The Death Of Me

By shadae014

264 10 8

So, I'm not really good with introductions but, here it is. My name? It's Mavis Jamely. Uhm, I had to move to... More

You're Nuts.
Fiery One Isn't She?
I Have Something To Tell You
I Can't Deal With This.
Miles & Emily
Please no.

Oh. Sorry.

22 0 0
By shadae014

   Flynn's P.O.V

   I haven't been to school in about a month or so. I also haven't talked to anyone. Anyone, being Carson, Emma, & Mavis... I really fucked it all up with her. Emma would come in my room & tell me that she wouldn't get out of bed because of me. The second week of me being a no show, Emma told me that she would go to school but not talk to anyone but some kid & Emma herself.

   Today, I finally pulled myself together & got out of bed. As I walked into the kitchen Emmas eyes buldged out of their sockets.

  "Flynn?! Hey! Are you coming to school?" I nodded & she squealed. How she managed to stay so happy? Don't ask me because I have no idea how. "Alright big bro! Let's go!"

   I grabbed a bag of the little fruit gummies & left out the door with Emma on my heels. Walking into the school I could feel the burning of eyes at the back of my head.

   "Hey bro! Been a while." James smiled grabbing me into a bro hug. I nodded & scratched the back of my head.

     "I got to go." I mumbled brushing past him & the swarm of people piling up behind him.

   I didn't care about anyone else. I wanted to see her. Come on where are you?! I was looking around frantically until I saw her. At her locker, her long dirty blond hair falling down to the small of her back. Her lips were rosie red & her cheeks were flushed pink. She looked, no she is, so beautiful. My eyes flickered over from her to the figure that loomed above her.

   It was a guy I haven't seen before but he looked really familiar. Wait, that day I kissed Mavis infront of her class, he was a part of the group with James. She was, she was blushing because of him? What could- oh god are they...? As if to answer my question he leaned down to her lips & placed his on hers.

    I wasn't sad. Not at all, no, I was pissed. The anger within me came flying out & my blood was boiling. He pulled away from her & she smiled up to him. A smile that broke everything I had left in me. He walked away from her figure & she looked down to the ground, tucked her hair behind her ear & then met my eyes.

   Her face softened & it looked like she was about to cry but she slammed her locker & called the guys name as if to catch up with him. 'Xander' huh, & here I was thinking the devils name was Lucifer. I guess I made a mistake. I made more than one mistake, & it costed me the girl of my dreams.

   "I was... I was going to tell you but you shut me out." Emma said twiddling her fingers. She was looking down at her hands & would not look me in the eye.

   I just turned & stormed away from her. I have better things to do then cry over a girl who doesn't even want me anymore. I will always want her, she's not his. Mavis is mine & only mine.

   Mavis's P.O.V

   *a month earlier*

   Emma told me the following day. My heart broke for their family. I couldn't understand what they were going through but maybe I could help them feel better. So, I bought Emmas favourite ice cream & bought a copy of the hangover, Flynn's favourite movie.

   I knocked on the door. Emma was the one who came to the door. She only opened it a crack to poke her head out. "Hi. Uh, can I just come over to your house?"

   "Yeah let me just give this to Flynn." I walked past Emma & headed to Flynn's room.

  "Mav-" she cut herself & huffed letting me through.

   I knocked on Flynn's door before entering the door. He was under his covers crying. I've never seen Flynn cry before. "Hey Flynn!" I perked up.

   I know what it's like to be in a dark period, you just need to pull yourself back out from the darkness. He didn't say a word, just stopped sobbing. I sat down at the end of his bed & pulled the cover off of his head.

   "I brought your favourite movie!" I waved it around but he just kept looking forward at the wall, no expression in his face.

   I sighed. "I know, Flynn I know you aren't in a good state of mind but it's fine. You just got to pull yourself out of the darkness surrounding you & find that beam, that glow. I mean I would know. I shut myself out for the longest time. You know because of my dad, but there are so many people around you that are you light, they just keep your life bright. It's hard right now, but you will be okay."

    He turned & looked me in the eye. "Leave."

   I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?"

   "Leave & don't come back Mavis. This thing you thought we had, it's gone." Huh, so that's what it feels like to be heartbroken. I felt a tear run down my face & I hadn't even realized that my eyes were stinging back with tears.

   "Fine. But when you get out of this- this whatever happened to you, don't ever talk to me again!" I threw the DVD at his face & left the room crying.

   Emma was in the room rubbing her shoulder awkwardly. "I got you your favourite ice cream."

   "Come on, let's go to your place." I nodded & looked back at his door, shook my head & left with Emma at my side.

   *Present Day*

   I wasat my locker with Xander, also known as my boyfriend. My. Boyfriend. Yes it happened quickly but he treats me good.

   "Babe, how does lunch at Q's sound?" Xander said leaning on the locker, his arm resting just above my head.

   "Sounds great!" I smiled up to him.

   "How about after school, you can come over to my house?" The first time I met Xander, I hadn't noticed his accent. Before we started dating I noticed it, he's from Australia.

   "Oh uh sure. What are we going to do?" I asked my face flushing a bit.

   "Have a little fun?" He asked smirking. I smiled up to his blue blue eyes.

   "Sounds really good to me." I whispered in a seductive tone into his ear. I saw him shake off a shiver.

   He leaned down & kissed my lips. His hands gripped at my hips & then he pulled away from me. "I'll see you, after class."

    I nodded, my face probably scarlet. I watched him start to walk away from me. I turned & met his eyes. Everything moved in slow motion & it was just the two of us staring at one another. I couldn't take it, if I stare at him any longer then I will start to cry. I turned away from his eyes & called after Xander. He wasn't that much father ahead of me, it all happened so quickly.

Everything just happened so fast. Not seeing Flynn again, but him leaving me hanging, me getting with Xander. Uhg. Everything is just, not, the best at the moment. I couldn't even focus in my first two period classes. I staggered out of art with Emma at my side. She was watching me with furrowed eyebrows the whole time like she didn't know what was wrong with me.

"Carson & I are going to lunch. Wanna come with?" Emma asked walking at my side to our lockers.

"No thats fine, Xanders taking me out to lunch." I opened my locker & put my books inside.

"Oh right..." She looked away from my face. So, Emma didn't really like the fact that I started dating Xander. She thinks that I made a fast decision & I should've waited her brother out. He told me to leave, that what we had was nothing.

How am I suppose to cope with that? Carson came up & waved to me & then left with Emma wrapped around his side. I felt a tap on my shoulder soon later & I turned to see Flynn.

"Hi." He mumbled.

"Hi..." I closed my locker up & turned to face him.

"Mavis, I-I didn-"

"Babe!" Xander smiled walking up behind Flynn. He met Flynn's eyes & then back to mine. "& Flynn..."

"Hi babe." I beamed as he met my side. Flynn's eyes flickered from the two of us. I felt, icky. He looked so glum. "I'll meet you at the car."

Xanders head dropped to look at me with furrowed eyebrows. "What?"

"Babe. I'll meet you in the car." He huffed & shoved his hands in his pockets walking away.

"You just caused an unnecessary argument." I said turning to face Flynn who was still watching Xander leave. "So what were you saying?"

"Oh. Sorry...Why him?" He blurted, without even thinking.

"Why do you care?" I folded my arms together.

"Because I still love you?" My eyes widened & he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Don't." I closed my eyes & shook away the thoughts filling my brain. When he said that all my feelings for him flowed back through me. I head began to pound but the look on his face killed me.

   "I didn't mean what I said... I wasn't in the right place of mind Mavis. I love you. I love you so much!" He pleaded. I shook my head & walked away from him. As much as my heart longed for him I-I can't do that. Especially not to Xander.

  I reached the car door & Xander leaned over to open it. "Hey, what was that all about."

   "Nothing. I forgot something at his house I'll get it later." He nodded & started the car to drive away.

   By the time we reached Q's my mind was all jumbled. I still have feelings for Flynn, I could I not. He's the guy I love, & quite honestly the one I dont want to give up on.

   "Are you okay...?" Xander grabbed my hand across the table. "You seem distant."

   "I'm fine." Honestly I wasn't listening to a word that he was saying.

   "So anyways, this guy Gerald-" His words got all muffled as Flynn came back into my mind.

   I need to tell Xander I can't cope with this anymore.

   "Mavis?" He huffed. "Let's go back to the school."

   "Okay." My voice coming out as a whisper. I have no idea how I was going to tell him.

   We got in the car but he didn't turn on the car. Instead he leaned over & kissed me. His lips attacked mine but I was frozen in my spot. I didn't know how to react to Xander. It was like my body was all, weird about kissing him. Soon enough my brain connected the dots & I kissed him back but not the way that I usually do.

   He pulled away from me & furrowed his eyebrows. I turned my head to look away from his face.

    "You still love him huh." He leaned back in his seat & just kept looking forward.

   "W-What? N-No!" Great that sound so convincing Mavis! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!

   "Yeah you do." He put his hands in his head & ran his fingers up & through the the back of his scull before punching his steering wheel.

   "Xander..." He turned to look me in the eye. His face read 'tell me I'm wrong Mavis. Please.'

   When I didn't say anything back he spoke for me. "Look Mavis. Yeah, I'm mad. But i'm only mad because I didn't have you for longer than I did. I like you a lot, & you like me. But you love him, & he loves you. I can't compete with that."

   "I'm so sorry." He started the car & drove us back to the school.

   "Don't be."


    I just got home & Emily jumped on my the minute I got in the door. "Sissy!"

   "Hey junebug!" I picked her up in my arms & kissed her nose.

   "You're back." Miles said leaning on the kitchen counter watching us.

   "I am back." I nodded at him putting Emily down, she ran back into her room.

   "Where's Xander?" Miles said grabbing an apple.

   "Oh, we aren't really... We broke up." I dropped my bag down on the couch.

   "Oh. Sorry." I nodded & shrugged. "Right! Your mom is taking Emily to this indoor playground thats like an hour away. They are going to crash at her friends house..."

   "Oh yah, Angelica!" He nodded at the name.

  "Yah her, so it'll just be the two of us." I nodded & grabbed a yogurt from the fridge.

I sat in my room doing homework for the longest time. It felt like I was locked up in there for what seemed like hours & I guess that was correct when I heard my mother call out that she was leaving. I ran out of my room & hugged the two girls carrying overnight bags.

"Alright! See you too tomorrow." Miles & I waved out of the doorway.

"I'll be out for dinner soon I still have some questions to finish up." I said as he locked the door.

"No problem. I'm going to order pizza. Sound good?" He called from the kitchen.

"Yeah! Tell me if you need any money!" I called back.

I can not stress enough, how much I hate History. I mean yeah it's cool to learn about our past & whatnot but like... I can't remember anything for the life of me. Finishing the last question I collapsed onto my bed letting out a sigh as I hit.

I can't get him out of my head! Not Miles oh my god ew. I'm talking about Flynn. Him being next door, & how he doesn't know that I still love's bothering me. Maybe it's for the best, that we aren't together anymore. Maybe this is what fate wanted. But it sure as hell isn't what I wanted.

I shook my head & smacked my forehead. Stop it go bond with your brother. I got up from my bed & left my room closing the light in the process. Gotta save that energy.

"Hey." I said walking into the living room area.

"Hey pizza is on the table. Didn't know if I should've got you or not. There's also a drink on the counter I got you." I shrugged & grabbed a slice, biting into it. Grabbing the drink I gulped it down. Then took another bite.

"What are we watching?" I asked with a mouthful of pizza in my mouth.

"You pick." He threw the remote at me as I sat down beside him.

"Donnie Darko it is." He laughed at me & moved closer. Way too close, closer than your half brother needed to get.

I shuffled over a bit without him noticing. I had to ask the next question as the movie began to play before us. "Do you ever drink?"

"Nope. I'm always sober." I nodded & let the movie play through.

Halfway through the movie I was getting really tired. It was about 11 something & the school day really took a lot out of me I guess. It was a weird kind of tired, my mouth felt all fuzzy & my eyes were droopy.

"I'm really tired." Miles looked at me wide eyed & then got up to help me up.

"I'll help you too your room." He grabbed onto my arms & I couldn't feel my arms & legs. I-I couldn't feel anything.

"Mi-Miles. There's something wrong! I can't feel my body." He nodded & looked down at me.

"I know I know it's okay... I put a sleeping pill in your drink." I furrowed my eyebrows up at him & he smiled like a creep down at me.

"Why the fuck would you do that!?" I screamed.

"Because my dad told me you like to struggle." I shiver ran down my spine. No... He- no.

"Miles... What are you doing?" He dropped my body down onto the bed. Then got on top of me.

"I'm finishing what our dad wanted." My eyes stung. I couldn't even lift my arms to stop him. I felt a tear run down my face as he kissed my lips. No ones coming this time. This is actually going to happen. He pulled down my shorts & I tried to scream. I really did. The whole time he- he was doing that. I screamed for the life of me. But no one came. When he stopped his body relaxed next to mine.

I fell asleep crying. I later woke up at around 3:12am. I had strength in my body again. I pulled myself away from the thing laying in my bed. I got dressed & packed a bag. An overnight one. I had no one to turn to. But him.

I called him. He was probably asleep by now but he was my only hope.

"Mavis?" His voice was raspy, I woke him up.

"Can you meet me at the dock please." I had tears falling freely.

"Are you crying?" I heard shuffling like he was getting dressed. "I'm coming."

I sat on the edge of the deck waiting for him to arrive. I splashed my feet in the water that was looking more like a black puddle. White speckles were flickered upon the calm water. Topped off with a white circular drop. The sky was clear tonight & everything was being reflected. Tonight was a gorgeous night. The stars are so beautiful, I wanted to be up there right now, away from everything.

The padding of feet sprung me back into reality. He sat down next to me but didn't say a word, I admired him for doing so. I just wanted him near me.

"I know you don't want to hear this Mavis but I have to tell you." I turned to meet his sad eyes. "When my mom died, everything collapsed from under me. I wouldn't even talk to my sister. When you came over, I was... I was in so deep, so deep in a world that had no colour. But you had so much colour around you & you looked so beautiful. I didn't want to drag your beauty into my pit of sorrow. So I told you to leave, & wen you wouldn't I made up something that would make you leave. I regret everything that happened that day."

I tried to speak but he stopped me by continuing. "That day you told me that you understood my issues, that you understood the world I was living in. You told me that there would be a light that would pull me out of that world." He grabbed my face & rubbed it with his thumb. "Mavis you are my light."

I didn't have any words. My tears just piled up & overflowed.

"You don't have to say anything. I don't expect you too." He mumbled looking out to the water. Dropping his hand from my face.

"No it's not that Flynn." I looked back over to me. "Flynn. Miles raped me."



The picture up ahead is Xander😅😛

Song: ingrid michaelson- keep breathing

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