The Mercs. Get Company

By Da_Fem_medic239

224 18 6

The 5 tuefort recruits are gonna have the time of thier lives. As being accepted as the new blu team mercs.So... More

Chapter 1: A new job
Chapter 2: meeting the mercs.
Chapter 4: Saxton Hale
Chapter 5: A turn for the worst
Chapter 6: Confessions
Chapter 7: picking the class

CHAPTER 3: Just hanging out

24 2 0
By Da_Fem_medic239

A booming voice was comming from the other side of my bedroom door.
I groaned just knowing that it was soldier. He had to just come over and interrupt my damn sleeping.
I glanced at my clock it read, 6:00 A.M. I slumped over and put my pillow over my head.Maybe if I just ignore him he would go away. Again; I was wrong.
Oh my god when will this ever end!
Oh shit he's actually counting down!
"Okay! Okay! Im coming!"
I yelled scrambling to the door. I don't think I like the idea of a angry soldier.
I swung open the door just in time before the demanding soldier could kick it down.
"Okay! Jesus Christ! Im going!"
I slid back onto my room with a scowl on my face. I threw on a black and blue polka dot tank top and gray joggers. I slumped out of my room and closed the door behind me. I didnt hear or see anyone else in thier bedrooms. I guess they are already in the kitchen. Just when I turned around, a tall scout was looking at me dead in the face.
"Jesus Christ!! Ugghh scout!!"
I put a hand to my heart, afraid it might thump out of my chest.
I just hate it when people sneak behind me. I have enough of that shit with Hannah and Kenshi.
"Scout you nearly gave me a heart attack!"
I gave him a stern look. All he did was just chuckle.
"Well, looks like ya' didn't get mucha' sleep last night."
Scout said crossing his arms.
"Yea. I guess you could say that."
I rolled my eyes and headed down the corridor of rooms, towards the kitchen. I turned the corner and saw everyone at the table eating breakfast.
"Oi' good mornin' sheila."
Sniper raised his mug full of black coffee. The mug was a fadded white, and in dark blue letters it read, # 1 sniper.
"Yeah, mornin' snipes and nice mug."
Sniper chuckled at the remark.
I sat down at the table  im between Hannah  and a empty chair.
"Yo! Sup erry' body."
Scout swagered in the kitchen with a snicker on his face. Everyone just sighed and ignored the Bostonian.
"Well screw ya' guys then."
He sat down in a empty chair between sniper and Blair.
"Hi scout. Hows ya morning."
Blair said cheekily.
"I-I I'm uh...doin great!"
"Are you okay?"
Blair forrowed her eyebrows in worry.
"Yea! Yea! I-I I'm fine!"
Scouts face was turning a slight shade of pink. He was trying his best to avoid her gaze. Scout have her a big goofy assuring smile. A slight space can be seen im between his buck teeth. Blair giggled at his goofy appearance. Now his face was a dark crimson. Gracie was sitting next to blair eating her ramen. Next to her sat Kenshi eating a bowl of cereal.
"Remind me again why your eating ramen for breakfast."
Asked ken while sipping his orange juice.
"Cause I'm a boss ass bitch thats why."
Said Gracie with a mouthful of noodles.
Kenshi chuckled.
"Well thats understandable."
"Breakvast iz ready!"
Medic was heading towards the table with plates of food. Trailing behind him was spy with a tray of butter and a bottle of syrup.
"Today's special iz zerman wafflez."
Medic sat a plate of happiness in front of me. Three golden brown waffles were stacked perfectly on top of eachother. A blanket of whipped cream and plump strawberries sat on top. I could feel myself drooling at the beautiful sight. A clearing of the throat knocked me out of my trance.
"Are you okay frau?"
Medic was staring at me with a brow raised.
"Y-yeah! Im alright. Its just that...these look so good."
My face turned a crimson from the sudden embarresment. I picked up my fork and started to eat. And oh my god these are the best things ever. I just want to marry them!
"Welp! I'm bored out of my mind."
Hannah stood up stretching her arms.
"Da Heavy agrees."
The Russian nodded in agreement.
"Hey heavy you wanna hang out?"
Hannah asked fumbling her hands.
Heavy stood up and walked towards her. He was basically towering over her.
"Da heavy would love to."
He gave the blonde a soft smile, and held out a hand for her. Hannah blushed a faint pink and returned the smile. She took his large but soft hand into hers and headed down the hall.
Blair stood up and walked towards scout.
"Hey. Scout do you wanna hang out?"
The Bostonian looked at her with a shocked expression.
"W-wait ya' wanna hang out with me?"
Blair chuckled at the question.
"Well I wouldn't be asking you would I?"
"Ya' gotta' point dere. Well let's go!"
Scout grabbed her hand and took off running outside.
"W-where are we g-going!!"
Blairs speech was wobbly from the run.
"It's a suprise."
Scout rounded the corner out of sight.
"Well you don't see that everyday."
Gracie stood up and walked out of the kitchen towards the rec. room.
Medic stood up and cleared his throat.
"Um...frau can jou' come to mein medibay vhen your done? Vhe need to talk."
I wonder what he wanted. I hope it's nothing serious.
"Alright. I'm done here we can go now actually."
I stood up and cleaned my plate in the sink. I followed medic out the kitchen towards the medibay.
*slight time skip*
"So... what did you need?"
I shifted my weight back and fourth. I glanced around and saw a bird. It was sitting on the cabinets next to a huge cage. It's feathers was pure white except for the fadded blood stains. I I'm not sure if that's sanitary though.
"Vell.. each of you vill have to go through a operation."
"An operation?"
He nodded and continued.
"It's called a Uber heart tranzplant. I vould take your heart and attach a Uber charger to it. So basically I can heal jou' in battle and jou' can respawn."
He explained it all to me. What it does; how he does it and stuff. It doesn't seem to bad. I just want to know what  the others are gonna think.
Hannah's P.O.V
"Whoa! It's so beautiful out here."
I stood on a bridge that separates the two forts. A red desert was spread across the wasteland. The red dirt was illuminating by the sun. It was so nice out here.
"Da it iz. Dis is my favorite place to go."
Heavy stared out across the bridge with a soft, peaceful expression.
"I can see why. I could use some peace in my life."
I was gazing into nowhere with a forlorn frown.
Heavys eyebrows furrowed by concern.
"What do you mean?"
I turned away trying to ignore the question.
"It's nothing...I-It doesn't  matter."
The Russian took my a hold of my shoulders and forced me to took at him. He stared at me with concern.
"Of course it matters. Please tell me."
" I-It's like whenever I try to help someone...I just make it worse. I try to be nice to people but....t-they just treat me like dirt."
Hot tears started to stream down my cheeks.
"Nobody cares about me."
Heavy took my hand into his and gazed into my eyes.
"You sound so silly."
He gave a soft smile and chuckled.
I was so confused. I tilted my head slightly and trying to understand what he meant.
He took his thumb and lightly wiped away my tears.
"Of course people care about you. You can't help everyvone. You see... you pay attention to the bad things and ignore the good things. People in life vill hurt you. Those people are just jealous. They are jealous of your beauty and talent. Your friends they care about you, very much. And I care..very much."
All the things he said were true. I always focus on the bad things and not the good that can come out if it.
He led me to the highest point if the bridge. There was even,I think a flock of doves was flying by. Heavy stood behind me looking out in the distance.
"If you spend life looking at bad miss all good and beautiful  zhings in life. Did that come of help to you?"
I nodded and took him into an embrace. I wrapped my arms around  his large torso. Heavy hugged me passionately back, but just enough not to crush me.
Blair's P.O.V
"Scout where are we going?"
Scout put a blindfold over my head, leading me somewhere.
"I told ya' its a suprise and were almost dere."
His hands were firmly on my shoulders. I could feel that we were climbing a long staircase. After a few minutes we came to a stop.
"Here we are."
He untied the blindfold, and it fell and drifted through the wind. We were on the roof of the blu base. It was so beautiful. The sun reflected and shone off my glasses.
"How ya' like it? Beautiful isn't it."
"Y-yeah. It is."
"Thia is my favorite place ta go. Since I had seven older brothers I needed a place to myself. So when I needed to get away from all deez chucklenuts around hea' I come up here."
"Yeah I know what you mean. Why would you share your personal place with me?"
Scout started to sweat. Like he was holding something in. Eventually he let it out.
"W-well..uh...when two b-beautiful things come together...i-it's just magnificent."
When he finished he was red as the team that they were fighting.
I smiled and  hugged him. He cringed and blush from the close impact. He adjusted and hugged me back. I looked up and gazed into his icy blue orbs. He did the same to her. The Bostonian chuckled.
"What's so funny?"
I said with a smirk.
"Well...first your such a shorty. Second look how close we are."
I looked down. His hands were on my hips and his tone chest was right on top of mine. I lightly pushed away and fumbled my hands. I lightly punched him on the arm.
"What was dat for?"
He rubbed his arm and pouted.
"For callin me short."
Sonnet's P.O.V
Medic dove around his desk putting papers into stacks.
"So when do you want to do the operations?"
I asked.
"Vell I just put in a new shipment, cause I just uzed zhe last von on scout."
He picked up a stack of papers and adjusted his glasses.
"Mmm...zat iz unusual."
"Zhe shipment should have been here by now. Zhere must be somezhing wrong."
The doctor paced back and fourth.  He Stroked his chin in thought.
"What should we do doc?"
I asked in anticipation.
"Vell....vhe vill have to place a manual order. Vhe have to visit Saxton Hale."

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