The Covington Boys (Slow Upda...

By Leota27

267K 10.4K 441

Mia Winston lost her mother in a horrible accident when she was only 14 years old. Having no family willing t... More

Author's Notes
Come Home
Havencrest or Bust!
A Part of My Soul
I Tried
Agony and Despair
Fear and Lust
I Can't Do This!
Piercing the Dark
This Isn't Right
Normal Human Life
Nothing But Honest
Completely Intact
Conversation Isn't Over
Bigger Problems
Dreaded Conversation
Full of Remorse
Neutral Ground
Imploding Misery

On The Border

9.2K 419 107
By Leota27

Sniffing into the bristly fur on Uncle Mick's massive neck, I suddenly felt him shifted the direction he was running, bolting up the mountain side instead of heading toward the towns boundary line, he started zig zagging back and forth up the hill.

Confused by what he was trying to do, I clung to his back as I strained to hear if there were any more howls from behind us, yet as expected all I could hear was the rushing of air around me, the whipping of the wind viciously blowing through the trees as the rain poured down on us.

Burying my head farther into Uncle Mick's black fur, feeling how drenched he was becoming for the raging storm swirling around us. I struggled to stifle the sobs ripping through my constricting throat as an unbearable pain seared across my heart, it felt like a red hot poker was stabbed right into my chest and it was being twisted with every step that Mick took.

"STOP... STOP." Screaming into the wind, knowing that he would hear me despite the chaos of the storm whirling all around us. I couldn't take the pain, it was suffocating me, drowning me in this unbearable, horrifying agony.

Snorting he shook his enormous head as he pressed on, picking up even more speed as if that was possible as he dodged, ducked and maneuvered us over and around the trees filling this thick, dark forest.

"PLEASE... PLEASE STOP." Lifting my head to try and yell into his ears. Needing desperately to catch my breath, to try and breathe through this torturous pain ripping across my chest, tearing through my shattering heart.

Only at that same moment Uncle Mick let out a terrifying yelp of pain as his footing faltered, before he was able to regain his balance and pressing forward. Attempting to glance around us, I spotted several pairs of head lights cutting through the darkness directly behind us.

Who or What was that?

Unexpectedly Uncle Mick cried out in agony once again. This time completely losing his equilibrium and falling forward, slamming his gigantic bulking form into the slick, wet forest floor, sending me hurling into the air, only too crash harshly into the cold, hard ground.

"Mia... open your eyes... come on sweetheart." Mick's gruff frantic voice cut through the haze in my brain as I pried my blurry, confused eyes open, to stare up into his strained and agitated face.

"Uncle Mick?" Groaning his name, I felt strong arms holding me against a naked chest peppered with course hair as I was bounced and jolted against the hard wall of muscle, that happened to be carrying me.

"Run Mia... head straight down the hill... they'll catch your scent." Rushing out his instructions as he set me back down on my wobbly, unsure feet.

"What?" shaking my head, confused by what he was saying. What just happened? Where were those lights coming from? Why was he limping as he was running?

"Hunters... lingering on the pack border... you need to warn the Alphas... Go, Now." Hissing as he stopped to lean against a pine tree, gripping his right thigh, cringing with pain. "Warn the pack."

"What about you?" worried for him, refusing to leave my Uncle, unsure of why he couldn't just come with me.

"I've been shot... with a poisoned, silver laced bullet. I'm not going to make it much farther." Gulping, casting anxious eyes behind us, searching the darkness. The storm was still raging on around us, making it difficult for me to see beyond a few feet in front of us. "Go... I'll distract them." pushing me in the direction he insisted on moments ago.

"No!" whimpering in fear, shaking my head as tears stung my eyes.

I couldn't bring myself to leave him here completely defenseless. To leave him completely exposed to these hunters, whoever they were. Especially after what Becca has told me about Hunters hunting down supernatural beings and killing them.

This way my fault, instead of facing the boys head on and telling them how overwhelmed and overloaded I felt about our whole supernatural mate situation, I cowered and ran like the chicken that I am and now Uncle Mick was hurt because of it.

Reaching out he gripped my face firmly in his large, rough palms, staring deep into my terrified green eyes. "Run Mia... and don't stop... not until you see Dimitri or Dante... You just run and never look back." his command seeped into my bones, forcing my body to move away from him.

Flinching back, I gazed at him, tears streaming down my cheeks as I stared into the eyes of the only living family member that's ever showed any interest or care for me. Gulping against the lump forming in my dry throat, I turned on my heels and sprinted in the direction he had pointed me.

My lungs felt like they were on fire, pain shot up my legs as branches reached out to scratch and scrap at the exposed flesh on my arms and face. I stumbled over roots, rocks and brush as I blindly ran back down the hill, resisting the urge to yell out for one of the twins.

Pausing against a huge tree trunk, gasping for air as I desperately searched for some kind of sign that one of the twins or one of the other wolves from the pack were within eye sight. Yet I could barely see directly in front of me, let alone farther into the darkness that had complete engulfed the forest.

Suddenly a heart stopping scream of pain pierced the cold night air, slamming a hand over my mouth I tried to cover up my uncontrollable sobs as another shriek of agony tore through the night. Biting my trembling lip, I grabbed at my chest, praying for Uncle Mick.

"RUN MIA... RUN!" Mick's panicked, distraught voice screamed over the wind violently blowing through the trees, piercing my soul with dread.

The urge to keep moving was overwhelming, it was like my body wasn't my own to control anymore. Pursing my lips, attempting to conceal my sobs of guilt as I pushed myself off the tree just as a flash of light bounced over the foliage to the right of me.

"Her foot prints are imbedded here in the mud... she had to of come this way." A gruff, male voice yelled out over the rumbling of engines, to whomever was with him.

"Fan out and look for her... Don't let her cross that fucking concealed boundary line." another man hissed in irritation, his voice was menacing and rough, the sound alone made my skin crawl.

Desperately I searched around me, trying to find a way down the hill without being seen. Dropping to hunch closer to the ground, I scrambled trying to quietly sneak away. The snapping of branches and the cursing of whoever these men were, sounded closer then I had expected and all I could think about was Uncle Mick's command to get down the mountain.

"Flood light." Second man commanded, instantly a blinding light pierced the gloominess of the forest, casting its bright light against the trees.

"Dad... I got a few broken branches and some more foot prints over here." A slightly younger male voice called out.

The voice was just a few feet away from me, biting down harshly on my quivering bottom lip, struggling to make as little noise as possible I pressed myself closer to the ground and continued to back down the hill. Staring at the terrifying bright light shining around me, petrified that it would land on me, revealing my attempt to escape these unknown threatening men.

"Are we even sure she was with him?" another male voice demanded in a harsh tone as the men and their vehicles moved down the hillside.

I was so engrossed watching the bright light scanning around me, before hearing the engines revive as I realized that they were moving even closer to my hiding spot, getting closer to me. Scared of being found, I ended up back myself into a huge pine tree. Slowly I pulled myself up, feeling my way around this giant as I continued to watch the direction the light was going, in fear of it.

"Where is she you fucking mutt?" the deep, rough voice barked with disgust. He must be the one in charge.

"You might as well kill me... because I'll never talk." Mick's gruff voice snarled darkly. "I won't tell you a fucking thing."

"Oh I have my ways dog... you're just going to make it fun." the leader chuckled threateningly as I heard a sicking thwack before Mick groaned from the impact.

Suddenly I felt a large hand slam over my mouth, muffling the scream bubbling in my throat as a bulking arm wrapped around my waist. Horror tore through my rigid, terror filled body as I frantically tore at the strong hands holding me against this huge, muscular unknown, possibly threatening presence stopping my feeble escape.

"Ssshhh." A curt voice hissed into my ear as this person started to pull us farther down the hill, away from the blinding light sweeping the area around us.

Digging my nails into the hand clamped over my mouth, I struggled to free myself against the vise like hold this unknown male had around my waist. He seemed completely unfazed by my desperate attempts as he continued to yank me quickly down the mountain.

"Mmmhmm." Trying to yell out, refusing to be taken so easily. Fighting to get back to the house so I could warn the twins.

"Mia." Growling in my ear as I bit down on the pad of his palm covering my mouth. Swiftly he pulled my thrashing form behind an enormous rotting tree trunk that had fallen over, probably decades ago.

Instantly I stilled my aggressive actions at the sound of his familiar voice. Relief flooded my veins as the adrenaline pumping through my blood stream started to fade. I slacked my tense, stiff stance against his unyielding, muscle packed, bare chest. He must have felt how my body automatically relaxed, before he slowly released his grip on me.

"Quinn?" whispering out his name in relief as soon as he removed his large palm from my mouth. Whipping around to face this man, I gasped desperately for air.

"Yes!" he growled in a low tone, crouching under the tree trunk to scan the area around us. "Where's Mick?" snarling menacingly as he stood back up to his full 6'7" frame which was packed with bulging muscles.

When did he get so ripped?

"Hunters... they took... they uhm... he said to warn the pack." Tears stung my eyes as the need to keep moving overpowered me. I couldn't stop, not until I got to Dante and Dimitri. "The twins... have to warn them." turning I started down the hill again.

"Mia?" Quinn gripped my arm, stopping me from leaving. "Do the hunters have Mick?" demanding an answer in a harsh whisper. Unable to say the gut-wrenching words I simply nodded my head as I bit down to stop my bottom lip from trembling. "Shit... we need to go."

"Where are Dante and Dimitri?" both desperate and scared to know where they currently were. And somewhat confused as to why they hadn't come to track us themselves.

"Behind the border... it wasn't easy spelling them to stay within the concealed boundary line the first time... they nearly broke the seal trying to get through." Quinn hissed, pulling me close to him as he maneuvered us around the vegetation. "Thankfully they didn't... it's not safe for them to cross the border."

"Spelled them?" I questioned barely above a whisper as I stumbled over the foliage that Quinn was easily moving around as he tugged me along. "Like... witches?"

"Yes... my mate... she's a full blooded witch." He snipped back quietly.

"Oh." Shaking my head in disbelief.

However, Becca did tell me that there were so many more supernatural races before they were hunted down, some almost to extinction. I just did think that they would also be in Havencrest or mated to a werewolf, but it's not like I was expecting it in my now very complicated life. There really is a lot I don't know or understand about this world.

"What about Uncle Mick?" not wanting to leave him behind with those psychotic hunters, who were going to do god know what to him.

"Not my problem." Snapping as he picked up the pace, forcing me to increase my own speed.

"What?" trying to yank my arm out of his tight grip, without success.

"I was ordered to track you down and bring you back... under any circumstances deemed necessary." He growled. "Mick betrayed the Alphas... Our Alphas, again... I'm sorry Mia." He huffed, he actually sounding somewhat compassionate about my fear for Mick.

"What if... they kill him?" whimpering in terror, unable to process the panic or horror at that horrible thought.

"I have to follow orders Mia... I was command by my Alpha's." Quinn whispered, hanging his shoulders in defeat as he trekked on. The reviving of the vehicles the hunters were using started to get closer to us.

"They wouldn't just leave him to be killed by hunters... would they?" terrified of the answer.

I knew deep down that they probably would, especially since they hold a grudge against him for taking me away the first time and know I've had him do it again, only to be shot and caught by hunters. Man I really have fucked this all up.

"He should have thought of that before taking you from us... again." Dante's menacing tone pierced the night air, causing my heart jump up into my throat.

I gripped onto Quinn's arm, praying for strength or in fear I wasn't sure which as my eyes greedily scanned the darkness desperate to see either one or both of them again, as if it wasn't that long ago I had them both standing before me in my room. Looking around I realized that the storm was finally letting up.

Before I had a chance to gather my composure, before I got a chance to prepare myself for the twin's rage, I was jerked away from Quinn's side and pulled into Dante and Dimitri's strong, possessive arms. They both buried their heads into my neck, inhaling my scent as their entire bodies stood stiff, trembling.

"I-I... I uh." I was stuttering so badly that I could barely come up with a coherent thought, let alone something to say. I wasn't sure what to do or say? My body was racked with fear.

"Why Mia? Why?" Dante growled through clenched teeth as Dimitri snarled against the flesh on my neck, causing goosebumps to prickle across my shivering body.

I opened my mouth several times to respond, yet nothing would come on. I didn't know what to say or how to explain to them how overwhelming all of this really is. Or how it felt like I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. How my body and emotions don't always feel like they're in my control? How I don't think clearly or rationally with them in such close proximity.

"We need to move... the hunters are getting closer to the border... they'll hear us talking for sure." Quinn jumped in ushering us forward.

"We're not done with this." Dante snipped as he took a few steps back from me.

"We need to understand why you felt like you had to get away from us... We need to know why?" Dimitri growled sweeping me up into his arms, holding me close to his broad chest as he took off down the hill.

Gasping, I bit my lip as I finally looked around and found that we were not standing out here alone. There were several other nearly naked or dressed in just shorts guys standing close by, all waiting for their Alphas command.

"Increase patrols... double up the guards. No fucking hunter is getting into our pack territory." Dante snarled as he turned his back to Dimitri and I.

"I'll make sure that Cleo reinforces the concealment spell too." Quinn nodded, before turning his focus to the men standing around us.

"Good... Now we have a burial and Luna ceremony to finish." Dimitri stated with finality.


Were they really going to go ahead and force me into all of this without talking to me about it all of it first or about why I took off to begin with. Damn it, running really didn't do anything to help but get Uncle Mick caught by hunters and having to twins pissed off at me.

"Please... please don't leave Mick to the hunters." Whimpering out my desperate request, peaking up into Dimitri's tight, rage filled, yet still incredible handsome face.

"He made is choice." Dante snapped from behind me, catching my attention as I turned to face him with tears swimming in my eyes.

"He was doing what I begged him too." Pleading from them to have mercy on Uncle Mick. "Please... this is my fault. Not his."

They both turned to look at each, most likely having one of the mind connection or whatever conversations. Dante growled in defeat as Dimitri's stance stiffed and tense against me. Both snarled as they clenched their teeth.

"Alphas?" Quinn questioned as he stepped up next to Dante.

"Gather a couple of our best Enforcers..." Dimitri started to say when he was cut off by the combined sound of several people whistle the same ominous tone.

Swiftly all the wolves shifted farther down the hill as they all crouched in a defensive stance. Dimitri put me down on my own two feet, pulling me behind his back as Dante pressed himself against his side, helping block me.

"Mia... Mia... Mia." An all too familiar male voice taunted from the darkness. "Make this easy on yourself and cross the border, sweetheart."

My heart stopped, before it picked up and started to beat double time. There was no way, it couldn't possibly be him. I started to hyperventilate unable to catch my breath as shock and disgust tore through my body.

Shaking my head in disbelief, I scanned the darkness, needing to see his face. I needed to know and confirm if it was really him or if my mind had finally snapped and was playing tricks on me.

There was no way that this was Zack, was there?

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*Finally Updated. I know it's been forever, I was planning on make  this longer but I need to fine tune to remaining pages and possible revise the conversations in the next couple of pages. Anyway let me know what you think, tried to make it somewhat suspenseful. As always thanks for reading.*

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