The Magcon Minis

By DolanStarker

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These are the magcon boys children. There will be Mpreg and some boyxboy stuff so if you dont like, don't rea... More

Cash Babies
Shaylor Babies
Jolinski Babies
Catthew Babies
Haaron Babies
Chapter 1: Magcon Reunited
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 2: Paparazzi

520 9 0
By DolanStarker

Should I start writing their ages so you can remember? Well I'm gonna do it this chapter and you guys tell me if I should continue, or nah.

Crystal, 13
Harper, 9

Harmony, 14
Melody, 14

Kurt, 14
Jackson, 13
Brownie, 2

Lucas, 13
Ryan, 10
Rosie, 8

Lillian, 13
Raynie, 9 months
Stormy, 9 months
Drizzle, 9 months
Snow, 9 months
Sunshine, 9 months
*Third Person P.O.V*

All of the couples and siblings ended up getting separate rooms with eachother. Hayes and Aaron, Kurt and Jackson, Harmony and Melody, ect. Lilly ended up with her own room, but she only gets it to herself for a couple of days because the quints are being sent to them. Hayes's mom said she can't continue watching the 5 of them because they have been crying nonstop and her blood pressure is through the roof. After they found out about them coming to magcon, Johnson decided to let Brownie come too cause he thought it wasn't fair that he didn't have to take care of a 2 year old but Hayes had to take care of 5. All in all, everybody is just relaxing in their hotel room, getting ready for magcon tommorow.

*Jacksons P.O.V*

Ugh. I'm bored. I've been sitting in my hotel room with my brother, listening to him get excited over fashion magazines he found in here. At least he has something to do. I'll just go die. Maybe not. Just kidding. But I am so bored, it's killing me. I look at my phone and see its only 5, so I decided just to go for a walk.

"Kurt, wanna come for a walk with me?" I asked my brother.

"No. I'm to busy reading about how JZ and Beyonce got married last month." (Obviously made up) He said. Oh well. I walked out of my room and walked over to Harmony and Melodys room, knocking three times before they answered.

"Wanna come for a walk with me?" I asked Harmony, the one that opened the door.

"Sorry bud, but me and Mel are practicing some music my dad wrote." She said and I just nodded.

"Oh okay. Bye." I said, then walked down to Lilly's room, but she didn't answer so I'm guessing she's sleeping. I just gave up and went to the elevator, pushing the button for the lobby.

As it was going down, it stopped at floor six and let a man wearing all black in with me. He kept eyeing me up and down as the elevator door shut, so I just went on my phone and pretended to do something. It stopped again on floor four and let two girls on and when they saw me, they started screaming.

"OH MY GOSH! IT'S THE JACKS KID!" A girl with long blonde hair screamed. They ran into the elevator and we started going down again, but then it jerked upward and stopped.

"What happened?" A brown haired girl asked as she pressed the help button a bunch of times. The man was eyeing all of us, but I just shrugged it off cause we are all kinda stuck in an elevator right now.

"Wait. What's that noi-" the blonde was saying before we started falling. We hit the lobby, then the elevator doors opened revealing a handy man, hotel manager, and a bunch of screaming girls. The man got up from the floor and walked off into the crowd, so I stood up and started walking outside and down the street.

"Jackson Gilinsky! Over here!" Someone screamed and I turned around to see a news reporter with a microphone and a bunch of people behind her with cameras and recorders.

"Uhm, no." I said cause I am not in the mood for this. I turned around and was about to start walking again when I was stopped by more news reporters bumbarding me with questions.

"Jackson! Jackson! Over here!" Was I'll I kept hearing people scream and all I could see was a bunch of white flashes everywhere.

"Stop!" I cried out as I tried running away. I was starting to get dizzy and started having trouble breathing, then my body started shaking.

"Jackson! Or is it Jacks son?!" A lady asked, shoving a mic in my face as her news man recorded.

"Are you okay?" She asked but then I was being shoved again. Instead of catching myself, my legs gave out and I fell on the ground, breathing heavily like I just ran a 5k marathon.

'Jackson! Jackson! Jackson' was all I kept hearing as my eyes got heavier and my breathing deeped. Before I passed out, I felt sombody pick me up, then everything turned black.

*Creepy man in the elevator P.O.V*

I'm looking for a newly teen to keep as my own, but I haven't been so successful lately. I've already kidnapped, raped, and killed 9 of them this year, and the police still haven't found me.

People were starting to get suspicious of me just walking up and down the hallway, so I hopped into the elevator. As I pressed the button to go to the lobby, I turned around and saw a cute little boy standing there on his phone. He might be a good target.

I eyed him up and down for a few seconds, the the elevator stopped and let in two screaming girls. I eyed them up and down too. They are definitely good targets if I can't get this little boy. They kept screaming Jackson, so I'm guessing that's his name.

The elevator opened and a bunch of screaming girls crowded the area, so I hurried out of the building. About 3 minutes later, I heard people screaming Jacksons name, so I walked over and saw him laying on the ground.

Should I make a move?

I am.

I made my way past people and picked him up, then walked off.


That was easy.

I turned down my alleyway where I usually do my 'business', and laid him on my mattress. I took off his shirt and it showed me his six pack, then I started rubbing my hand across his stomach and chest.

"Ahhh!" He screamed, startling me. I quickly covered his mouth and looked into his watery eyes.

"This will be quick, and simple." I simply said before kissing his torso. He started sobbing so I duct tape his mouth shut and handcuffed his hands together behind his back. This should hold him.

*Jack Johnsons P.O.V*

"Nash! I'm freaking out!" I screamed as I watched my son getting mobbed on the news.

"Don't worry, the boys are going down there right now to get him." He said trying to calm me. We saw Jackson fall on the ground, then it looked like he couldn't breath and was about to pass out.

"Hurry up Jack!" I screamed at the tv. We saw some arms reach out and pick him up and I thought it was one of the boys, but when it zoomed out, we saw a creepy guy with a black torn hoodie on.

"Ahhh!" Me, Nash, Ryan, Rosie, and Harper screamed. He started running off, then we saw the camera turn towards the boys and start mobbing them.

"No!" I cried into Nashs shoulder.

"It's okay. We'll find him." Nash cried.

"Guys, go with Kurt while we go find his brother." I told the kids and the ran to his room. Me and Nash ran down the stairs to the lobby, then ran outside to the boys.

"That way!" I screamed and me and Nash started running towards the direction the man went. The other boys got worried and started running after us, and when they finally caught up, we explained.

"A man took Jackson." I cried out as I continued walking. Jack pulled me into a hug, then everyone joined.

"We're going to find him. Don't worry." Taylor cooed as we kept walking. As we passed an alleyway, I kept hearing this weird noise. Like, muffled screaming. Then sombody I was not expecting ran into my arms.

*Jacksons P.O.V*

I opened my eyes slightly and what I saw startled me so much, I screamed.

"Ahhh!" It was that man in the elevator with me. He was kissing my stomach. He looked up and slapped his hand over my mouth, then my eyes started watering.

"This will be quick, and simple." He said. He flipped me over and handcuffed my hands behind my back, then he laid me on my back and duct taped my mouth. He went back to kissing my abs, then he started kissing my chest and kept getting higher.

"Shtsgsbp." I screamed as he started sucking on my neck.

"Shhh." He said, standing up and unzipping his pants. As he was distracted, I quickly stood up and ran out of the alley.

"Huh?" I heard and when I turned around, I saw Rosie in my dad's arms. My other dad turned around and I ran and jumped into his arms, sort of. It's kinda hard doing stuff with my hands cuffed behind my back.

"Jackson!" He screamed, hugging me.

"Mshdkcndph!" I cried. Matt took the tape off of my mouth and loud sobs started racking my body.

"I-i-i wa-nna go b-ack ho-me" I stuttered the best I could. The man ran off before anyone could catch him, so they thought it would be best there anyway. We got back to the hotel room and went into my dad's room, then all of the kids came in.

"Jackson! Are you okay!" They started screaming. I just sat there hugging my knees, but I nodded anyway.

"Y-yeah. I think so." I said, patting my self but then stopping when I felt something that hurt.

"Ouch." I yelped quietly but Hayes must've heard me.

"You okay bud?" He asked.

"Uhm, yeah." I said and he looked at where my hand was on my neck. He removed it slowly and under it revealed a dark purple and red buise type thing.

"Woah. You got a hickey." He said and my dad's looked at me.

"I thought it was supposed to feel good." I squeaked out.

"Only when you know it's gonna be giving to you. Your supposed to want it." Nash said.

"Oh. Well, I'm pretty tired. Can, can I go to bed?" I asked.

"Of course you can. Kurt, take your brother to your guys room." Daddy Gilinsky said and Kurt nodded. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck while I rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms under my butt, then I heard a bunch of flashes go off.

"Good night." Kurt giggled and he walked us to our room. He unlocked it with his room key, then he walked in and relocked our door.

"Wanna lay down bud?" He asked and I nodded. He laid me on his bed, then climbed in with me and pulled me into his chest.

"Don't worry, I won't let anybody hurt you. Now go to sleep cause we have magcon tommorow." He said while petting my hair. I closed my eyes and started drifting off to sleep, then sombody knocked on the door and Kurt grunted.

"I'll be right back." He said getting up and opening the door.

"Oh, hi dad." I heard him say.

"Hey bubba, your sister is gonna be here early in the morning so give me a key so I can lay her in here." Daddy Johnson said and then I heard the door shut a few moments later.

"He just wanted a key." Kurt said and he crawled back in bed with me. He started stroking my hair again and I finally fell asleep. Hopefully I can stay this way.

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