
By DizzieFrizzy

3.6K 493 262

Three best friends An amazing trip That's all it takes for life to be wonderful again. Except there's one q... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Don't Read This
A Letter
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 25

38 9 3
By DizzieFrizzy

'Hey Lily. How about we study together today?' said Sam.
School had just started and by the looks of it, he had got late for first class that morning. Panting and sweating head to toe, he came running to his friend.
'Seriously Sam, not even a hi. Hmm... Kay fine. I'll be there. What time?'
Grinning he said, 'I'll text ya. Gotta go. Bu bye'.
He dashed across the corridor leaving a big chuckle on Lily' s face. She carried her books to French class, thinking about the difficulties in the life of an eighth grader. As if.
As she reached to class, she wasn't surprised to find Ms. Dash screaming at Shane, of course he forgot to write the essay on "My best friend".
'Mr. Killean, this is the last warning I'm giving you before you're parents are called. Clear?'
He gave one of his smirks to Lily who dumped her books beside his desk. 'Crystal. Lily can help me out I suppose'.
'That would be great. Now class, please turn your books to page 54 and keep.... ', started Ms. Dash but her words were drowned as Lily' s eyes diverted to her crush, who was now innocently attempting to write the damned essay.
'Oi Lily!!', he whispered waking her up. 'How do you spell friend in French?'.
'If it's a guy then...', she started before Shane shut her up.
'Dude it's you. So I guess it's gotta be A-M-I-E right? That's the one for girls? Also, tell me some adjectives other than, beautiful, intelligent, thin, etc etc. I used all of them'.
Lily seemed to light up instantly. Shane Killean just wrote that she was beautiful and intelligent? She seemed to go numb.
'I think you could use happy? Search it up on the dictionary. It's on the last page'
'Oh yeah, thanks a million amie', he said winking.
'No problem', she said, making a mental note to tell Zara and Chris about this new "development" if she may call it.
'And...... The bell rings. One day down, nine to go. Summer break is the need of the hour women', said Chris.
'Agreed. Lily, you wanna come with us to the pool? We're gonna drop in after completing homework', called Zara. Lily packed up her bag and shook her head, 'Sorry, guys, I promised Sam I'm gonna do homework with him. He's got problems with the English worksheet'
Sam walked to her,' You ready Lilz?'
'Like never before'
They left the cafeteria, hoped on to a cab nearby and drove off.
Lily was seated on Sam's bed in his mansion home. That's what it was, a mansion.
His room was blue with band posters and autographed pictures with football stars. They were three pictures of his too. One where he was a baby, smiling like there's no tomorrow. One was with his parents, the last looked a bit more recent taken when he was playing football. His room had a high bookshelf, and Lily stood in front, looking at it with fascination, when her phone vibrated with a text message.
Shane Killean, 4:00: Lily, please call me as soon as you reach Sam's place. This is very important. I don't wanna see you getting hurt. Just please...
Her crush wants to talk to her. Gosh, this hadn't happened in a long time to her. But she couldn't make sense of what could be hurting her, she was at her friend's place. She dialled her number, of course she had learnt it by heart.
'Hey Shane, what's up?', Lily said, trying to keep the excitement out of her voice.
'Hey Lilz! Umm... Listen, where are you right now?', he sounded a bit weird, as if he was trying to make things comfortable but he was scared.
'I'm at Sam's place rn. Why? Is there something you need?', she said.
'God! FUCK IT!', Shane half screamed through the phone.
Now Lily got really scared. 'Shane, what is it. You know you're scaring the shit outta me right now'.
Shane seemed to be mumbling stuff to himself. After a few minutes he told Lily.'Lily listen to me carefully yeah? Sam Williams has a crush on you. He wanted to be friends with you only for that reason. I overhead him talking to Ass. He wants to hook up with you.'
Lily's heart seemed to stop. 'Shane are you in the right mind? Sam would never do that!'.
Shane continued, 'Lily, I know this is hard to believe because he's a friend to you. Ass tried to stop him but he didn't listen. I think he's on drugs too. Okay, open the cupboard beside his desk. On the tip shelf, you'll see a condom. If its there, Lily run. Run right now'
Lily moved to the cupboard, carefully opening it she put her hand on the top shelf, she couldn't quite reach it but she felt something. Bringing it down, a tear fell down her cheek. Shane was right.
She didn't know what to do. She started crying.
'Oh Lilz, come on be brave, don't cry. It's gonna be okay. He isn't there right? Now all you need to do is find an exit. I'm on my way. Chill.'
Lily looked around. She locked the door. She could see a window. She tried opening it, but it was jammed. She took hold of a ruler and started hammering it on the nail. It came off. She carefully took out the glass and put it on the bed.
She looked down. It was a 20 ft drop.

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