Betrayed and Broken

By DoctorMerlinReid

26.4K 886 372

When Merlin saves Arthur from falling to his doom with magic, Arthur is furious. Unable to kill him, the king... More



2.5K 91 23
By DoctorMerlinReid

Arthur sighed again, aggravated, and smashed his fist against the walls. Where was she? Gwen was normally brought back to the cell earlier than this! She's never been this late in the past six months that they'd been here. The former king paced, wearing a circular dent into the ground. Lancelot looked up at him and frowned, "Pacing isn't going to help her get to you faster. She'll be here. Don't worry."

For a moment he was tempted to snap something at the knight, but found that he couldn't when Lance continued to stare at him unblinkingly, unafraid. Arthur sighed for a third time and slid down the wall, leaning his head against it. Just moments later, the door to the dungeons opened and Arthur scrambled up, anxious to see his wife. The other members of the cell smiled weakly at his antics.

When the person came to the cell, however, it wasn't Gwen. Arthur's shoulders slumped when he realized that it was Mordred. The young druid smiled just as weakly as the knights and asked hesitantly, "Waiting for someone?"

Again, Arthur was tempted to snap at him, at anyone for that matter, but the look on the boy's face stopped him. Mordred looked so small and so lonely and so very conflicted. So instead, Arthur did what he'd been doing for the past month or so when Mordred came down. He talked to him like a friend, "Yes, actually. I'm waiting for Gweneviere. She doesn't normally take this long to come back and I'm worried for her. I'm worried about what Morgana might have done to her. But, that doesn't matter. How are you? Why are you done here?"

Mordred had flinched at the venom in the older prisoner's voice when he mentioned the druid's employer, but he continued on anyway, "I am well, thank you. I have come to give you your food. The usual guard is... ah, indisposed currently. The Queen is looking into a new one." If he noticed that Arthur clenched his jaw when the boy called Morgana a queen, he didn't comment.

Gwaine stood quickly, coming to the bars. He asked in barely concealed anticipation, "So where's the food? Did you bring it already, or are you going to bring it soon?" The rogue knight craned his neck around as if he would be able to see any further down the corridor.

Mordred smiled at him and said, "Its right here." His eyes flared gold for a brief second and the food floated to slide under the slit in the wall. The door was only opened to allow prisoners to enter or exit. Nothing else.

Arthur's gaze went flat. Leon offered him some food, but Arthur snarled, "I won't have food that was touched by magic." He ignored Mordred's obvious flinch at his tone, choosing instead to stalk back to his designated sleep area. He sat down and pointedly didn't look at Mordred's heartbroken face. It reminded him too much of his former manservant's face when he had called him a sorcerer.

With a final whispered phrase that everyone heard, Mordred swirled around and stalked out of the room. He had said, "Do not fear that which you do not understand."

After another thirty minutes which were spent in silence, Gwen was bustled into the cell by two large guards. She huffed at them once they had left, but then immediately turned into her husband's embrace, hugging him furiously. Arthur smiled a genuine smile at her and then said, "Why were you so late today? Are you alright? Did they hurt you because if they did-,"

He was cut off by Gwen laughing and putting her finger on his lips, effectively silencing him. After she greeted everyone and the two sat in their area, she started talking, "Well, you know I can't very well just go and walk to the cell by myself. The men who walked me here were late coming to the throne room to pick me up. Then there was this commotion and a messenger ran into the room, quaking in his boots. Poor thing was about to fall over. He said that some people had started rioting in the lower town and you all know that there are never riots because the people are too scared of Morgana. She was furious! She stormed all the way to the lower town, half of the court, me included, following her. When we got to the lower town, there was indeed a riot and people were throwing things and generally being a nuisance to the guards.

"Then Morgana just shouted for everyone to be silent and everything became eerily quiet. She asked, in the quietest, most terrifying voice ever, why they thought they could riot in her kingdom. Some brave, foolish soul stepped in front of the crowd and said things about Morgana being an evil witch, and how her reign must end, things to the effect of: the monster queen should burn at the stake. For a moment, Morgana didn't do anything. She just stared, with her head tilted to the side. Then she started laughing and she k-killed the man right where he stood. She told them that she better not find out who started those foolish mutterings and then she just turned and walked away. I was escorted back here. I'm so late because of how long it took for us to get to the lower town and back again." Gwen finished sadly. Arthur wasn't sure if he should be happy that even after all this time she was still affected by death, or if he should be worried.

Elyan asked slowly, "Who could this sorcerer be? Why would he come to Camelot?"

Arthur scoffed, "He probably wants to join forces with Morgana." He had been slowly coming to accept that maybe not all magic was evil, until Mer- until the traitor showed him his. That's when he reverted back to his usual magic-hating self from before his manservant. His sister's acts solidified his hatred of the vile practice even further.

Before anyone could further comment, Mordred came rushing down the stairs to the cell, sobbing.

Morgana was not pleased. Not even the smallest bit. Even Mordred could tell that as he nervously watched her tapping irregular patterns on the arm of her throne. He wanted to reassure his mentor, to help her if he could, but he didn't know how and wasn't entirely certain the expression would be appreciated. He knew that their words about her being a monster and a tyrant didn't bother the young queen. It was their refusal to bow to her wishes that bothered her. He was about to speak when she turned her cold emerald gaze on him, "Mordred?"

He hesitated, "Yes, my lady?"

She said, "I want you to bring my brother to me. I'm going to kill him in front of my people. Hopefully that will put an end to the people's foolish ways."

Mordred gasped in shock. Surely Morgana wouldn't really do that! The young druid had come to love the elder Pendragon as a brother from his visits to the cells. Even though the man hated his magic with a passion, he still treated Mordred fairly and, most of the time, fairly. His queen continued to stare at him dispassionately. He eventually stuttered out, "There must be another way! I mean, that cannot be the only thing that will convince the people of your right to the throne."

Morgana looked at him sharper, half standing from her throne, "You have fallen for Arthur's ploys, haven't you? He's actually convinced you that he likes you and that you should like and trust him back! You have betrayed me!" She was practically shrieking by the end.

Mordred stared at her, wide-eyed, "No! Of course not, Morgana!"

He was interrupted from his pleas by the woman he named saying quietly, "I cannot tolerate this. You will be punished. Hopefully then you will realize your foolish mistake. Guards, take Mordred's arms! Don't bother struggling, dear Mordred, nothing can help you now."

Mordred watched in complete horror as she opened a box that he recognized and had wished to never see again. She opened it slowly, reveling in his terror. She then whispered some words that he didn't catch and the creature came forth from the box. It was a Gean Canach. The slug-like thing inched its way closer to Mordred, who was by now struggling with all of his might. Out of the corner of his vision, he saw Agravaine smirk and thought that the man had always wanted to see the young druid fail so he could have Morgana to himself.

By the time the slug started climbing its way up Mordred's leg, he was sobbing, begging Morgana to reconsider, but she had made her decision. There was no going back now. And then it reached his face, clinging onto it like some static filled cloth. When the creature jumped off and inched back into its box, Mordred fell to his knees, numb. He couldn't feel anything. There was nothing there! Where was it? Where was it?

Morgana sneered down at him saying, "Get out of my sight."

He stumbled to his feet. It was as if he couldn't see. The young druid continued to stumble down the hallways. Servants and guards stopped and asked him if he was alright, but it was as if he couldn't hear. He could tell that tears were tracking down his face, but it was as if he couldn't feel. He couldn't see. He couldn't hear. He couldn't feel. He couldn't taste. He couldn't smell.

Suddenly he realized that he had rushed down the stairs to the dungeons, sobbing uncontrollably. He fell against the bars, his sobs dying down until he was just sniffling, but tears still ran freely down his face. Arthur came to kneel by his side and asked, "Mordred, what's wrong? What happened?"

So Mordred told them of what had occurred in the throne room, ending with the fact that Morgana had set a Gean Canach on him. The knights looked at him in total confusion, but Gaius understood and reached out to give him an awkward side hug. He looked back to the group and said, "A Gean Canach is a slug-like creature larger than your head. It was born of the tears of a goddess and they were thought to be extinct. Evidently Morgana found one. When they latch onto a magic user, they devour the person's magic, making it so they have not a lick of it left."

Arthur frowned, "But isn't that good? Now you're free from the taint of magic!" Arthur directed his last statement to Mordred.

The boy just stared at him horrified for a moment before saying, "I cannot believe you Arthur Pendragon. I lost my magic protecting you and you repay me by insulting me! Magic... I cannot describe to you how it feels to have magic. Until now, I did not know what it was like to not have magic. You know I am a druid. We are born with our abilities. Now that they are gone, it feels as if I am missing my arms and my legs. It feels as if I am... empty... useless... broken. You should never wish away someone's magic because it hurts."

Arthur looked at him in shock and Mordred instantly felt guilty. He blushed and said, "I am sorry for being so rude." Arthur made a noncommittal sound and leaned back, seemingly deep in thought. Mordred thought to himself that it looked as if his thinking process was going to take a while. He figured that maybe he would come back in a little bit.

Then it hit him. Arthur didn't have a little bit. Arthur had practically no time. Mordred was sure that Morgana was sending someone (most likely Agravaine) to come get the former king now to kill him.

The young druid stood up abruptly and started fitting a key into the lock on the cage. The others stood up with him. Leon demanded quickly, "What are you doing?" Mordred noticed that the former knight went to stand protectively in front of his king.

Mordred looked up at them with a determined expression, "I am setting you free."

Arthur pondered on this druid boy who was now leading them through the forests to a hut that someone had shown him years ago. On the one hand, he had once possessed magic and still seemed to covet it, but on the other hand, he was helping them and seemed genuinely concerned for their well-being. The king wasn't sure what to think of that. He was also obviously distressed that someone who he had come to see as almost a friend was so upset, but he didn't approve of the reason why he was upset. What was one to do when in this situation?

It reminded him suddenly of how he had felt in those moments he was held suspended in mid-air by Merlin's magic. He quickly cut that line of thinking off, miffed by how often that traitor popped up in his thoughts.

Before he knew it, he was walking alongside his knights into a medium sized cabin that was obviously abandoned, but might be some sort of trick. The more rational part of his mind assuaged his worries by pointing out that it would make no sense to go through such an elaborate set-up to get them to go here. They were already at the magic-users' mercies.

Mordred and some of knights set up the table with some chairs and dusted if off quickly. The all sat down, graciously allowing him to have the head. Mordred propped his head up on his chin and asked quietly, "What are we going to do now?"

Arthur frowned and said, "We have to win the kingdom back."

Gwaine rolled his eyes good-naturedly and said, "We know that, Queenie. We want to know how we're going to win the kingdom back. It's obvious that we can't fight our way to victory. There're too many sorcerers and Morgana alone is enough to take us all down."

Gwen directed her question at Gaius, "Do you know of anything that can stop her? Maybe there is something like the... Gean... Canach, I think, that can stop her from using magic. Maybe some herb or something?"

Gaius bit his lip and opened his mouth to say something before evidently thinking better of it and shaking his head no instead. Arthur, however, knew him better than that, "Gaius." He started voice dangerously low, "If you know of something that would help, tell us now. We need to know."

The old physician wet his lips and thought for a moment more before saying, "There is something, sire, but I'm afraid you won't like it. There is a person who is destined to be Morgana's doom. He is the light to her dark and the love to her hate. That person is the only one who can defeat her."

Arthur wasn't sure why Gaius why hesitant, so he demanded, "Well, who is he? Where is he?"

Gaius swallowed and answered slowly, "I'm afraid I don't know where he is, sire, but I do know who he is. That person... he's... his name is... Merlin."

The former king reeled back in shock, along with most of the other members of the table. Arthur choked out, "No. No, no, no! There is absolutely no way! I will not go to him for help! He is a monster and a traitor and I will not accept help from a sorcerer anyway!"

There was complete silence for a moment before Lancelot's voice rang out, cold and hard, "It doesn't matter if you don't want to go to him for help, sire. That is the only way to defeat Morgana and it is the only way to save your people. You. Need. Him. Sire." The title at the end was more mocking than Arthur would have cared for, but Lancelot did bring up a valid point.

He wouldn't do it, though! The last time he consorted with a sorcerer, it had gotten his father killed. He would never do it again. Then Gwen looked up at him and said, "You have to do it, Arthur. Like Lance said, it's the only way. Please, do this for your people. Do this so we can rid the world of one more evil. I know it is hard, but we don't have to forgive him. We don't have to like him. We just need his help."

Arthur took a deep, shuddering breath, momentarily hating the way that everyone looked to him for this answer. Then he said slowly, "Fine. We will go to... that sorcerer for... aid. We don't even know where to find him, though!"

Leon frowned and said, "Well, we should be able to trace his steps by thinking like him. We could start where you left him and then... maybe go to Ealdor, to his mother?" He phrased it as a question.

Percival spoke up for the first time, "No, he wouldn't do that. Not right away, at least. He wouldn't want to attract any unwanted attention towards his home and his family."

"Okay," Gwaine stared, sounding unsure for once, "Where would Merlin feel is a safe place to go? I assume that he went somewhere he knew."

Mordred's face lit up and he said, "I think I know where he might have gone! It was the summer when you banished him, right?" Arthur paled at how easily Mordred said that, but Elyan nodded to the druid. Mordred continued, "There is a druidic encampment near there run by Iseldir that only camps there in the summer. All magic people feel safe in a druid camp."

Gaius grinned at him, "Good work, my boy!"

Arthur frowned, "So, we're going to this druid camp to see if they saw Merlin a year ago and find out if they know where he went after that?" He received a chorus of yeses as his people already started filling out the door and into the night.

Merlin had had a great past six months. He had learned all sorts of things such as: storing spells, crafting weapons, disguise, painting, and shadow travelling, raising magical animals, controlling the elements, and even fighting without his magic. He hadn't had many problems other than the obvious one of attempting to hide his golden eyes and the small one of trying to ignore the slight pain that popped up every once in a while in scar across his face. They had yet to turn back to their original blue. Now he had returned to his original teachers, the druids led by Iseldir.

All of the druids had been very interesting in what he had learned. He showed them as much as he could without tiring himself out too much. Then one of the children asked him to create a tornado, without sending them all flying into it, of course. He had smiled and said yes, as he always did. Before he began, Iseldir sent a message to him; there are visitors at the entrance. Be sure to keep the tornado going until I come back. I would love to see it.

Merlin sent him a mental cheeky smile in return, responding, Why do I feel as if there is more to this than that? He heard Iseldir laugh out loud and he rolled his golden eyes. Then he lifted his hands, whispering a powerful spell. A great tornado whipped out of the ground, gently pawing at the humans below, but not causing any damage. It grew larger and large until the people on the inside of the circle could reach out and touch it if the wished. No one did.

The young warlock felt Iseldir come up behind him with some other people and he turned to smile at him. That's when he saw who was with him. His grin dropped along with his hands, causing the tornado to disappear in a puff of air. Merlin didn't care. He had turned around fully and was staring with shock at the people before him. All he could say was, "Arthur?"

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