Forever Mine (Jastin)✔️

بواسطة blondemccann

62.3K 5.7K 5.5K

Sequel to --> Always mine They've had a long journey together from up to down. Now the future holds for them... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Me and Justin
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Characters ask
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Characters answers
For the Zustin fans
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Epilogue (part 1)
Epilogue (part 2)
Epilogue (part 3)
Epilogue (part 4)
Epilogue (part 5)
Epilogue (part 6)

Chapter 8

1K 108 108
بواسطة blondemccann

Jason's POV

I got up close to the door, I saw the door knob slowly move, I stood beside it ready to close the door again. As he slowly came out I closed the door shut in his face. I heard a loud groan, hearing that he fell down.

I slowly open the door seeing blood coming out of his nose, I kneeled down feeling his pulse. They were still working, I kick his side getting out of the bathroom.

I felt my hands shake of how much angry I was right now. I felt punching him to death but I controlled myself sitting on the sofa taking a deep breath.

"Jason?" I hear a girl's voice making look at my back.

"What?" I rudely answer her.

"If you need any help with the kids, I'm here," she grins looking at the twins.


"So their both sleeping now, if they need feeding..."

"Don't you have work to do?" I ask raising my eyebrows at her.

"Duh, of course I do."

"Then why are you wandering around my kids?" she bites her lips looking down.

"Um, because the doctors don't really trust me." She mumbles out.

"That's a shame," I pick a pocket of gum in my pocket taking one out offering her some.

She shakes her head, I roll my eyes throwing the piece in my mouth chewing it.

"You know you could smile for once in your life." She sits on the chair beside Justin's bed.

"My boyfriend is in a coma for days, what's to smile about life right now...?" I chew my gum waiting for her to tell me her name.

"Oh, Harley."

"Right, Harley."

"Maybe you should do something to make him want to wake up." I look at Justin still sleeping then looking at Harley.

"Like what?" She shrugs.

"My mom was in a coma about 7 months, then she died." My stomach drops accidentally swallowing my gum.

"I'm sorry for your loss but was that supposed to make me better?" I ask confused and coughing.

"I'm kidding." I give her a cold glare.


"Lighten up, I was kidding." I slap my forehead thanking god that I'm not straight.

"Sorry, I thought it would make you laugh."

"Hearing about people die right now, won't make me laugh, Harley." She gets up fixing her nurse dress.

"Well, uh I should go if you need help, you know where to find me." She shly leaves without looking back.

I tapped my fingers on the sofa thinking why would she find that funny?

I seriously don't understand woman.


"Did you get the pizza?" I saw Charlie making it to the room then closing the door.

"Yeah, everyone kept looking at me, why did you want this again?"

"To eat it, duh," I grab the pizza opening it making my mouth water.

"You're gonna share, right?" He goes to take a slice, I smack his hand away.

"Who said I'm sharing?" I take a slice eating it.

"Hey! I bought it, it's only fair." I roll my eyes giving him a slice then closing the box again.

"Only one?" He whines.

"Use that mouth for something useful, like eating." I felt weirded saying that out loud.

"Um, yeah," he got the awkwardness in the room so he moved sitting beside the twins sleeping.

"Look I didn't mean it like that way," I try to put my words out right.

"Yeah, I know." He says chewing his pizza.

"Yeah," I stand up walking to the bathroom getting out of this awkwardness.

I open the door getting inside tripping over the guy. "Shit," I whisper under my breath.

"Jason, you okay?" I hear Charlie's voice.

"Yeah, don't worry about it." I groan getting up fixing my clothes.

I almost got bruised up because of this fucker. I take a glance at the body rubbing my forehead not sure what do with him.

I get out of the bathroom going to Charlie. "Hey does hospitals have web cams around?" He thinks for a second then nodded. "What's up?" He asks taking another slice.

"Remember the guy?" He choked on the pizza.

"You still have him, in there?" He asks in shocked. I nodded looking at my watch. "Let me guess, you wanna throw him out of here in the forest?" He chuckles.

"Put this childesh act away, I need your help," he shakes his head standing up.

"Leave me out of this."

"Don't do it for me, do it for Justin at least." I said trying to hit a soft spot.

"Fine." He sighs rubbing his hands. "What's your plan?" I smirked looking at him.


"I'm not doing it, don't please." I push him towards Harley, trying to district her.

My plan was Charlie to flirt with Harley as I take the guy out of the window and then gave him the signal to come with me.

Harley is one nosey girl so I have to make this work, I go back to the room kissing Justin's lips quickly then going to the bathroom picking up the guy, I drag him to the window I open it seeing it's not that high up so it's all good he won't die. I slowly pick him up putting him on the edge, I throw myself down picking him up again, he smells like shit.

I try my best not to throw up right now, I text Charlie letting him know I got him.

I put him in a bag, dragging him to the parking lot. I try my best not to get caught by anyone. A couple of girls look at me weirdly as I was passing by them, I give them a wink trying to act natural. They giggled waving their hands going to the hospital.

I roll my eyes getting to my car. I open the trunk putting the bag inside. I saw Charlie running towards the car. He opens the door getting in.

"You okay?" He seemed red.

"Yeah, let's get this over with." I nodded starting the car.


"I'm not doing it, you do it!" Charlie pushes the bag to me. I get frustrated throwing the bag myself down the hill. We see as the bag rolls down the hill fast, there's no way he made it alive down.

"Oh shit, I just killed someone," I hear Charlie whisper to himself.

Well this isn't the first person I've killed.

My phone suddenly rings making us both freak out. I see the caller, it's Justin's mother. Shit.

"Chill, it's only Justin's mom," I grinned awkwardly patting my stomach.

"You gonna answer that?" He whines.

"No, I have nothing to tell her right now."

"Are you kidding me? She wants know about his son, how's he doing!" He yells the last part making me glare at him.

"She doesn't know about the coma."

"Shit, dude!"

"Stop, yelling at my face!" He takes a step back away from me.

"What if the cops question you?" Charlie bites his nails asking me.

"I'm apart of the FBI they can't do shit to me," I said with confidence, walking to my car.

"If you say so," I stop my tracks looking him.

"Chill, the guy didn't even have a family, the only person was left for him was that whore who's dead." I said walking up to my car again.

"What if he's still alive in there?" He keeps questioning me.

"Do you really think he survived that big hill?" I laugh asking him.

"Good point." I get in the car as Charlie follows me getting in the car as well.

"So, where to next?" He grins looking outside the window.

"Oh shit! I-I left the twins!" I shout hitting the steering wheel. My heart starts beating so fast, my hands shake as I start the car.

This can not be happening!

"Hey, hey calm down. I bet their fine, they were sleeping weren't they?" He asks rubbing my shoulder.

I push his hands off driving fast to the hospital.

I was speeding pretty fast so a cop made us stop, I tried explaining what was happening and I was even one of them, well a better one.

"Look just give me the ticket and I'm off thanks." The officer scoffs slowly writing the ticket.

I know he's doing it on purpose.

I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel waiting patiently for him to rip it, already.

He slowly rips it off, giving the ticket with a cold glare to me.

I get it from him, as I roll my eyes, rolling my windows up driving to the hospital extra slowly trying not get caught again.

"Today was something else," Charlie mumbles under his breath.

After seconds the gas alarm says it doesn't have enough gas inside the car.

"What the fuck!" I scratch my face hard knowing they'll be a bruise on it.

"Look, there's a gas station over there," Charlie points to it. I sigh loudly driving to their.


I quickly get out of the car, locking the car, I quickly run to the hospital opening the doors getting myself in seeing Charlie slowly following me.

I lead my way to Justin's room seeing the door is closed my stomach feels weird as I open the door reliving Justin holding Cailin in his arms, he sees my face and smiles, Drake was in Harley's arms as she was feeding him.

"Glad you could make it, Jase. let me guess you forgot your own children." I chuckled running to him smashing my lips to his feeling him kiss back at seconds.

I feel like I'm on cloud 9.



Be happy with the updates guys because when my university starts I won't be able to update just as much.😕😣


Enough talking hope you guys liked the chapter 😌

35 votes for the next chapter 👑 👒


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