Mass Effect: The Quarian Girl...

By TaliZorahVasNormandy

13.2K 64 8

Shepard has had Tali on his team since the start. But after he learns of Tali's feelings towards him, he gets... More

Chapter 1: The 'Dream'
A/N (Announcement)
A/N (Announcement)
(IMPORTANT Announcement)
Chapter 3: The Theif
A/N (Announcement)
Chapter 4: Traitors (PREVIEW)

Chapter 2: That Night (LEMON)

3.6K 17 1
By TaliZorahVasNormandy

Shepard walked back from out of the Briefing/Communication Room, his face lit with anger. EDI popped up on the console in the CIC next to the elevator as Shepard entered the room.

"Shepard I do not mean to disturb, but you seem to be in a hostile mood, can I be of any assist to help?" EDI questioned.

"No, I'm okay EDI, just mad with his 'choices' of what exactly to do with my DNA." Shepard responded angrily.

"What is the Illusive Man doing with your DNA?!" Kelly quickly questioned after she had heard Shepard's comment.

"He made 2 clones of me, and I don't even know where they are!" Shepard raised his voice, it was still full of anger, but he refused to yell at Kelly.

"That's horribe, I don't know why you trust him." Kelly stated in disagreement.

"I don't trust him." Shepard responded still loud with anger, but not quite yelling.

"Good instincts." Kelly informed him with light kindness, but still an informing attitude.

EDI listened, then popped off the console and back up to the cockpit with Joker. Shepard hadn't noticed the glare of fascination that Kelly held on him, he looked over at her and noticed the woman's expression. Did she like him too? He couldn't think properly, he just sat there staring at Kelly as she mimicked his glare. But what they didn't know, someone was watching them with sadness and jealousy, it was Tali. She felt heartbroken, she had come up to check on the ships cockpit repairs, but she came at the right time to notice the romantic glare Kelly and Shepard held on each other. Shepard noticed Tali and looked away and blushed, hoping she didn't see, but he knew she did. He loved Tali, but Kelly loved him, and Tali loved him, and he 'liked' Kelly, but not that way. But he didn't wanna break her heart, so he kept quiet. Tali walked past them, smiling at Shepard, he couldn't see her smile, but he knew it was there. Tali headed up to the cockpit, looking back at Shepard every few seconds, as if guarding him, making sure no one did anything to him behind her back. Shepard waved at Tali and headed up to the cockpit to meet Tali, Joker, and EDI. He ran up to the cockpit and stopped and stared at Tali, his eyes trying not to focus on her perfect behind, but it was hard, she kept switching her hips from one side to the other, as if she knew he was watching her. She was talking with Joker and EDI, though Shepard was distracted he could hear their conversation.

"So Joker has the ship got it's newest repairs I installed?" Tali questioned Joker.

"Yes, they proved to be very useful Miss Zorah." EDI responded.

"I didn't ask you EDI, thanks though." Tali teased then responded.

"Girl's...girl's." Joker raised his voice, but refused to yell at the innocent Tali.

"The Commander seems to be fascinated with you Miss Zorah." EDI teased Tali.

Tali tilted her head confused, then she caught on and turned her head to meet Shepard staring at her behind, then he realized everyone was watching him and he looked away and blushed, Tali couldn't hold back a giggle.

"I think she's right Tali." Joker responded but also teased.

Tali looked back at Joker, and Shepard turned his head at her behind again, and she rolled her eyes as if she knew he was looking at her behind, then she turned around and pushed Shepard playfully against the wall, she then giggled and waved bye and walked to the elevator and headed back to Engineering. Shepard still dumbfounded by Tali, looked at Joker and EDI, then walked off, and headed to his quarter's. -------------------------------------------------
Shepard had been laying on his bed for a while now, thinking. He always did this, but his thoughts varied, this time it was of Tali, he tried to picture her in his mind the best he could. He pictured her suit, and her curved backside, and her wide hips, and her curved legs, and her helmet hiding her face, only her white eyes showing, and if you looked closely you could see her curved nose and small mouth too. He wanted to talk to her, but he couldn't freely around anyone else, he had an idea, he was gonna invite her up to his cabin to talk, it might sound weird, but only if you think about it. 'Don't think about it that way.' Shepard thought, he thought about it that way for a second. 'And you thought of it. Dammit.' He annoyingly replied to himself. He walked over to his console/laptop, and sent Tali a direct message,

Hey Tali, have something important I have to discuss with you, meet me in my cabin ASAP.


He tried to sound as sweet as possible, because she was a very sweet and innocent young girl. 'I think she's only 24? I could be wrong.' Shepard questioned himself. Seconds later he heard a sound go off, indicating he had a reply to his direct message to Tali, he opened it and read it.

Got your direct message, I'd love to talk, I always have time for you. I'll be up there shortly, thank you.

-Tali'Zorah vas Normandy

He was kind of frustrated that she used her full name to message him back, but then again she was very kind and trying to be professional, so he couldn't blame her. He sat on his bed, thinking of Tali again. Minutes later he heard his door swish open, and he looked up to see Tali walking in, she looked very nervous, but yet calm and sweet, she walked down until she was a few feet away form him, she then looked at him and questioned him.

"You wanted to speak with private?" Tali questioned nerviously.

"Yes, I would just wait until I found you walking around, or just come down to Engineering and chat. But I can't talk freely in front of anyone, so I needed to talk with private." Shepard responded.

"Okay that seems resonible, what was it you wanted to discuss?" Tali questioned a bit more confidently, but still obviously very nervous.

"That's the thing, I had something I wanted to ask you." Shepard responded.

"Yeah?" Tali questioned.

"The other day...remember what you said to me? About your feelings." Shepard neveriously questioned.

"Yes, if your not interested, that's okay, I know you have feelings for Kelly, as does she for you. If you want to be with her, that's fine, I won't judge you. Why would you want me? I'm just-" Tali stated, almost tearing up at the thought.

Tali was cut off by Shepard, he quickly discarded her of the thought.

"Tali...I don't want her...I want you...don't ever think I don't love you." Shepard reassured her.

Tali was flattered by his reassurment. 'And he used love. He loves me?' She thought. She almost cried at the thought of him loving her.

"I...thank you Shepard...I didn't know you cared that much...about me...I...I'm at a loss of words." Tali tried to act calm, but her heart was racing.

"Don't mention it, also my names not Shepard." Shepard stated.

"I know it's your last name, that's how they go by it." Tali responded.

"I know, everyone should know that...but what I'm saying don't have to call me Shepard." Shepard responded.

"Then what am I supposed to call you, Commander?" Tali teased.

"You know I have a name." Shepard teased back.

"I know...everyone does... you...uh...never told me." Tali spoke nerviously, but yet still calm and sweet.

"Just call me John." Shepard talked in his most kind tone, he always did when he was talking to her, because she was so sweet and innocent, she didn't deserve anything but the best, and he wanted to give it to her.

"John huh? 'Suits' you." Tali teased him.

"When did you become the pun type?" Shepard teased and questioned her.

"Just now." Tali smiled and teased back, although he couldn't see her smile he knew it was there.

"So...when did you think I liked Kelly?" Shepard questioned.

"Earlier, you and her staring at one another, you looked happy, maybe even cute together." Tali stated nerviously.

"Stop fan-girling over me Tali." Shepard teased with a laugh.

"I'm not!" Tali nerviously jutted out.

"You so are, don't hide it, it's to obvious." Shepard laughed out.

"Aparently." Tali blurted out boringly.

"You know, Miranda seemed jelous when we met you on Haestrom." Shepard stated. He was holding Tali in his arms, his hands were clasped around her waist, and her hands were dropped over his shoulders, as she was leaning back, using him for support. He leaned into her, his face barely missing touching her mask.

"Why's that?" Tali questioned. She looked into his eyes. He looked back, full of wonder, and curiosity.

"I asked her a little while after about it, and she said because of your body shape, she went into details, but I don't have to tell you, if you don't want me to." Shepard questioned.

"Please do tell, I would love to hear Miss Lawson's opinion on me." Tali stated, her voice was practically full with seduction.

"Okay, I then asked her to explain, and she started going on about your hips, waist, even your behind, I almost couldn't hold back a laugh. Is that really what girl's are jelous about from other girl's?" Shepard questioned.

Tali was getting aroused now, she wanted him, she needed him, but she didn't want to seem eager, so she kept her mouth shut.

"I don't know about humans but...that is definetily not what Quarian girl's get jelous about." Tali teased.

"Then what is it that your kind gets jelous about?" Shepard questioned, his voice seemed arousing to Tali, and she almost couldn't resist the urge to have him.

"It depends, if it's girl's it's normally your color or style of your suit, or how cute your accent is. For guy's I guess it's how pretty your girlfriend is." Tali laughed out.

"Well then, I can tell many guy's of your kind would be jelous of me." Shepard responded, clearly calling Tali pretty in an easy-to-catch compliment.

"I...well...thank you John." Tali's voice fluttered with excitement.

Shepard stood there, still with Tali in his arm's. He had his right hand on her waist, and his left at her lower hip. Tali had her right arm around his shoulder, and her left at the side of his face, with her thumb rubbing his cheek, Shepard could clearly register Tali's arousal, he laughed in his head. He moved his left hand from her hip, and slowly inched it down to her behind, he rubbed her behind, she lightly moaned in response. Tali could clearly tell what he had in mind, she sighed at the thought, he actually wanted her?

"You know...your quite the woman Tali." Shepard suductively spoke, his words were almost enough to send her over the edge.

"I...well...I'm only 24. I'm still in my opinion considered a girl." Tali replied.

"Not in my eye's Tali." Shepard's voice practically sent her into a trance of seduction.

"Thanks John." Tali replied, trying to continue the continous flirting.

He was still rubbing her behind, but she had almost gotten used to it by now, she pulled away and looked down. Shoked Shepard walked up to her, he became a little confused when she pulled up her Omni-Tool and clicked a few buttons, moments later she jumped at him and hugged him, he was still a little confused though.

"Tali, you alright?" Shepard questioned.

"Yes, perfectly fine. Listen, there's something I wanted to show you." She replied.

"Alright." Shepard responded.

"Close your eye's." Tali replied, excitement clearly audible in her voice.

"Okay." Shepard replied.

Shepard closed his eye's, second's later he heard the sound of a latch unlatching, and a clicking sound, he could also make out a thud sound, as if something dropped to the ground. He was curious and wanted to open his eye's, but instead he waited for Tali to tell him to.

"Okay John, you can open your eye's now." Tali replied excitedly.

He opened his eye's and looked up, and he was shoked. There Tali was, her face clearly visable to him. He stood there staring at him, with curiosity and awe he studied her. Her face was pale, with a purplish glow to it, she had a tiny pointed nose, and a soft mouth that was curved into a cute smile, her eye's were curved, and glowed a whitish-greyish color, she had long dark red hair that was visible, because of her helmet and face mask being off her face, her hair flowed down her back and was tucked behind her think long elf like ear's, she was beautiful. She looked up at him with a cute seduced expression on her face, still smiling actractively though.

"Tali...I...your beautiful." Shepard stated in awe and seduction.

"Thank you John." Tali replied, blushing at the compliment.

Shepard inched his way over to her and grabbed her waist, he pulled her body into his, and she looked back into his eye's. She had her arms around his neck and shoulders, using him for support again, he again had his hands clasped around her waist. She leaned in and closed the gap between their lips, Shepard was surprised how soft her lips were, he held her tight close to him, his hand sneaked back down to her behind, he rubbed her back and behind again, she moaned out in response, he could feel her high pitched moan vibrate their mouths. She pulled away and smiled, she grabbed his hand and led him over to the bed and turned his back to it, still standing Shepard grabbed ahold of her wide hips, and pulled her closer, she smiled again. Shepard was a bit curious of what was on her mind, but before he could figure it out, Tali turned from a very calm woman, to a Quarian live wire. She pounced him down onto the bed and pounded her lips to his. He sat there a bit shoked, but then responded to her kiss, he pushed back a bit harder than her, she gasped and pushed harder, he rubbed the bottom of her lip with his tounge, asking for entrance. Tali agreed and opened her mouth, Shepard slipped his tounge inside her mouth and began exploring, she did the same. It was if all of Shepard's emotions had vanished, laying there with Tali on top of him, he was almost in a trance from her. He moved his left hand to her behind again, rubbing her behind, he again had his right hand on her upper back, stroking her back and behind and his tounge dancing with her's, it was almost to much for Tali. Shepard playfully yet passionately rolled both of them over and took his place on top, Tali moved her hands from his head, and down to his back, stroking his back as much as she could without breaking the kiss, he moved his hands to her waist and supported himself above her. They both pulled their lips away and Shepard sat up on the bed, and Tali sat up as well.

"Keelah John, that was amazing." Tali replied still filled with awe.

"Oh done already?" Shepard teased.

"Not a chance." Tali teased back.

Shepard crawled back over to her and pulled her into his body. Tali replied with pounding her lips into his yet again. Shepard reached around her back for the clamps to her suit, she noticed he was confused on how to unlatch it, so she pulled away and undid them herself. She unclamped the top part of her suit, and pulled it off, and threw it across the room, revealing her bra. It was black with blue polka dots on it, it was adorable, it suited her. Shepard pulled her back into an embrace, he closed the gap between their lips again, Tali was helping him out of his shirt, she lifted it up over his head and threw it off the bed, she sat up and looked at him, however as she looked at him, he looked at her. He studied her body; her wide curved hips, and her bowed legs, her fascinated face expression, along with that perfect behind of her's. She kneeled up and worked on the lower half of her suit, this was trickier, as she had to take off her boots, then akwardly slip out of the waist section, and pull off her leggings, but it was worth the wait. She looked up at him with a coy smirk on her face. He looked at her carefully, and then again looked at her bra and panties, again the black with blue polka dots were still adorable, it still suited her. He knelt up and undid the buckle on his pants, Tali watched through lidded eye's, he undid it and all they both were in was their underwear, Shepard inched over to Tali and crawled on top of her, they looked into each other's eye's.

"You know, when I said your quite the woman, I stood corrected." Shepard's voice practically dripped with seduction.

"Again, thanks." Tali replied with more seduction.

"Believe me, if you walked into a club in anything except your suit, they would probably immediately offer you a job as a dancer, no matter If you weren't an Asari." Shepard again had much seduction and love in his voice.

"Okay, spare me the details this time." Tali teased.

"Enough wasting time Miss Zorah." Shepard cut Tali off guard for a second, then she caught on when he started kissing and licking her neck.

"Keelah...John...I..." Tali replied to his actions with more high pitched moans and gasps.

She'd never felt these feelings before, Tali was still a virgin, so she was extremely sensitive, and Shepard caught wind of that, so he was gentle with her. He continued to lick and kiss her neck, while trying to unhook her bra, she noticed and started to help him, but it was hard because of her being pressed against the bed. Shepard caught on and pulled her up, he kissed her yet again and began working on her bra again, realizing he was confused again Tali helped him again. She undid the strap nerviously, and threw her bra off the bed, Shepard pulled away and looked at Tali almost bare in front of him. He pulled her into a close embrace and began to peck at her neck again, she started to pull off her panties, once she got them off and onto the floor with the rest of their clothes, she started helping him with his boxer's, she pulled them off and Shepard pulled away, and crawled on top of Tali again. He positioned himself at her entrance, and she felt a wave of fear wash over her body, he noticed her discomfort and looked at her with reassure. She felt comfortable again, and nodded, he began to push into her, and she immediately let out a medium vocalized scream, Shepard was quick to react though, he immediately took Tali into his arm's and started rubbing her back, she calmed down and nodded again, he pushed farther, and Tali jerked at the pain, but soon relaxed. She felt Shepard pull out then push in again, she couldn't held back the moan that escaped her mouth even if she tried, he quickened his pace only slightly though, he didn't want to hurt her, she deserved the best of the best, and he was lucky to have her, and he wanted to make sure she got it. He watched her squirm and moan loudly underneath him, he leaned into her neck and started to lick and kiss it again, his hands wandered to her breasts as he massaged them. It was almost to much for Tali, with Shepard thrusting into her, and his wild explorations of her neck and breasts, she found it hard to control herself, all she currently wanted was more, she moved her hands up to his back, and latched her legs onto his lower back, she immediately noticed it made him penetrate her deeper, and she couldn't hold in a slight moan/scream. Their motions continued for long lenthless minutes, and Tali felt fearful, knowing the end was approaching, but she was fearful of what it would be like, without warning her climax came, she let out a loud scream, and arched her back, she had a shoked expression on her face, she then threw her arms down and violently gripped the bed sheets. There was a warm tingling feeling in her body, in waves it got stronger, one stronger than the other, and each wave came within a few seconds, Shepard hit the end too, emptying all of himself into her, he then slowed down and pulled out of her and laid down next to her and pulled the blankets over them, Tali still had a blank expression on her face, Shepard gripped her waist and cuddled into her, she regained consiouness and turned to her side and hugged him tightly, tears welling up in her eye's.

"Oh John...I...that...was...that was amazing!!! I love you so much!!!" Tali screamed excitingly.

"I love you too Tali." Shepard replied calmly.

They cuddled for what seemed like hours, Tali felt very tired, she laid there, with her one true love, that no one in the Galaxy could ever replace, she laid there in his arm's and let exhaustion drag her into a deep sleep.

~Stay Tuned For Chapter 3: The Theif~
Sorry it was so long

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