His Pizza Girl ✔ {#2}

By colloidal

360K 21.7K 5.3K

→ SPIN OFF TO FLIRTLINE BLING When Isaac accidentally calls a local pizzeria, he meets Jenny, a sarcastic and... More

His Pizza Girl
p i z z a
b r e a k f a s t
m e r c y
d i s a p p o i n t m e n t
s m a r t
h e l l
m e a n
m e n u
s p a r k s
d a t e s
d i s a s t e r s
b e a s t
r e v e l a t i o n s
f e e l i n g s
p r o g r e s s
d e p t h s
s i c k n e s s
p o i s o n
n o - a n s w e r s
a w a y
r e a s o n s
c r e e p y
c o f f e e
h a p p i n e s s
m i l e s t o n e s
e g o s
m a t u r i t y
f a l l
c u t e n e s s
h a l l o w e e n
t i t a n i c
t h a n k s g i v i n g
e p i l o g u e - i

w o r l d s

8.6K 598 164
By colloidal

incoming call : unknown 

"Earth to Jenny, I repeat Earth to Jenny, hello."

"Why this fancy greeting, boy?"

"Because you're out of this world."


"Mhm, Jennifer you have the cutest smile."

"Wait what?"

"Slaying that Hello Kitty shirt too."


"In your heart, apparently."

"Isaac, where are you?"

"Oh look, who's all excited to meet me."

"Uh, who?"

"Shut up, Jennifer."


"Mhm, there's a little something for you on table 32, by the way."


"Ohh, calm down there, darling. I'm out of Glen's"

"There was this big ass group of people who left."

"We'll meet when the sky is starry, and the stars collide, and the paths of two bomb ass people cross-"

"I hate you."

"Not according to what you said to me at 3:14 am on Monday last, fair Jenny."


"Jenny, are you good at math?"

"Uh, decent. Does this have anything to do with your 'koalafications'?"

"So can you replace my x without asking y?"



"Goddammit, Isaac shush."

"I know that one impressed you."

"What am I supposed to be looking for at table 32?"

"A tissue paper."

"Oh yay, found it."

"Kay bye."


*beep beep*


"Okay then weirdo."


the note on the tissue paper says - 

❝ you're beautiful, Jennifer. both in and out. - your beloved xoxo

p.s- hello kitty [REALLY????] 

p.p.s - I never knew brown was this pretty, until I saw your eyes. really cheesy. much cliche 

p.p.p.s - but like you don't get it. you're so fucking beautiful. like the way you brush that strand of hair off your face and like those crinkles by your eyes when you smile, and like those freckles are so perfect like I might as well be looking at a constellation. fuck, you're so beautiful. [this sounds like a sappy love song, but baby all those songs were sure as hell made for you ;)))]

p.p.p.p.s - also I kinda like the hello kitty shirt. ❞


new text message :

you're the biggest dork ever.



a/n : hello my lovelies <3

how's your day been oml?

also please let me know what you think of this chapter :')


vote/comment/share and maybe follow xo

yours ever, 


p.s. - I love you x [ I'm done being cliche but I DO kAY I LOVE Y'ALL A LATTE]


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