Father of the Bride

By The_Night_Writer

259K 21.7K 6.6K

When Amirah and Ayaaz leave Aston University they decide it's time to speak to their parents and get married... More

Chapter One: The Wait
Chapter Two: Dr Debonair
Chapter Three: The Uninvited
Chapter Four: The Invited
Chapter Five: In the Shadows
Chapter Six: Meet the Parents
Chapter Seven: Rivalry
Chapter Eight: Crimson Kara
Chapter 10: Fezophie
Chapter 11: Secret Liaisons
Chapter 12: Extinguished Flame
Chapter 13: Fragile Lives
Chapter 14: Night of Revelations.
Chapter 15: Mounting Pressure Part I
Chapter 15: Mounting Pressure Part II
Chapter 16: Taking A Risk
Chapter 17- The 'Date'
Chapter 18: Like Father...
Chapter 19 Part I: Awkward Dinner
Chapter 19 Part II: Awkward Dinner
Chapter 20: Bijli Strikes.
Part II: Chapter One- Truth is Out.
Chapter 2- Fallout
Chapter 3- Consequences
Chapter 4: Leaving it Behind.
Chapter 5- It's a Deal!
Chapter 6- Kintsugi
Chapter 7- At first Sight
Chapter 8: Falling Deep
Chapter 9- Midnight Oasis
Chapter 10: Glorious Morn
Chapter 11: Doubts
Chapter 12: Chrysalis
Chapter 13- Caught
Chapter 14: Consequences
Chapter 15: Unfurled Fears
Chapter 16: Katastrophe
Chapter 17: Spoonful of Regret
Chapter 18: Holding on
Chapter 19: Ayaaz's Mission
Chapter 20: The Arbitration
Chapter 21: Second Thoughts
Chapter 22: The Wedding- Part I
Chapter 22- The Wedding: Part II
Chapter 22: The Wedding- Part III
Chapter 22: The Wedding- Part IV
Chapter 22- The Wedding: Part V
Chapter 22: The Wedding: Part VI
Chapter 23- Fuelled
Chapter 24: Spark
Chapter 25: Flare
Chapter 26: Ignite
Chapter 27: Inferno
Chapter 28: Ashes to ashes.
Chapter 29: The Siren

Chapter Nine: Turning a Corner.

4.2K 387 173
By The_Night_Writer

Standing in the doorway, Mahnoor watched the red lights fade into darkness. She wasn't sure what she said to make Khizar storm off but she couldn't deny the writing written on the wall; it was a resounding no. He'd rejected the proposal. Across the road at number 32 the dark curtains twitched, Shabnum appeared in the doorway.

Of course she must have seen it all!

Mahnoor let out an exasperated sigh and made her way inside with Shabnum hobbling her way over the road and demanding to know what happened. "Who was that man?" Shabnum stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips waiting for an answer.

Mahnoor held her silence and threw her shawl aside.
"Thanks to your brother, Ayaaz won't be getting married!" Mahnoor sighed in despair. "That was the Amirah's dad. He's found out about Ayaaz's brutal and violent dad and refused to give his daughter. After all which respectable family would let Basharat's son marry their princess?!"

Shabnum shook her head thinking nothing of it.

"Is that it?! What's the big deal?" Shabnum chuckled. "Who is the girl? Some princess? There are hundreds of girls out there."

Shabnum took a seat and switched on the television making herself at home. As far as she was concerned she was pleased that the proposal broke off. She'd always hoped Ayaaz would wed a girl in the family.

"Who will give their daughter to us?" Mahnoor stood over her.

"There are many single girls in the family; you should stop pleasing these kinds of pompous people. They're not like us."

"But Amirah is Ayaaz's happiness."

"You mark my words Mahnoor. "Shabnum waved her finger. "Without Basharat's blessing this wedding will not go ahead. Unless you involve Basharat, you won't get anywhere! You need him." She declared. "You're a single, divorced, weak, woman, you can't do anything in our society! Without a man, there is no honour."

It was the constant jibes which dragged Mahnoor down, time after time. Whenever she worked tirelessly to make something of her life, family around her pulled her back down and stamped her with the 'single, weak, divorced' woman badge branding her useless. In their eyes Mahnoor was a half a person without Basharat. They were convinced she needed Basharat back in her life in order for her to be successful. However, Mahnoor was determined to prove them wrong.

"I'm not in the mood to argue with you." Mahnoor switched off the kitchen light and tidied up ready for bed. "Sit. Make yourself a cup of tea. Check my cupboards. Check my fridge." She pointed to the kitchen. "There is the phone-" She handed her the cordless phone. "-Ring your brother and celebrate Ayaaz's bad news and close the door on your way out. I'm going to bed." With a slam of the door she walked out.

In the solitude of her dimly lit bedroom, Mahnoor pulled out the ribbon from her auburn hair, shaking her head. She stood in the mirror gazing at her oval shaped face framed with tight bouncing curls. However, Mahnoor saw a distorted image opposed to her glowing, porcelain skin; she could still see the purple bruises around her eyes. A swollen cut lip. Blotchy, angry, red skin.

Taking a facial wipe she wiped the layer of foundation from her neck and shoulders. On the left side of her neck, she revealed a red scar. Khizar was right. Only a doctor could recognise a strangulation mark from afar. She lied to him in order to protect her son's future. It was the only way. The scar healed but the memories of that fatal day was fresh like Shabnum's curses. Running her fingertips over her battle scar, she recalled the moment she fought for her life; the day was crystal clear.

Ayaaz was 10 years old when Mahnoor planned her escape plan for 6 whole weeks. Her body was emotionally and physically drained from the abuse. All Mahnoor desired was to sleep peacefully without worrying about the next argument. Passports, clothes, bank cards and Ayaaz's school uniform were tucked in a bag, hidden in the loft. It was the fourth time she planned to leave Basharat, and this time she promised on her son's life, she would never return. It was 7 minutes past 2 in the morning when Mahnoor sneaked out of her home and closed the front door with Ayaaz and left her husband who was dead asleep.

Six months elapsed and Mahnoor took shelter in a women's refuge. Ayaaz was afraid of the dark and rarely spoke a word. Most of the time he played a Game Boy that was gifted to him from the charity. Despite the support from the refuge, Mahnoor felt isolated and lonely. She was unable to contact family in case Basharat found out where she was staying.

However, on one freezing, snowy December night Mahnoor planned to meet her Gambian neighbour Krystal in the nearby Tesco supermarket car park. It was 11 o'clock that night when Mahnoor's boots crunched through the deep snow. Mahnoor tightened her coat around her and pulled her hat over her head and saw the headlights flash on the silver Fiat Punto and smiled with delight. Finally, a friendly face. The grim cold wind blew harshly against her face, the wind howled a warning, but she didn't correspond. Danger lurked in the bushes watching her every step.

Mahnoor thanked Krystal for sneaking into her house and taking Ayaaz's birth certificate which Mahnoor required to register him at the local school. After a 15 minutes conversation, Mahnoor thanked Krystal and made her way back to the refuge when she heard rustling behind her. The road was dark, the lamppost light flickered and there wasn't a soul walking the street at this crazy hour. Mahnoor folded her arms and hurried.

When she turned the corner, a large hand smacked over her mouth stifling her screams and pulled her aside. Basharat dragged her to the back alley as she kicked and waved her arms. Basharat wrapped his arms around Mahnoor like a snake would his prey and whispered.

"I told you, if you ever left me, I'll would kill you." He whispered hauntingly.

True to his word, he wrapped a plastic cable around her neck cutting off her oxygen. She reached out. She kicked him. He tightened. She chocked her face now red, eyes protruding. His hands gritted the cable squeezing tight. He growled under his breath angry. This was his revenge. Mahnoor kicked and slapped him begging for life but he was determined to finish her tonight. Darkness cast around her. Her eyes shut and she fell to her knees on the snowy ground. A moment later she gasped for a breath reaching out into the icy snow and snatching the dirt. When she turned she saw two shadows, fighting, shouting but it was blurs. She lay on the ground drifting in and out of conscious.

Later, when she woke she was in hospital. She couldn't speak.

I'm alive.

She croaked. A sharp mark around her neck. The cable cut into her skin. The police radios buzzed around her and all she could think of was Ayaaz. Mahnoor opened her mouth to speak, but there was no voice. The police waited for Mahnoor to make a statement but all she wanted was to hold her son; her darling Ayaaz.

After a distressing trial, Basharat got 12 years for attempted murder, but served seven. He was released early and under strict curfew. Mahnoor took the house, savings and her life. But she knew, outside in the bushes he lurked like death.

Lying in her bed, Mahnoor curled into a foetus position under her duvet searching for solace from that horrific night. No one knew about her scar, only Khizar saw it. It had to remain a secret, something as deadly as this couldn't be shared. Tears streamed from her eyes towards her temples.

Tonight, was another night where she had failed and the world was quick to point fingers and laugh. She was tired. She closed her eyes drifting into a exhausting sleep.


When Khizar marched into the car showroom, he stormed past the luxury sports cars on the front court and went straight to the back office where Kabeer was celebrating.

"You my son are looking at one happy man." Kabeer stood behind his desk raising his coffee cup. "I just sold a Maserati 20k over the asking price to some Arab who has more money than sense." He cackled in celebration. "Let's go out and celebrate." He cheered Khizar.

Khizar took in a deep breath to calm his anger. He sent the secretary out and closed the door.

"What are you playing at? One minute you're telling me that I should step away from the Qureshi family and the next minute you're calling the boy's mother and consoling her?" He stepped close.

Kabeer sipped his drink and looked at his desk for the car's paperwork.

"I thought you were dead against the proposal? What happened?" Khizar placed his hands on the desk and edged forward.

"What have you heard?" Kabeer opened his desk drawer searching for his ink pen.

"Why did you ring the Ayaaz's mother? What has it got to do with you? Amirah is my daughter." Khizar demanded to know.

Kabeer met Khizar's gaze and flicked his head back. "What did she say?"

"You called her and showed her support."

"Ha!" He mocked leaning back on the chair with his hands behind his head.

"It was late at night and I was lying next to my wife, then I receive her call. She's upset that you haven't bothered to call her. So, I lulled her into a false sense of security. I had to. I couldn't do your dirty work for you." He held his palms out.

"You lied to her?" Khizar stood up.

"It had to be done. That's why I called you and told you to speak to Mahnoor. To sort it out."

"No-" Khizar licked his lips moistening his dry lips. "You're making yourself out to be the good guy in front of Mahnoor. I know you rang her. Where did you get the number?"

Kabeer shrugged his shoulders. "Believe what you want."

"What would you gain?" He folded his arms in thought. "You convinced me that I shouldn't give my daughter to them. You told me that mum isn't convinced. But when I rang mum, she said it was my decision and mum was contemplating jumping into an early grave it if meant to have some peace from dad's snoring and methane gas."

Kabeer took out his pen and dabbed it in black ink and signed the sales contract. The deal was lucrative which meant he could have a few new cars out on the court.

"I have a couple of new regs coming tomorrow. I'll hold one back for you." Kabeer softened him with a deal.

"Stay out of my daughter's life." Khizar finalised and made his way to the door.

"What are you going to do?" Kabeer looked up.

Khizar turned around and gave him a last glance. "I'm going to do what is best for my daughter."

"You're going to regret it."

"I'll take the risk."


Sitting in his car, Khizar decided it was time to take matter into his own hands. He liked Ayaaz. He was responsible, caring and thoughtful. Mahnoor bought him up well despite the obstacles she faced. So, he took out his phone and scrolled through the dialling list. There were a number of unread messages from Kara, but he wasn't in any mind frame to entertain her. He looked at Mahnoor's mobile number and rang it.

Mahnoor stirred when she heard the vibrating tone from under the duvet. The room was dark, but there under the duvet she could see a light beaming. Heavy eyes firmly shut with broken sleep, she moved her hand towards the phone and answered the call.

"Hello-" She answered in a soft, sleepy whisper.

Khizar's eyes widened. He removed the phone from his ear and looked at the screen. It was Mahnoor, he confirmed, but she sounded different.

"I'm sorry, were you sleeping?"

Softly she moaned rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. What time was it? The clocked flashed 11:35pm. Where was Ayaaz? She took a few moments to recall that he was in Watford. Once again she moaned softly in reply.

"No....I was..." She breathed, finding it difficult to wake up. "..I just..dropped off." Her wispy breath took Khizar's breath away. He opened his car window and ran his hand through his hair finding it difficult to compose himself. The sound of Mahnoor waking up was causing him sensations that he'd believed would never return.

"I'm sorry, if I woke you Mahnoor."

She looked at the screen reading the name. "No-it's okay Khizar-"

Don't say my name!

Khizar opened his shirt button and rubbed his forehead, his body tingling with a familiar sensation. He cleared his throat and pressed ahead. "I wanted to talk about Amirah and Ayaaz."

Mahnoor's eyes shot open. She recalled the argument on the front door and sat up clearing her throat. Looking down, her cleavage was a exposed and she felt embarrassed talking to Khizar late at night in an exposed state. So she snatched her shawl and swathed it over her chest.

"Go ahead." She cleared her throat and her tone strong.

"I wanted to apologise for the way I spoke to you earlier. I had no right." He bowed his head in a sombre tone.

A pause filled the airways.

"I've come to a decision."

Mahnoor held her breath, scrunching her shawl in her fist.

"I accept the proposal, I'm happy for Amirah and Ayaaz to wed."

Mahnoor gasped in relief and broke into small silent sobs. She pressed her fingers over her mouth chocked with tears.

"Are you okay? Are you there?" He called.

"Yes-" Her voice broke off. She couldn't speak. It was a sweet victory from the clutches of defeat. The world pulled her down, but for her son, she made his dream come true.

"You don't know what this means to me Khizar." She breathed heavily attempting to maintain her speech. "Some days I wake up and wonder how I'll get through the day. Family expect me to fail, but I endeavour with faith because I know that Allah won't let me down." She sniffed back her tears. "I held belief that this struggle will bear fruits and my Allah answers and never fails me. Just like that, it falls together." She cried softly clenching her eyes tight shut. "Tonight I thought it was over."

"It's Allah's will, Mahnoor."

"The things his father couldn't give. You've given him happiness."

"You're an exceptional mother Mahnoor. Don't let others bring you down. I was temporarily blinded by the influence of others, but now I see sense."

Tears strolled down her cheeks, his words of comfort was what she needed.

When Khizar completed the phone call once discussing engagement details, the next person he was ready to call was Amirah and deliver her the wonderful news. But he stopped, he wanted to give the news to her in person and see her jumping for joy and in return he would get a warm hug. Kara's messages clogged his phone. So he clicked on a picture and saw Kara warming soup on a stove with a frown clear on her face.

Kara: On my lonesome 2nite. :'(

Khizar smiled, then he replied.


In her flat, alone, Kara checked her message after a long two hour wait. She froze reading Khizar's reply. Was he serious? She read and re-read the message.

Dr K: Someone needs OXO.

She put the mobile down and paced her cluttered bedroom with her hands over her gaping wide mouth. O X O was short for hugs and kisses. So, he forgot to add the first X, but it essentially meant hugs and kisses. Was he offering her-? She couldn't complete the sentence even in her mind; it was just too good to be true. So she replied with trembling fingers.

Kara: Is that a offer? ;)

With bated breath, she ran rings around her mobile. 20 minutes later Khizar replied. The sound played of whistle. Her heart thudded. She held her breath. Staring at the screen in hope she clicked the button.

Dr K: Take it as you wish.

She threw the phone on the bed curling with laughter. He was openly flirting with her. She was bowled over. Quickly she replied in the darkness of the room with the mobile glaring at her face.

Kara: When shall I come to take you u on the offer? :p

She shrieked with anticipation; excitement built like hunger.

Dr K: When the need arises.

Kara screamed. She jumped on her bed for joy shrieking with jubilation. This was it! This was what she was waiting for 2 years! This was the signal she needed. Now it was time for the games to begin and step back. She had to plan her next step strategically in order to usurp her hard work. She'd built up the anticipation, titillated him with her style and dress, and now he was open to the idea of 'hugs and kisses.' She fell back in joy. She wasn't going to initiate the next text messages or be the first to call him. It was Khizar who had to meet her half way, and that's when she knew he was all hers for the taking.

The game was on.


OMG?! What's going on with Kara and Khizar? Even their names match! Kara Khan! lol

Next chapter is the engagement and guess who is coming on the Qureshi's engagement?! Yes! You got it. Feroz, 'beastly' Qureshi and his lovely wife Sophie. 

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