Dance Classes [Gene X Reader]

By watchful_frostbite

43.8K 1.1K 3.3K

[Republished] "Stupid classes, stupid people... Why do I even have to go?!" I muttered to myself. I hated the... More

Author's Notes
Dance Partners?
Unexpected Vistors
Surprise Visit
A Rival Arrives
What happened...?
Secrets Are Spilled
The Truth


3.6K 95 389
By watchful_frostbite

(Y/N) P.O.V.

I let out a sigh as I quickly tried to finish my chemistry test. Why did I have to get a test on a Monday? I looked at the periodic table of element in front of me, at least the teacher allows us to write down the formulas at the back of the paper. The questions were a lot easier since the formulas were right next to me. I glanced at the clock, how much longer until- 10 MINUTES?! I panicked and quickly scribbling down answers, I mange to complete the darned test on time with only 3 minutes to spare. Everyone was either quickly talking to each other or trying to finish up the test. I scanned the room trying to find Zoe through out the crowd of students. I remember seeing her turn in her test earlier, for some reason she seemed to have gotten the hang of chemistry rather quickly despite the fact the she was horrible at math. Bingo! I spotted Zoe sitting in the corner of the room reading her book, quietly I made my way over to where she was.

"Hey, how do you think you did on the test?" I questioned.

"Pretty good? I'm not sure how I did, I couldn't remember the formulas to the any of the problems!"

"Didn't you write them on the back of your periodic table?"

"I forgot to," she wailed quietly.

I stood there for a second before I faced palmed and patted her on the back.

"You don goofed girl. RIP," I said to her.

"Hey what are you two talking about?"

Startled I nearly let out a yelp but managed to keep my mouth shut as soon as I saw who was talking. It was Jack, we also had chemistry together and two other classes but that's about it. I lightly slapped his arm as I glared at him but still managed to somehow smile at him.

"Dude, don't do that!", I whispered. "My poor fragile heart can't take that many jump scares,"

Jack rolled his eyes at me, clearly enjoying my exaggeration. Before I could I ask him how his test went the bell rang signaling the end of class for the day. I looked at the clock before getting off my chair and walking out the door, preparing myself for my fourth class of the day, P.E. I hate P.E. The teachers forcefully making us run or do a sport so we could stay fit, as if they think we don't do anything at home. Well most don't do but I do, Mondays through Thursdays I had the parent- daughter/son dance classes, along with Gene and his mom, and on Fridays I had the dance classes with him as well. Speaking of Gene... Hmmmm, what's up with him lately? He's been more clingy than usual. The mere thought of Gene clingy to me, hugging me, or even getting to close to me made my heart beat louder. It was embarrassing, he's gotten too use to hugging me, though I don't really mind.... His embraces were gentle despite his tough looking appearance. I felt calm, maybe even safe when he hugged me, what if he-

"(Y/N)?! HELLO???? I think she in lala land again," Zoe shouted at my ear derailing my train of thought.

"Owww....?" I stated with a confused tone. Did I miss something?

"You zoned out again," Jack said he stared at me. Suddenly he stops in his tracks and place the back of his hand to my cheek. "Your cheeks are hot, and your face is red,"

"Really?" I asked as I brought my hand to the other side of my face, swatting his hand away with my other hand. It was burning. Now I had no doubts that my face was also a burning red.

"Yes it is! But why is the real question here.... Hmmmmm....," Zoe thought for a while as she stared at me only embarrassing me further. I think I know why my cheeks where red... She must of caught on because a large grin spread though her face. "Were you, perhaps? Oh I don't know, thinking about Gene?!"

I let out a hasty response, "N-No!" And I stuttered, now she knows. Not getting out of this one this time.

"That guy?! Really?! Come one (Y/N) you can be serious!", Jack said as he grabbed my shoulders shaking me back and forth. I let out a meep as I tried my best to dig out the best excuse I could think of. When it came to saving my skin with lies, I made a very convincing argument... Thankfully.

"No, it's not like that! Really, it's just. I just remembered that he might show up today again, you know? If he shows up again during lunch and a teacher finds out he might get in trouble and I don't want that to happen to him or his friends!" I explained to them.

"Wait. Gene came here on Friday?! Why didn't you tell me!?" Exclaimed Jack as he looked over at Zoe, demanding an explanation.

"Sorry, I forgot..," she apologized.

As they continued with their conversation only one thought ran through my head. That was a close one, I paused. Close one? What am I talking about? I was just thinking about Gene, nothing else... I must be getting sick... Yeah, I'm just getting sick... Shaking my head I waved goodbye to Jack as Zoe and I walked into the dreaded changing rooms.

-A little while later-

"Come on girls! Move! Don't stop until you reach the concrete!"

All the girls let out a groan of frustration, as we continued to slowly and painfully make our way to the concrete. Finally making it the concrete I collapsed beside Zoe, wheezing. WHO MAKES GIRLS RUN A MILE?! NON-STOP?! I let out a whine as I walked/ crawled to the benches nearby, Zoe following.

"Slowly... Dying... I've lived out a good life though," said Zoe as she laid down on the bleachers beside me.

"Same," I wheezed. We stayed in silence for a while until Zoe spoke up.

"So why was your face red again?" She asked as she gave me a knowing smirk.

"No reason," I quickly responded making sure my voice didn't waver.

"You sure it wasn't because of Gene?"

Shit-taki mushrooms....


"Oh really? Too bad, I shipped it,"

I choked on my saliva, while Zoe was laughing her butt off. My face exploded red as I smacked her upside the head, only for her not to notice or ignore my attempts at shutting her up.

"That's right keep laughing, let's seeing who's not going to get help with math from now on," I calmly spoke as I looked away. Suddenly she stopped laughing, I could feel her eyes on me.

"Y-you don't mean that! Right (Y/N)?! Your still going to help me with my homework right?!", panicked Zoe as she grabbed my shoulders and turning me to face her. I sighed, I'm going to regret this aren't I?

"Fine, as long as you stop laughing. Okay?" I suggested.

"Yes! Alright I'll stop laughing!" She look happy and turned to look at the running boys. "Now what?"

Before I could utter a single word a loud whistle rang through out the air, signaling the end of the P.E.

"Now we go change! Run before they change their minds!" I yelled as we both bolted to the changing rooms.

-During lunch-

Lunch! Finally! Time to pig out! I smiled as Zoe and I walked towards our usual spot on the grass besides a pine tree, almost nobody came to this side of the school. We talked about our favorite movies and such as we calmly sat down on the ground.

"Hey, do you know if Jack will join us today? He wasn't here on Friday..," Zoe asked as she began to trail off. I smirked, perfect time to get revenge.

"I'm pretty sure he'll be here today, why do you ask? Is there a specific reason why you asked?" I teased. Her face began to glow a reddish color as she grew flustered.

"N-no! It's not like that! I sw-swear!" She told me. Her voiced cracked at some parts of her speech as she stuttered out an excuse.

Before I could continued with my teasing I heard two voices calling out to me from both sides.

"Hi (Y/N)! Hey Zoe!"

"What's up (Y/N)?"

I turned to my right and noticed the boy that has been in my mind for the whole day. Gene. I smiled and gave him a small wave, his two friends with him as usual. I turned to the left and saw Jack, I also responded to him with the same manners as Gene.

"Hey you guys, how's it going?" I asked the four people as they sat down beside Zoe and I.

"Great thanks for-" Jack started.

"I'm doing fine, and how are you?" Gene interrupted. I cocked an eyebrow at him before answering.

"Fine, just a bit upset about the chemistry test we had today,"

"A test on a Monday? That's low even for the teachers,"

"I know right? But I think I did good though," I replied.

"Hey (Y/N)! I got some (chocolate) want some?" I turned to find Jack holding two (chocolate) bars in his hand waving them back and forth.

"Really?!" I exclaimed. He nodded and handed me one the (chocolate) bars as I took the sweet in my hand. "Thank you!" I proceed to open the (chocolate) bar and take a bite out of it.

"Hey (Y/N)? Want to hear something that happened at my chemistry class not to long ago?" Gene asked grabbing my attention.

"Sure! What happened-"

"Hey (Y/N)! Did you hear about what happened to my class during English today? Someone drew a dic-" Jack started as Gene interrupted him.

"Hey I was talking to her first,"

"No, I was,"

"No. I was," Gene mimicked.

"Nope," Jack countered.


As the two boys began arguing back and forth Sasha grabbed my attention with a question.

"(Y/N)? How have you been?" She asked, in a bored tone.

"Yeah, do you have any food?" Asked Zenix as he reached out for my lunch. Quickly hold the tray/ lunch pail above my head, and scolded the boy.

"No! Bad Zenix! Don't steal my food!"

"But I'm hungr-y!" He whined out, dragging the last word to empathizes his hunger.

"Get your own food," I told him bluntly as I began to eat my own food.

"Asshole..," he muttered under his breath. I froze, what the fudge did he just call me? I looked at him with a murderous aura around me as I debated whether or not to kill him on the spot.

"Excuse me?" I asked innocently as I slightly cocked my head to the side. I heard him gulp as he looked at me fearfully.

"N-nothing," he stuttered out. I decided not to kill him today so I just let it slide.

"Alrighty then!" I chipped as I continued to eat my food. "Oh an to answer you question Sasha, I'm good. How about you?"

"Fine," she replied.

"You never read my palm," Zoe said. She looked at Sasha with a hopeful look as she held her palm outwards. Sasha sighed as she took Zoe's palm and began tracing the lines on her palm reading the lines out loud. This must of grabbed Jack's attention since he stopped arguing with Gene to listen what Sasha had to say.

"Sasha right? Can you, oh I don't know, see if two palms- uh people are likely to end up with each other? You know, see if they'll end up dating?" He asked, his face gaining a red tint with every word he uttered. He has a crush on girl? Ooooooo~ Sasha stared at him for a while before she held out her hand, beckoning for him to hand her his palm. She looked at his palm tracing over the lines, reciting the meanings for each line and shape by memory.

"According to your palm, the person your most compatible with is..," she turned to look at the girl besides me. "Her,"

"Zoe?!" I exclaimed. Silently cheering at myself since I secretly shipped the two since the beginning of lunch. He stared at Zoe his eyes wide as Zoe looked at him with a cherry red face.

"I-if I'm compatible with Z-Zoe, then who's c-compatible with (Y/N)?!" Demanded Jack as he looked at me. Before I could answer his question I felt a pair of arms wrap around my torso bringing me closer to a body. I looked up to see who it was, it Gene.

"I'm compatible with her," said Gene as he nuzzled his cheek to the side of my face. My face exploded with red, as he continued to nuzzle me, no one talked for a long time until Jack spoke up.

"You?" He spat out as he looked angrily at Gene.

"Yes me. Why is that a problem?" He asked. I felt his grip loose so I took the opportunity to escape his grasp. Everyone looked at me, as if wanting me to explain my actions. My mind was running wild thoughts and began to cloud my actions. Not being able to come up with anything I made up an excuse to leave.

"I-I have to g-go! To th-the bath-room!" I stuttered out as I bolted towards the direction of the closest bathroom I could find. Thankfully no one was there so I could wash my face with water. Trying my best to relieve my face of the now burning sensation on my cheeks. I heard the door open and turned around to see Zoe standing there.

"(Y/N) are you alright? You left so quickly, I got worried," she said as she walked over to me.

"Y-yeah! I'm fine! Just not use to the sudden act of affections Gene likes to give out, you know?" I told her. I wasn't lying, it's true. I'm not use to boys hugging me, much less cuddling me like a toy. It made my heart race at the thought of Gene, a boy, willing hugging and cuddling me.

"I see, anyways do you want to go back? Or do you need another minute to cool down?" She asked as I thought about it. Taking one last glance at the mirror to see the blush die down from my cheeks I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm good now. Let's go," I said as we walked out the door to go back together to the lunch spot to finish off our food.

Suddenly I saw a group of people beginning to run in the direction we were going. Zoe and I exchanged glances as we also made our to the growing crowd of students. Shouts we're being yelled, cheers were cheered and phones began recording whatever was at the center of the circle. Growing worried Zoe and I began making our way through the crowd towards the center. Shoving past the last few people my eyes landed on the sight that got all the students worked up. My eyes widen and my heart stopped.

No...! This isn't suppose to happen!

-To be continued-

Cliffhangerrrrrr! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! Do you guys hate me now? O v O
Bet y'all wondering what the heck is happening right now, eh?

Anyways this was more of filler chapter to be exact, I couldn't think of what to write somewhere in the middle but I pulled through! This book will probably end somewhere around chapter 10, and yes. I've planned it out this time. And maybe you guys might be like,
But that's just a possibility. Oh and one more thing....


Until next time~

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