You'r My Weakness

By Lattile

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"C'mon, lets get you home." He stood up and helped me up. We walked to my car, but before we were there I sto... More

Author's Note
Scary encounter
Carter's More jealous than concerned
Misinterpreted or Mistaken
What's the matter?
Meeting death twice
Vampires aren't real
Carter's POV Planning and preparation
I'm not insane
Worth a try
Jen's POV Too deep
The first laugh
Carter's POV Show me
Building trust
Carter's POV Vulnerable
His weakness
Carter's POV Fight or die
Carter's POV Can't give up
Carter's POV New beginnings

I know you

239 11 2
By Lattile

Chapter 2

"Bad things happen in these area child." the man from the alley said bringing his face down to mine. "Come." he said grabbing me up from the wet ground.

When he yanked my arm i jumped up from my sleep. Thank God that was all it was a dream.

I kept having the same dreams over and over but whenever he said come and pulled me i would wake up. I've never gotten to the end, i never knew where he wanted to take me.

I think my dreams were being stopped each time because what should have happened that night didn't.

It has been two months since the incident in that alley way, and two months since I've been having these dreams.

The police ran an investigation on the man that was killed, they found the murder weapon distances away and ran tags on the finger print, but it seemed strange how it didn't link to anyone, they found nothing.

If they didn't find a print that meant that the man that actually killed his partner was still on the loose.

The thought of that man being free brought back fear into me.

I ran to the bathroom to wash away all those negative thoughts, but also that I wouldn't be late for music class.

I grabbed my wet hair and pinned it into a messy bun without even blow drying.

We were in the rainy season and the rainy city so the rain hardly stopped.

I grabbed my nude knee length coat and buttoned it up, then tied the lace.

I ran downstairs and grabbed my guitar from the sofa.

I lived with my mom and her new husband Rayne. I didn't speak to him much, I didn't hate him or anything but I didn't want anyone trying to replace my dad. I would look for my dad on holidays and the time spent with him and my sister was amazing.

Rayne had a son, he was 18 years old and we attended the same music school, for a brother of a different father he was cool to me and he didn't treat me badly.

I picked the umbrella off the rack and ran outside to Ragan who was blowing the car horn annoyingly.

That was my que whenever we were late, he drops me to school most days and i appreciated that.

My mom was trying to be the responsible parent and not let me drive because of what I had done to her car once.

I was only 15 then, she needs to let that go now. She'd rather i walked home from school in this bad neighborhood than to drive.

What kind of parent wants that?

The air conditioner was on in the car and i was shivering involuntarily.

"What's the matter?" Ragan asked looking to me each time while he drove.

"Isn't it obvious?" he chuckled and reached his hand towards the AC button. "Thank you." I said in appreciation.

The rain was pouring heavily outside and i was still cold inside.

We didn't talk much, whenever we drove to school the music would be on. I knew nothing about him and his life and he knew nothing about me.

Yea he was that type of brother who would stand up for his sister type, but other than that he didn't care.

People actually laughed at it when we say we're brother and sister.

Why is that you ask? I don't know. OK i do know. It's the fact that Ragan is a hot Caucasian male. Not that i think he's hot, i mean he's my brother but he's decent looking from my point of view.

He had broad shoulders and he looked about 6 ft tall. His hair was brown and his eyes were Amber. You could say he was a ladies man.

While i was a black girl, with caramel skin tone. My hair was black and often curly because i was mixed, unless i decided to straighten it. I had bright brown eyes and i was 5 ft 3 with a slim built. well i think by now you'd see why we were laughed at.

We both did music together and he'd make fun of me whenever i went up to play a piece or anything and his stupid friends would join in.

Today we made it five minutes late and the teacher called us both up to play twinkle twinkle little star.

How embarrassing was it that two grown ass people were singing twinkle twinkle little star.

The class laughed when the teacher gave us the song and my brother refused.

He walked out of music class and i was forced to go up anyways.

I pulled my guitar from it's pouch and walked up to the front of the class.

But before i started playing the door swung open again.

It wasn't my brother, though i had hoped.

He took a glance at me and walked towards the teacher handing her a piece of paper.

"Class this is Carter Branson."
The teacher announced, he waved at us and took the paper from Mrs. Steed. "Welcome to music class." she said pretending to be nice while giving him a forcefull smile.

He glanced at me on his way down to take a seat and for a minute he looked familiar, but i refused to believe that I could have met him before.

I began to focus on what i should be doing. I stroke the guitar and immediately began to sing, slower than the actual tempo and in a more melodious lalaby tone.

"Twinkle, twinkle little star, how i wonder what you are, up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky, twinkle twinkle little star, how i wonder what you are." i never imagined i would have gotten that much cheers for a simple lalaby. But I had to admit, it felt really good.

I walked down to my seat and took a glance at the new guy whose gaze I had caught. I was surprised he was still staring at me so i sat down and immediately turned my back to him.

What was his deal? he either knew me as well, because it seemed i knew him.

At the end of music class i packed up my guitar and got up. But before I exited I took one more glance over at the seat the guy sat, but it was already empty.

I walked out of class and grabbed my umbrella. The rain was still pouring hard and i didn't want to stay at school, so i opened my umbrella and walked out the doors, but before i walked off i heard someone call out to me.

It was a feminine voice and i wondered who it could have been, because my friends didn't live in this area. They lived back home where my dad did.

"Wait up." she yelled walking towards me, i didn't know if she was talking to me but i stopped.

The tall, blue eyed, black hair girl made her way to me. I didn't know her and she didn't look familiar. Her eyes were covered in black eye shadow and she played with her lip peircing slowly!

I only had music classes on Fridays so i could leave whenever.

My brother didn't leave, he never normally brought me home on Fridays so i left on my own.

"I'm Jen." she said when she caught up to me. She didn't have an umbrella and i shared mine while we walked.

"Kelsey." I replied.

"Nice, I see you're adventurous, just in a hurry to get away from people aren't you?" she asked but then added she was like that too.

"I hate being around humans." were her exact words and i could tell my expression threw her off. "I mean people." she immediately corrected and gave me a broad smile. "But i don't know, somehow I'm drawn to you." She added smiling even wider.

A black car came out of no where and we stopped when it drove really close to us.

The window went down and i recognized the guy, it was the new guy.

"Get in." he commanded harshly.
He pushed the door open and Jen hopped in without thinking twice.

"Sorry, we'll catch up next time." she said before the window went up and the car drove off.

I stood there wondering what that was about. For a second i had thought he was telling me to get in.

Good thing i didn't it would have been even more embarrassing getting out of the car than having the car drive off leaving me in the rain.

I hurriedly walked to get to the bus stop and sat waiting on a bus for home. I seriously needed a car. Mom was overreacting.

I was fifteen when I ran mom's car over my pet cat Pebbles and hit the utility pole after I freaked out.

People make mistakes right? It had been traumatizing for me after my cat died. I think she should cut me some slack.

I got a bus about 30 minutes after my wait and when I reached home mom was drinking hot chocolate.

"Hey sweetie."

"Hi mom, I need a car." I didn't wait another minute before I dropped the bomb on her.

"Not again." she said rolling her eyes and calling Rayne out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"Mom, c'mon..." Rayne came out and kissed my mom on the forehead.

"Kelsey here is saying she wants a car."

Rayne looked at me and took a seat.

Then he looked at my mom.

"I think it's time she got one." I was surprised with what Rayne said. I wasn't expecting that at all.

"What?" I asked surprised in unison with my mom.

"Why not? she's old enough and I mean look at her." I think Rayne was referring to the wet guitar pouch I had in my hand, the water on the edge of my coat and the mud on my shoe.

It was disrespectful that he had to use the way I looked as reference but anything as long as he was on my side.

"Plus mom, it sucks having to walk all the way to the bus stop, then wait so long just to get a bus."

"I know sweetie but after what happened the last..."

"Mom stop, OK?" I unexpectedly raised my voice at her out of frustration.

"First of all I was fifteen, secondly, I killed my cat and I have to live with that for the rest of my life, thirdly I'm nineteen I think I can get some practice and not have any incidents this time, especially ones I'll regret, I hate when you bring that up every time we have this discussion."

I was so pissed off right now I didn't even want to hear what my mom had to say.
I flung my guitar onto the couch and ran to my room slamming the door shut.

I was hoping Rayne and my mom would be debating on what I just said, but chances are my mom would still win after all that is her job.... to win arguments.

Not long after I heard pounding on my door, and I didn't plan on opening it.

"Sweetie, you can get a car." my mom's voice projected through the door.

I got up from the bed and went to open the door immediately unable to believe what she had just said. "Are you serious?" I ask needing confirmation.

"Yea, I thought about..." I grabbed her before she could finish her sentence.

"Omg, thank you so much." I said excitedly.

"Well Rayne talked me into it." she said giving Rayne the praise. I think she just wanted me to like him.

I looked at Rayne and gestured for him to come closer, when he did I grabbed them both in an embrace.

"Thank you guys so much."

If you want to read more let me know and I'll publish the rest.


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