Structured Love

By writingfromtheheart

166 3 0

Fifty year's into the future,society is a mess. After the false premonitions of 2012 the world is in peril. E... More

Structured Love
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 5

11 0 0
By writingfromtheheart

Jessie's P.O.V.

I kick and scream as they throw me into the vehicle and lock the doors behind me. This was it I think to myself. I have to get matched. I hear the car door in the front close knowing that we were most likely in one of the officer's vehicles and there was a partition seperating us I let soft sobs wrack my body.

How did they know who I was supposed to be with? Love for the rest of my life? That was the idea wasn't it? That once you get matched that's your soul mate, the person you were destined to be with from the when you were born. They had no idea fucking idea who I was though to them I am the destitute kid that started stealing things after her rich, off the chart, weird-ass parents died 'in a car accident'. So to answer my own questions, no, they had no clue.

But that isn't even the worst part. Willa. Would I ever be able to see her again after this? Or would they take away the one thing that truely matters to me. My only friend, sister, twin sister.

I'm snapped out of my thought's as Willa's voice echoed in the back, "Jessie pleas don't cry... I will find you afterwards."

My mouth immediately snaps shut and the sound of her words but it doesn' t stop the warm salty tears from rolling one by one down my face. How could she be so confident about this? I think bitterly to myself. Once again I was the weak one and I hated myself for that. I promised myself after Brendon I would never let anyone see me cry. So as each tear took it's time rolling down my face, the sting was just being a reminder of my painful past, the grimace on my face just got bigger and bigger.

I was angry at myself for being so weak and angry at the world for letting me have this awful fate. I realize the thick guard I had built up was slowly disappearing and at this thought I wanted to let out an awful scream that would probably get me killed by one of the officers that sat up front. Instead though I just imagined putting the guard up brick by brick no one was going to ever going to see me cry again because I wouldn't let anyone close enough to hurt me.

As my thoughts come to an end we come to an abrupt stop throwing me forward in my seat. I wait patiently as they grab my rope bound wrists and pull me out that's when I made my second attempt to break free.

Of course I didn't succeed, the guards pushed me into a pitch black room but it wasn't long tell I heard foot steps coming near me. I didn't know what to except him to be my soul-mate or just another guard coming to haul me up off of the floor. My question was quickly answered though as my back was pushed to his chest.

"Remember me, doll," He asks in an all to familiar tone. It was the guard from about a month ago, who had caught me trying to take food from the safe the old rich lady left for the orphans.

I nod numbly.

"Well, your punishment is finallly being served. You don't think I didn't know you were behind that fence listening to my every word," He whispers on my ear pulling me tighter to him. "Every breath. So here's your punishment, you're finally going to meet your match."

I'm pushed into yet another room where I can slightly see the glimmer of light floating through the bag. They flop me into a seat and then the bag over my head is quickly replaced with a blindfold as the peoples buzzing hands were on my ratted hair and plain face. I feel them strip my body clean of dirt and grime before they slip on a chest crushing tight dress. 

Two hands grab a hold of my arms and guide me through what I assume is a building. I hear the creak of a door before someone roughly shoves me into a cold, damp room. A soon as there hands leave my arms I rip off my blindfold but I'm to late as I hear the heavy metal door slam behind me.

I look up, not really wanting to see the person that stood in front of me but knowing I would have to face him sooner or later. I glance up and catch a glimpse of him,before I quickly snap my head up to see a stunned Brendon. 

"Kill me now," I state clearly, searching the room for a weapon.

"You would really rather die than be in the same room as me?" His deep voice that used to give me chills but now disgusted me echoed in the small chamber that was cheerfully decorated. 

"Um... That's what I said didn't I?" I look at him with my make-up covered eyes wide and powered face filled with horror.

"Well no need to worry it's a mistake anyways," He tells me semi sarcastically.

"What the fuck, are you talking about?" I ask astonished that he's making jokes at this desperate time of need.

"You can't be matched with someone you have dated before." He pronounces each word as if he's talking to a child.

A bright smile covers my face as I realize hes right and Willa's word register in my head. "Did you hear that?" I yell, cupping my hands over my mouth knowing there's cameras somewhere in hear. "YOU. MADE. A. MISTAKE."

After several minutes of me screaming and pounding on the wallls that those dumb bastards made a mistake my throat was getting raw.

"Would you just shut up all ready?" Brendon yells at me. "I had forgot how loud you can be when you want to be heard. I immediatly know what he's referring to and snap my mouth closed. He did remember and I guess he wanted me to remember all those times too, where I had been begging him not to hurt me.

"Don't you dare think you have power over me," I hiss through clenched teeth.

"Relax," He rolls his eyes as he leans up aginst the cold cement wall. "I never hurt you, did I? Why would I start now?"

"Because your a sick bastard that always has to get what he want's," I answer him in a sickly sweet voice.

"I changed," He looks at me and I almost beleive the pain in his eyes are real. "I never should have hurt you."

"But you did." I remind him staring at him makking sure all emotion was off my face. "Maybe you never layed a hand on me but you sure as hell knew how to rip up somebody's heart."

"I'm not going to say I'm sorry because I know you won't beleive me,"

"Your damn right I wouldn't believe a fucking liar like you!" I scram at him interruoting him.

"Would you let me finsh?!" He finally blows up but he stayed on the wall he was leaning on not coming a step closer to me. "I was saying I know you wouldn't beleive me, and you sure as hell aren't going to fall in love with me agian."

"Who said I was ever in love with you?" I ask interrupting him again.

His snaps his eyes to me, I could tell he wanted to argue the point but also wanted to get through his speach. "You aren't going to fall in love me but we could at least act civil to each other so we can get out of cupid's corner."

"Cupid's corner?"

"Ya, I named it that becuase it all pink and lovey dovey while I was waiting for you," He states proudly.

"Whatever," I roll my eyes at his name but I actually kind of liked the nick name he had given the hell hole. "We don't need to act nice to eachother anyways. They have to let us out it's a mistake."

"There not going to let us out," He scoff's. "There damn pride gets in the way. So it's either we fall madly in love or are stuck here, your choice?"

I look straight a head, looking past him at the paper heart the had plastered to the wall. He was right the guards would never admit there wrong and we would be stuck in here tell he proposed. Then I plan popped up in my head and the smile form earlier reappeared on my face.

"Willa, I hope our twin telepathia is working," I laugh out to the dead silent room.

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