
By James_Dante

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[Editing]Kyele, a 16 year old boy , wakes up and discovers that he has gained the power of time manipulation... More

chapter one - kyele ( waking up sucks)
chapter two -Ember( she's a walking fire hazard)
Chapter three -kyele (breakfast of champions)
Chapter four - Amp ( can't stop the beat)
authors update
authors update
Chapter five - Kyele (i almost die...kind of)
Chapter six - Kyele( In which I find out I know more than myself )
chapter seven - kyele (my mother commences a massive party! )
chapter Eight - Kyele ( Aggressive Dancing?PART ONE)
chapter Nine - kyele (Aggressive Dancing!PART TWO)
Chapter Ten -Kyele ( The journey begins )
chapter eleven-kyele( I believe I can fly)
Chapter twelve-Ember(protect whats precious!!!)
chapter Thirteen-kyele( The capital!)
chapter Fourteen-kyele( brother talk)
chapter fifteen-kyele( run run run!)
chapter sixteen-kyele( Fast enough?)
chapter seventeen-kyele( destroy the gates)
chapter nineteen-kyele( armor up!)
chapter twenty-kyele(fight!)
chapter twenty-one-kyele( a family affair)
chapter twentytwo-kalec(merged!)
Chapter twentythree-kyele( the battle won!)
about book two

chapter eighteen- kyele( the battle begins!)

26 2 0
By James_Dante

The group rode the hoverboards over the sandy dunes as fast as they could. They didn't know what to do, they had been riding for over three days now. They couldn't exactly go back to the bunker, that would lead the enemy straight back to their own base. And yet where else could they go.

Kyele looked behind as the wind whipped past him please blowing his hair askew. Soldiers were following them as well as a man riding in a hovercraft. Although kyele couldn't see him he knew that it was his father, Gias.

"Kyele!" A figure said appearing out of a hatch in the sand. It was his mother Skyla. All of them slowed to a stop infront of her. She ran up to them checking them to make sure they were alright, but she stopped when she got to Alec.

"Is it really you?" She asked grabbing his cheeks.

"Yes mother I'm home." Alec said hugging her close.

"Ummm I wish we had time for this ,but Gias is comming! He's less than thirty minutes out!" Ember commented bringing everyone's attention back to the situation at hand.

"I fear there's nothing we can do....exept stand and fight!" Kyele said stepping forward. Alec stood beside him along with their mother while the others flanked out into a vshape behind them.

And they waited.

Soon they heard the whine of repulsive lifts cut and kyele saw his father for the first time. He looked just like Kyele the only difference wad hat his eyes held a cold fire. Gias stepped down from the hovercraft masses of soldiers spread out behind him.

"Skyla, hand over the children now! Just give up and no one has to die!" He roared spreading his arms.

"Shut up Gias! I'm not handing anyone over to you! They all have chosen to stay with me!" Skyla shouted back defiantly.

"No they haven't....step forward my loyal spies!" Gias commanded.

Alec stepped forward and began to walk to his father. "What are you doing, I though you were with us!" Kyele yelled.

"I'm....sorry....I just have to or he'll kill our mother!" Alec said hanging his head in shame.

"So who's the other traitor..." Jolt asked.

"I dont want to go! I finnaly found my friends again!"Hydra cried out.

"Go or I'll kill one of them.."Gias growled.

"Don't go...sweety your with us now...." Skyla said walking up to hydra's crying form and wrapping her arms around her. Suddenly withought warning a shard of earth flung out stabbing Ash in the chest. The life faded from his eyes as he fell backwards into the sand now blood red in color.

"No! How could you!"Ember cried running over to the now dead form of her brother.

"You made me do it." Gias said yawning.

"I'm so sick of your crap father! All this mess is because of you! Are we gonna fight or what!" Kyele shouted at his dad.

"Ahh kyele the firebrand as usual. How about join me and no one dies....we will rain as father and both sons! With time and gravity on our side no one would be able to stand in our wa-"

"No! We will fight!" Kyele said speaking for everyone.

Gias sighed." Fine a fight it is...."

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