
By WsAfiys

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"Want to hear a story dearies?" Atropos asked, as she cut a thread. "Let us bring you one," crooned Lachesis... More

Destiny Unfolds
Summer's Beginning
Sweet Sunshine
Autumn's Beginning
Falling Leaves
Autumn's End
Tinted Calmness
End's Beginning
Hidden Truth
Honour and Love
Winter's End
Welcoming Spring

Bittersweet Reunion

5.3K 255 32
By WsAfiys

DAYS had passed since he last saw Persephone and Hades was never the same. He never stopped watching over her whenever he could. It pained him to see her smiling and laughing again but it pained him more as he saw the hurt, the heartbreak in her eyes whenever one paid no heed for her. It pained him to see her gazing into nothingness, her fingers always touching the pendant he gave her.

It was during one of these days, a time when he had an escape from his busy ruling that Gaea honored him with her audience. He acknowledged her presence but stray he did not from gazing upon the mirror he used to watch over her.

"Dearest Hades, gloomy one. Is it not time for you to stop being so honorable and moping?"

"I have always been honorable and shall stay so. It is what makes me different from the lot of them and moping I have not."

"Yes, yes you are. But Hades, should you not be selfish just this once and go retrieve your queen? Give a scarce of your pride for the happiness you deserve."

"I am willing to but not at her cost. I will not taint her, Gaea."

"Who says you will? Oh, dear, I am sure she will heartily go against your word once she arrived."

At that, Hades jolted. "Arrived?" Standing up, he menacingly stepped towards Gaea. "What have you done, Mother Earth?" He asked, fire underlining his calm words.

"A favor to you, gloomy one."

            With that, Hades moved into action. Just as he started to ascend, a scream echoed from a crack of not his doing, and in haste, he hurried his ascend.

SHE SPENT her time in isolation most, these days. Before her mother, her nymphs, and her half-siblings she smiled, laughed as if her heart was whole. It had not been so since her first meeting of casual nature with Hades and their last.

Curse Hades and his honorable self! She sat surrounded by blooming flowers, her knees close to her chest, her hand clutching Hades' pendant tightly as if by doing so her heartache would cease. With a choked sob, she laid on her stomach upon the ground, hoping to muffle her cries.

It took her longer this time, to recollect herself and as her head rose, she saw a single narcissus that had not been there before greeting her. She sat upright instantly, her head craning for a sign, any sign. It was then she saw another of it, and another, forming a trail for her to follow.

Hope flared in her chest for none but Hades could have known the significance of the flower to her. Her favorite indeed, but also the start of their brief affair. It was with hope she stood and began picking the flowers, hoping it will lead her to Hades.

The trail brought her to the edge of a shadowy forest. She could not help the disappointment she felt when she realized that Hades was not responsible for the narcissus and it all mere chance. She knelt on the ground, the flowers she picked cradled in her chest as she tried her hardest not to cry.

Her hard work was naught for the earth began to shake, making her gasp and filled with shock, terror. As the earth beneath her cracked open, she could not help but scream until she heard galloping sounds and her body cradled by familiar hands as she descended into the earth, darkness engulfing her.

A whimper escaped her out of fear until she felt the embrace tighten and a voice she dearly missed whisper, "Hush, Persephone."

"Hades?" She choked a happy sob as she embraced Hades as well, her hands circling his neck.

            As they descended into Underworld, neither remembered the all-seeing eyes of Helios.

THEY landed in front of Hades' pantheon, his majestic palace which awed Persephone. Hades had carried her in his arms into the palace until he reached his hall where he set her upon his throne and he checked her for injuries.

"I am alright, Hades only surprised by the ordeal."

"Even so. It might be better to let Hecate take a look at you for any harm that might come your way," he muttered worriedly. "Thanatos," he summoned and in no time his trusty minister arrived.

"Yes, my lord?"

"Seek Hecate. I need her presence."

"Very well," and Thanatos moved. If he had any thoughts on the maiden upon his throne, he did not mention it.

As they were left alone again, Hades focused his attention on Persephone. There were petals from narcissus scattered over her, her hair ruffled and dust-stained her white robes. With gentle care, he picked each petal and grass clinging to her, ignoring her questing eyes. He moved methodologically as if they had not planned to marry, as if he never confessed to her having his heart. The tension between them heightened until Persephone, sweet, stubborn, steadfast Persephone cut through it.

"Have you not missed me at all, Hades?"

He sighed; "Must you ask? Should I have not missed you none of this would happen."

"It is your doing then, the narcissus?"

"I am afraid not, little one. It was the meddling of Gaea that had brought you here."

She hummed, "She must be wise then, Gaea, for she knew I am the cause of that heartache in your eyes so similar to my own. Heartache which would not be there should a certain honorably prideful elderly acted cleverly not by his misguided conscience."

Hades chuckled in mirth for once in such a long time since he had. "We have met but only twice and only through letters we talked yet I have tainted you so, Persephone."

"Nonsense. You only freed Persephone from the cages of Kore," she retorted with a grin. Her grin then turned somber as their eyes met. "Please, Hades. Stop torturing us so. I cannot bear separation anymore, not knowing when I shall meet you, if I will meet you."

"Then what would you have me do, Persephone?"

"Take me as your bride, as you had suggested. I care not for what my father thought or my mother's."

"Such sinful thoughts you have, little one. Such naiveté. There will be repercussions, Persephone. You know of your mother more than I. Can you face them, these repercussions?"

"I can and I will, with you by my side. I long to be Persephone, Hades. Not Kore, not a child anymore. I long to be your Persephone."

Unable to control himself, he gathered Persephone into his arms, no longer having the will to fight as his heart had yearned enough. "So be it."

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