The Sterling Family

By FD_Angel

18.7K 296 57

One night when best friends, Anya Honesty Hendricks and Nevaeh Samantha Adams, go out to party and have some... More

Chapter 1: Nightmare
Chapter 2: Kidnapped
Chapter 3: Missing
Chapter 4: Two New Slaves
Chapter 5: My Master
Chapter 6: The Sterling Family (Scene 1)
Chapter 6: The Sterling Family (Scene 2)
Chapter 7: The Ball
Chapter 8: Hurt
Chapter 9: Why Me?
Chapter 10: Damaged
Chapter 10: Damaged (Scene 2)
Chapter 11: Revenge
Chapter 11: Revenge (Scene 2)
Chapter 13: Getaway
Chapter 14: Family Dinner
Chapter 15: Reminiscence
Chapter 16: Masquerade Ball
Chapter 16: Masquerade Ball (Part 2)
Chapter 16: Masquerade Ball (Part 3)
Chapter 16: Masquerade Ball (Part 4)
'The Sterling Family' Published!

Chapter 12: The Aftermath

562 11 0
By FD_Angel

Hey guys, I just want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it. Remember to always be thankful for everything you have in life because there are people in this world who have nothing. So don't take anything for granted and be happy. With that said I want to thank you all (my fans, my readers, everyone) for all the support I have been getting from you guys. I hope you guys are all enjoying the story so far and remember to keep sticking around for many more chapter to come. 😉😊

~ F.D. ANGEL ~


© Copyrighted 2012 the Sterling Family. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 12: The Aftermath

Three days have come and gone since the incident between Anya and Devonte. Following the intense trauma Anya endured, she received five stitches to her right arm for the cut along with a cast for the broken radius and ulna bones. However it didn't end there because King Vincent and her master Devonte sent her to be locked away in the dungeon for one week. That meant one week with no food, dirty, filthy, and alone. As for Nevaeh goes, she has been cleaning up her master's room everyday like usual. However she still has been spending a lot of her time in her room either sleeping or laying down lost in her thoughts and crying. Damien is due back from his vacation with Elizabeth any day now and Nevaeh will unfortunately need to stay strong and brace herself for his return. This will be the first time they see each other again after her rape.

*Damien's POV*

My week long vacation with my love, Elizabeth has sadly come to an end and we were making our way back to the mansion. The car came to a completely stop signaling that we had finally arrived. As the chauffeur stepped out, I looked out the window and sighed as I saw the grand entrance to the mansion. I couldn't believe we were back to this damn mansion once again. The place I used to call home, that is before I got a damn slave and needed to start dealing with her every single day. I can't wait to finally see the day Elizabeth and I get married. That way we can move into our own mansion and live our lives together. No problems, no arguments, and no slaves; just me and her to rule the entire vampire society as the new King and Queen. The chauffeur came around and opened the door so Elizabeth and I could step out.

"Come on babe, we're here." I told her as I stepped out the car first

"Finally" she said as she took my hand and stepped out the car

"Why don't you head to our bedroom while I let my mother and father know that we have arrived." I told her.

"Ok babe" she said as I kissed her and she made her way upstairs to our room while I made my way to my father's office.

Once I was in front of my father's office, I knocked and waited for him to respond.

"Come in" I heard him say

With that said I entered the room and saw my mother sitting on the couch and my father at his desk writing.

"Hello mother, father" I greeted each of them

"Hi sweetie" my mother said as she stood from the couch and made her way over to me. She kissed me on the checks and hugged me.

"Welcome back son, how was the vacation?" my father asked me.

"Good, very relaxing" I told him

"That's good to hear" my mum said

"How are you mum?" I asked her as I returned her hug.

"I'm good, how about you?" she asked me as she pulled away from the hug.

"Good except my vacation ended too quickly" I stated

"I'm sorry honey" she said

"It's ok mum, hopefully I'll be able to take another one soon" I told her

"We will see what we can do" she let me know

"How has everything been while I was gone?" I asked

"Fine" she told me

"What about my slave? Has she behaved correctly?" I asked

"Well we wouldn't really know; I mean she has not left her room since you left." My mum advised me.

"You mean she hasn't drunk or eaten anything since last week?" I asked curiously

"No, she has just been in her room all day since last week. I don't know what happened because she used to come out when she first came here." She told me.

"I don't know, but I will find out" I let her know although I already knew that reason why.

"Ok, well you look tired so why don't you head upstairs and get some rest before dinner, ok?" my mum told me.

"Ok mum, I'll see you and father later." I said.

"Ok son" my father said from his desk and I left the room.

*Nevaeh's POV*

I was sound asleep when I heard someone open the door to my master's bedroom. The sound of the door opening made me jump up and cling the sheets tightly to my body. I listened carefully and waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness so I could see who it was. That is when I spotted Elizabeth standing at my doorway. They had gotten back already, so soon dammit.

"So I heard you got raped, slave. I'm sorry to hear that" She said as she laughed and got closer to my bed, "Or not." She continued to laugh.

"You got what you deserved and you will get more as time goes on." She told me.

I started to think as to what she meant when she said I will be getting more as time goes on. I hope she didn't mean that I would be getting raped some more because I would rather die before let those guards take me against my will once again.

"Have fun protecting yourself slave" she said and left my room before I could say anything.

I sat on my bed and thought of what she said. How was I going to protect myself? It was 3 against 1 including my master and if it included her that would be 4. It was going to be hard but I was going to keep myself ready. I am going to keep my guard up at all times and I will get to the bottom of this. I won't let them hurt me anymore.

*Damien's POV*

I was headed towards my room when I saw Elizabeth leaving my room. She seemed uneasy as if something was bothering her. We just got back from our vacation, what the hell happened now?

"Honey where are you going?" I asked her.

"I have to go" she said

"Why? What happened?" I asked concerned to what could have happened.

"Well I was putting my things away when I went to check on your slave and she just yelled at me. She insulted me, told me to get out and to not talk to her. She even told me that I am a nobody and that I'm not good enough for you." She said as she started to cry onto my shoulder.

I hugged her tightly and kissed her head. How dare that stupid slave say shit like that to my love? She is going to wish she never opened her mouth and said anything. I'm gonna show her how to keep her fucking mouth shut and respect people higher than her. If getting her raped didn't work than I'll figure out what else I can do to teach her a damn lesson.

"I'll be back babe" I told Elizabeth as I pulled out of the hug and made my way towards the bedroom door.

"Where are you going?" she asked me.

"To teach my damn slave how to respect people." I told her as I felt the anger begin to take over.

"Ok I'll be in the garden than" she let me know.

"Ok" was all I said as I opened the door to my bedroom and entered.

*Anya's POV*

It has been three days since I have been locked up in this horrible dungeon. For the past two days I received a severe beating and wasn't allowed to eat, just a cup of water for the entire day. I remember the king calling me into his office to find out exactly what happened between me and my master. I told him everything that happened including the fact that my master raped me and beat me. But he didn't really worry to much about that; he just said he would talk to my master about it. He was more worried and focused on why I tried to kill my master. For a quick minute I choked up because I didn't know what he was going to do to me. The king impatiently waited for my answer, so pushing my fear aside I told him why. I told him the fact that I couldn't stand him anymore and that if I killed him I would finally be free from being his slave. As soon as I said that I swear to you I got so scared as I watched the king's demeanor change from a normal expression to an angry expression. For the first time ever I was scared for my life. I wanted to run because I didn't know if he was going to kill me or hurt me.

Instantly he started to yell at me and immediately placed me on punishment. He had one of his guards come get me to bring me down to this hell hole for a week. The beating I received on the first day was so severe that I bleed for hours. My master even came down to watch me get the beat and laugh. I wanted to kill him and I wished I had killed him when I had the chance. The beating got so bad that I needed to have a nurse come down to clean up my back a little. The second day was the same except I was so sore from the first beating that it didn't hurt as bad.

Today was the third day and I was so scared that another beating was awaiting me, however it never came. I was still scared but hoped that I wasn't going to get one today or for the next four days. I just wanted out of this damn place immediately. My right arm was chained to the wall and the entire cell was cold, dark, and creepy. There was only one little window with bars to the right which kept me knowing whether or not it was day or night. However during the night it got so cold that I started to shiver uncontrollably. The dungeon didn't have blankets or covers except a mattress and a small drain like bucket to use as a bathroom. I'm not a dog that uses anything for a bathroom. However I did need to use it only twice so far to pee and that's it. I would have peed on myself but I didn't want to sit in this dungeon for a week smelling like piss and sweat. So I had no other choice but don't expect me to shit in there cause I won't; I'd rather hold it in until I get out. I have four more days to spend in here and I hope they go by fast cause I don't know how much longer I can take this pain, torture, and suffering. At that moment I couldn't help but to cry. I wanted to go home, see my family and live my normal life again. I didn't want to be a slave anymore but what choice do I have in this? They will never let me go and I hate them! Why did this have to happen to me and Nevaeh? Why?


A/N: So what do you all think? Did you except that? And what a bitch Elizabeth is, did you except her to do that? Let me know in the comment section below! Also please vote for this story and share it! Until next chapter! 😊

*** Stay Tuned for Chapter 13 ***

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