
By WsAfiys

84.3K 3.6K 407

"Want to hear a story dearies?" Atropos asked, as she cut a thread. "Let us bring you one," crooned Lachesis... More

Destiny Unfolds
Summer's Beginning
Sweet Sunshine
Autumn's Beginning
Bittersweet Reunion
Falling Leaves
Autumn's End
Tinted Calmness
End's Beginning
Hidden Truth
Winter's End
Welcoming Spring

Honour and Love

3.9K 200 7
By WsAfiys

THE STEELY glint in her eyes made him sigh tiredly on his throne. Without delay, Thanatos ordered the meeting adjourned in his place as he massaged his temple tiredly. He glanced at his king, wondering whether he should stay or not and Hades nodded.

He knew what Persephone wanted of him, he knew Hermes had been in his realm and knew the secret was out. He shall need Thanatos by his side so that any actions he should have to make would be carried out in haste. He nodded gratefully as Thanatos stepped down from his side and at a respectable distance, making way for the furious maiden.

"How could you not have told me, Hades? I had to hear it from Hermes, of all people!"

"... Not surprising, really with him being such a gossip."

She placed her hands on her hips, "Do not try to humor me and be utterly adorable right now Hades! I will not stand for it!"

He heard a snort from Thanatos. "... I shall let that slide for you, dearest."

"Cute." She said without feeling, earning another snort which they ignored as she stepped closer to Hades, her forefinger poking his chest. "How could you have not told me of the disaster my mother had brought upon? The despair she unleashed? Did you know this would happen, Hades? Be truthful or so help me..."

            She was silenced as Hades' lips met hers. Chaste but enough to silence her. He distanced himself and let his hand stroke her cheeks as he shook his head wearily, the weight of years on him, of responsibilities.

"I knew she would be temperamental over your being here but it did not occur to this length. At most, I imagined her taking you away from me forcefully, separating us forever after her initial sulking. I never knew she was capable of..."

"... Of such carelessness. Such coldness and disregard. You wanted to spare me of her cruelty in the suffocating, possessive love for me, am I correct to assume so, Hades?"

He did not answer her but he let his head fall atop her shoulders. "How many Hades?"

He chuckled darkly as he waved his hand and the veil he crafted to hide the truth from Persephone lifted. Before her eyes, souls lined as far as the eyes could see awaiting judgment and she gasped in surprise before she embraced him, holding her sobs as she traded her fingers in his hair.

"So many. There are so many of them beloved. I am sorry for what my mother had done, so sorry for this grief in your heart," she choked out. "Tell me, tell me we can stop this madness, Hades. Tell me so, beloved," she begged.

Hades sighed and he straightened. He gave her a final swipe as he nodded and told her, with such hurt in his eyes, his smile crooked, "We can."

She braced herself to ask, "How?"

"By returning you to her," and she cried freely at that. She shook her head as she trembled, her fingers lacing with his even if his grip was loose.

"If-If I return, I shall never see you, Hades. Can we not speak to her? Can I not stay afterward?"

"She will not listen to reason and there is nothing that can make you stay, little one. Once we leave, I hold no power over you."

She shook her head adamantly. "There must be a way! A way for me to stay!"

"... There is."

            It was Thanatos who answered, much to their surprise. Hades gave him a glare as he gripped Persephone's hand, finally, not allowing her to go to Thanatos. In turn, she faced him and gave him a look that made his grip slack.

A look with such steel, such love, such command, it awed him as much as it aches him. The look of a queen. Persephone, in elegance and confidence, stepped towards Thanatos and asked of him determinedly, "Tell me, Thanatos."

"Food of the Underworld. Should one consume food grown from the soils of Underworld, one shall be bound to Hades."

"Then I..." She looked to Hades with such hope that it crushed him to deny her.

"I have given you none, Persephone. The food you ate was of the above world. I will not let you consume it, Persephone."

"But with it, I shall be bound to you!"

"You shall be bound to the Underworld!" He raised his voice and regretted it as soon as he saw her wince.

He embraced her then, tightly as he said fiercely, "Should you eat it Persephone, you can never return! You shall be chained to this realm, never to see your mother, your half-siblings, your father, and your friends! Never to see Helios' brilliance nor the feel of living grass upon your feet! I shall not give you such fate!"

"Then, we shall have to part Hades! I sent Hermes a message to father, he shall come for me. I cannot bear to part with you! I cannot," she sobbed.

"... Neither can I."

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