Untamable Love [Cato Hunger G...

By British1Babe

1.9K 62 20

"I thought you were a monster." I said softly. "Never judge a book by it's cover." Cato whispered before cras... More

Untamable Love [Cato Hunger Games Love Story]

1.9K 62 20
By British1Babe

A/N - Yes, this is a Cato Hadley love story! I had to post this because I've been so excited! Enjoy!

I ran a brush through my hair again and again until my hair fell in a brown silky curtain; it tickled the bare skin of my shoulders.

I put on some of the makeup that Mum had laid out for me; I took extra care with it seen as I hardly ever wore it - unlike all the other girls in District Two. I made sure I didn't poke myself in the eye with the mascara; it was practically a lethal weapon. The green of my eyes stood out boldly against my new thick and dark eyelashes. I didn't like makeup, but I knew Mum would put it on me herself if I didn't - and she would go all out.

I set the brush down and let my hands fall to my sides. I stared into the mirror. My glossy lips were set in a straight line, my face was expressionless and my eyes were two dead holes. I didn’t sleep at all last night, I had been tossing and turning all night, I didn’t understand how anyone could sleep the night before the Reaping.

 Slowly I looked down at the dress I was wearing; it was pale pink with a silk ribbon that tied around my waist. Mum had brought it for me the other day. In District Two we had special treatment from the Capital - I hated it. Unlike all of District Two, I hated the games. They terrified me – I know, I sound like a coward, but I’m just honest.

I was barley sixteen and if I got chosen I would be forced into an arena where I would have to kill twenty five other tributes. No one should have the power to decide who lived or died – not even the Capital. The Capital even had the cheek to send back the bodies of the fallen tributes to their districts. They would claim that their child died in honour – it made me sick.

My ears began ringing and the room span around me. I tried to take steady breaths but it was too late, fluid was appearing in my mouth and my stomach was jolting up and down. I ran to the bathroom and retched. I opened the window and breathed in deep short breaths. I had been having nightmares about this day for weeks. Today was the day of the Reaping, the day where one boy and one girl from the ages of twelve to eighteen will be chosen to participate in the 74th annual Hunger Games.

In my district it was an honour to be chosen. Nearly every year someone would always volunteer. It was common here in District Two, people raised their children to become killers, monsters. My parents had made me train since I was eight. For eight years I had been taught how to wrestle, throw knifes and spears, how to wield a sword and handle a bow.

My parents want my name to be chosen today, they want me to bring glory to the family name. My parents were Peace Keepers – which meant they worshipped the Capital. if I told them I didn't approve of the games, they would probably cut out my tongue and turn me into a Avox.

"Honey! We’re home!" I heard Mum call from downstairs. I quickly ran back to my room, I didn't want them to know I had been sick, it would be seen as a sign of weakness. "Where are you?"

"Up here," I managed to yell; I quickly grabbed the brush and ran it through my hair again, acting as if I had been doing that the whole time.

"Ah, don't you look lovely," Mum beamed as she walked into the room. I noticed she had a small shopping bag in her hands. "I know your father is going to be so proud! You grow more and more beautiful every time I see you.”

I ignored her compliment and instead asked, “What’s in the bag?"

"It’s going to be your token if you get chosen," Mum said cheerfully. She handed me the bag with a huge smile on her face. “Open it! I can’t wait to see your face!”

I opened the bag and pulled out the most beautiful necklace I had ever seen. It was sterling silver surrounded by beautiful jade gemstones. The necklace was heavy in my hands, the metal cold and comforting against my palm.

"It’s a jade stone," I breathed in awe.

"It's what we named you after," Mum reminded me happily. She walked behind me and ran her long fingernails through my silky hair. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the comforting gesture.

"It's beautiful." I whispered while fingering the gemstones.

"Here, let me put it on." Mum offered.

She turned me around and fastened the thin chain of silver around my neck. The gem fell where my heart was, it was cool against my skin but it felt oddly comforting. Despite the fact Mum had bought me the necklace for The Hunger Games; the token still meant a lot to me.

The door opened and Dad walked in, his blue eyes bright with excitement.

"There's my beautiful girl!" My dad greeted me loudly.

"Hi Daddy," I said plastering a smile on my face.

My fake smile pinched my cheek painfully, if only my parents knew how much I plastered a smile on my face just for them. If only they knew how scared I was right now. How could they not see the slight tremor in my hands and knees?

"Well don't you look beautiful? You're going to attract a lot of attention at the reaping!" Dad said after giving me a once over. I smiled slightly and managed to hide my shaking hands, it was only a few minutes until I would have to go to the towns square. Everyone gathered there at the day of the Reaping.

"Don't look so unhappy honey; you need to smile for the cameras!" Mum scolded. "You should be happy this day has finally come."

"She's just worried she won't get picked, right sweetheart?" Dad laughed squeezing my shoulder.

"Yes." I lied, painting yet another fake smile on my face, I felt tears threatening to spill down my cheeks and I turned around to look in the mirror to avoid my parent seeing me. I could not break down. I could not break down in front of them.

The bell sounded far away and I choked. I felt terror run through me – I felt claws of fear take hold of my heart and I found it hard to breathe. I couldn't do this, I can't be chosen. I can't.

"Come on honey; let’s hope it’s your lucky day!" Dad said happily, he was totally oblivious of my breakdown.

My parents continued to fuss over me, fixing my hair and telling me to smile as they maneuvered me out the door before I could look back.

*          *          *         *         *

"Next please," The woman's voice said robotically. I watched as the girl in front of me walked away sobbing quietly – it was obviously her first year. "Give me your hand."

I reluctantly handed over my hand and winced as the woman pricked it; the pain was over as quickly as it had come. She pressed my finger onto a piece of paper with my name on it.

"Off you go."

I followed the endless crowd until I finally reached the seventeen year old girls, many of them were stood arrogantly, eying everyone with a snarl, did they not get that this was a death sentence?

"Hi," A quiet voice greeted from beside me.

 I turned around to see my best friend Ariana; she gave me a tense smile which I tried to return – I obviously failed by the sad look on her face.

"Hey," I breathed.

"The escort’s even worse this year!" Ariana informed grimly. I barked out a laugh. “She had green hair! Green!

"At least it’s not pink." I stated and Ariana chuckled under her breath.

A woman with bright green hair and matching green skin walked gracefully on stage, she was dressed in a ridiculous hot pink dress with large white heels – the whole outfit looked as if a paint factory had vomited on the women. The appearance of her actually gave me a headache, the colours painfully clashed. How did people in the Capital consider that looking normal? Her name tag read that her name was Aria.

"Welcome, welcome!" Aria yelled into the microphone.

"I hate the stupid accent!" I head Ariana growl beside me. I gritted my teeth and grunted in agreement.

"Welcome to the 74th annual Hunger Games, now here is a film from the Capital!" The woman giggled - I felt my stomach twist at the high pitched sound. I watched the film and couldn’t help but shake my head; it made out that Capital cared so much about us. If they cared they wouldn't make so many people suffer from the Hunger Games.

"This is pathetic." I hissed. I shuffled uneasily when a few people turned around to glare at me.

“Easy Jade.” Ariana warned me. She was right, I couldn’t express my opinion for the Capital here, I would be murdered before Aria could pull out the first tributes name – maybe that was a better option?

"Don't you just love it?" Aria beamed before taking off her yellow leopard print gloves. "Now is the time to pick our lucky tribute, let’s start with the boys shall we?"

She made her way to a large bowl on the right; I nearly laughed as she trotted uneasily on her thin needles. She took a moment before plucking a piece of paper out of the large bowl that was the size of a fish bowl. Aria made her way back to the microphone before opening the paper; she paused - making sure to add just the right amount of tension.

"Cato Hadley!" Aria called, her voice echoing around the town.

The boys cheered as a tall muscular boy walked onto the stage, you could tell he was arrogant and self-centred just by taking a look at him. His muscles bulged beneath his top - I could tell he could kill someone with his bare hands. His blond hair looked gold in the sunlight and even from this distance I could tell he had startling blue eyes.

Never trust a pretty face...

"And now for the ladies," Aria chirped before walking over to the bowl on her left.

My palms began to sweat and the world around me began to spin. My breath came out shallow and fast. My heart hammered madly against my ribcage and blood pounded in my ears. I clutched my stomach and failed to hold down the bile that was trying to make its way up my throat.

 Please, please, don't pick me!

"Jade Everett!"

I couldn't breathe; everything seemed to go in slow emotion. I felt Ariana grip my hand, her fingernails digging painfully into my knuckles. Her eyes were wide with terror but I felt as if I couldn’t actually see her, I felt as if I had been kicked out of my body and I was on auto pilot.

"No, it can't be you, it can't!" Ariana whispered desperately. Her nails continued to dig further into my knuckles, I felt her draw blood but it didn’t hurt – I was numb.

"Where are you dear?" Aria called out to me but her voice sounded strangely far away.

I stumbled away from the place in my line, I vaguely heard Ariana whimper my name when I finally managed to release my hand from her iron grip. I made my way to the middle of the town where I was immediately swarmed by four large peace keepers. I knew I had no chance of fighting them off, I would be shot immediately. Two peacekeepers put their hands on my waist and helped lead me towards the stage; I was almost thankful for their hold, their hands were the only things that stopped me from falling. I looked into the eyes of the children around me; some were filled with pity and some with envy.

"Come on up beautiful!" Aria breathed excitedly. She reached for my hand but I pulled it out of her view. She seemed unfazed as she ushered me onto the stage. I looked up to see myself on the screen, I looked emotionless, my eyes glazed over. I managed to spot my parents in the crowd; they made a gesture for me to smile. I numbly followed their instructions – I had never seen my parents more proud. I was on death row and they were proud.

"Here we have our tributes for the 74th annual Hunger Games." Aria squealed happily. "Tributes! Shake hands!"

I turned towards the monster of the boy; he smirked down at me before offering me his hand. I stared down at it before locking eyes with him; I took his hand and shook it quickly. He squeezed my hand and I forced myself not to wince – his hold on my tiny hand was harsh, it was a warning.

"Congratulations." He said smugly. He was oozing with confidence.

"Congratulations?" I laughed in disbelief – I was painfully aware that Aria was rambling on in front of us, totally oblivious to the conversation that was happening between Cato and I. "Congratulations that I will get to die a slow and painful death?"

Cato observed me for a moment before turning away. I nearly missed the furrow of his eyebrows – he was obviously confused.

"Happy Hunger Games everyone, and may the odds be ever in your favor!" Aria quoted patronizingly.

I glanced once more at Cato to see he was staring at me, his eyebrows still creased in confusion.

Maybe he will be the one to kill me?


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