Beauty and The Beast ~ Hulk L...

By Sun_Shine_Loverz

94K 2.6K 337

Finally, The second book is well underway! I hope you guys love this one as much as the first one! More

The Beauty
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter One!!

8.5K 251 38
By Sun_Shine_Loverz

((A/N: **I know you guys have been waiting patiently for the second book to come out! I'm really excited with the way this is going. Keep the feed back coming! I have a couple chapters to post today, and I'll be sure to keep updating as soon as they're finished! Love you all!! ENJOY!!**))

**Aero's POV**

I walked sleepily towards the small coffee shop I worked at in New York City. My eyes still half closed. It was barely 4:30 in the morning. I pushed the glass door, and was happily surprised that it was open. The small bell above the door chimed alerting whoever was already in the shop of my entering. "Good Morning, Aero," Rosalyn, the other girl that worked at the coffee shop, greeted in a overly cheery tone. She was smiling at me from behind the small counter. I bit back the growl that threatened to rumble in my chest. I was not a morning person. Rosalyn chuckled and handed me a coffee cup. I brought it to my face inhaling the sweet smell of a white chocolate hot chocolate.

"You are an angel..." I told her sitting down on one of the barstools that lined the counter. I cuddled my coffee in my hands keeping it close to my face so I could enjoy the smell. I almost didn't want to drink it because I was enjoying the smell so much. I brought the cup to my lips taking my first sip.

I was only a few sips in when the store phone rang loudly. I checked the clock to see that it was ten minutes past 5. i scrunched my face together in a displeased manor. The ringing of the phone was loud and annoying this early in the morning. Rosalyn swiftly picked up the phone ending the annoying sound. "Hello?" Rosalyn answered the phone quickly. I lifted an eyebrow watching her. I took another large sip of my coffee. "Aero..." Rosalyn said my name slowly. I moved my coffee cup from my lips. I lifted a confused eyebrow. "It..." She pulled her eyebrows together. She seemed as if she was trying to make herself believe what she was going to say. "It's Tony Stark..." She held the phone out to me. Her face twisted in confusion. I giggled a bit setting my coffee on the counter. I hopped from the bar stool and took the phone. I gently placed the phone to my ear.

"Hey Tony. What's up?" I looked at Rosalyn who was starring at me in disbelief. I just chuckled and walked towards the large window that looked out to the busy New York street. New York had recovered so much from the destruction the aliens caused. I hadn't talked to any of the other avengers except Tony and Thor. Tony, being the creepy super genius he was, found where I lived and my phone number just to get back in contact with me. I only got to see Thor on very rare occasions when He came to earth to visit Jane. Sadly, the last time he was here, He had a fight with Jane. They broke up, meaning Thor had no reason to make any special trips to earth. I had call it quits on the whole 'saving the world' bit for a while. I needed time away from SHIELD, time to be normal.

"Hi Aero." Tony greeted back. I starred out at the street as he talked. "Well, I'm gonna swing by in like 15 minutes." He told me. Of course Tony Freaking Stark knew where I worked, despite me never telling him. I lifted an eyebrow with a small smirk tugged at my lips. "Can I get..." He pulled his lips away from the phone to speak to someone with him. I took the chance to grab a napkin to write the order on. I pulled the pen out from behind my ear. "What kind of coffee do you want? Dude... Its a drink..." Tony said to what I assumed was Thor. "3 black coffees... decaf with 4 sugars and 4 creamers... and a Caramel Cappuccino...." He paused again. I could hear mumbling in the background. "And a..." He sounded confused. "A what?" He mumbled away from the phone. The voice behind him mumbled again. "A cotton candy frappe." Tony sounded a bit disgusted by the drink. I giggled.

"Okay Tony... It'll be ready," I shook my head looking down at the order scribbled on the paper. I hung up the phone and walked back to where my coffee sat. I sat in my seat drinking the last few sips.

"Well?" Rosalyn looked at me as if waiting for me to say something. I slid her the napkin. She starred down at it for a moment. "A coffee order?" She questioned. I laughed as i took my coffee cup to the sink behind the counter.

"even super heros like coffee." I teased. I put on two pots of coffee for the four cups Tony had requested. "I'll make Tony's order if you want to finish setting up for opening." I told her. Rosalyn got over being star struck and finished getting things ready.

I knelt down to find drink carrier. I heard the bell above the door chime alerting me that someone had entered. "Be right with you!" I called out still digging for the drink carrier. Rosalyn had disappeared into the back.

"Well Hello." Tony's voice filled my ears. I looked up to see His goofy smile looking down at me. He was leaning over the counter. I jumped to my feet running around the counter and tackling my best friend in a hug. "Miss you too, Aerosmith." He chuckled calling me that stupid nickname. I didn't care, I had been so busy I hadn't had time to see Tony.

"No love for us?" Clint's voice caught my attention. My eyes grew wide as i looked at the other avengers. Clint held his arms open waiting for his hug. I ran into his arms. He hugged me tightly.

"What on earth are you guys doing here!?" I asked in an excited tone. Clint let me go so i could hug the others. Natty and I almost crashed to the floor from the force of my hug.

"Getting Coffee," Tony said in a duh tone. I was to excited to give him a glare. Steve was next in line for me to hug. He was a bit more stiff and awkward then the others when they hugged me. My eyes landed on my favorite demi-god. Thor had a huge smile on his face. He held his arms open like Clint had. I jumped into them. Thor spun me around causing me to cry out in laughter.

"Oh my god, I've missed you guys so much!" I cheered once Thor had sent me down. I looked between my smiling friends. My eyes fell on a head of dark curls. My heart leapt in my chest. I looked to Tony. He was smiling like a dumb ass.

"You missed an Avenger..." Tony pointed out. I bit back a growl as I glared in his direction. He simply chuckled. Everyone parted, leaving a clear path between me and Bruce. He was looking down at the ground shyly. I couldn't help but think how cute he looked. he was in a navy blue dress shirt. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. His pants were a dark grey dress pants. My heart rate was increasing by the second.

**Bruce's POV**

Tony had called an early morning meeting to discuss going after another hydra base. We had all gotten together to look for Loki's staff that was in the hands of Hydra. The only avenger missing from the raids was Aero. She hadn't shown up since we saw Thor and Loki off. It was only 5 in the morning. Most of us were dragging still. "How about some coffee?" Tony offered. I scrunched my face in disgust. Tony was great at many things, Making coffee was not one of them. "I'm gonna order it... Geeze..." He rolled his eyes at me. He pulled out his phone and walked away from the group. The mindless chatter covered what Tony was saying.

"Right Doctor?" Steve asked. I blinked a few times clearing my mind.I turned to him with a confused look. I had missed the entire conversation. Steve let out a tired sigh.

"What kind of coffee do you want?" Tony called back to us causing the chatter to stop.

"What's coffee?" Thor made a face as if he smelled something bad. I could only imagine what he thought it was. Tony pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Dude... Its a drink..." Tony said. He was to tired to deal with the lack of knowledge from the demi-god. We all told him what we wanted. "3 black coffees... decaf with 4 sugars and 4 creamers... and a Caramel Cappuccino...." He said into the phone. "And a..." Tony was confused by what Clint had wanted. He pulled the phone away from his face covering it with his hand again "A what?" He questioned. Clint clarified his order for a second time. "A cotton candy frappe." Tony sounded a bit disgusted by the drink. He hung up the phone and turned to us clapping his hands together. "Team field trip. Lets go," He motioned for us to leave.

"Why do all of us have to go?" Natasha complained. She seemed to the most tired out of all of us. Tony narrowed his eyes at her and walked close. He whispered something to her that we couldn't hear. She nodded her head no longer protesting the "field trip".

We drove to some coffee shop about 10 minutes from the tower. Tony was the first one out of the car. He practically ran at the door. Natasha, Clint, Steve, and Thor followed behind. I was the last one to exit the car. I ended up behind everyone once we were inside the coffee shop.

"Be right with you!" A muffled voice called out from somewhere unknown. Tony moved away from us. He leaned half of his body over a waist high counter.

"Well Hello." Tony said to the person behind the counter. A black blur rushed around the counter. Tony was almost knocked backwards by someone giving him a hug. "Miss you too, Aerosmith." He chuckled at the person. The nickname stuck a cord with me. My eyes fell of the beautiful girl who still tormented my dreams. She ignored the stupid nickname he had called her.

"No love for us?" Clint's voice caught Aero's attention. Her head snapped in our direction. Her black hair was longer now as it laid in loose curls around her shoulders. Her green eyes were sparkling with excitement. Clint held his arms open waiting for his hug. She ran into his arms. His arms wrapped tightly around her. I felt a bit of jealousy tug at my heart. I tried to push it away.

"What on earth are you guys doing here!?" Her voice was as calming and melodic as always. She sounded so happy. Clint let her out of the hug. She turned her attention to Natasha. They almost crashed to the floor from the force of Aero's hug. Sometimes she didn't know her own strength.

"Getting Coffee," Tony said in a duh tone. Despite Tony's dumb comment, She didn't glare at him. Steve was next in line for a hug. I could see that he was taken back by Aero's excitement. He stood stiff as she hugged him anyways. She turned towards the demi-god. Thor had a huge smile on his face. He held his arms open much like Clint had. Aero practically jumped into them. Thor nearly knocked over a few tables as he spun Aero around. She let out a fit of cheerful laughter.

"Oh my god, I've missed you guys so much!" She exclaimed once Thor had sent her back on her feet. Aero hadn't noticed me behind everyone else.

"You missed an Avenger..." Tony pointed out. Aero gave him a harsh glare. I wanted to glare at Tony myself. He simply chuckled. Everyone parted, leaving a clear path between me and Aero. I looked down at the ground shyly. I wasn't sure what was going to happen. I glanced up at her. She wore a light blue button up with a pair of black dress pants. She had on a pair of black flats with a red underside. A pair of black sunglasses rested in her hair. She looked as beautiful as ever. My heart was pounding in my ears.


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