Calum Hood Imagines

By caitihood

1.5K 17 3

a bunch of imagines of Calum Thomas Hood. More

cuddles and netflix
airport goodbyes
Best Friend's Brother

Still the One

597 5 1
By caitihood

Summary: You and Calum have been dating for almost 2 years and on the news there are pictures of him and Nia and you don't know what to do so you leave to your parents house.
Word Count: 3k
Warning: angst, sad,fluffy
Y/BF/N = Your Best Friend's Name
5 Seconds of Summer finally is in California for their second part of the North American leg of the tour. This meant I finally got to see my boyfriend again. Sure had I gone to some of the European shows, but that was months ago and I hadn't seen him in a while. When I first found out they were going to be playing in California, I bought tickets to all the show even though Calum said he would get me in. I did not want him to do that so I bought tickets without telling him. It was the first show in California tonight, my best friend and I drove 8 hours up to Mountain View to go see the boys. I haven't told Calum that we were coming to see them. We told Ashton and he promised that we would be in the front row for soundcheck on Calum's side when they did the question and answering. Ashton had told the boys' security to watch out for me and to help me with our plan. We get there early so we would be towards the front of the line as possible.
"So.... Are you excited????" My best friend asked me
"I mean how could I not be I haven't seen Cal in about 3 months, I just hope this all goes to plan."
"Me too" She said, nodding her head
We stood in line, we talked to some of their fans as they came up to us and asking us how we are and I could tell not all of them liked me but no one really was too rude to me. It was 1P.M which meant time to be checked in, we get up there and show them we ID's so we could get our passes and then we walked towards the stadium that is when Mitchy found me and gave me a hug,
"What are you doing here Y/N, I thought you weren't coming that's what Calum said."
"Oh he doesn't know I bought tickets to all the California shows."
"Oh that's epic he's going to be so happy!"
"That's the plan" I said, laughing
Then Mitchy and Y/BF/N started talking and we sat up in the front waiting for the venue security to let us in, Mitchy went backstage after a few minutes after we started talking because fans started noticing him. It finally was 4 P.M which means they were letting us into our seats and the boys security notices Y/BF/N and I and had us sit right in front of Calum's side of the stage. We sat down and grinned at each other , I sent Cal a quick saying good luck and to have fun at soundcheck.
They came on about thirty minutes later and they sang Catch Fire, Y/BF/N and I started jamming out hard-core to it and after that they started to answer questions
"Hi guys my name is Y/N if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?" I asked
Calum's head snapped up when he heard my voice, he was scanning the crowd then he looked in front of him and I smile and waved at my boyfriend. He grinned so hard and he tried to get down off the stage and security helped him down there was a fence in between us but I didn't care.
"Babe what are you doing here?!"
"I came to see you!"
He grinned and grabbed my face and kissed me hard that he almost knocked me over. I smiled into the kiss and he pulled away and said he will see me after soundcheck I nodded and backed away. He went back onto the stage and said
"Sorry guys that's my girlfriend if you didn't figure that out." He giggled
"Anyways now since you two are done to answer your question Y/N I would want to live somewhere hot." Ashton said
I laughed and then the rest of the q&a then they finished off with out of my limit. As Cal promised he got Y/BF/N and I backstage as we got back there I hear Michael scream,
I turned around just in time to have a 6'2 giant jump on me and knock us over,
"Hi Mikey" I giggled
He gets off of me and goes to do the same to Y/BF/N who was talking to Luke, I turn back around and see my boyfriend standing there with his hands on his hips staring at me.
" Hey babe" I said, walking over to him.
"Hey baby" Calum said, walking over to me, he wraps his arms round my waist and pulls me to him. I wrap my arms around his torso and rest my head on his chest.
"I missed you, bub."
"I missed you too babe, why didn't you tell me you were coming?" He said looking down at me.
"I wanted to surprise you is that ok?"
" Of course it is I just thought I wouldn't get to see you."
"You think I wouldn't come to your performances?"
"No I was just hoping you would find a way."
"Well I'm going to all the California shows.." I said, grinning up to him
His eyes lit up when I had told him my news. He leaned down to kiss me and I met him halfway, I wrapped my arms around his neck trying to get as close to him as possible. We both pulled apart when we ran out of air,
"Let's go find the boys" Calum said, I nodded my head and we walked towards the food room where we found the boys and Y/BF/N were sitting on the couches eating pizza. Cal went and sat down I went and grabbed us both two slices of pizza and went to sit with him on the loveseat.
"Thanks babe" Calum said as he kissed my cheek. I smiled at him and started to eat my pizza after we finished, we all just sat around and played games. Soon enough, it was time for us to go to our seats and the boys to go on stage I gave Cal a kiss and walked to our seats.
*After the Show*
The boys came off stage all hyped up and loud, they went backstage to shower and get ready to go to the next stop which was Wheatland, I kissed Calum bye and told him I'll see him in a few hours. We went back to our hotel and fell asleep.
*Next Morning*
I woke up the next morning with a bunch of texts from different people saying that they hoped I had fun and stuff. I sent out thank you's and promised to send pictures.
We got up and headed out to our car for a two-hour drive ahead of us. We went to Starbucks first, then went back on the road. We checked into our hotel and then headed to the stadium where the boys were about to be getting there.
I texted Calum,
*C- Calum Y- Y/N*
Y- Hey babe we just got to the venue are you boys here yet
C- Hey baby, yeah we are just messing around on the scooters do you want me to come out and get you?
Y- No babe just tell me where to go and I'll find you
C- okay
He sent me how to get into the venue and we parked behind the venue this time and I saw him and Luke riding around on their motor scooters. I look to Y/BF/N and shook my head, smiling at my idiot, we got out of my car and Calum smirked at us and turned around on his scooter and like disappeared. We went over and started talking to Luke,
"Hey Luke"
"Hey guys how are you?"
"Exhausted how are you." I said, smiling at my friend
"I'm tired too, but excited for the show." He smirked, looking behind me I am scared to see what he was looking at. Just as I was going to turn around someone came up behind me and picked me up and spun us around, I look down and saw my idiot of a boyfriend's tattoo, I calmed down and said
"CALUM PUT ME DOWN!!!" I squealed
He just laughed harder and spun faster he started to lose his footing sure enough we were on the ground. I turned in his arms and straddled him,
" I told you to put me down you fool" I said, smacking his chest lightly
"I know but it was so fun watching you scream." he said, laughing
I shook my head at my crazy boy and leaned down to kiss him, then stood up and helped him up and we walked inside.
*Show time*
"Good luck boys love you!" I said to the boys after giving them all a hug and Calum a kiss
We went out to the crowd and then Ashton's drums were revealed and the stadium just lost it. We watched from the crowd, I was so in awe at how much these boys got from their fans. I have never seen anything like this, I'm so immensely proud of these dorks.
Calum and I were walking around the arena where they had just finished and it was empty now we were just waiting for the crew to finish packing everything up then I would meet the boys in LA.
"I'm so proud of you, bub" I said to Cal.
"Thank you baby girl I'm glad you are here with me" He smiled down at me and we just walked around for another half hour before we had to go.
*Couple days later*
We are home in California, It's been a few days since they played Irvine, tomorrow they play The Forum again. Calum hasn't really been with me since Irvine and I don't know what happened.
"Have you heard from him?" Y/BF/N asked
"No I don't know what I did, but he doesn't answer me anymore.." I said, looking at the ground
"Hey don't be upset for him just being stupid Y/N"
" I know I just feel like I did something?"
I get a twitter notification
tweet said:
"@ Y/N watch out for Nia she's looking pretty cozy with your boy...."
There was a picture of Nia and Calum are looking too friendly for my tasting. I'm not normally the jealous type, but I don't know what to think.
I showed Y/BF/N the tweet
"Y/N you can't believe everything you see.." she said to me
"I know but what if that's why he has ignored me.."
I just left the room, I didn't know what to do, I paced around my apartment that I shared with my best friend, We moved out a year ago after we turned 18. I looked at my twitter seeing the picture everywhere I finally just deleted the twitter app. I decided that I should call my mom and see what she says...
*After I called my mom*
She has a point, what if this isn't the only time he's cheated on me? I know I shouldn't doubt him, but I don't know what he did while he was in Europe or England. I think I may go home for a bit.
I walk downstairs to where Y/BF/N is,
"I'm going home."
"I just need some time away from him and I want to see my mom."
"I think you should hear him out."
"Y/BF/N I will but I just need to go home."
"If you think that's best."
I went up and hugged her tightly and said thank you for understanding
I finish packing a week's worth of clothes and other necessities. I throw my bag in the car and drove off to my mom's house.
*Two days later*
I woke up the next morning with texts from the boys
"Y/N where are you??" Michael texted me
"Hey sis where did you go??" Ash texted me
"Y/N are you ok? where did you go?" Luke texted me, I had no texts from Calum, it hurt a lot did he not care? I put the three boys in a group chat so I could answer them all at once,
Y- Y/N L- Luke M-Mikey A- Ashton
Y- Hey guys I'm alright, I just have to deal with some things so I will not be going to the rest of the California shows I am sorry.
L- We know you saw the pictures Y/N, he's not cheating on you.
M- Yeah Y/N they were just hanging out, you know Cal wouldn't do that to you.
Y- Do I though Mike what happened those three months I wasn't around??
A- Y/N you know it's not like that..
Y- Do I? Where is he now? With Nia?
A- You know they are just friends like us
Y- that doesn't matter, I don't have pictures of us going around where it looks like we are almost kissing!
L- Y/N stop being ridiculous Y/N Calum isn't cheating on you with Nia! Just come to the Forum show tomorrow and talk it out with Calum.
Y- I'm not being ridiculous tell Calum I say to have a good rest of the tour.
I got out of the group chat and put my phone on do not disturb, I went into my mom's backyard and just laid on the hammock that they have. I put music on and just looked up at the sky wondering why it was so complicated....
* Next Day*
I woke up with a message from Y/BF/N
Y/BF/N- Hey Y/N I really wish you would come tonight with me, we won't have to go backstage ok? Let's just go support our friends?
I read her text over a few times wondering if I should really go or not....
I replied to her text,
"Fine I go, but if any of you pull any stunt on me so I talk to him, I will walk out and won't come back." I sent her the text and locked my phone, I ran up to my room so I could pack my bags and get to our apartment in Los Angeles. I was hoping to be ready on time.
*One hour later*
I finally made it home with two hours to spare, I got ready in thirty minutes and headed to the Forum.
I get to my seats, which was on Calum's side first row section 112. I sit next to Y/BF/N
" I didn't think you would make it on time."
" Neither did I, what are we doing here Y/BF/N?"
"We are here to support our friends Y/N, I know you are mad at Calum, but this is important to them and we should be supporting them."
"I hate when you're right you know?" I huffed and she just laughed
The lights went off and our four best friends come out on stage and were giving their all.
I was sitting in the front row jamming out to the songs I love to listen to, Y/BF/N leaned down,
"He won't stop looking over at you."
"I know I can feel him staring at me."
"Then look at him Y/N, you guys will have to talk sooner or later." I huffed knowing she was right and I lifted my head up and looked over to the boy I was in love with.
He was singing my way and kept glancing at me every chance he got.
*End of the show*
It was over and I started to walk out of the venue to the parking lot when I heard someone calling my name I turned around and saw Calum running after me,
"What are you doing out here Cal someone could see you?"
"I don't care if anyone sees me Y/N!"
"Then what do you care about Cal because lately it's not me."
"That's a damn lie and you know it!" He exclaimed
"Oh really then what is up with the cozy pictures of you and Nia huh???"
"Really is that what this is all about?"
"Yes you dumbass! You never texted me asking if I was okay, you know who did? Your best friends!!!! Not you" I said, feeling angrier by the second
"Do you not trust me?"
"Oh do not turn this around to make me the bad guy Calum!"
"You are the one accusing me of cheating on you Y/N!"
"Can you blame you look like you were in love with the girl for heaven sakes!! Is she what you want Calum? Because I'm not her, I'm not as pretty or as talented as-
He cut me off by grabbing my face and smashing his plump lips on mine. At first I was in shock that I just stood there, but after a few seconds I wrapped my arms around his neck and started kissing back. After a few minutes we both pulled away,
"Y/N don't ever, ever compare yourself to her or any other girl! I don't want them, I want YOU and only you Y/N."
"No buts Y/N I love you, not her, I've been with you for two years not Nia, Nia is just a good friend." He said, holding my face still nudging his nose with mine.
"Promise?" I sighed looking down
"I promise baby girl you are stuck with me for a long time" He smiled down at me pecking my lips.
"So are we good?" He asked
"Yes you're lucky you are cute." I smirked at him
"Oh it's so on." He smirked, then started to chase after me, I squealed and started to run away from him, but he caught me and wrapped his arms around me.
"I love you Y/N"
"I love you more Cal."

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