Wiccan Magick

By wiccan_magick

1.5K 12 7


Wiccan Magick

1.5K 12 7
By wiccan_magick


I remember,

the feel of warmth pulsing through me,

the calm serenity of Magick.

The chants, like poems to my ears,

and the candlelight, a way to my soul.

The moon, forever shining down on us,

in a protective cocoon of light.

Forever feeling immortal,

in the gaze of the wise old moon.

The feel of the sand,

between my delicate toes.

The soothing water rippling,

across my soft, bare feet.

I remember the emotions,

flaring around my body.

Love, serenity and awe,

appreciation and courage.

I remember feeling,

those emotions drift away.

As the magick left my body,

and contentment filled it's place.

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