Cut And Dried

By rutimabe

274K 15.8K 278

The Women of Woodstock (Book 2) Brent Simons the most charismatic Hollywood megastar on the planet today. Top... More

Highlights or Perm?
A British Institution
You nearly Had Your Chips
The Chips Are Down
Wanna Bet
What Have I Done
I'm a Movie Stars Girlfriend
The Works
Gentle Steps
All Dressed Up
The Charity Gala
How To Deal With Stars
Bloody Actors
Damn The Internet
Sod The Media
Going Home
Just The Start
Back To Normal (You Think?)
Help Is At Hand
Kidnapped (Sort Of)
Out In The Open
The Parents
Pleased To See Me (Yeah Right!)
What A Bombshell!
Back To Reality
No Way
What Now?
Sheer Madness
Oh What A Night (Pt I)
Oh What A Night (Pt II)
A New Me
Hood Winked
Press Ganged
Collateral Damage
Welcome Home
The Dreaded Visit
You Idiot
This Is War
Back To Work
The Fellowship
Trust Me
All Is Forgiven
A Non Movie Stars Life (Pt I)
A Non Movie Stars Life (Pt II)
Family Values
Building Bridges
To Little To Late?
Next In The Series

Kidnapped Again

4.4K 300 11
By rutimabe


Chrissie" Claudia dragged the word out in a whiny child like way.

"Yes" I cautiously answered.

"You have got to go please, Brent needs you"

"No way!" I practically yelled, causing people to look in my direction, then lowering my voice I explained.

"Come on Claudia you saw how your parents treated me, they hate me, so why would I put myself willingly in the firing line, if they honestly wanted to apologise they would not do it in a business meeting, especially as the woman they want Brent to marry will be there"

"But I have to go too, so we can support each other, please"

"Claudia I am sorry I can't. Remember it's not real I'm only helping him and I don't want to fight with your parents over nothing"

"Oh shit!" Claudia exclaimed loudly.

"What" a little worry in my voice, glancing around me, before looking out the cafe window to find a dozen or so camera's pointed at me.

"Shit" I agreed.

"Okay Chrissie I think we need help here, they know your here and the crowds growing, I'm just going to make this call" with that Claudia produced her phone and spoke to someone,  I couldn't understand the conversation but guessed it had to do with security.

Ten minutes later a large bear of a man and another not quite as huge, but big all the same, steamrollered through the every growing throng of media and glancing round the cafe before making a beeline straight towards us.

"Hi Garrett, Joe" greeted Claudia a little nod to each as she said their names.

"Nice of you to drop by"

"Miss Simons and Miss Wallace,  I think it's time we left" came a booming male voice as the bear spoke.

Finishing up our coffee and pastries quickly, we made ready to leave, the bear or Garrett as I was informed, stood next to me and Joe next to Claudia.

No words were spoken, none were needed, they seemed to work using telepathy a little nod, raised eyebrows and eye movements were all they needed.

"Okay ladies let's go, Miss Wallace stick close to me"

"The name's Chrissie you great bear and trust me I'll be glued to your side"

"What is it with you women from Woodstock really fiesty and coming up with these nicknames" he growled under his breath, stepping next to me and gently holding my elbow, he guided me out the cafe with Joe following suit with Claudia.

Stepping out of the door the interrogation started with questions being thrown at me from all sides, Garrett leant into me and whispered.

"They'll say anything to get you to react, so don't listen or say a word"

Straightening his stance he continued to guide me to the waiting car.

I had to jerk my head back a few times as camera's were shoved in my face, I ignored the questions being yelled and prayed the car would move closer, so I didn't have to endure the press anymore.

At last I slid in the back of the car, sorry it's an SUV apparently, so Garrett informed me , whatever one of those are, still it was more like a van with windows than a car, but hey beggar's can't be choosers, it was a safe haven away from the crowd outside.

"Okay Steve, let's go" ordered the bear, I mean Garrett. "You know the destination"

What seemed an eternity, but was probably only 15 minutes or so, we pulled up at a hotel? What the!

"Where are we?" I asked confused.

"The hotel" Garrett replied.

"I can see it's a hotel, but what am I doing at this hotel?"

"This is where I was instructed to bring you"

"Why? Who said" I pressed.

"Umm, actually I did" piped up Claudia.

"Okay, please explain" turning my attention away from Garrett towards Claudia.

"Well I'm a co-conspirator really" she mumbled, I just narrowed my gaze and waited for her to continue with an explanation.

"Well you see, Brent wants you and so do I, plus my mother insisted, so we're here"

I was just formulating my reply when, I had a light bulb moment, Claudia, Brent and their mother, holy shit, I have been dragged to the goddamn business meeting with Brent's soon to be wife.

"Oh no" and I emphasised this by vigorously shaking my head.

"Don't tell me you have kidnapped me and are going to force me to go this business dinner"

"Well, I suppose you could put it like that, but I look at it more like you helping out the Simons siblings, beside you'll get to meet the rest of the family"

I sank down in my seat moaning.

"Great I've known the Simons less than a month and in that time I have been kidnapped twice by them, tell me do you do this to everyone you come in contact with, or am I just special?"

"Oh trust me you're special alright, very special indeed" she smirked.

"Oi!" I yelled as I poked Garrett in the side with my elbow.

"Are you just going to sit there and let me be kidnapped, I thought you were suppose to protect me"

"Just following orders Chrissie" all this without a smile or a smirk.

"A fat lot of help you are, if they ordered you to jump in the lake I suppose you would do that to"

At which point he turned looked me in the eye's and smiled, before returning to his duty of checking outside the car, I mean SUV before stepping out and offering his hand to me.

Fantastic, here I am about to be fed to the lions and I've got a security guard with a sense of humour, can things get any better.

Following his bulky frame into the hotel, we were led to an elevator, see I know some American words and we ascended to the top floor.

Stepping out we were greeted by more guys, who I assume were also bodyguards, great not much chance of making a run for it, with this lot around.

Still following Garrett we entered through a large door and wow, I mean I've heard about penthouses, really I thought they were just glorified flats, but this place I'd never seen anything resembling it in any magazine, a flat it definitely wasn't, more like a luxurious palace in the sky.

And then I spied my nemesis Brent! hidden amongst a group of people all milling around him.

"You" I bellowed " I'm gonna kill you" striding towards him, he looked at me smiled a big smile, that suddenly changed to a look of worry, as silence descended on the room with all eyes focused on me.

A guy stepped in front of me to try and stop my progress, fatal mistake with me in the mood I'm in, he ended up flat on the floor, stepping over him I continued to bear down on Brent, the crowd all stepping back and letting the mad woman through.

Just as I reached him, two huge arms wrapped around me trapping my arms to my side and I was hoisted in the air.

"Let me go you big oaf, let me kill him, I'll be doing mankind a great service" I ranted.

"Easy Miss Wallace, I can't let you do that" he chuckled, as I thrashed my arms and legs around wildly, eventually I ran out of steam and flopped like a rag doll, defeated.

Brent appeared in front of me, still with a look of concern on his face.

"Chrissie can we talk, if I get Garrett to let you go, do you promise not to attack me?"

I nodded and Garrett lowered me back to the floor.

"Please" Brent said gesturing for me to walk towards a door at the back of the room, I huffed and reluctantly headed towards it.

Entering through the door I found myself in a large dinning room with an oblong table and ten chairs positioned around it taking centre stage, there were a couple of sideboards dotted about and a small bar in one corner.

I dropped down onto one of the barstools and swung it around to face the door as Brent, Garrett, Claudia and another beautiful young female trooped in.

"So" the young female squealed rushing towards me "This is the famous Chrissie I have heard so much about" then she grabbed me in a bear hug and continued.

"I am so pleased to meet you, I have a feeling we are going to become great friends and I'll get to baby sit for you"

Is this girl for real, how did we go from becoming friends to baby sitting for me, are all Americans nuts or what.

"Steady on Destiny" Claudia laughed. "They're not even married yet"

Definitely drugs the whole Simons clan are high on drugs and hallucinating, no other explanation.

A more serious looking Brent moved up along side his younger sister, still with a wary look in his eyes.

"Chrissie hi" he greeted.

I just glared at him.

"Look I know this is not what you wanted, but please I need you there for me and so do the girls" he quickly looked at his sister's who nodded eagerly.

"And if it gets to much just let me know and we will leave right away, please"

I looked at the trio one at a time all staring at me with pleading eyes, shit I'm screwed.

"Yeah okay" I heard myself say "But if I want to leave at anytime I'm going right"

They are smiled and again nodded before initiating a group hug.

What have I gotten myself into.

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