Why me? (Demi Lovato Adoption...

Af _lovatoisbae

55.4K 1.2K 217

Taylor Lee Matthews is your regular girl. 11, currently blue hair, brown eyes, goes to school. But she lives... Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 40 (Final Chapter)

880 23 8
Af _lovatoisbae

(Taylor's POV)

Just kidding. Of course we got our happy ending. I would never let anything happen to Arden and I.

After that day at the mall, things got a little rough for Camila, Mom and I. But after a few months, we have overcome the sudden depression that was so rudely graced upon us by the gods above. Remember our friend Morgan? Well a year or so after we met her, her health faltered. Her cancer spread to her brain and stomach, as well as her heart. She fought through everything she could handle, until September 21st, our angel couldn't fight anymore. She passed away a fighter that we will never forget.

Camila and i went to all of her appointments just like we promised we would. We watched her get better, and we watched her get worse. But we were there for her, which was the only thing she asked. Demi came to as many appointments as she could, and was sitting beside Morgan's hospital bed the day she passed, just like Camila and I were. Her mother, Cassie Thompson, is the sweetest woman I have ever met. She was apologizing to us as if she was our daughter. On the day of Morgan's funeral, I was asked to say a few words about the time I had spent with her.


"Hello everybody, my name is Taylor Lovato, and i was a friend of Morgan's. I knew her for just over a year, but it felt like forever. She was the sweetest, kindest, most loving child I have ever met in my entire life." I looked over at Cassie and seen the tears flowing down her face freely as I began talking about her daughter.

"I met Morgan at the mall back in August of last year. She had recognized my mom and i, and seemed rather shocked to see us. I, of course, had to go and say hello to her because she was alone. From the moment she told me her name, i knew we were going to be good friends. She had told me about her sickness and asked me not to pity her, because she didn't want me stressing over the life of a stranger i had just met. She was worried about me more than she was worried about herself." I had to pause for a second due to the growing lump in my throat.

I took a deep breath and continued.

"I promised her I was going to be there through all of it with her. I asked if I could go to every single doctors appointment she had. Whether it was a chemo appointment, or just a check up, I went. I held her hand while she got her needles, hugged her while she cried, and kissed her forehead when she passed. In the year that I knew her, I found out almost everything about her. Her favourite colour was purple, her favorite singers were my mom and Fifth Harmony, she wanted to be a photographer, her dream was to marry my best friend, Camila Cabello, and her biggest wish was to be cancer free for the rest of her life." a sob had escaped my lips by this point. I was openly crying now and I didn't care who knew.

"The universe is a cruel place, and I hate it for taking her from me. She was like my little sister and I loved her. The only thing I have left to say, is that I hope she watches over me because I can promise that I will never forget her. Rest in peace, baby girl. I miss you so much." I finished.

(Flashback over)

That was easily one of the hardest days of my life.

It took me a week or so to bounce back from it, but when I did, a lot of people were happy.

After Morgans funeral, I had completely shut down. I didn't eat the way I should, I stayed in bed all day, I didn't talk to anybody, Arden included, and I cried. A lot. When I did decide to speak, it was quiet and short. Arden tried so hard to comfort me, she cuddled with me, she rubbed my back while I cried, she ran me multiple bubble baths, she washed my hair, made sure I took my medication when I had to, and fed me as much as I would eat.

This is why I love her. She takes care of me, even though she knows how much I hate being pitied and sympathized by people. It makes me feel small and embarrassed. But, she still helped me, and I let her. I needed her and she was there, and that's all that matters.

Demi and Wilmer finally tied the knot. Their wedding was beautiful. Their vows were absolutely amazing and the reception was perfect. Demis dress was stunning, I was so happy for her. Demi also had her baby. Her name is Isabella Marie Lovato-Valderrama. She was born on April 12th, 2016 and is probably the most beautiful child I have ever seen.

Shawn and Anna also got married and made baby G a big brother! They had another little boy named Adam Raul Mendes. They gave him Shawns middle name just like they gave Garrett one of his middle names. Garrett Peter Mendes.

All of the girls from Fifth Harmony are well. Camila has decided to leave the band and continue on as a solo artist. As horrible as it sounds, it makes her happy. Her and Cara have been together for a few years now and are engaged! The wedding will take place in Honalulu, Hawaii on June 15th, 2017 (their anniversary).

Dinah and Normani have decided to become official, after being "friends with benefits" for almost 2 years now.

Ally met a man named Dean on tour and they have been together ever since. They got married after about a year of being together and they have a 2 year old boy named Carson-James.

Lauren Jauregui. The woman I absolutely could not stand when I was 15, the woman I fought multiple times as a teenager (and won everytime), the woman who stole my girlfriend and made me depressed for weeks is now a close friend. As we got older and I got closer with the rest of the band, I started to realize that Camila and I really weren't meant to be together. I am meant to be with Arden. Lauren and her old friend Lucy Vives got together last year and they are perfect together. I have never seen the green eyed Jauregui this happy before.

Now, as for Arden and i, a lot has happened. We promised ourselves to each other three years ago. I gave her the promise ring mom and I got for her and she loved it. She also got me one, she said she was waiting till our anniversary to give it to me, but I beat her to it. Two years later, i proposed to her at one of my moms concerts. We were standing back stage and mom had called me out to sing "Made in the USA" with her. Arden had no idea what was going on when I had called her to come out as well. I sat her down on a stool and started singing to her. When mom and I finished, I pulled out the engagement ring out of my back pocket and proposed. She cried so hard, it was adorable. I started to cry as well when she said yes.

Now, here we are, laying on the couch in our living room, with our little girl sitting between us with our feet up on the coffee table, watching "Finding Nemo" on a Friday night. After all of the baby talk, I decided that I wanted to carry the baby. I had the artificial insemination done on February 27th, 2016 and had her on Novemebr 14th, 2016. Her name is Ryland Marie Lovato. She has Ardens piercing blue eyes, my long brown hair and my nose. She is an amazing baby. She sleeps through the night, she's not a picky eater, she's polite (for a 2 year old) and she's not a brat in public. She is absolutely perfect and I couldn't have asked for a better kid.

Well, so far my life had been a crazy journey. I've learned lot of things from the people I love. I've loved, I've lost, I've survived and I've fought my way through the biggest battle of all. Life. I used to sit in my room at night and think of reasons I wanted to die. Now I sit with my family and think of how grateful I am that I didn't. The one person I owe my entire life to, is Demi. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her unconditional love and support. So now I sit here and think to myself, why did she choose me? Why did she choose to love me, even though I was a mess. All of these questions, yet the only thing question I still have, is why me?


A/N: JHEEZ that's the end if it folks. A special thank you to the ones that stuck with me through this entire story. It was fun writing it and I hope it was a good book.

Only love,
D.M ❤

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