Mystical Forces

By Starsrunstheworld

4 0 0

When a group of teengers get hit by the disasters by scientist Not everything is goes well.. A prophecy that... More

Chapter 1

4 0 0
By Starsrunstheworld

Just like a normal day for everyone. You wake up, get dressed, maybe eat and head off to work or school. However today wasn't so normal. You see in Ohio, scientist were able to make the first...superhuman serum. They were going to show it off and inject into a soldier. But to Riley's eyes it was dumb. 'Stupid scientist. Trying to recreate the myths of Superhumans, ha!' She thought bitterly. Indeed Riley was a smart and sometimes nice girl, she tends to think bitterly time to time. Today was one of her days to think bitterly.

She was walking down the sidewalks of Canton, trying to enjoy her "normal" life. "Oi, Riley!!" Someone shouted behind her. She jumped into the air, and whipped around, horrified. She relaxed when she saw it was just Jared. 'Damn...,' Riley thought as her cheeks became rosy pink. The sidewalks were hardly filled of people, so it is always easy for someone to shout out to someone else and scare them. So friends or family will tend to shout out to their friends or family member, to see their precious reaction and the look on their face. Jared, one of Riley's closest friends or well Riley's crush, decided to do that to her today.

Jared is quite of romantic and adventurous person. He never thinks of being romantic but everyone knows that he is. How he treats Riley, shows he does indeed have a romantic side. His adventurous side comes out when something happens that's abnormal to the town and when he's excited from hearing a myth or from when some scientist talk about how weird Canton is getting. Jared also shows his great athletic skills. He plays for the best lacrosse team in Ohio, Lightning Strikers. He plays for defense and sometimes attack. Riley however is quite a fighter and caring person. Sometimes her friends will call her 'mom' due to the fact she cares about them and worry about them. Of course her fighter side comes out when people attempt to prove her wrong, when people push her buttons and when people try to mess with her friends (not in a friendly manner). Also she isn't very athletic but she does play lacrosse for girls and she plays defense and goalie time to time. But their personalities are like a magnet. When a positive comes to close contact to a negative, they come together. Riley is like the negative, since she thinks negative most of time while not trying sound to while Jared is like the positive, helping people out and cheering up Riley when she thinks too negative (which a lot of times).

But people call that they are soulmates or meant for each other. Jared's crush is unknown to everyone while a lot of people know about Riley having a crush on Jared. So most of the time people will tease her, RIGHT in front of him. The boy gets confused and concern why Riley is blushing and acting like she is going to kill them. However people do tease Jared about their relationship status. He would just a faint blush on his face and said no about it.

You are probably wondering on how they look. Well Jared is a very tan teen, due to going outside a lot, in the blazing heat during the summer. He is eighteen years old, with no beard or mustache. He tends to wear a jacket that's mostly gray and a white shirt under it. It doesn't stop people from stopping while walking down the streets, malls and so on, from his fit body. His masculine (not too masculine though, the right amount) arms that do show off, no matter what he wears. He has a faint six pact, with four visibly showing while the two others are faint. They aren't too hard though that feels like a rock. They are in middle, mostly leaning towards the rock feeling. His legs were like what male runners legs look like. Some people say he as a butt while some people say he doesn't have a butt. He shrugs that part off his shoulders. He also wears black shorts or dark blue/gray jeans at times. Jared wears the black and white roshes (it's black with white laces and at the bottom is white with black speckles). His hair is a brown color that goes down to his neck. His eyes are dark chocolate that shine when he is interested.

Riley is well, a normal tan girl. She mostly hangs inside, writing like she's writing out of time. She is seventeen years old, with nothing abnormal. She wears a white tank top or well different color tank tops with green combat pants or navy blue shorts with holes on them. Riley's shoes are the black roshes (all of it is black) or red sneakers. Her body is in between hourglass and triangle. She however does show a faint two pact on her stomach. Her arms do show little bit of masculine but not much. Her legs were somewhat thick. She does indeed have big calves, that looks like she is fit to be a runner. She has a medium darkish brown hair. She does a hint of red dye in it but it doesn't show that well. Just like Jared she shrugs off about her butt. Riley tends to get embarrassed about it. Riley's eyes show off a brownish hazel color. They always sparkle for some odd reason.

"W-what's up, Jared?" She nervously asked with a confused/nervous look on her face.

"Well, Riley, if you haven't noticed today is 9/10/20. Which is the day the scientist is showing us the new serum that they have created," he replied with a chuckle.

"That thing is stupid, Jared. If you have forgotten," she retorted back.

Jared eyes went wide, slightly blushing and amazed that she just said that. A devious grin appeared his face. He walked right beside her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Jared has no idea that she has a crush on him. Riley at first blushed but forced herself to stop blushing. 'What is he doing..?' Riley thought suspiciously. Of course Jared and Riley walked down, like this. They did get odd looks from the people around the town.

Soon they walked near the park that had the scientists preparing to show off the serum. White lab coats, black shirts with black pants. 'What on Earth..,' Jared thought with a concern look on his face. It wasn't normal for their scientists to wear that type of stuff. Nor would the scientist present in a park. Definitely abnormal. Riley soon noticed Jared's look at the scientists.

"Jared, what's wrong?" Her voice grew more concern as she studied his face. Jared without knowing pulled Riley closer to him. His cologne could be smelled now. Riley poked Jared's side, due to her being short. 'I should tell Riley that we should- GAH!' His concern face went to an alarmed look from her scaring him. At first Riley was shock but then chuckled.

"Riley, what's wrong? Oh..," Jared trailed off as he noticed that he pulled her closer, than normal. He shrug it off and started to walk again. At first Riley was wondering why he didn't want to watch but now she thinks, that he wants go somewhere else to see it. Their footsteps started to fade away from the bushes that were near the park.

"Are those two gone now, Perry?" A girl whispered in the bush.

"Yes, Ninja. And you didn't have to hide in a bush..." Perry grumbled with a glare.

Ninja came out of bushes, chuckling. These two are the most wanted thieves in the country. They did indeed stole multiple jewelry stores, but they only did it to help out the poor. They would sell the necklaces or rings for a big price then they give the money to the poor. Some call them heroes while others call them thieves. They were like Robin Hood and his group. They were watching Riley and Jared walking away, since they were going to do something.

"I can't believe your stupid demon necklace..thing... Is making us do this." Ninja growled to Perry.

"Hmph. If you think that we shouldn't steal that serum, then tell that to the demon..," Perry retorted back.

Ninja hesitated for a moment but kept silent. Perry chuckled and smiled softly. These two were also in love with each other, a lot. No matter what they had each other's backs, even when times were bad. They turned around to the unknown scientists, watching them. "If we are able to sell this thing, then the poor will no longer exist! They will be middle class people!" Perry said with a smug look now. Ninja nodded, agreeing.

Soon, their plan foiled. "Hey! Why are you this close to the park?!" A boy appeared behind them. The two jumped into the air and whipped around. There stood a tall, somewhat pale boy. He was around eighteen years old, black hair with platinum highlights at his bangs. His outfit did suit him. A t-shirt with the number twentyfive, a black jacket, grayish/blueish jeans with blue converse. His eyes were quite unique though. Bright blue eyes with hint of purple. His necklace looked like Perry's necklace, however it was a mix of blue and purple, while her's was black and red.

Perry raised an eyebrow. "We are allow to be here, sir," she stated. The man looked and chuckled.

"Not exactly. You must be Perry, right? Cause you look like the sixteen year old girl. With brown hair, purple highlights, and red highlights. A jacket with the sleeves gray and the rest is purple. Jeans that are shredded at the knees and the color of the jeans are blue. Wearing the same necklace, demon, as me but different colors. Eye color is an odd blue color. And the shoes are red converse."

"How?" The only word that could come out of her mouth.

"And you must be Al or Ninja. You look like the sixteen year old girl. With green highlights and red highlights. Jacket is red but the elbow down is ripped up with a long gray shirt under it. Wearing black jeans with gray and red converse. Eyes are red."

Ninja froze, alarmed. Is this the man they heard about? The man that can track down anyone. He soon to noticed how scared they look. He laughed. "I'm deeply sorry. You two guys accidently left your phones at the cafe, a while ago. I tried to find the owners and then I saw you guys. Deeply sorry," he bowed his down multiple times.

"It's alright. Um thank you." Perry puffed out.

"By the way name is Nick," Nick replied as he handed back their phones. They nodded back in hello.

"Question. Why can't we be here?" Ninja asked with a confused look. Nick realized what he said earlier. He let out a nervous laugh and rubbed his neck. "Well you see is that due to these foreign scientists, the police wants everyone safe so they want everyone away from here," he quickly explained. The girls looked at each other and sighed.

They followed Nick out of the park, and back onto the sidewalks. Soon they started to walk down the street. Nick gave off a trustworthy vibe to them. So Perry and Ninja allowed him to walk with them. That's when the weather started to get odd.

The wind picked up, nearly pushing them off of their feet. The sunny day became night time. "What the?!" Perry shouted in alarmed. Nick and the other two ran inside of a cafe, for protection. Nick's and Perry's necklaces started to glow for some reason as well. Those two knew something bad happening.

Meanwhile Riley and Jared didn't have a good time either. They were in a store, hiding since the winds and it just became night out of the blue. The owner was nowhere to be find and no one was in there except for Jared and Riley. Their hearts were beating fast and faster.


The door opened...footsteps could be heard.

This took an awful turn for everyone in this town. Due to the fact they were hiding behind one of the cashier's desk. That's when the footsteps stop. Right behind them... Fear kicked in Riley and she started to shake. Jared held her to calm her down.

"Time to make this world better!" A man shouted and they could hear a button being pressed.

Everything felt so slow for the five of them. A wave of yellow, red, gray and other colors came from the park and broke through the windows. The waves went seperate now. A red wave became fire like and just surrounded her like a snake, squeezing its prey. A green wave just smacked him like a tree falling on him. Blood escaped Riley's mouth as they were both taken surprised. A gray, blue, and yellow wave came at Perry, Nick and Ninja. Yellow wave became a smoke and just went around Ninja's neck and she passed out. Gray wave became lightning and smacked him to the wall behind them. Blue wave became an odd looking ice shard and just stabbed her through her stomach.

Riley was passed out as Jared struggle to stand up. He felt a foot coming down and hit him to the floor. There stood two out of five odd scientists. One had Jared pinned down, smiling evilly while the other was picking up Riley. "Don't worry...Jared... Accept fate," the one pinning him down laughed out. Jared lost his vision and passed out. Perry felt, blood like fluid coming out her stomach where the shard stab her. The other scientists were there, smiling. "Ah, it seems you are still awake...," a girl chuckled as she walked over to her. Perry's and Nick's necklaces stop glowing now. Perry attempted to grab the girl's leg but passed out.

Let's just say... The real scientists didn't only bring a bunch of serums, but a machine to do that. They are dead since the "scientists" killed them for the machine and the serums. They want to bring back the myth...the legend.. Mystical Forces. Are they trustworthy or not?

(A/N: I deeply hope you guys like the story so far!

   Oh! If you guys have Deviant Art, it's a great website for everyone to post art and stories.

   If you do, then you should check out my page. It's Starsruletheworld and yes I do have this story up on there as well!

   So don't think that I'm stealing, I'm not. But have a wonderful day!! See ya next time!! )


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