Sofia the First: Sofia's end...

By asherWilde_22

32.4K 553 57

(Warning! There are a few bad words in this story but I will not put any kind of dirty scenes for this is a c... More

The last wave
The endless woods
All about that past
The magical Amulet
Please read!
The truth comes out
Oh My God!
The "Talk"
The tale of the age-less princess
The kingdom of Avalor
The kiss. Will it save her?
questions and answers
Happy birthday Sofia! πŸŽπŸŽ‰
The plan/party plan πŸ˜‰
A few announcements. PLEASE READ πŸ˜…
On leave
Birthday surprise πŸŽ‰πŸ’
New book description
Prolong to new story
THE BIG DAY πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ’
New book!!
Should i make another one?

Return of the lost princess

1.5K 29 1
By asherWilde_22

Sofia's POV

For as long as I can remember, I have been cursed to live in the Endless Woods.

(5 Years Ago/ On Sofia's 14 Birthday)

After I fell down the waterfall, I felt hard cold hands pull me out.

When I woke up, I was in the woods. As I looked around, a wizards head popped out of no where!

"You are hear by cursed with Age Pause! You will only regain your aging back if you put on your magical amulet."

"W-what's Age Pause?"

"You will be stuck at age 14 until you put on your amulet."

As he started to disappear, I started, "What is your name?"

He turned around and smiled. "Jay George." (Note: this is not a real character!!)

(Present time/ Sofia POV)

As soon as I saw the king, I immediately smiled.

"King Garrick!!" I ran and gave him a hug. "You found me!"

I started crying into his chest. He gently pushed me off and looked me in the face. "Is-is that really you princess? Why does your outfit look like you rolled in mud?"

I nodded cause I couldn't stop the happy tears. "Cause I have been. The only way to beat off predators." King Garrick smiled and pulled me in for a bigger hug.

"Hugo will be so happy! Wait!" He pulled me away. "How are you still so young? You haven't aged a day!"

"A wizard cursed me. I have to put on my amulet in order to return to my older self. Why? How long have I been gone?"

Before he could answer, we both heard, "Your highness! The king of Enchania needs you right away! We have to return to the palace!"

"Alright men! We're coming!"

"Uh, "we" your highness."

He chuckled and started walking towards the voices. "Um, how do you know where your going?"

"I thought ahead and tied a rope to my carriage. Hurry! I'm sure your family and Hugo will really want to see you."

I shrieked in delight. I can't wait!

On the way home King Garrick tried to ask me questions about what happened like "how are you still so young but your voice sounds deeper?" or "are you sure the amulet will change you back cause Hugo really wants to see you and you may not recognize everyone."

I was going to ask why I wouldn't recognize them when we started landing. I was so excited that I jumped out of the carriage the second we hit the ground and started running towards the castle.

"Princess! Wait! There is something you need to know!"

But I didn't stop. I had to see Hugo and the others! They needed to know that I was alright.

I ran and ran until I came across the hallway where my old room is. I opened my room only to see a man sitting on my bed.

"Excuse me but why are you you my bed?"

"Your bed? Thi-" the man said while turning. He froze when he saw me. And all I did was stare. He had brownish-red hair and greenish eyes. Why does he look so familiar?

Axels POV

SOFIA?!?! Oh my god!! How is this even possible!?

Just then, father ran in, out of breath.

"Father! Is that-"

"Yes Axel! It really is Sofia!"


I looked to Sofia who now had tears in her eyes. Wait, was she scared? Or is she just really happy?

(After explaining)

"No way! Why would a wizard do this?"

"I have no idea. But he told me that I need the amulet to change back."

"That's not it! I mean why would he leave you alive?! Wizards are known for killing and not caring or sparing. I wonder why he spared you?"

No one knew. We couldn't figure it out.

"Wait! My little bro will want to see you!"

I started running towards the door when she said, "How long have I been gone?"

I turned around to face her. "Almost 5 years."

She gasped quietly. I guess she didn't know that it's been that long.

"Don't worry, after we tell everyone that you are alive, we will get you your amulet! I promise to my Little Bros future wedding."


Crap... "Um, he was kinda gonna marry you. He knew you liked him and he was in love with you for a long time even before the waterfall. But, after you "died" he couldn't get over you."

I could see her smiling and blushing really hard.

"Come on! You have family waiting for you!"

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