All My Heart (Kellin Quinn Fa...

By marimacaron

15.6K 281 78

sorry if the chapters are too long/too boring. this is just to let my fangirl out xD Kellin is a senior in hi... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six ((Part One of Two))
Chapter Six ((Part Two of Two))
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight - Your Forever is All That I Need
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve - Broken
Chapter Thirteen - Memories.
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen (Finale)

All My Heart (Sleeping With Sirens Fanfiction)

2.8K 26 13
By marimacaron

Chapter One

~Kellin's POV

First period was just beginning to start and Mr. Russell, my English teacher, put the date on the board. Yep, it was going to be a long day. After he finished writing the date, he turned around towards the class and looked at his watch impatiently, as if he was waiting for someone. The second bell rang, and a young girl stumbled in the door.

Her face was pale, her hair was a light brown, and she wore black, ripped skinny jeans and a gray band tee. She was beautiful.

"Oh, uhm...s-sorry, uhm, am I, uh, late?" she questioned nervously, stumbling over her words. Her voice was very quiet and sweet. Mr. Russell set his glasses down on the table and said, "No. You got here just in time." He looked away from her and back to the class, "Ahem, class." The class's voices got quieter until there was silence. "Thank you," he continued, "this is Scarlett, and she's new here." He said, gesturing towards her. She looked down to her hands, fidgeting. "You'll sit next to Mr. Bostwick."

"Mr. Bostwick." He looked at me, I looked at Mr. Russell and he continued, "You're going to show her around campus. Help her get to her classes and such. I already informed your other teachers that you may be late to their classes, so you're excused without having to get a late pass." I nodded and he told her to go to her seat. She sat down next to me; she was even prettier up close.

"Uh, hi." I started; she glanced over to me and said "hi" softly.

I could tell she was kind of shy, so I decided to just talk to her after class.

Class finally ended, all it was was Mr. Russell giving us a boring lecture about wars and shit.

So after class I waited for Scarlett to pack her things up and then I escorted her out.

"Uhm, thanks..." she said softly, looking down, "Mr. Bostwick?"

I don't like people, well students, calling me "Bostwick" or even saying my last name.

I laughed a little bit, "Just call me Kellin. Kellin Quinn, if you want I guess."

She nodded and giggled, "Okay," she replied looking up at me smiling.

"So, uh...what's your next class?" I asked.

"Math, with Mrs. uh... "She paused and looked at the paper, "Ms. Mitchell." She , less quiet than usual. I guess her talking at a normal volume meant she considered me a friend? I dunno... whatever just answers her damn question.

"Oh, I have that class next too. Let's go." I said picking up the backpack she'd dropped and handing it to her. We walked into Mrs. Mitchell's class.

~Scarlett's POV

Wow, he was so sweet, and kind, and his words flowed so smooth and his face was just perfect. Only the first day and I already have a crush.

"You coming?" he asked, slowing down to a stop in front of me.

I had completely spaced out, I guess, "Uh, uh, yeah..." I replied shyly.

He smiled and laughed, "Alright, then let's go." He said, grabbing my cold hand leading me along. I blushed and walked slightly beside, yet still sort of behind him. He let go of my hand and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "S-sorry..." he mumbled, and continued walking to our second period class. He was so awkward in that moment; I couldn't help but think it was adorable.

We got to second period and he opened the door for me, I giggled, "thank you," I said, smiling at him and walking in while blushing.

"Here, you can sit next to me," he gestured towards an empty seat.

"Oh, th-thanks," I stuttered. God, he must be able to totally tell I liked him.

He smiled sweetly, "no problem."

We had first, second, fifth (fifth was lunch), and seventh period together. And in each class, I sat next to him. I really like him, but I hardly know him.

We had most of the same teachers, but just at different times, so if I needed help on some homework, Kellin said he could help me out, if he needed it.

It was lunchtime, finally.

"Hey, want to sit with me at lunch? Or...uhm, you don't have to, if you don't want." He said, awkwardly smiling and rubbing the back of his neck.

I giggled, "S-sure."

He smiled, "alright, well you'll meet one of my friends, if that's okay. Nobody else sits with me at lunch, so don't worry about being overwhelmed; he's pretty nice." He assured me, I nodded and we got to this lunch table.

"Hey Vic." Kellin said to the guy already sitting at the table.

"Hey man," he paused and looked at me, "who's this?" he asked.

"Oh, this is Scarlett, she's new here. Is it alright if she sits with us?" he told Vic.

"Sure." He replied smiling.

"'Sup? I'm vic. Kellin's best bro." he said, I could tell he was trying to act cool and I giggled,

"Hi." I replied and sat down next to Kellin.

I just sat there listening to their conversation, looking at Kellin, and occasionally Vic.

~Vic's POV

I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and sent Kellin a text.

Me: do you like her?

Kellin: yeah, but I doubt she likes me. At least not THAT way...

Me: you never know, man. Maybe you should invite her over to do homework tonight or something like that.

Kellin: yeah. Okay. I'll do that right now...I guess.

We both put our phones away and talked a little bit more. Kellin seemed really interested in Scarlett. His eyes kept glancing over to her in between sentences. And I'm pretty sure Scarlett likes him because she's been looking at him most of the lunch, but only I could tell, since she was in front of me and next to him.


~Kellin's POV

"Hey, Scarlett..." I started; she looked over to me and said, "Yeah?"

"Uhm, if you're not busy, and have homework, do you maybe want to come over after school to work on some with me?" I said, kind of shyly. Dammit, Kellin, way to be subtle, and now it's really obvious you like her.

She laughed a little, "Sure," she paused, "uhm, if you can, actually, can I just go home with you or something? I don't have a ride and I do NOT want to take that filthy bus..." she said looking down at her hands.

I laughed, "Sure thing." The bell rang and she said she needed my number so she can text me when eighth period was over, I put it in and she smiled a little and said thanks.

She knew where her sixth period class was, since our school wasn't too big and it was just a few doors down from the cafeteria anyways.

Vic patted me on the back.


I laughed, "What is?"

"You got her number...ALREADY!" he replied, smiling.

I laughed a little bit, "Yeah...and? It's just a number, man."

Vic raised his eyebrows, "Mhm."

I rolled my eyes and sixth period ended, I sat next to scarlett for seventh period.

Seventh period wemt by quickly; same with eighth.

I got a text,

Unknown number: Hey, its scarlett c:

I added her number asap and then replied to her text

Me: haha, hey.

Scarlett: where do I meet you at?

Me: just outside of the cafeteria, I guess.

Scarlett: alrighty

I walked to the lunchroom, and waited for her, she came shortly after.

"Hey," I said, "ready to go?"

"Uhm...I guess?" she said, unsure.

I grabbed my keys out of my backpack pocket and said, "alright, then let's go." She nodded, and walked behind me. She got out her phone and checked the temperature; I could tell she was pretty cold because she kept adjusting her jacket. It was really just a jacket you'd wear for style with a dress, so it probably didn't help too much.

"Forty-six degrees? Damn." She mumbled.

I wasn't that cold cu-

No, I cut my mind off. That's what the bracelets are for so...I'll just be a gentleman and give Scarlett my jacket.

I took it off before unlocking the car, "here." I said, handing her my warm jacket.

"Oh, uhm you don't have to, I'm alright." She said, trying to assure me. But I could tell she was cold.

"No, take it."

"No, its fine! I have one, anyways. I'll be okay." She said, smiling.

I didn't believe that.

"Fine; if you're not gonna put it on, I'll do it!" I said loudly, but jokingly, letting out a laugh afterwards. I hope she's not too sensitive... I put the jacket on her and unlocked the car. I also, trying to make up for the fact that I raised my voice (just in case she was sensitive), I opened the car door for her.

She looked at me and smiled, "thanks."

She got in the car, and I did as well. I started it and we sat in silence until she said something, "Uh, are you sure your parents are okay with me coming over?"

"Sure," I replied, "my mom always likes company," my dad left me when I was young...maybe when I was seven years old.

"Oh okay, as long as I'm not intruding or anything."

"Of course you're not intruding," I replied smiling.

We sat in silence the rest of the way there and we finally arrived at my house.

"Hey mom, we're home," I said, walking in.

Scarlett still had my jacket on, and she was shivering, so I let her keep it on.

"We? What do you mean -" she paused then looked at Scarlett and smiled, "o-oh!"

"S-sorry..., uhm am I, uhm, intruding..? Sorry..." Scarlett said quietly to my mother.

"Of course not dear! We never have company, and I don't mind having it at all." She replied smiling.

"Told ya." I said quietly in Scarlett's ear.

"Well, uhm, we're gonna head back to my room to do some homework."

"Okay!" my mom replied, walking back into the kitchen.

I dropped my backpack onto the floor as I walked into the room and she did the same.

"Sorry about that..." I said awkwardly.

She giggled, "It's alright."

~Scarlett's POV

I looked around the room. It was just a plain gray with a queen sized bed that was neatly put together, and just a little bit messy. It was warm in his room, so I took of his jacket and mine came off along with my own jacket, revealing my bare, scarred arms. Kellin stared at them in shock.

"I-I-" I stuttered, quickly grabbing my jacket and before I could put it on Kellin stopped me, grabbed the jacket and came close. He held my arms, his mouth open and he said, "" He looked down at my wrists and rubbed his thumb over a few scars. Tears came to his eyes. I looked up at him, and he looked at me, too.

"I'm sorry, Kellin...I..."

He pulled me into a hug, my head into his chest (lol, he smelled good cx).

"Please...don't apologize." He replied, pulling away and taking off his bracelets. Scars lined his wrists, too.

I looked down at them, tears forming in my eyes, too. I slowly looked up at him, not knowing what to say.

Before I could protest, he arm and kissed my scars. Every one of them.

"Promise you'll try to stop?" He said softly.

"Only if you promise, too." I replied.

He nodded, and I did too. He pulled me into another hug, I hugged him back.

I looked up at him, slightly, he lifted my chin and kissed my forehead.

"Scarlett..I...I have to tell you something." He said sweetly


"I really like you, okay? Ever since I saw you walk into the door when that bell rang, I knew I liked you. That's why I invited you over today. I wanted to go out on a real date, but I wanted to get to know you first." He sighed.

"Kellin, I have to tell you something, too." I said, looking down at the ground.

"What is it?" He replied, taking his hand and moving my face towards him so his eyes could meet mine; he looked me in the eyes deeply.

"I feel the same way." I said, smiling.

"Y-you do?" He asked, smiling too.

I nodded, "mhm," still smiling.

He pulled in for, what I thought was another hug, but it was a kiss.

He kissed me deeply, and I kissed him back. His lips were as soft as I imagined them to be. This was so perfect. He pulled me in closer. He had one hand on my waist, the other holding my hair. I put my hands around his neck and pulled him in as close as he could get. He smiled during the kiss, I could feel his smile, and I smiled too. The kiss lasted a long time; we only pulled away to get air when we absolutely needed it. Even though I only met him today, it seemed like we've been together forever. I love him. And I could only hope he felt the same.



Sorry that it was one long chapter, but I basically put it into chapters by changing the POV. So yeah, let's just consider the different POV's as chapters. PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, ADD TO YOUR LIBRARY AND FOLLOW!(: thank you c:

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