I felt my eyebrows raise. “There are other reasons?”

He shrugged. “I come here by choice. So do my friends. I admit the times we met we were also being punished but this was the only way we could see each other because we’re from different places,” he told.

I smiled. “That’s sweet,” I murmured. “I wish I had friendships like that.”

I looked down. I genuinely did. Did I even have any real friendships back home? Probably not.

“Well, then this is a good place to find some,” he dimpled.

Okay the similarity between this guy and Marcel is entirely eerie. I smiled gratefully at him. Right when he was about to walk away, I asked him, “What’s your name?”

He stopped. “I’m Harry.”

I nodded. “Would it be strange to ask if you have a twin or a brother in general?”

An eyebrow flexed on his face. “Uhhh, well yeah. I only have a sister?” He frowned. “Why?”

I felt incredibly dumb. “You just- you look like someone I met.”

He smirked. “Okay then. And your name is?”

I mimicked his smirk. “Cordelia.”


At lunch I had no clue where to sit. Everyone seemed to glance at me when they thought I wasn’t looking, because I was just sort of awkwardly standing in front of the cafeteria for the first two minutes of lunch. Until I saw Marcel sitting at a table. A smile graced my lips and my feet began to take me to him until a girl with magenta hair slid into the chair across from him. My smile faded and my lips parted. Seriously? First Perrie, not to mention how Liam and Niall might dislike me next, but now even adorkable Marcel? What the hell? She’s fucking everywhere!

I sighed and spotted Harry. He was with Niall, Liam, and two other guys I didn’t recognize. No. wait, the one with the dark hair had to be Perrie’s boyfriend. I watched them kiss each other lightly yesterday. They at least didn’t make out, though if we discuss the look he gave Perrie when she walked back to me there was a lot of things he wanted to do to her.

Ugh. My life feels so bland.

My eyes narrowed as I noticed the way Harry’s eyes watched Jade and even the way Niall and freaking Liam looked at her. Why is it she is getting so many of the guys? Where the hell is this “boyfriend” of her’s anyways?

I sighed in irritation. I had nowhere to sit. I shook my hair out so as to look block buster cool when I walked out the cafeteria. Being new girl here freaking sucked.

I felt extremely pissed at all the male attention Jade seemed to be getting here at this school. Why is she so interesting here? Only one guy ever noticed her. I don’t understand why suddenly everybody and their friends seemed to lust for her.

Ugh. I thought for a moment. This, in my eyes, was a problem. And I knew just who to fix it.

I pulled out my phone. I don’t want to eat lunch alone for the rest of my time here.

I dialed the number and brought the phone to my ear. At first it just rang. “Come on. Pick up your phone.”

“Uh- hello?”

I smiled. “It’s your favorite person in the world,” I smirked.

There was a sigh and a resentful chuckle. “Cordelia?”

I felt my smile grow. “Uh huh. How’s returning to England to check on little Jade sound?”


Okay guys. I know one of y’all thinks you know who she’s calling, but trust me, you don’t. Like there’s this shocker (at least I hope it’s shocking) that will come out soon.

Yaaaay! I updated! Don’t you guys love me? If so, please comment, vote, fan, and promote! This is my Christmas gift to y’all and I just want to share a little about my Christmas (even though most likely y’all don’t give a fuck.)

To begin my family celebrated Christmas on the 24th cause my aunt is going to a different city for her sick mother so I got most of my presents early. :D

I got this gorgeous thingie (I can’t think of any other word, lol) to hold necklaces and bracelets I guess. It’s like a foot tall in a dress that’s a beautiful shade of purple (it’d make you jealous. I know it would.) I also got a journal (cause you guys know I’m a writer) and a $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble, my favorite place for books, really. My other aunt and her boyfriend got me $30 for iTunes and I’ll list the songs I bought in a second.

My beautiful and wonderful grandmother spent a lot of money on me this year. She got me a lap top ($400+ tax), Microsoft Office which I am writing on right now for all y’all ($100) for my birthday which is in four days (eh em. ;) ;) ;) and my Christmas gift was a completely new iPod touch cause I dropped my current one (oops), plus she still needs to buy me a case. Sadly though, she couldn’t find this iPod in my desired color which is ironically white. (It’s ironic because I’m . . ., well I’m sure you’ll figure it out). The iPod was like $300 so I just want to say to my grandmother who continues to watch over me and spoil me who will be 72 in January, I absolutely love you. <3 <3

But I love my readers too! So like I usually say, comment, vote, fan, and promote, but Jesus Christ I forgot to give y’all questions to answer. :D

1) Don’t you guys want Perrie as a BFF/roommate? I do, lol. In real life I’m pretty sure Jerrie share a flat. (Jerrie = Jade+Perrie)

2) Niall confessed. Did anyone expect that?

3) Holy fudge cakes, she KISSED HIM? WHAT. THE. WHAT? Were any of you expecting that? I wasn’t. I just began writing and at first I planned for them to almost kiss and then for her to freak out with conflicted emotions and send him out, but no she kissed him.

4) Uh, Gavin anyone? Our innocent Jade kinda cheated on him . . . :O

5) Cordelia’s POV again? Do you like it? In fact do you like Niall’s?

6) So Cordelia has her eye on both Marcel and Harry? What? How will that go down with Jade, Marcel’s best friend practically and Harry’s greatest desire? How will this change the game plan?

7) OMG, who remembers the Game Plan with the Rock Johnson and America’s Sweetheart from Cory and the House? If you don’t remember that then educate yourself. Your young soul will become so emotional with memories.

8) And finally who the hell do you think she was on that phone with? Huh?

9) What do you want for Christmas??

10) Would you guys bring the story to like 300 votes and maybe check out my Louis short story that I posted yesterday on his birthday? And check out my other stories like The One Direction Experience rewrite? It’s not too cliché . . .

Oh well. Either way, Merry Christmas! Maybe I’ll update again on New Years?

I dunno. Bye!

What I bought on iTunes

Justin Bieber- Journals album (it ain’t bad) (Backpack is pretty freaking weird. Like creepy. I mean, what kinda ET shat?)

Demi Lovato- Neon Lights, Something That We’re Not

Little Mix- Nothing Feels Like You (I hope I’ll get the full deluxe album for Christmas from other parts of the family)

dUSTIN tAVELLA- Everybody Knows (Douchebag) [lol,, I had to buy this]

Lady Gaga- Do What U Want (I couldn’t reisist)

Destiny’s Child- Bootylicious (it’s a classic and Little Mix sang it so . . .)

I hope you all get what you want for Christmas and bless your soul if you read ALL of that. <3

- Angie Bear (again)

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