Malaysia's Randomness

By Mirabella_Scarlett

19.8K 722 597

Know more about Malaysia's history, food, people etc. with aph Malaysia herself! Malaysia: You can also ask o... More

Everyday thoughts (I'M SORRY)
Hari Raya Aidilfitri Pt. 1
Hari Raya Aidilfitri Pt.2
Hari Raya Aidilfitri Pt. 3
3 Questions!
Upin & Ipin or Boboiboy
The ASEAN genders
Colonizers? (DURIAN EDITION)
Protective Chart
Mother figure
Ships Pt. 1
Ships Pt.2
Memories (SingaMalay)
Rubik's Cube
How We Met
I was wondering
Frying pan
A Small Comfort

Memories (SingaMalay) Pt. 2

576 19 11
By Mirabella_Scarlett

Author-san: Hey, what's up guys? I hoped you guys liked the last chapter~ I'm gonna try and write Part 2 of this, so please enjoy~

Oh yeah~ Please read the author's note at the end of the chapter kay?

WARNING: May or may not contain ideas from various Korean dramas..

S. Korea : Told you my dramas are inspiring da-ze!

Author-san: *throws le book at S.Korea* -_-

S. Korea: OWWWW!



Malaysia, determined to face her fears, wiped her tears and gotten ready to leave for Singapore. Wanting to tell how she felt.

And with a prayer to Allah, she walked out her house hoping for the best for herself and Russell.


Back in the meeting room, the other ASEAN nations excluding Singapore, were now either drunk, still eating or passed out...

Singapore, being his usual self, had called their bosses to tell them about their unfortunate state.

Finally, that took longer than I thought . Russell thought to himself. Watching the bosses pulling, carrying or trying to wake up their respective personification.

Walking to his car, he checked the time. 3.08 p.m. Should I? What if she's busy? The nation was contemplating... Without noticing, he was driving to the train station.

Wait, what am I doing?

Might as well just go and say hi I guess?

Russell, finally making up his mind, drove his car to the direction of the train stations.

------time skip---------

"I can't believe I'm doing this...." He whispered to himself. Opening his phone, he wanted to call Maya to inform of his visiting.

Wait.. What if I make it a surprise? He thought.

Lost in his own thoughts, he didn't notice the sound of a train engine getting nearer.

He walked up to go on board, while waiting for the passengers to get out, he saw a familiar face. What gave the person out was a certain red hibiscus hair clip of hers.

W-wait what? Is t-that... Malaysia?


"Sir!" The voice hollered.

The Singaporean, now just noticing the voice, whipped his head and saw a worker holding out her hand.

"Y-yes?" He stammered, eyes not wanting to loose sight of the familiar head he just saw.

"Your ticket please?"

Looking back, he decided to follow his stupid heart and quickly apologized before chasing the girl he just saw.

-----I told you I made Korean cliche--------

"Cik? Cik? Bangun Cik..." A voice called out.


"Cik, boleh tak Cik bangun? Kita sudah sampai..." The voice drawled out...

Wait... We arrived?

Following the sound of the voice, Maya had looked up to see she was leaning on a young woman who looked fairly weirded out by the nation.

"M-maaf, maaf sangat!" She exclaimed to the lady.

"Takpe~ Bagus jika kita turun sekarang, nanti tertinggal pula~"

"Oh ya.."

Maya was quick to get up and gather her stuff.

Getting out, she wasn't ready to see the scene in front of her.













Russell had heard the oh so popular nickname his ASEAN family used, but that wasn't the thing that shocked him....

It was the voice

The voice who would usually tease him in meetings and start fights with his oldest sister, Indonesia.

The voice of Malaysia (this actually sound like a patriotic title or something)

The woman he was chasing after wasn't who he expected.Seeing as he thought it was 100% the one he had thought, he tried to grab her.

Have I told you that it was busy at the station? No? Well, it was.

This caused both the young woman and Russell to fall on the floor and also caused a really confused and angry lady who was in a rush.

Russell, being raised by England to be a gentleman, had offered to help the lady and explained the rather embarrassing situation.

"Really? Well, I hoped you can find that girl then~ She sounds sweet enough for you to go to all this trouble!" The lady, or now known as Krystal said.

She was a sucker for romance~

"Thank you and yeah she is." Russell replied, a small smile appearing on his face.


Whipping his head, he saw a woman with light brown skin, straight black hair and dark brown eyes staring at him with a confused and sad look.

"Maya?" He asked backed.

"Oh my, I-I'll go now, thank you for helping.." Krystal had said before running away, not wanting to make the problem bigger.

"Maya, what are you doing here?" He asked after regaining his composure.

The Malaysian, was now beet red.

"W-well, ahahah... funny story r-really..." She tried to hide the fact that she was embarrassed of her sudden visit.

Amused, Singapore walked closer to her and tried to embarrass her a little...

"Hmm? What story?" He asked, itching closer and closer to the red face Malaysian.

"Oh shut it already!" She yelled. Luckily, the station was now bare, only a few people scatter here and there.

I can't let this go on She thought. It's now or never.



"Well, I was thinking..."

"What is it Malaysia?"

"I'm sorry.."

"Sorry? What did you do?"

Russell actually knew what she was talking about, it just frustrated him on how she was the one apologizing, not him.

He was the who should be apologizing.

He was the one who should feel guilty.

He was the one who was suppose to stop their boss's decision.

And yet, he did nothing.

"Singa, I-I'm so sorry, it was my fault, I should have tried to stop them.."

"Hey Maya? Have you ever wondered?"

"Wondered? What about?"

"Well, it's not fair... We're personifications of our countries..."


"It just translate to something more stupid..."

"Singa, please stop.."

"We're are just merely lands that are conquered by other humans..."

"Singa, calm down please.."

"Yet, we suffered the most..."

"Singa I'm begging you!"

"Was it really our fault? We were forced to obey their selfish orders..."

"RUSSELL!" Maya screamed, wanting to snap Singapore out of his trans.

Luckily, it worked.

The Singaporean let out a humorless chuckle. "Sorry, I went to far, didn't I?" He asked, patting at Maya's had gently.

Maya, felt something inside, something, telling her to do it. Just tell him already.

She took the hand that was still on her head and clasped it tightly. Looking at it with sorrowful eyes.

"Do you think I wanted it to happen you idiot? I hated myself for being such a wimp... Can you not make it more difficult Singa? I never wanted you to leave.

It was difficult enough with all the rebellious people in my country. At least, I had you at that time. You were the one I trusted the most.

Do you even know how much it broke me from the inside when you had told them you agreed. It felt like getting splashed with cold water. It was that horrifying to me."

She said everything so fast, still gripping at his hand. Every word was laced with her pent up emotions for everything she ever wanted to say.

Singapore was at lost for words, never has he seen the girl in front of her been so frustrated.

She was always the one to bring the mood up. Hating when other people started to give up so easily.

He felt wetness on the hand that was gripped.

He looked to see it was tears, Maya was shaking furiously, dangerously close to letting the dam burst.

His face softened, pulling her closer, letting her cry her frustration out.

He didn't say anything. Just holding her tightly.

After a while, he started to speak up.

"You are such an idiot, you know that?" Russell stated, flicking her head.

"H-hey! What was that for! I just told you how I feel, do you not care about anything I just said!"

Maya felt a little betrayed, she just let out what she had felt for all those years, and he calls her stupid?

"No idiot, I'm happy... I thought that you were never going to trust me again, I thought... you had forgotten our promise."

Maya was silent, remembering what they both promised to each other decades ago.

"I don't know about you but, I promise, I won't let them tear us apart again.."

"Wait, again?"

"Yes Malaysia, I'm gonna say this once so open your ears..."


Singapore, had mustered up the courage and held Malaysia by the waist and said..

"Can we start over again? As humans?"

"A-as humans?" She stuttered out, blushing even more from the really close proximity.

"No politics, no bosses.. just as simple humans... Can we?"

"Ummm.. errr... S-sure lah! What are we suppose to do?"

"Just be with each other, not as nations, just like a normal human couple.."


"That face of yours is gonna be the death of me... Come on, let's just go get some tea somewhere..."

Walking together, they were still holding hands.

A question popped into the Malaysians head.

"Hey Singa?"


"What were you doing here actually?"








"W-well, I was just taking my car for a spin before going home.."

Not believing that lie, Maya stated,

"But your house is the opposite direction of this station lah... I still remember.."


"Wait.... were you planning to visit me?~~"




"That's so sweet of you~ Awww... you're blushing!"

"Shut it already!"

Maya laughed watching the red face of Russell. Now that she got a good laugh, she can't help but admire the one guy that has been with since she was a child.

"Happy Birthday Russell... May you always be blessed with good luck."

"Thank you for everything Singapore."

------The happily end~---------


I haven't gotten any ideas to make any chapters for WEEKS and I feel really guilty about that.

I tried very hard to make this one while having a wall of 'no ideas'.

I hope you guys enjoy it! I'll be making more short fanfics, I really like making them even though they are hard.

Oh yeah, I would like to make a shout out to my new friend! 

She just made a new book about the ASEAN and it would be awesome if you guys check it out!

Author-san : I promise to try and make new chapters for you guys to enjoy!

If you have a request for a short fanfic of other anime of characters (that are not related to my Malaysia OC) I'll be making a new book of short fanfics if you guys want~

please tell me tho... I need you cooperation~ TT ~ TT

Author-san : This is it for now, bye guys~ ASSALAMUALAIKUM~ MINTA MAAF DAN SAYANG KAMU SEMUA~~


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