The Unforgettables

By stydiaHAShappened

32K 1.3K 279

Stiles was no knight in shining armor. Hell he wasn't even a castle guard. Instead this boy of nineteen was a... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve (last chapter)

Chapter seven

2K 109 27
By stydiaHAShappened

"Any tighter and breathing would seem impossi-OW!" Lydia exclaimed, gripping the chair in front of her for dear life as Allison tugged on the strings of her corset. The brunette apologized before finishing off the ties and Lydia takes a deep breath, looking into the mirror with wide eyes. "Do you suppose Mother wished all the men to stare at my breasts?" Lydia scoffed, eyeing her cleavage causing both of the girls to laugh.

Allison helps her to finish putting on an emerald velvet dress with a black satin bow in the back. Her hair fell down in long curls, the front pieces braided back and held in place with a silver pin that matched the sparkle of her mask. And Allison looked beautiful as well, an ocean blue gown, her hair in curls as well, and her mask black.

Stiles was sure he had died on the inside (maybe a little on the outside too), asking his father for the nth time if he looked appropriate to which the man rolled his eyes and sighed a yes.

He soon realized how out of place he actually was.

His father was still on duty, placed on either side of the thrones to make sure no one harmed them while greetings ensued. Allison hadn't told him what she would be wearing and he found himself oddly whispering her name next to any dark haired girl that looked like her.

And Lydia? No sign of her either. In fact, there were only a few girls amongst them all that had fiery hair none of which, he concluded, were Lydia. He almost left, this ball crushing his dreams with the reality of how he didn't fit in. But then it happened. A silence came about the room as his father stepped forward to announce the arrival of the princess and he'll that was enough to glue Stiles in place.

He felt his heart tweak as soon as he turned to watch her descend the grand staircase. She was heavenly; blush on her face, gown trailing after her like a hazy green cloud, the smile she wore more gorgeous than anything he'd ever seen. Once a single shoe hit the ground floor though, she was practically bombarded. Stiles couldn't see over all of the people surrounding her and he gave up trying to stand on his toes, deciding to get a glass of whatever they were serving instead. Champagne? Probably champagne. Either that or some retched white wine that somehow tasted like champagne. He'd rather have a beer.

The room silenced again. You see, it was custom to not start a dance until the princess arrived. She would then choose a man from all of those watching to begin the waltz and then the prince would join and after him the highest of income, so on and so forth. He stood on his toes, trying to see but it wasn't quite working out (yes he was tall but also pushed to the back).

Lydia circled the groups of men and boys until she spotted him. Stiles was a good four or five rows back, attempting to gaze over some of the taller men to get even the slightest look at the princess. She smiled to herself, politely asking permission to brush past humble suitors.

She had strolled up to him in her velvet dress and black mask and he was so surprised when she held out her hand. "A dance?" She requested to which he bite his tongue, nodded, and bowed before taking her gloved hand. They circled the crowd before coming together in the middle, a hand on her waist, a hand on his shoulder. They spun to the soft melody, her gown tangling his legs with a certain move and when they stretched out and came back together, her brother joined them on the floor with his partner.

"You dance like a clumsy elephant." Lydia called out with a laugh causing a giggle from Isaac's girl before he bit back.
"And your dress looks like seaweed barf." Isaac loses the insult game with another laugh from Lydia as she turned back to Stiles.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" She asks. Once the king and queen had joined the dance, so did others, more of the villagers and people Stiles saw in the richer part of town.
"Quite nicely, yes." He grins. And if only he knew. Lydia glanced at her feet briefly, thinking of something to say.
"No, your hand here." She adjusts the hand on her waist and he nods, still very nervous.

This was literally a dream come true for him and they both knew it.
"You must remember I am also ordinary as you." She informs because although she was royalty, she was human. He nodded. And as he began to examine her features more, his smile grew. "What?" She asked, afraid he had discovered her.
"Nothing really...your hair only reminds me of a friend." He spun her out then back in, her strawberry curls bouncing in response.

"Oh? Is she beautiful?" Lydia really couldn't help herself.
He blushes and looks down to his feet momentarily before nodding. "Very. I'm convinced she bathes in roses the girl is so sweet. She's intelligent and cunning and so gorgeous that the word seems too less to use." He brags and now it was her turn to blush. The orchestra ends their song and everyone claps, the partners bowing to each other to say their goodbyes. Stiles takes Lydia's gloved hand and kisses it, thanking her silently.

But she doesn't allow him to go. "Come out to the garden with me." Though she can't see it, a chill runs down his spine, the command taking hold in his bones and his feet following on instinct as she guides him towards the large glass doors towards the back of the ball room. Together, they went outside onto the stone porch over looking a small garden with a fountain, some bushes, and a variety of flowers Stiles would've loved to see up close.

"I'm afraid I've caught feelings for her." He's the one who talks first.
"My friend. It is a shame really." Stiles laughs and she can't help but smile at his confession. The girl hops up onto the concrete fencing and watches as he overlooks the roses while they spoke.
"How so?" She asks.
"For starters she is very much more financially inclined than myself. We meet in the woods and she climbs a tree in her silk dresses and rips her stockings and doesn't give a care for it."

To Lydia, this didn't seem like a big deal. So what if she had more money than him? They liked each other that's all that should matter. But to Stiles, it was the first thing that always came to mind. He wouldn't be able to afford fancy things for her, her parents would never approve. In fact, she probably already had a suitor lined up.

"Can I ask you a favor?" Stiles looks up at her. "...have you ever kissed a girl?"
He blushes. What kind of a question was this. "Of course." He almost stutters.
"Will you kiss me?" She was careful not to make it a command, to make it his choice and holy shit he almost fainted. The princes just asked to kiss him. He cleared his throat and nodded as she hopped down from her seat, standing in front of him.

Lydia puckered her lips largely and closed her eyes tight causing the boy to laugh. Gently, he takes her face in his hands and instantly she relaxes, opening her eyes as her lips fell and she stared to him with a blush. He chuckles lowly, smiles again, guides her this time. They met softly and Lydia nearly fainted at the feeling, butterflies punching angrily at her stomach when he moved her closer.

Her hands wrapped loosely around his neck, bringing him closer.
"Lydia there you–!" She nearly bit his lip. Jumping back from Stiles the two look to see a smirking Isaac standing near the back entrance of the castle. "Mum and Dad want you to meet someone." He announces. She clears her throat, says a shy goodbye to Stiles before brushing past her brother indoors. And that was the end of it.
Authors note:

THIS WAS CRAPPY BUT LOOK WHO FINALLY UPDATEDDDDDDD!!!! Btw for those of you who won the contest, y'all are gonna have to message me first because I've tried several times and for some reason my messages aren't sending😅
Comment, read, enjoy!

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