Love is a Battlefield (Josh D...

By Jishwa-No

848 47 21

Josh and Alex meet at one of Josh's shows, just before the band's first tour. The fall in love, but while Jos... More



84 4 0
By Jishwa-No

The week sped by in a split second, and before I could think about it, it was wednesday. Josh were to pick up his mom at the airport and then I would meet them at the restaurant. It was a fancy place, but me and my dad never went to restaurants so I hadn't heard of it before. For hours I tried on dress after dress, I really wanted to make a good first impression. I even prepared answers to all the embarrasing questions that might pop up. I didn't know how much Josh had told his mom about me, IF he had mentioned me at all. Half an hour early I was standing outside the entrance, nervous and excited. After a while I heard a voice behind me.


I turned around and saw Josh, and beside him beautiful woman with blonde hair.

"This is my mom, Laura. Mom, this is Alex."

I reached out my hand to shake hers, but instead she leaned in to a warm hug.

"So you're Alex" she said with a smile. "I've heard so much about you."

You could really tell that Laura was the Josh's mom, she was just as happy and nice as him. They looked very much alike as well, especielly when they smiled. The night couldn't have gone better, the food was great and I was really liking my company. I almost didn't want to leave the atmosphere in the restaurant, but eventually we had to go. The air was warm and almost stifling, but it was still nice. As soon as we got to the apartments Laura excused herself and went upstairs to bed, while Josh and I stayed in the lobby. They lived in a really nice building with a reception, bar and even a doorkeeper. The whole atmosphere felt luxurious, like a movie.

"You want something?" Josh nodded towards the bar. "It's free."

"No, I'm fine." I said and sat down in one of the chairs. "I don't really drink."

Josh looked surprised. I explained to him that I wasn't a non-drinker, I just didn't see the point of doing it. I didn't say why.

"You're cute." he said and tipped his head.

I smiled, almost feeling a little embarrased.

"What about your dad?" I asked to change the subject. "What's your story?"

"There's hardly a story" Josh looked away. "He bailed when I was six. Then I saw him once on my tenth birthday."

I could see that his mind was clouded with thoughts, he got quiet and bit his lip.

"I'm sorry."

A few minutes later we were saying good night on the side walk, and I walked home. I thought about how alike we were, in a way. I understood more than he knew, but I couldn't tell him.


It was the day before the band were going away on tour, and dinner was served at our house. Dad and I cooked together, it was someting that we loved to do. Unlike other teenagers I enjoyed spending time with my dad. Maybe because I was just glad to have one. Josh was gonna be here in a few hours, so we had plenty of time.

"So, they're going on tour huh? Any ideas of where?" My dad asked.

"All over the country, I think." Truth is I hadn't really asked much about it.

"I was actually thinking of visiting your grandma in Chicago soon. If they do a show there we could go then so you could see them?"

I was happy that dad thought of me, and I had never met my grandma, so I was thrilled!

"Just don't tell Josh, okay? I want to surprise him."

An hour later the doorbell rang, and I ran to open the door. The food was just ready, so we sat down to eat. Dad and Josh got along really well, it was fun to see Josh in such different surrounding. They talked a lot about music, and for a while I just sat and watched them. It was nice. Later that night my dad had to work, some bigger band was recording a new album and they specifically asked for him to be there. Josh and I cleaned the table and then sat on our balcony. The air was very hot for an april night, and the sun was going down behind the buildings right in front of us. The sky were all pink, orange and yellow, and the only thing missing was an ocean.

"I really don't want to leave tomorrow." Josh said.

"Why not? It's an amazing opportunity for you guys, and the best experience ever

"So is this." he said and looked me deeply the eyes.

If I was standing up I'd probably drop to my knees, but instead they started to shake. I put my hands on them and looked down. I had no idea of what to say, what if he kisses me!? What should I do?!

"You're beautiful." he said with a low voice.

"So are you." I found the courage to look at him again.

His face was slowly coming towards me, and during those short seconds I panicked about a hundred times. My heart was beating out of my chest and I thought it was gonna stop, and I couldn't breathe. His lips met mine carefully, and he closed his eyes. It was just like a romantic movie, except the girl is usually alive then. I had no idea where I was, my thoughts spinned and I couldn't get a single word out. My mouth was still half open, I couldn't close it. Josh saw how surprised I was, and he laughed lightly and put his arm around me. We sat there, just the two of us and the sun which was almost gone. Tomorrow it would all be like before, as if this had never happened. Tomorrow I would go back to my normal life, with my job and my friends and my dad, and Josh would be gone.

"You'll wait for me, won't you?" he asked, a little worried.

I leaned in to his shoulder and closed my eyes. Of course I will wait. I could wait all my life.


You know how you sometimes wish you could stop time? That was me when we arrived at the airport the next day. I didn't want the others to see that I was sad, to cry in public wasn't really my thing. I tried to put a good face on and say goodbye to everyone and wish them good luck. Dad was waiting by the car, and when I came back out he hugged me. The safety from his hug made me let everything out, and tears were streaming down my face. Dad stroke my hair and kissed my fore head, and I knew it was only for a while. Joshorrow I would be back to normal again. But today, I had no strengh to do anything at all, so I went to bed as soon as we got home.

Slowly everything went back to normal, I spent a lot of time at work, and me and Josh talked on the phone almost every day. It felt good to hear his voice, like he wasn't so far away. He always had a lot to tell me, about celebreties he met or the places they visited. I almost told him about my plans to come to Chicago, but I really didn't want to ruin the surprise. I still didn't know if we were dating or not, we hadn't talked about it. I had never been in love before, but I figure this must be it.

"So, what's going on in LA?" he asked one night when I laid on the bed with my phone pressed to my ear, we had talked for hours.

"The usual" I replied and started thinking.

Truth is that nothing really had happended. Without Josh everything felt so grey and boring. The sun was shining every day, dad worked a lot and so did I. It was like the last month didn't exist.

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