Of Earth & Ink { Suicide Squa...

By Poison_Ivy99

745K 19.5K 6.6K

❝You aren't ugly Shi. You're beautiful inside and out.❞ ❝I'm a living disaster that's waiting to be unleashed... More

{Of Earth & Ink}
{Alternate Ending}
{Alternate Sequel!}


40.9K 1K 416
By Poison_Ivy99

Hand In Hand


Harley tried getting Shivani to crack a smile, laugh that lovely laugh again like she had gotten her to do in the first hour they'd met. But anything she said did nothing as her friend stared shamefully down at her heeled boots. Looking just as sad and depressed as she did back at Belle Reve. It felt good being all loopy and feeling crazy happy. It was almost like she was her old self again. But even that moment died out like a flame. She felt Diablo's stare and knew that he wanted to know what was wrong. Wanted her to share her pain with him.

"Come on beautiful, smile for me. Please. I hate seeing ya with that look on your face."

"Just leave her be." Diablo says. She does so with a pout on her lips. There was a small moment between the six of them. All in their own thoughts.

"No way..." Harley says her eyes looking toward the door in disbelief.

They all looked as Flag, Floyd walked back in with Amanda Waller. The others stand from their sears and circle around them. None seeming to happy about the fact this whole time they've been rescuing the woman who had them locked up. Shivani stayed where she was. Only giving a small glance at the dark skinned woman, sensing the immediate tension in the air.

"Let's go home." Flag said.

"Yeah. Let's go home. That sounds good. You guys wanna go home? Or do you wanna go back to prison?" Digger asked.

"I'm not going back to prison." Harley says.

"What I'm saying is...we kill the pair of 'em now before they kill us."

"I got this." Waller says pushing Katana back as she went for her sword. She looked at them all, "You all made it this far. Don't get high-spirited on me and ruin a good thing."

She held up her phone which held the same app that could detonate the bombs in their heads. Their faces were all on the screens flashing, minus Shivani's. Waller walked past them, bumping into Croc. She didn't spare a glance at the young woman who had her eyes trained on the ground.

"I like her." Croc said.

Everyone else started to walk out Harley stopped as Shivani got up from the couch and shuffled towards the door with everyone else. As they got to the roof a helicopter was there hovering outside and preparing to land.

"Savior one-zero, this is ground element." One of the Flag's men said into their coms.

She tucks her hands into the pockets of her cargo pants. Her dark hair lightly being blown back by the wind the chopper blades produced. Stretching her fingers while the vine under her jacket ravels and unravels itself on her arm. This was it. Time to go back to how her life was for the past ten months. Returning back to her cell with that creep Griggs grinning at her from the metal bars. Not seeing Harley, Diablo, Croc, Floyd, and Digger for who knows how long. That thought alone made her even more gloomy.

"Savior one-zero, how copy? Savior one zero, the LZ's clear."

There's that feeling again. And it was the one she got she her tattys were near. Harley looked around behind her and glancing at Shivani who was looking at the bird with furrowed brows. Something wasn't right. The helicopter was starting to turn around.

"Boss, they're not talking to me."

"Our birds been jacked." Flag says in realization.

Then she remembered the Jokers text to Harley. I am close be ready...

"Light it up!"

Shots were fired from their end. The helicopter began to shoot as well and everyone on the team aside from Flag's men quickly went to find a cover as they were all under fire. Diablo placed his body over Shivani's while they ducked down and hid behind one of vents on the roof. Her back against the metal she covers her ears with a grimace at all the loud noises of rapid fire, bullets clinking and bouncing as the hit metal. Mission or not could they literally not go a full hour without guns blazing?


She peaked her head out a smidge and saw the blonde was walking up the steps to the runway towards the helicopter while bullets whipped past her. She took off her jacket and let it fall off her arms and started running, before jumping off the roof and grabbing onto the rope that was dangling out for her. The firing ceased and they all got up and out from behind their cover and watched as Harley waved to them all blowing a mock kiss. Shivani watched her go with sad eyes. But cracked a small smile knowing that she'd be okay. That her friend was with someone she loved and cared about her.

Even if he was a complete psychopath.

"Don't think I'm gonna forget about ya, beautiful!"

Harley winks holding out her free hand towards the tattooed beauty. She meant what she said--she would came back for her friend and didn't want her to doubt it for a second. Shivani does the same, lowering her arm down slowly as she continued to fly away.

"Deadshot! Shoot that woman right now!" Waller says walking up to him.

"She ain't do shit to me." Floyd said.

"You're a hitman, right? I got a contract. Kill Harley Quinn." Shivani took a defiant step forward but Diablo, Croc and Digger all kept her from taking another one, "Do it for your freedom and your kid." Floyd gave a quick glance over at Shivani who was shaking her head, eyes pleading.

"Now she dead." There was no moment of hesitation.

Floyd set his gun on the ledge getting ready to aim. His finger hovering over the trigger as he aimed for the perfect shot. The Clown queen flipped upside down on the rope one leg spread in the air while the other was wrapped around the rope. The shot through the air and a gasp left her as her friends body in winds and hanged limp on the rope. Swinging in the air. But then ten seconds later Harley sprung back to life, lifting up her head with a laugh. Never had Shivani felt such relief. Floyd picked up his gun and leaned over towards Waller.

"I missed."

Everyone on the team was either smiling or smirking. Even Rick and Katana.

"Good one, mate." Digger said as the hitman came to stand next to him.

"It's Waller. Savior one-zero's been hijacked. Shoot it down."

Diablo looked at Shivani who glared daggers at the back of Wallers head as she got a conformation back. Hands clenched up and her tattoos glowed bright, her heartbeat pounding in her ears. She couldn't believe that she was actually wiling to let the wicked creatures back out from the markings on her skin and attack the woman in front of her. A minute had past before the terrible news was given.

"The Joker and Harley Quinn are no more."

A silent cry left her lips and Diablo grabs her before her knees hit the ground. He pulls her close and she clings onto him while she sobbed into his white t-shirt. Waller jumped into another helicopter telling Flag that she'd send another before it flew off. Shivani left his embrace and paced on the roof, hitting her hands together as she looked up at the dark clouds above with tear stained cheeks. Thunder boomed throughout the sky signaling that it was about to rain.

"Ops just confirmed. She's down. 1k west."

"Let's go get her." Flag says. Him and his men walk to the rest of them and he stops before Floyd.

"This mission's not over."

This Mission. This mission meant nothing to her. They had saved the one woman who had got them in this mess and killed one of the first friends she'd ever had. And now they had to go save her. Screw Waller. Screw this mission. She marched towards the door to exit the roof.

"Shivani! Stop or--"

"You ain't gonna do shit." She hissed not looking back at the Flag or the others as she pushed the door open and ran down the steps.


It was already pouring by the time she got out of the building and back down to the streets. The second she stepped out the door the smell of it hit her before the rain did, soaking her body completely. And her jacket didn't provide much protection or any. Her feelings were a mess. Tattoos shimmering orange from the drops on her skin and blending with the tears falling from her eyes. Her head hasn't been blown off. And she hadn't lost it. Yet.

But she wanted too. Wanted to let go, scream, and cry more than she has already. Shivani walked a few blocks before stopping then hopping on the hood of a taxi, pushing back the stands of hair that clung to her cheek behind her ear with a sniffle. A sudden shiver went through her. Finally realizing how cold she was and found herself missing Diablo's warm embrace. The vine slipped from underneath her jacket. Lifting her head up towards the heavens above at another roar of thunder.

"You listen to my prayers earlier tonight. Protected them from my evil. Saved them. I've tried to save people the way I can--but it's not the kind of saving that anyone would want. You know better than anyone that I've never felt the warmth and welcome of friendship like Harley gave me...she reminds me of Nani. I know she has her sins. And I don't owe you anything but please, please. Save her life."

The rain started to calm, still coming down but not as hard as before. She pulled her knees up to her chest and rests her head.

"What in the hell were you thinking Shivani?!"

Looks like they found her. She resists from rolling her eyes as she lifts up her head. Flag's eyes were angry but held relief. Her team all gave her small smiles which she returned, but it faded the second Floyd stepped to the side and revealed who was standing behind him.


"Hey, Beaut--"

The wind was knocked out of Harley's lungs and she stumbles slightly in her heels as Shivani ran up and flung her arms around her assumed deceased friend. Thanking God a thousand times in her head. Harley hugged her back twice as hard. Tears swelling up in both their eyes and they were crying again. Pulling away they got a good look at the other. Harley's eyeliner was smudged and running down her face from the rain, but mostly from tears. While Shivani's nose was pink and her lipstick finally seemed to be wearing off. Both had red rimmed eyes. As the group started to walk on she noticed that her PUDDIN' choker was gone. Then it dawned on her that Joker didn't make it.

"I'm sorry about your puddin'." Shivani says.

"I wish you had got to meet him. He would have liked you, Shi. Though he wouldn't really show it at first."

Harley smiled even if though she felt heartbroken inside. But she smiled because at least she still had someone here for her. They both caught up with others and Shivani went and stood by Diablo who immediately wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her in close. She let out a soft exhale from the heat that radiated off him even with the rain and cold. Humming at the familiar tingles that went up her spine.

"I'm sorry I left. I just--"

"I understand mama."

She close her eyes for a minute and let him do the walking. They finally got to the crashed bird Waller had been in. Her and the others stayed back while Flag and Floyd went to investigate. She looked up at the glowing ring up in the sky. The rain poured down on them much heavier now. When it was called for them to start to move again they all did. Shivani watched as Floyd walked fast past all of them to the front and threw a red binder at a car near Flag who stopped and turned around with his gun, as all did the SEALS who thought there was danger. But it was only an angry hitman.

"You tell everybody, everything. Or me and you are gonna go right now." Floyd said with a hard glare.

Flag looked at all of them, even his own men. Except for Shivani. Which she noticed that he seems to never be able to look her straight in the eyes.

"3 days ago, a non-human entity appeared in the subway station. So Waller sent me and a woman with incredible abilities. A witch. See, nobody could get near this thing, but...the witch could. Needless to say the whole thing was a bad idea. And that's how she is escaped from Waller. So now you know."

Shivani was in slight shock which quickly faded to anger. They had expected them go off and fight a witch? To fix their mistake.

"You can just kill me right now but...I'm going to have a drink." Floyd says already walking towards the building beside them.

"Hey, Deadshot, I need your help." Flag said.

"No, sir. You need a miracle."

Harley followed him in, giving a mock bow to Flag before stepping inside. Digger gave him a curt nod before going in too. Shivani let Diablo slip his arm from around her shoulders to her waist and guide her towards the door. He gave Croc a pat on the shoulder gesturing for him to join them.

Once inside she sat down on the bar stool next to Diablo shrugging off her jacket and blushing at the site of his tattooed muscle arms as he took his jacket off revealing his toned skin. Again she found herself in awe. When he turned his head to her she quickly looked away and over at the fish tank that Croc was currently standing in front of. Harley, who was standing from behind the bar, trying to get him to have something.

"It's the end of the world! Have a drink with us." Harley said.

He gave in asking for a beer which was cracked open and given to the reptilian man. He went to take a seat in his own space. Then as she asked Katana--in a not so nice way--what she wanted the masked woman replied with whiskey and Harley pours her a glass.

"How about you hot-stuff?" Harley asked Diablo as she set the glass of caramel colored liquor on the bar top.

"Water." Was his reply.

"That's a good idea, honey."

She made his request and placed the glass of cold water in front of him. Her eyes went over to Shivani who sat next to the right of Diablo at the end of the bar.

"And for the beautiful lady?"

There was no reply given. She just let her head drop onto the pyrokinetic's shoulder with a huff. Harley shrugged her shoulders, a small smile on her lips.

"I'll make you one of my famous margarita, too."

After Harley finished with serving everyone their drinks including hers and Shivani's, and giving Floyd a refill the hitman raised his shot to prepare a toast.

"Here's to honor among thieves." He began.

"I'm not a thief." Katana interrupted softly with a small smile before taking her glass and finding a seat.

"Oh. She's not a thief."

Glass and cans were clinked between Harley, Floyd and Digger and Croc raised his beer in cheers. Diablo light tapped his glass with Shivani's untouched one making the corner of her lips quirk up. She brought her head from his shoulder and rest it on her own hand starring at the colored drink placed in front of her. Though it did look rather tasty, she preferred having a clear head.

"Well, we almost pulled it off. Despite what everybody thought. Worst part of it is they're going to blame us for the whole thing. And they can't have people knowing the truth. We're the patsies. The cover-up." Floyd says and Harley listens intently nodding her head at his words. He looked around at all of them stopping at Diablo, "don't forget, where the bag guys."

"For about 2 sweet seconds...I had hope." He adds.

"You had hope, huh?" Diablo asked and Deadshot nods, "hope don't stop the wheel from turning, my brother."

"You preaching?"

"It's coming back around for you. How many people you killed, man?"

"You don't ask no by no question like that, ese."

"You ain't ever whack down the women. No kids."

"I don't kill women or children."

"I do."

At that everyone gave him a look. Shivani lifted her head up from her hand and gave him a questioning look--not in judgment, just curious.

"See, I was born with the devil's gift. I kept it hidden for most of my life, but...The older I got, the stronger I got. So I started using it. For business, you know the more power on the street I got the more firepower I got. Like that shit went hand in hand. You know, one was feeding the other. Ain't nobody tell me no. Except my old lady." A quirk of his lips was seen and he found himself glancing over at the dark haired beauty that sat currently besides him.

"You know, she used to pray for me. Even when I didn't want it."

He opened his palm and a flame appeared, taking on a small form of a woman. Shivani watch in awe as she danced, swaying her hips and moving her arms.

"God didn't give me this. Why should he take it away?"

"See, when I get mad, I lose control. You know, I just... I don't know what I do...'Til it's done."

He stared sadly down at the fire woman as he placed his finished glass over it. They all watch as it started to hit the glass needing oxygen before it ended up falling onto its knees on his palm and extinguishing.

It was dead silent. Floyd rubbed at his eye while Diablo's became glossy with on coming tears. Shivani looked down at her reflection in bar top not knowing what to say.

"What about the kids?" Digger asked.

"He killed them." Harley said. She turned to Diablo, "Didn't you?"

He was on the verge of tears, shaking his head. She leaned over towards him.

"Own that shit. Own it! What'd you think was gonna happen, huh?"

"Hey, Harley. Come on." Floyd said.

"What you were just...thinking you could have a happy family...and coach little leagues and make car payments? Normal is a setting on the dryer. People like us, we don't get normal!"

"Why is it always a knife fight...every single time you open your mouth? You know, outside you're amazing. But inside, you're ugly." Digger said.

"We all are. We all are! Except for him." Harley nods over towards Croc who lets out a small growl and raised a brow, "He's ugly on the outside, too."

"Not me, shorty." Croc pulls down his head and sits up a little in his seat.

"I'm beautiful."

"Yea, you are."

He dismissed the crazy woman with a wave of his hand. Harley looked over at her friend who seemed to be distracted in her own thoughts.

"And except Shi." Harley adds.

"No. I am ugly." Shivani said.

At this the Aussie let out a laugh causing all heads to turn to him. He sent a grin towards her way, his gold tooth glinting in the light.

"You? You? Now even I have to say that is complete and utter bullshit, luv." Digger says before taking another sip of his beer.

"Your soul might seem to tainted to you. But we've gotten to know you. Seen you as a human being. Yeah, you may have a record like the rest of us, but I think we can all agree that you've got a warm heart of gold." Floyd says causing everyone around her to nod in agreement.

"Bad things happened because of me. Destruction always strikes when I try to use my powers for good." Shivani frowns.

"It's not your fault. What you have is just one of those things you can't control. You didn't want it but you got it for a reason. But aside from that, the things you do with your power--with nature it's amazing." Harley said .

"Makes shorty seem so unreal...beautiful." Croc speaks from his spot.

That word was always described as her. She didn't deserve it. Shivani doesn't see herself as someone with something beautiful.

"What I am isn't something beautiful. What I can do isn't so great. Those creatures aren't doing any good. They're evil. I'm cursed."

"I think that has to do with a matter of opinion." Katana speaks up from her seat as well.

"Maybe they aren't all bad. Maybe they just seem really...aggressive?" Harley taps her chin and Shivani raised an eyebrow.

"They kill, tear apart and destroy anything and everything. Living or not. Human, animal or object."

"Anger issue to the max." Floyd said.

"We don't know anythin' about ya story. Exactly what happened to you?" Digger asked what they've all been wanting to.

All eyes were on her. Shivani shyly tucked some of her hair behind her ear. All of them were completely curious as to how this beautiful young woman--who was definitely not bad guy material and didn't look like she'd even hurt a fly--hit rock bottom and was named a criminal.

Yes, they had all witnessed what she could do first hand. But those wicked creatures were nothing compared to her. They were violent and deadly, while she hated the word and wanted none of that. They wanted to understand where she was coming from. Why she didn't see herself like they did? While they all eagerly wanted to know Shivani didn't want to dive back into past of pain and regret. Her eyes went back down to her drink.

"It might make you feel better if you talk about it. Get it off your chest. We're all ears." Harley says.

"You can share your pain with us. No one is going to judge you here." Diablo assured her while placing his hand over hers.

They were all silent waiting for her to begin. She took a breath, subconsciously running her thumb over the birth mark on her wrist. After taking a breath she began.

"Like Diablo I was born with my gifts. God's gift or the devil's? Hell I'll never know. The sign of nature was clearly shown on my wrist. My parents and Nani could already tell that I was going to be different. First time discovering about my link with nature was when I could walk. Every time my tiny feet stepped out into the backyard small buttercups or daisies would immediately pop up from the grass. They thought I was blessed and we thought that was it. But then, one day my neighbors Rottweiler got hit by some asshole in a truck driving down the street not paying any attention," the tires screeching on the road and the loud thud as the dogs body hit the car replayed itself in her ears.

"Poor thing was in pain. Dying slowly. I remembered feeling so sad and angry at the same time that it overwhelmed my being physically and spiritually. Muted my senses. All I wanted to do was one thing. Help it. I didn't even register when I had reached out and touched it. My skin burned and I felt my heart beat thumping loudly in my ears. The dog's body was gone in a puff of dark smoke that moved onto me and seeped into my skin. I hadn't noticed at first, but I found it's face had been mysteriously inked into my arm. Showed my parents and they were confused. But most of all they worried."

The silence was broken for a second at the sound of a can being cracked open. Heads turns toward Digger who had just opened his second beer, the foam dripping down his beard. His eyes were still focused on Shivani, still listening and waiting though he was the one who caused the disruption. The others turned their heads back towards her.

"We didn't know what that meant. I later understood that I had brought it back to life after death. But it wasn't the same. And when he--Rott appeared for the first time it wasn't a good situation. Bullies man, just didn't know when to quit..."

"Stop it! Leave me--OW!"

Young Shivani head was roughly pulled back as an older kid, and known school bully yanked at one of her pony tails from behind her. It was currently recess and the second she walked out onto the playground she has met was her daily round of harassment from the older kids. He let go of her hair pushing her onto her knees. She looked up at them with watery eyes.

"Why don't you go cry to your plants, freak!" One of the three who surround her spat. Shivani slowly got up, hand hugging her sides.

"I'm not a freak. I'm just different--I'm different than others and there's nothing wrong with that." She quoted the words her Mama, Papa and Nani told her every day and night.

"Even her sisters a freak!" Another said.

"Don't talk about my sissy like that!"

"What are you gonna do about?"

Shivani felt her hands ball into small fist. The leaves on the trees shook but not from the wind. The roots under their feet ready to spring up and protect her. But she didn't let them and she didn't attack. Just because they showed hatred towards her doesn't mean she had to do the same. That seemed to make them even more mad. She was harshly shoved to the ground, the back of her arms and legs getting scratched from the pavement.

"Ah!" She hissed.

"Do something!" They yelled.

Her body shook as she held back a sob, and the one tattoo on her arm burned bright. Light blinded them all. But when it cleared all three of the boys shit their pants. Shivani stared in shook at the dark being that stood in front. It turned it head towards her and that's when she saw its snout. And fangs. Rott's head snapped towards the bullies who had started to back up with their hands up. It growled at the and stalked forward. And right as they tried to run it pounced. Screams filled the air along with hers. Watching in horror as that wicked creature slaughtered the three boys and moved on to terrorize the rest of the school.

"We always had to move from state to state, city to city. Throughout my whole life we've never been able to stay in one place because of more incidents. I felt like a burden. I wasn't happy in my body, my own skin. It felt more like a cage than home. Doctors put me on medication to help keep me feeling mellow. The only thing it really did was make me feel sleepy. Thought about running away was constantly on my mind. Just so their lives could be easier. But I was holding onto hope that things would get better, and that made me stay. I thought they hated me for everything I've put them through and for my abilities." Shivani looked down at her hand in Diablo's as her bottom lip trembled.

"They didn't. My family loved me even for what I was, even after everything that happened. We moved to a town not to far from Gotham. Things were good there. We actually stayed for a whole month, that was a new record. And the house we were in was so nice. Everything felt perfect. I never understood how we got it. Turns out my dad had gotten into this job, brought in the bills. But then was deep in debt with a crime boss named Don Maroni. And if he couldn't make payment then we'd suffer. They all knew about it but never told me. Knowing me with my emotions that I would get upset easily, even with the meds, so they tried to spare me the pain. But I found out anyway. When it was to late. I was the only one who survived the hit, the crash."

It had all happened so fast. They had been driving home from a fun family day out. They were only a few more blocks away when the car in front of them started shooting. Her father had tried to get away, but then they got their tire and the car swerved and flipped. 6 times. They were in the middle of the street underneath a bridge. Shivani had her head ducked down before but found herself hanging upside down. Blood on her forehead and a cut on her cheek. She had gotten her seat belt off and pulled herself from the car. When she got out she saw that the rest of her family hadn't woken up. Hadn't moved.

"No no no!"

Shivani was quick to unbuckle her father and drag himout from the car. He was limp in her arms, blood all over his chest along with cuts and bullet wounds. She shook her head, not wanting to believe that he was gone.

"Help! Please!"

Tree roots came from the ground near by and wrapped themselves around her mother pulling her out to lay next to her father. She ran back and unbuckled her sister and pulled her out, sniffling as tears came to her eyes.

"I got you sissy...I got you. Wake up, Nani. Wake up!"

Shivani fell back onto the ground besides her parents placing her sisters head on her lap, moving a braid that had fallen in her face. Her clothes covered in blood. Their eyes were open dull and lifeless. Just like them. She cried out and pulled them close to her, trying to hug them all as her body racked with sobs.

"No, no no...Not my Mama, Papa. Not my Nani."

"I didn't want to lose them. They were all I had, my happiness. I thought the only way to save them was if I...made them apart of me..." Shivani runs her hand over her face, shaking her head.

"The other three tattes." Floyd said and all of their eyes widen in realization.

"That same night I went after the gang Maroni had hired. I had remembered the car. They were at a hide out laughing. My anger boiled and I unleashed Rott but this time he had friends," she blinked and tears hit her cheeks. The guilt and pain shone in her eyes.

"I gave them life again through death. But I-I didn't think about the consequences. They were wicked creatures like Rott and no longer my loving family. Days after my emotions were running wild with sadness and anger. At myself at what I had done. I found out my tattes thought they needed to protect me my from enemies, from everything that breathed. Anything that walked on this earth. That what they were doing was to keep me safe. But it was hurting me."

"There something else. After they left once you let them out, Rott was the first one to come back and he tried to attack Diablo." Floyd points out.

"And so did your family back in the office building." Diablo said.

"Probably didn't like the fact you two were getting all cozy." Harley says.

"They feel a possessiveness over me. It became to much. All the death and pain. Endless cycle of not having full control. So that's why--why ten months ago I-I decided to end it all. Save the world from my curse. But of course Batman saved me and here I am now. With all of you in a bar. And I wouldn't be here if I wasn't like any of you."

Shivani ended her story. It did feel better, but the silence from them all made her uncomfortable. This time it was Harley who broke it.

"Well, I'll say it again," she reached over and took her friends hand in hers, her face nothing less but sincere. "You aren't ugly Shi. You're beautiful inside and out."

"I'm a living disaster that's waiting to be unleashed."

"Yeah. But you're our beautiful disaster. And we wouldn't have it any other way." Floyd says.

"I'll drink to that!" Digger yells lifting her beer into the air.

Shivani looked around at the others who did the same, clicking their drinks and raising it up towards her. She picked up her drink and took a sip and so did they. Placing it back down tears reemerge and they fell free as she felt all the love she was getting. It overwhelmed her being with happiness.

"Great, we made the non-ugly one cry." Digger says.

"These are happy tears. I promise." She wipes her eyes with a smile.

Diablo grabs her had once more and she leaned over, resting her head against his. Her friends smiled, Harley's beaming at the sight of the two who made wedding bells ring in her crazy head. The happy moment was sucked out when Flag walked in and took a seat in the middle between Deadshot and Diablo. The two love birds pulled away and Shivani tilts her head at Flag.

"We don't want you here." Harley says already getting annoyed by his presence.

"You get to the part in that binder saying I was sleeping with her?" Flag asked Floyd.

"Yeah. I never been with a witch before. What's that like?" Flag gave him a look and the hitman let out a chuckle.

"Apparently that's why the creatures chase him around all the time. 'Cause the witch is scared of him. And those creatures we fought, she got the whole turning people into soldiers idea from Shivani." Floyd explained.

"How did she know about me?" Shivani eyes were already on the Colonel who sighed.

"Dr. Moone. Caught her sneaking a glance at your file a few days back. I thought nothing of it. June was intrigued by you Shivani. You...gave her a flower. She thought you two were similar. You both were stuck in a body you didn't love, your skin didn't feel like it was yours. Possessing an evil you couldn't control. The only woman I cared about...Is trapped inside that monster. If I don't stop the witch, it's over. Everything is over. Everything."

He pulls out his tablet. The one that could detonate the bombs in their head.

"You're free to go."

He smashed the tablet against the bar top and left it there. Harley and Shivani reached their hands up to the back of their necks. Digger quick as lightening took his drink and was out the door. She shook her head at where he was once seated, but then again she didn't blame him. But she had a feeling that he'd come back around. Flag pulled out a stack of envelopes and placed them in front of Floyd.

"Your daughter writes you every day. Every single day."

They all looked at the stack. When Flag went to go Floyd got up and stopped him holding up the stack.

"You had these the whole time? You had letters from my daughter the whole time? I'm gonna get you there. You're gonna end this. I'm going to carry your ass if I have to. 'Cause this shits going to be like a chapter in the Bible. Everybody's not know what we did. And my daughters gonna know that her Daddy is not a piece of shit."

Shivani wanted to clap her hands, but then decided against it. He walked out and Flag joined him. The room was quite and the two friends shared a glance nodding their heads.

"We'll come." Harley heels clicked as she's walking out from behind the bar.

Shivani rose up from her seat placing a kiss on Diablo's cheek. He watched her go with furrowed brows as she followed behind the clown queen with a tired but determined expression on her face and head held high. They both turn back and looked at the others--Croc who stood but hadn't moved towards the door, Katana and Diablo who hadn't got up from their seats yet.

"What? You got something better to do? Cmon'," Harley grabs her bat from the bar and lets it rest on her shoulder, "Pussies." Shivani smacks the arm closet to her and gets a grin in return.

Guess they were off to save the world.

(A/N: Sorry for the wait. This chapter was long as hell omfg. I was going to cut it short but was like nah, rather get it done in one whole thing.)

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