My Nerdy Valentine | Justin B...

By RedWritingHood07

13.5K 367 75

She wasn't someone I expected myself to fall in love with. I was Justin Bieber, international popstar. She w... More

1. Detention
2. Something About Her
3. The Third Time's A Charm
4. Kingsley Knights
5. Devil On Earth
6. Two Is A Crowd
7. New Fashion Trend
8. Say Pizza!
9. Peace Offering
10. Watch Out
11. I Dare You
13. Breaking Out
14. My New Favorite Thing
15. Rejecting Calls
16. Best Friend Duties
17. All That Matters
18. Nothing Like Us
19. Back to Back
20. Welcome to the Family
21. Playing for Keeps
22. Life Saver
23. Lucky to Have You
24. Beliebers
25. Company
26. Something Real
27. All Bad
28. Placing Roses
29. Trust
30. Sure as the Stars
31. Defying Gravity
32. Family
33. Ice-Cream Freeze
34. Better Than Nachos
35. Fall
Because You Guys Are Awesome

12. Take You

379 14 2
By RedWritingHood07


I woke up with the most pounding headache a human could ever get in the history of headaches.

Fluttering my eyes a couple of times, I slowly sat up from the bed and laid my back against the headboard.

Once I was fully awake, I noticed my surroundings were different. From the curtains to the interior of the room, and to blankets that covered my legs, I realized I wasn't in own room.

Looking under the blankets I noticed I wasn't wearing my clothes from last night. Instead the set of crop top, shorts and my shoes were neatly folded on the couch which was across the bed from where I sat.

The clothes I wore were replaced with an over-large white shirt and a pair of boxer shorts. From the looks of the room there were different awards hanging on the walls and the name on the award made me realize where I finally was.

Justin Bieber.

I began to panic especially when I couldn't remember a thing.

Did something happen between Justin and me? What happened last night? How much did I drink? How come I couldn't remember anything?

In the midst of my thoughts, my phone bleeped indicating I had a message.

From: Justin Bieber
I don't know if you are awake but please wait till I get home. I'm almost done with school so we can talk once I get back. I know you probably have a lot of questions and trust me; I'm your only hope for answers.

I felt kind of relieved after I had read the message. It made me feel at peace knowing I had answers to look forward to.

Why was Justin in school though? It was a Saturday and as far as I was concerned Justin didn't have anything in school during Saturdays.

I noticed the time on my phone that it was already around noon. Shit! My tutoring!

I hurriedly left the room and ran downstairs. I hopelessly looked for the bathroom in the huge mansion of the popstar's but instead found a middle-aged woman around her thirties setting up what seemed like the dining table. I stopped in my tracks once she stopped what she was doing and noticed me.

"Oh you're awake; just in time for lunch." The lady said.

"Uh, yeah, uh, I don't mean to sound rude or anything but I'm kind of in a hurry." I told her.

"I'm guessing it's your tutoring class, right?" The lady mentioned.

How did she know?

"I'm actually really late but I think I still might be able to catch up."

"Justin took care of it. He left earlier this morning saying he had to go to school for a tutoring class."

Wait, Justin covered for me? That's why he was in school? Why would he do that though? The guy hated every moment in school.

"Oh, well, I guess I should wait here for him then." I chuckled nervously.

She merely nodded and continued to set up the table. "Let me help you with that." I told her as she came out of a room carrying a platter of food.

"You know, from all of Justin's one night stands, I surprisingly like you. You're so sweet." The lady said.

"No ma'am I think you've got the wrong idea. Nothing happened between Justin and me." I explained.

"That explains why you're wearing his clothes." The lady said.

"Honestly ma'am I don't remember anything from last night but I can assure that nothing happened. I don't know really. All this thinking is giving me a headache and I won't get answers until Justin gets back."

"He told me you would probably feel that. Here, I got some aspirin for you." She said as she handed me 2 pills of aspirin and a glass of water.

"You're too kind ma'am." I thanked her and took the meds that she gave me.

"It's Pattie," she said. "Please call me Pattie."

Oh shoot, this was Pattie, Justin Bieber's mom.

"You're his mother." I blurted in shock.

"That would be me," she giggled.

"This is so embarrassing. You must think I'm so kind of slut or something. I'm sorry for my words."

"I don't know what happened with you and Justin last night but I'm never the one to judge. I actually like you. You're such a sweetheart and the way you're shy around me makes me feel that you still respect your elders."

"Thank you; that's so nice to hear. I should be going though. I think I'll just have Justin call me once he gets home."

"No, you're not leaving. Please join me for lunch?" Pattie asked sincerely.

I couldn't refuse the kind woman after how she had treated me so I nodded and took my seat across from hers.

We said Grace before we let the food become our center of attention with small talks in between. After a fulfilling meal, I insisted I helped the pop star's mom in cleaning up. For a wealthy family, I noticed they didn't have any maids around. She didn't want me touch a single plate though.

"You're guest and I want you to make yourself comfortable. Here, have some ice-cream." Pattie said as she came back to get the rest of the plates on the table after she had placed mini tub of ice-cream in front of me.

How could this lady be so nice? Justin definitely did not get his attitude from her.

"You're so sweet Pattie; you didn't have to though."

"It's no big deal; there's a bunch of food in the fridge and Justin barely touches them so please help yourself okay?"

I nodded before we separated ways; she went back to the kitchen while I made my way to their living room and switched on the T.V. Enjoying the ice-cream and re-runs of 'How I Met Your Mother', my moment got interrupted when my phone rang and Vallerie's name appeared on my screen. Sliding the phone unlock, I answered.

"Webb speaking," I said.

"Where the hell are you when I need you? I have the biggest elephant sitting on my head right now." She slurred on the phone causing me to laugh.

"Where's Zayn? I figured he would've been taking care of you."

"He was. He just went to get me some lunch. I literally just woke up but seriously, I asked you first. Where are you? What happened to us last night?"

"I don't remember anything from last night but maybe Zayn can tell you once you're settled. I'm just waiting for Justin to tell me what happened."

"Wait, let me get this straight, you're with Justin Fucking Bieber?"

I knew she was going to react like that. "I'm actually at his house right now."

"Holy shit, are you wearing his clothes? You're wearing his clothes, aren't you? Damn, you got some of the Bieber di –"

Assuming what she was going to say, I cut her off immediately. "Val, you have to seriously chill! I don't remember but yes I am wearing his clothes, I am at his house and speaking of Bieber, he's pulling up the driveway right now. I'll call you later okay? I have to go." I quickly said shutting the phone just in time before Justin had entered the house.

I continued eating the ice-cream and focused on the show hoping Justin wouldn't notice that I was ignoring him. Unfortunately, he noticed me right away as he plopped down the couch next to me.

"Well, you're up and already eating my food. I see you've made yourself at home." Justin said with a smirk on his face once I turned to look at him.

He wore a simple white t-shirt, a pair of skinny jeans and white sneakers; he looked simple but extremely attractive. "Your mom gave it to me; I didn't think you were the type to have a sweet-tooth though because of you know, your precious voice."

Justin shrugged. "I have my days; when I'm not working, I have the freedom to have anything I want and being back home just gives me that freedom." I nodded showing I understood. "Here, I got you these." He said as he handed me 2 paper bags.

The first paper bag, I noticed it a box of Krispy Kreme's which got me excited. I pulled out the box which contained a dozen of donuts luckily most of which were my favorite. "How did you know I was into donuts?" I asked Justin.

"It wasn't too hard to figure out when your wallpaper had donuts all over it." He replied.

"You looked at my phone?"

"Technically yes but only because I needed to get your mom's number; I had to make sure her daughter was safe."

He was surprisingly nice. "You spoke to my mom?"

"Yeah, she was so chill about you being with me even if she had only met me once. Gosh, I'm such an angel."

He was surprisingly nice for like half a second. I rolled my eyes before I looked at the 2nd paper bag which I noticed had a set of clothes inside. I pulled out a Stitch character t-shirt and a pair of white shorts.

This was how I dressed up every day and it surprised me how Justin knew what I would wear as if he knew me already. "Thank you, for all of this. I don't know why you're doing this though. I told you to stay away from me. Zayn could've taken me home to spare you from all the bother."

Justin snorted. "The thing was, Zayn couldn't take you home. He already had a wasted Vallerie to handle and I gave him my word that I would take care of you."

"But why? Why would you do that considering all you ever do is making my life a living hell?"

"I just had the urge of taking care of you last night okay? It was like I had this gut telling me that I couldn't leave you alone. You were wild as fuck and because of that you managed to make some new friends. I hope they do stick around once you're back with your geeky ways."

I looked at him confused and that's when Justin started explaining everything. Apparently I was the new hot chick around as most of the kids from our school were impressed with my appearance last night. I did make some new friends, most of them were the guys from our school as they gawked over me.

Jev and I became best buddies for the night as we grinded on the dance floor; that thought made me cringe.

According to Justin I kept on chugging every shot possible and even accepted Jev's challenge to beer pong to which I fortunately won. He showed me a couple of Instagram posts where I had taken pictures with the kids from our school.

"You were so drunk you didn't even realize who was putting you up against the wall and –"Justin began but cut off once he realized he was already blabbering.

"I was put against the wall? Wait, who –"

"After your thing with Jev, it looked like you were going to the restrooms so I followed you. I couldn't let you out of my sight especially when you were my responsibility for the night. That's when I saw Logan and you getting into..."

Before he could even finished, I had already put 2 and 2 together knowing what he was already going to tell me. "I can't believe it. Did anything more happen?"

"Nothing; I got there just in time before Logan could do anything else and before anybody else could even see you."

"How was he even there? How did he follow me?"

"It's a club Webb. In case you haven't noticed, there were other people partying on the floor besides the kids from our school. There may have been more of us but the place was still for the public. I wish I could answer how he followed you but I can't."

I picked up a donut from the coffee table in front of us and chomped in distress. "I am never getting drunk again." I mumbled.

This caused Justin to chuckle. I looked at him confused but it gave me the chance to notice that he looked happy today. He didn't wear a jerk personality like he had every day and if I didn't know him as my bully, he could actually pass off as my friend.

"Senior year in highschool Violet; I think there are more parties to come." Justin said.

"Thanks for not letting me go last night. You're actually not that bad Biebs."

He ran his fingers through his hair as if he was stressed out. Justin fumbled with his fingers and avoided any eye contact with me.

"Please don't thank me just yet. I...I'm still that ass VI; I'm not as good as you think I am."

"What are you talking about?"

"The team dared me to make out with you last night during a game of spin the bottle."

"And you did, didn't you? You made it seem like Logan was the bad guy but Justin, you're not any better! You knew I was drunk; how could you just let it happen?!"

"Fuck VI, can you let me explain before you jump to any conclusions? I didn't want to do anything but you were the one who kissed me; you did the first move; you straddled me and we just lost it okay? I didn't do anything."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing from Justin but worst, I felt embarrassed of what happened last night at the club. Justin and I kissed and everyone saw it. All I hope for is that no one would drag anything further between the two of us.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered. "If anything didn't happen, how come I'm wearing your stuff?" I asked him remembering I was in his clothes.

"I couldn't let you sleep in what you were wearing, you were shaking. So I changed you into my clothes and let you sleep in my room. I took the guest room next door."

If he changed my clothes last night, that just meant he saw me in my – "I did see you almost naked VI but I promise you I didn't do anything. I'm not that much of an asshole as you think." Justin finished explaining as if he was able to read my mind.

"This is just too much to take in for me but I still owe you."


"This is just too much to take in for me but I still owe you." Violet said making my heart melt.

It was the first time that she didn't push me away after being nice to her, after helping her again. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. "I keep forgetting how much of a pain sleeping with contacts is. Do you think you could grab my bag upstairs? I'm pretty sure you're the only one who can find it."

I chuckled before I willingly nodded and went upstairs to my room to get her bag. Whatever was in my drinks last night, I needed to find out what because I was actually following orders from Violet Webb.

Finding it on my desk, I grabbed the little black Coach bag and went downstairs. Violet still sat on the couch where I had left her. I gave her the bag once I took my place beside her again.

Violet looked for something inside the black bag before taking out a small case and a bottle. It looked like a solution once I had read the label on the bottle.

Placing the bag beside her, she kept the contacts case on the table before she looked up and took out the contacts she had on.

Placing the transparent object in its case, Violet dropped a few bits of solution in her eyes before she kept her stuff back in the bag.

"That feels so much better, thanks Bieber." She told me and faced me again.

I noticed her eyes were no longer the brown orbs talking to me earlier but instead it was the purple eyes from the memory of when I had first dropped her home. "VI, your eyes," I told her.

"I know you've seen it before but I think I can tell you why now you're not seeing double." She said.

Does that mean we were friends now? Does that mean I had the trust of Violet Webb? "You don't have to explain anything to me." I assured. I knew doing one good deed for her didn't automatically meant I deserved any explanation.

"Like I told you; I still owe you."

"Why are your eyes purple?"

"They're genes from my dad's side. I'm sure you're aware of Albinism right?" She asked me.

I nodded and assured her I was aware.

"Good. Anyway, there's whole a medical thing involving my condition which I didn't bother finding out because it was too complicated. I've been going to therapy for as long as I could remember because these eyes affects my ability to see. Some people think that having a different eye color makes you look cool but they'll never know how uncomfortable it actually feels."

I instantly felt sorry for her but I knew I had to keep the feeling to myself. Knowing Violet, I knew she hated having anyone pity on her.

"Things only got worst when I got into an accident a few years ago." Violet continued.

"What accident?" I asked, keeping my questions minimum for now.

"When I was 10, my Mom was going through a tough moment in her life. My dad had walked out on us that year which left me, my brother and my mom to continue with our lives." Violet answered.

I didn't know she had a brother.

"I remember my mother getting herself into a serious drug problem when my dad walked away from us. It was so bad that she even tried to hurt her own kids. I knew that day when she picked me up from school, something was off. Her driving was faster than usual and she was taking some pills during the drive after she told she was not feeling well." Violet continued explaining.

The story gave me creeps but I knew I had to be ready to listen to her because this was the farthest that Violet was able to open up to me.

"I immediately texted my brother that day, letting him know what was happening. Once my mom realized that, she attempted to get the phone away from me and that caused the car to crash downhill."

I listened attentively as Violet continued speaking. "I tried to leave the car. I remembered my body being so numb, I couldn't move. My attempt to escape drove my mother crazy as she pushed me against the broken glass that scattered around and that's when pieces of the glass went right through my eyes."

"Now with my genetic eyesight already being a problem, I think you can put two and two together on how things just got harder for me to see right?"

I felt my heart break as Violet told me her story. I didn't want her to continue just imagining how much heartache it was probably causing her just remembering a fatal incident. I didn't know what pushed me but I placed my hand over hers giving it a light squeeze.

"You don't have to go on. I'm starting to understand and I don't want you to do anything you don't want." I told her.

I didn't know where this sincerity was coming from; I just felt like I needed to protect her.

"It's fine. I appreciate your concern but I'm okay." Violet said with a smile and pulled her hand away from mine.

No, please don't let go. I shook the thought away.

"Wait, if your mom tried to hurt you how come you're still living with her?" I asked.

"After that night, I honestly thought that was times up for me. My mom had left me dying at that crash. When I woke up at the hospital, my brother said she was gone. She was no where to be found." Violet replied.

"Is it safe for you to stay with her? Even everything that's happened, how could you just forgive her like that?"

"I didn't. I had no choice but to move back in with her. My brother died 4 years after. Mom attended the funeral in California then the next thing I knew we were starting a new life here in Stratford."

"I have a feeling there's more to the story but I'll save it for another time. I think it's best for you to rest since you just experienced your first hangover." I said. As much as I wanted to hear more, I had to stop Violet from going down a painful memory lane.

"You know, you're full of surprises. For the first time, I'm not arguing with you and you're choosing to end a conversation just like that." Violet laughed.

"It's not the end Vi. At least I know there's a next time for us to talk like this. No bickering, just heart-felt conversations." I said.

"I'd like that." She smiled.

I felt a pinch of guilt hit me. I had no idea she was going through hell and everyday at school, along with my friends and I, just added to the load of crap in her life. "I'm sorry VI." I blurted out.

I couldn't help but apologize. I knew saying sorry right now could make things worst, as Violet must think it was out of pity, but apologizing just seemed right at the moment.

"Is Justin Bieber really apologizing to me? Damn, it must be the end of the world then." Violet laughed.

I was surprised with her positive intake on my apology. Hearing her laugh felt as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

"Hey, I'm not that bad. I'm a good guy too and not to mention, pretty good looking." I replied with confidence.

"Sure, keep talking Bieber. I better go change and get myself away from the ugliest person in the world." Violet said as she got up from the couch, grabbing the stuff I had bought for her.

"Oh no, you did not just call me ugly." I warned her and got up as well.

"Too bad I did Bieber because you suck." She laughed and stuck her tongue out at me then quickly ran upstairs probably making her way towards my room.

I ran behind her and managed to catch up as we arrived in my room. She placed the paper bags on the desk by my window and backed up as I slowly made my way towards her. "Take it back, I am not ugly." I warned her again.

"But you are; you see, you think you're so hot that all the girls fantasize about you but really Justin, you're not." She answered back.

"That's it!" I went up to Violet and picked her up, tickling her on the sides of her waist.

Her laughter  echoed through the room as I tickled the petite body in my grip. "Put me down, ha-ha, Justin. Oh dear, stop tickling me!"

"Say 'Justin you're the sexiest guy on earth'."

"You're not supposed to tell lies!" I tickled her even more after she had refused to tell me. "Okay, okay, Justin, you're the sexiest guy on earth!"

I didn't let her go even after I got her to say that. Violet tried so hard to get out of my grip that her pushes only made us fall on the bed with me landing on top of her. It was a rather awkward position might I say.

Violet's laughter died down once she realized the situation she was caught up in. I took the time to admire her features and let me tell you, it was rather breathtaking. The purple orbs before me may have been a sign of tragedy and heartbreak, right now, it was what made my heart melt.

I was getting so lost in the moment that I didn't realize Violet had placed her lips on mine. I didn't know how long she had kissed me but before I was able to take in the moment, she had already pulled away.

"What was that about?" I asked her in confusion.

"Thank you for all of this. I didn't think you of all people would take care of me this way." Violet told me.

"Thank you for trusting me, for letting me hear your story." I replied and connected my lips with hers.

I hoped that she wouldn't push me away and that's exactly what she did. Violet wrapped her arms around my neck, closing the little space that came in between us.

The kiss wasn't a steamy make out session like it was last night but it seemed more meaningful especially when there was no sense of alcohol involved. It just showed that Violet wanted me as much I wanted her.

Thank you for those who have read the last chapter & commented & of course who've voted. It may be just little but it meant a lot to me & I appreciate it :) Hope you enjoyed this one. Please do comment. I'd love to know what you guys think :) Much love xx

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