Stairway To The Skies (Prussi...

By -theobscure

12.3K 271 47

You had known Gilbert since you were a child and had felt the same way around him for years. It's only when y... More



1.2K 26 4
By -theobscure

~5 Years Later~
You were sat on your couch with your best friend Francis as you both watched the TV. Arthur and Alfred were in Alfred's room, though you didn't like to think about what they might be doing. Alfred had told you about his relationship with Arthur when he felt you were old enough to understand, though you had suspected something before then.
"It's quiet in here." A voice said behind you before two arms were wrapped around you and squeezed you tightly, making you scream which in turn made Francis scream and stand from the couch. You heard familiar laughing coming from behind you, then the penny dropped. You hit Matthew's arms before he kissed the top of your head and stood back, allowing you to turn around and hug him tightly. Even though he still lived in Canada, Matthew visited often but you had never visited him. "You look so much older! I only saw you 5 months ago! Hello, Francis." Francis smiled to your brother as he sat back on the couch next to you while Matthew sat on the opposite one. "Oh, I brought you something." Matthew dug through his backpack until he smiled and hummed to himself, handing you a large steel tray. You opened it and gasped at the sight of the coloured pencils lined up side by side.
"Matt! They're beautiful, thank you!" You exclaimed as you stood and hugged him once again, he smiled and shook his head as you sat back down and admired them once again. "Now I'll be able to do that portrait of Francis for my project at College!" Matthew raised his eyebrows and turned to look at your friend, who frowned and shook his head.
"I've told you. There is no way I am posing for a portrait." Was Francis' stern reply as his eyes stayed glued to the screen, you shot Matthew a look as he shrugged.
"Will you be staying here? Al is staying out tonight so his bed is free." You asked, frowning when Matthew shook his head.
"I have to get back before tomorrow morning, this is a fly in visit. I have a meeting at work tomorrow that I can't miss. Is he in his room?" Matthew asked as he stood, you nodded and smiled to him as he passed you. You sighed before you looked through the pencils again and smiled to yourself, hearing Alfred and Arthur saying hello to Matthew in the distance.
"Why don't you ask Feliciano to come over tonight? You two could spend some alone time together." Francis said to you, you sighed and hit his arm as he laughed.
"Francis! There's nothing between me and Feli, he's just my friend. Like Lud and you!" You replied, he just smiled and nodded before he stood and kissed your hair, telling you he would see you soon before he left your apartment. A while later, Matthew came back into the room and hugged you tightly, letting you know he would call when he was back. You thanked him for the gift and told him you would send your first drawing with them, which only made his smile grow.
"You have Arthur's number, there's the number of the hotel on the side...will you be alright?" Alfred asked you as he rushed around the living room, trying to fix his tie. You sighed and walked over to him, swatted his hands away and tied his tie.
"Don't worry about me, you and Arthur have a good night." You replied, he sighed deeply and nodded. You turned to the side when Arthur walked into the room and wolf whistled at the sight of him in a fitted suit. "Looking good, Mr Kirkland." He smiled to you and kissed your cheek before leaving the apartment. You looked up at your brother and smiled before kissing his cheek and pushing him in the direction of his boyfriend. "Have fun and don't do anything I wouldn't!" He smiled to you before he closed the door and locked it from the outside. For a while, you watched TV and sighed to yourself, already feeling bored. You thought about calling Francis but decided to take a shower first. Outside rain was pelting against the windows and the wind howled, making you thankful you were inside. As you stood under the steaming hot water smiling to yourself, the doorbell rang. You turned off the water and grabbed a towel, waiting to hear the sound again. This time there was a series of loud bangs, you quickly wrapped your robe around your body and ran to answer the door, gasping when you found Gilbert standing on the other side. You let him in and locked the door behind him again, when you looked at him you saw he was dripping wet and shivering.
"I'm sorry to bang on the door like that, but I think a hurricane was behind me." He said, you laughed and shook your head. "Is your brother home? Or have I already missed him?"
"He's already gone...was it something important?" You asked, he smiled and shook his head, rains drops fell from his white hair which hung loosely around his pale face. He seemed to be avoiding looking at you, which you found odd until you remembered you were in your robe.
"I'm sorry again...I'll leave you to your night." He said, you laughed and shook your head.
"You can't go back into that! Stay and get dry, I can dry your clothes and find some of Alfred's for you. Besides... I could do with the company." You replied, for a few moments he looked like he was hesitating. "I mean, if you have someone to get back to..."
"Ludwig's on a date. If it's really okay with you..." Was all he said, you smiled and nodded.
"Follow me, I'll find you some clothes." You said, he thanked you and followed you down the hall and into your brother's room, you took out a pair of jogging bottoms and an old shirt from Alfred's high school before handing them to Gilbert. "Will they be okay?" He nodded and thanked you. "I'll go and make some you like it?" Another nod. With that, you closed the door and quickly went into your bedroom to throw on some pyjamas before you went to the kitchen and started to boil some milk over the stove and added the chocolate powder, listening to the heavy rain and wind outside.
"Where should I leave these?" Gilbert asked behind you, you turned around and smiled when you saw the shirt was rather tight around Gilbert's shoulders. You took the wet clothes from him and hung them over the large radiator in the hallway, making sure the heat was on before you smiled and walked back into the kitchen. "Thanks for this, I promise I'll be out of your hair once the rain stops." You just smiled to him and nodded before you gave the drink one last stir and poured it into two mugs, adding cream and a piece of chocolate before you handed it to him. "Wow, right now this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." You laughed and picked up your own mug before you sat back down on the couch whilst Gilbert took the other, humming when the drink warmed his chest.
"What did you need Al for any way?" You asked as you took a drink, Gilbert turned to look at you and smiled before he put his mug down.
"I have this game for his console I said he could borrow. It's in my coat pocket. I'll just leave it for him." Gilbert replied, you smiled and nodded before you took another drink and turned over the channel on the TV. "You know Lud, right?" You smiled and nodded. "Do you know who this mystery girl is who he's on a date with? He wouldn't tell me." You smiled and shook your head.
"He wouldn't tell me or Francis either. He's really secretive." You replied, Gilbert laughed and nodded before taking another drink and making a noise of content before holding up one thumb to you, making you smile. For a short time, you and Gilbert sat in silence which started to become a little uncomfortable. It was now that you realised you had always felt nervous around him and so had  never really spoken to him before or been alone with him.
"It sounds like the rain might be stopping..." Gilbert started to say, however he was stopped by a loud crash of thunder, followed by a heavier downpour of rain. He turned to look at you before he smiled.
"How about some food? I was going to order a pizza, if that's okay with you?" You asked, Gilbert smiled and nodded.
"Pizza sounds great."

You sat on the same couches both eating your pizzas and watching a movie you had both picked out. You had given Gilbert some of your brother's beer whilst you had a Coke. "Why are people in horror movies so dumb? Why go into the scary basement in an abandoned old house?" You laughed at Gilbert's rhetorical questions at the film before he shook his head and took a drink from his beer. "Okay, if you were in a horror film cliche scene would you want? Discovering a deadly secret in the basement or attic, having sex with some overrated Hollywood guy in some stupidly open place where the killer can see you or be the one to say an awesome final line before you kill the killer?" You laughed and wiped your mouth as you thought, Gilbert continued to eat whilst waited for your answer with a small smile on his face.
"How overrated are we talking?" You asked, Gilbert started to laugh and you noticed him go slightly red. "I'm sorry... I guess I forgot I was sat with my brothers friend instead of Lud or Francis." He smiled and shook his head. "What about you?"
"Sex! Hands down, no brainer! If you're going to die you may as well die happy, right?" He replied, making you laugh loudly. Gilbert laughed at your reaction before he finished his pizza and took a drink. When you stopped laughing, you looked at the screen and felt awkward when a young couple went into a bedroom and started to kiss. Joking about it didn't embarrass you, but something about actors acting it out on a large screen somehow made it awkward. For a while, neither yourself or Gilbert spoke, until the moans coming from the film got too loud. "See what I mean? Overrated. I bet if you look that guy up he has a huge fan following of teenage girls." He let out a small awkward laugh before he smiled to you.
"Plus...her boobs look fake. I'm guessing she's an overrated actress too." You replied, breaking the tension a little bit more. Gilbert looked back at the screen and nodded.
"Definitely fake." He replied, you started to laugh when he turned to look at you. "What?"
"How can you tell?" You asked, he started to laugh with you but didn't answer your question. "Women like that aren't actually attractive to guys...are they?"
"I guess it depends on the guy. Each have different types that they find attractive, like girls." He replied, you smiled and nodded before you looked back at the screen, relieved to see the scene had ended. "Personally I don't like the fake look. But there will be guys who love it and go mad for women who look like that." You nodded once again before you took a drink from your glass and sighed when you looked out of the window, a little disappointed to see the rain had stopped and the movie was ending. When it did end, Gilbert yawned as he stood up. "I should call a cab, do you have a number?" You nodded and handed him your phone so he could copy down the number before he handed it back to you with a smile. You carried the empty pizza boxes and beer bottles into the kitchen to throw away, smiling to Gilbert as he handed you the game from his jacket and picked up his still wet clothes. "I'll get these back to you as soon as possible." You smiled and shook your head.
"Don't worry about it." You replied, Gilbert smiled and nodded before he looked out of the window when a car horn sounded.
"Thanks for a great night. I enjoyed myself, tell your brother to go out and sleep with his boyfriend in fancy hotels more often." You laughed and shook your head.
"Goodnight, Gilbert." You said, he shot you a smile before you closed the door and locked it behind you. You couldn't help but smile a little to your self as you turned off the TV and climbed into bed, feeling a strange happy feeling in your chest. You picked up your phone to text Francis, however you smiled to yourself when you saw Gilbert had saved his own number into your phone.

Alfred came home later the next afternoon whilst you were cooking some dinner. He was whistling a tune to himself before he stopped to kiss you on the head and set his bag down. "Last night went well then?" He just smiled and nodded, making you smile too.
"Oh, did Gilbert stop by to drop the game off?" Alfred asked, you smiled to yourself before you nodded.
"He came by last night but stayed a while until the rain stopped. We just got pizza and watched a movie. Do you mind?" You asked, Alfred looked surprised but shook his head with his usual cheery smile.
"Not at all." Was all he said before he kissed your cheek and went to take a shower. 

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