Time Will Tell

By SandyLoyd

1.6M 28.7K 1.4K

Romance and adventure…a trip to where an American tradition began… Libby Edwards, a gifted horsewoman, unwitt... More

Time Will Tell Part 1
Time Will Tell Part 2
Time Will Tell part 3
Time Will Tell part 4
Time Will Tell Part 5
Time Will Tell Part 6
Time Will Tell Part 7
Time Will Tell part 8
Time Will Tell part 9
Time Will Tell part 10
Time Will Tell Part 11
Time Will Tell part 12
Time Will Tell part 13
Time Will Tell part 14
Time Will Tell part 15
Time Will Tell part 16
Time Will Tell part 17
Time Will Tell part 18
Time Will Tell - Part 19
Time Will Tell - Part 21
Time Will Tell - Part 22
Time Will Tell - Part 23
Time Will Tell - Part 24
Time Will Tell - Part 25
Time Will Tell - Part 26
Time Will Tell - Part 27
Time Will Tell - Epilogue and author's note

Time Will Tell - part 20

38.4K 856 34
By SandyLoyd

As the carriage rolled along, Libby tried to take a deep breath, but wearing a corset wasn’t conducive to breathing. How did women in this day and age tolerate the confining clothes? Her gaze landed on her companion. Giselle didn’t look the least bit uncomfortable or bothered by the heat.

Air-conditioning was definitely an underappreciated luxury of modern times, she decided, wiping perspiration from her forehead. She glanced out of the dusty carriage from under the brim of her bonnet, wishing she could also chuck the hat. It weighed a ton. She’d never worn one before. Not even to the Derby, where women usually tried to outdo one another for the most creative headgear. The few times she’d attended she sat in the infield with a hundred thousand other partiers. Hats out there weren’t a necessity.

“I’m looking forward to tomorrow night,” Colin said, drawing her attention. “The Mayfields are holding a ball. I can’t wait to show you off.”

Libby nodded, wondering what she’d do while he was busy during the day. Besides delivering three horses to buyers and interviewing associates interested in using his stallions as studs, Colin planned on attending meetings about the racetrack. The never-ending search for studs to mate with his thoroughbred mares would also take up a good amount of time. He’d already explained why she couldn’t join him. Females had their place and it clearly wasn’t in the paddocks.

Three saddle horses were tied to the back of their carriage, along with two others that were sold, together kicking up quite a bit of dust. Libby was excited to see Louisville in the past and Colin was excited about showing her where the new racetrack was to be built.

Several hours later, Libby wondered how much longer their trip would take. She tried not to fidget, but her rear end was numb. With all the shade trees along the route and the absence of concrete and asphalt, she’d have thought it would be cooler. Not so! It was still hot. And humid. What she wouldn’t give for a Coke or Pepsi. Her once crisp two-piece cotton dress was wilted with sweat. The tight, formfitting bodice that barely allowed her to breathe earlier now seemed oppressive as did the long sleeves. Puffy at the top, they tapered to the wrist, allowing for little airflow along the arms. The high collar rubbed against her neck, making her yearn for shorts and a T-shirt.

Looking around, she recognized the road they were riding as one of the main thoroughfares out of the city, yet nothing looked familiar. Shelbyville Road or Highway 60 in her time was one of the busiest. This part of the dirt road in 1874 was treelined and narrower. At least it was fairly smooth.

A slight breeze hit her face. She held her head higher, trying unsuccessfully to get cooler air down her neck.

“Where are we?” Libby said minutes later, turning to Colin. Everything around them was rural—nothing but a few limestone walls or wooden fences here and there.

“The town we just past a few miles back was Middletown. We’re south of Lyndon, just north of Jeffersontown.” Her jaw dropped in stunned disbelief. This area was the site of the future mall where she used to work, she realized as he added, “We still have five miles or so before we reach the city’s outskirts. Another hour at the most.”

They traveled another quarter of an hour before the road widened. Houses appeared every now and again, hinting that civilization loomed. As they rode farther, Libby began to recognize landmarks as the Crescent Hill area. Homes were a little closer together, but still nothing like what she was used to.

A few minutes later, the stench practically gagged her. Libby covered her mouth and nose with her hand.

“Sorry,” Colin said. “There’s no avoiding the smell.” He shrugged. “Butchertown,” he added as if that answered everything. “The porkers do a thriving business, but I wish the slaughterhouse wasn’t right off the main turnpike into town.”

The road became more crowded. Taking in all the activity, Libby forgot her discomfort. Horse-drawn wagons and single riders coexisted with plenty of pedestrians. Vendors pushed their cars and pawned their wares on street corners. Men yelled, “Meat pies,” or “Get your copper pans here.” The smell of cooked meat infiltrated her nostrils as did the scent of horses, urine, and earth.

“That’s the Louisville Glassworks Company,” Colin said, pointing to a building.

She nodded, then noticed people around what looked to be a hand pump set right in the middle of the next street. “What are those people doing?”

Colin looked to where she indicated. “They’re filling water jugs. Those are public wells. Louisville’s progressive and one of the few western cities to pump water directly to houses. Still, there are some who’re squeamish at drinking river water.”

Libby hadn’t even thought about the water or the microbes most likely living in it. Thankfully, she’d gone weeks without a problem. “I don’t know which is worse.”

His shoulders lifted in a shrug. “Water is water. The city waterworks is massive and includes a filtration process. It’s a matter of taste.”

Eventually they turned onto Main Street. The scenery changed, became more congested, and the road widened. Only now it was cobbled, making the ride bumpier. The buildings were side by side, most between two and four stories high. Libby tried to find structures that lasted into the twenty-first century, but nothing looked familiar.

“Our hotel isn’t far,” Colin said. “We’re staying at the Galt House.”

“Really?” The hotel was a landmark in her time.

“Yes. I prefer its central location. The original burned some years ago. Of course the Louisville Hotel also offers luxurious accommodations. I have no problem with switching if you would rather.”

“I’m sure your choice will be fine.” She smiled, then glanced at Giselle, who’d remained silent for most of the trip. Libby cleared her throat, leaned into Colin, and lowered her voice. “So, are we clear on where I come from?”

“Yes,” Colin said, chuckling. “You’re a friend of the family and lived in Chicago until a couple of months ago when your parents, Thomas and Elizabeth Edwards, died. You came to the farm as a favor to my mother, who was your mother’s best friend when they were younger. No one will question it.” His smiled broadened. “How can anyone claim you don’t exist when the great fire wiped out all family records three years ago? Everything is being recreated by word of mouth. You really are quite inventive, my dear.”

“I only hope I don’t encounter anyone from Chicago. I have no idea what the city looks like or what’s there in 1874.”

“Do not worry about that,” Giselle said, speaking out for the first time in hours. “I was there six months ago. I can tell you about the city if anyone asks. It is much different than before the fire.”

“You’ve visited Chicago? Before and after the fire?”

Giselle nodded. “My uncle. He lives there. We take the train and visit often.”

Really?” Libby fought to keep amazement off her face. Too many of her friends in her own time didn’t like traveling. Despite the ease of traveling by air, some never went more than a couple hundred miles from home. Yet here sat Giselle in 1874, who’d traveled from France to New York, to end up in Louisville by way of Chicago. The woman most likely could teach her something about being adventurous.

“You’ll have to educate me on Chicago before I go into public. That way, I won’t blow my cover.”

Her companion shook her head, clearly not understanding. “Your cover? Qu’est-ce que c’est? What is that?”

“Sorry, it’s slang.” Libby laughed. “Blowing my cover means letting people in on my secret, which is that I’m not from Chicago. I don’t want people to know that. We invented a cover story to tell people when they meet me. I’m only working on Colin’s farm until I can figure out a way to go home. He was kind enough to offer to bring me along on this trip, and hired you to help. It’s all very complicated.”

Grinning, Giselle patted her hand. “French women are much more tolerant of affairs of the heart. Here, it is such a question of morality. But to me, it seems very judgmental. I think what is in your heart is much more important.”

“I’m not sure about the affair part, but my heart belongs to Colin,” Libby murmured. The woman was ahead of her time.

“It appears both your hearts are engaged.” When Libby’s brow furrowed, Giselle added, “I do not mean to be rude. It is just that never have I seen anyone so engaged with each other, non? It is no simple affair you two share. I may be young, but I understand amour.”

Libby glanced at Colin, who’d obviously caught the exchange. Their eyes met. The heat and desire emanating from that gaze zinged her insides. No one could mistake that look.

The lady is right, Libby thought. “Definitely more than a simple affair. Wouldn’t you say so, Mr. Thorpe?”

“There’s nothing simple about you, Libby,” Colin said, offering a lopsided grin.

They were saved from exploring the subject further when the carriage slowed. Colin released Libby’s gaze and she turned to peruse the hotel now in front of her. It was grand, yet nothing like the hotel in her century.

She also noticed that the street sign on the corner read Second Street and Main.

This wasn’t the same hotel that stood into the next century—hers was at Fourth and Main. The fact that the Galt House was well-known in both times comforted Libby, although she had no clue as to why.

George stepped down, moving to help Libby and Giselle out. Colin was right behind.

“If you would unload the bags here,” he said. “I’ll have a bellman take them up to our rooms. Your room will be next to mine, George. After unloading, take the carriage and horses to the livery.” After giving final instructions, Colin then turned to Libby and Giselle. “I’ve reserved a suite of rooms for you two. That way you’ll have Giselle close by, Libby.” He held out both his elbows. “Shall we?”

Now inside the hotel, Colin quickly registered and received instructions along with keys. Arm in arm they set off for the staircase. The bellman preceded them and had the bags in their rooms quickly, despite having to climb two flights of stairs.

“I’ll let you ladies unpack,” Colin said. He turned and caught Libby’s gaze. “Then we can have lunch together before I need to go to my first meeting.”

“Do not worry about me, Mr. Thorpe,” Giselle interjected. “I find I am quite tired from all this traveling.” Then winking at Libby, she took the key to her room, unlocked the door, and went inside.

“Hurry, the bellman’s gone and no one is coming.” Colin grabbed Libby’s hand and pulled her behind him to his hotel room door. He quickly unlocked and opened it, practically shoving Libby inside. Once inside, he wrapped her in a bear hug. “I’ve been waiting for hours to taste you.”

Seconds later, he was kissing her as if she was water and he hadn’t had any for days. Then his lips softened. Libby moaned and stepped closer to his heat as he took his time with slow kisses that kindled a fire in her belly. Never before had just kissing made her yearn for more. How was she ever going to leave him?

He released her lips and whispered, “Can you feel my desire, Libby? I swear, as God is my witness, I’ve hungered for no one as much as I hunger for you.”

As his lips found hers once again, she was amazed that his thoughts mirrored hers. Seconds later, all thinking dissipated into sensation after sensation. Colin fingered the back of her blouse and struggled to undo the buttons. He lifted his head and chuckled. “’Tis easier to get you out of your boys’ attire. This dress is like a fortress. Here, turn around. I’ll need to play lady’s maid.”

“Damn, that thing is hot,” she said, taking off her bonnet. “Do women wear this stuff all the time?”

Colin shrugged. “I never thought about it before, but yes.”

Libby turned around while Colin quickly undid the buttons. Once out of the two-piece dress, a sense of relief washed over her, but total liberation wouldn’t come until she rid herself of the heinous corset.

The lacy contraption caught and held Colin’s eye. A blast of heat rushed to her center. Libby felt sexy and desired as he kissed the swell of one breast and started untying the ribbons.

It dawned on her why women wore this kind of getup when Colin continued undressing her, kissing uncovered spots. “There is something to be said for imagination,” he said.

Now naked, she wholeheartedly agreed as Colin picked her up and carried her to the bed. He shed his clothes in record time, then leaned above her before lowering his mouth to hers.

The kiss went on forever. Libby melted, softening even more when he released her lips and groaned. “See what you do to me, Libby?” He took her hand and placed it over his thick arousal. “You only have to look at me and I want you. What have you done to me, Elizabeth Edwards? You’ve come from the future and stolen my soul.”

Libby’s brain had already turned to mush. Funny, before that happened, before his hands started roaming over her body, her last coherent thought was how could he accuse her of stealing souls? In Libby’s mind, he was stealing hers, bit by bit.

Colin filled her, and except for the pleasure, her mind went blank. When he started moving inside her, using slow, even strokes, she could only feel—until she exploded with the orgasm he seemed to elicit so easily. Seconds later, Colin followed with his own release.

Reality eventually returned and Libby felt him roll over, taking her with him. Without breaking contact, he situated her so that she was on top, kissing her again for what seemed like forever.

Stroking up and down her arms, he released her lips and sighed. “I could stay here forever, wrapped in your love.” He broke off for a heartbeat. “Ah, Elizabeth, I love you with all my heart.”

Tears blurred Libby’s vision. Never before had she felt so loved. So cherished. So complete. Why did it have to happen with someone who was in the wrong century? Why? Like a hamster on a wheel, the question ran through her brain. She laid her head on his shoulder and cried.

“Shush, Libby,” he whispered and kissed the top of her head. “’It wasn’t my intent to draw tears. I’ve accepted what is. How can I not? The question I ask myself is would I be better off without experiencing your love? The truth is, one moment with you is better than a lifetime without ever knowing you.”

It finally hit her. There was no way she would ever meet anyone else who gave what he did. Men like him just didn’t exist in the twenty-first century. Colin Thorpe would always be the love of her life. And he was right. She’d take any time left with him over never having met him.

“I’m sorry, Colin. I love you too. It hurts to know it can’t be forever.”

“Hush, Libby. My love for you will be forever. We will meet one day in the hereafter. I’ll wait.”

Blinking back tears, Libby could only stare at him. Their love did seem like something that would last through time. She prayed with all her heart that heaven existed. If it did, she knew she’d be spending eternity with Colin.

“I’m sorry,” Colin finally whispered, kissing her forehead after several minutes passed. “I must get dressed, but I don’t like leaving you like this. Will you be OK?”

Libby nodded. He pulled away to stand, then began dressing. Libby remained on the bed and watched. She never got tired of looking at his naked body. He was gorgeous, with big broad shoulders, lean hips, and strong legs.

While he dressed, he talked. “I’m not sure what’s going on tonight. There is always some party or another. I’ve been out of the whirl for a time, but it shouldn’t be too hard to get an invitation. I’ll work on procuring one. My meeting should only take a couple of hours. I’ll meet you in the lobby at four o’clock and I’ll show you and Giselle a little of the city. Hopefully by then I’ll know where we’ll be going tonight.”

Now dressed, he stepped over to the bed, kissed her, then held out that damned corset. “Here, you need to get dressed too. Come, I’ll help do up your stays and buttons. You can’t manage by yourself. It wouldn’t be good for you to be found naked in my room.”

He reached for the crinoline and chemise. Putting them on one item at a time, Libby hated the thought of having to wear the stuff for the rest of the day. Then she smiled. Things really hadn’t changed that much. After all, women of her time wore spiked heels and panty hose, and spandex was all the rage for keeping tummies flatter.

Walking over to the mirror situated in the corner of the room after dressing, she stared at her reflection. Twirling, she felt like a girl in them, a new sensation. Dressing in feminine clothes, much to Dave’s dismay, was at the bottom of her to-do list. Libby had always been more comfortable in jeans. Too bad she couldn’t go around town now in them. Oh well! Despite the discomfort, she figured three days wouldn’t be too bad to play dress-up, especially for Colin. In no time they’d be back on the farm where she could wear her boys’ clothes and be comfortable again.

Colin stood and kept his gaze on the mirror, catching her eye, seeming interested in the emotions playing over her face. He held out his hand. “You are lovely, Libby. Come. Let’s get you back to your own room.”

“You make me feel lovely.” Inhaling to still the flapping butterflies, she moved to meet him and put her hand in his. “So, what type of party do you think we’ll be going to tonight? I can’t wait. I hope it’s something that will allow me to dress in one of the formal gowns. They are so exquisite. How did you know what colors to choose?”

“Now you sound more like the woman I’ve come to know than the child I thought you were.” Colin laughed and led her out the door. “Supposedly, they are all the rage. I’m glad you like them. You require something that tells others you’re no child.”

“They do make me feel like I’m all woman, Colin.” Your woman, she wanted to add, but didn’t. “Thank you. I still plan to pay for them, though. So don’t think you’re off the hook for that,” Libby stated firmly.

By this time, they were at her room. He took her hand and kissed it. “How long do I have to pay penance for purchasing your clothes?” he teased, grinning as he took the key out of her hand and opened her door. Ushering her inside, he added, “Until later, Libby. Rest while you can. You’re going to need the energy later.”

Her soft laughter broke free. She watched in amused silence as he turned and headed down the hall while whistling.


“Libby, he’s such an attractive man,” Giselle said as she shut the door. “How I would love someone like that to pay attention to me.”

Smiling dreamily, Libby nodded. “He is gorgeous, isn’t he? I do feel lucky.” Then she remembered her circumstances and amended, “Well, I’m lucky while it lasts.”

“Such a silly statement,” Giselle admonished, clearly not understanding her comment. “Anyone looking at the two of you together would know it was meant to last. It’s obvious he loves you and you him. I’m sure he will marry you.”

Instead of telling her why that would never happen, she offered, “I know that before I met Colin, I had no clue about how I could feel about another human being.”

“You are so lucky to find someone like that, Libby. My parents have that and Marguerite had it with her husband. Even though they found true love, it is rare.” Her smile turned wistful. “I hope to find such a love, but living in Shelbyville doesn’t provide me with many to choose from.”

Libby was silent for a moment. “Having a soul mate like Colin is indescribable.” Then she smiled. “You know, I just had a thought. Why don’t you come with us tonight?”

Non, I don’t think so.” Giselle shook her head. “It isn’t done. I’m supposed to be your companion.”

“I bet you’re used to hobnobbing with wealthy people,” Libby said, having none of it. “Didn’t you say your dad was with the government in Paris?”

“Yes, but what has that to do with me accompanying you tonight?”

“You’ve been through all kinds of social situations and are probably more comfortable in them than I am. I hate those types of functions. I’m only doing it because I can’t pass up the opportunity to see what it’s like. If you tagged along, you could help.”

Libby could see that Giselle was seriously considering her suggestion.

“It does make sense,” Giselle said after a few moments in thought. “I love parties and dancing. I rarely get the opportunity to attend anything since coming to Kentucky.” Her gaze turned reflective again. “In Paris, I was just starting to be allowed to attend them.” Giselle smiled warmly and twirled around gaily as if she were dancing, obviously happy, before she plopped back on the bed, sighing. “How I wish you were staying, Libby. You’re so easy to talk to. I don’t really have a lot of friends outside of my sister. I have to confide. This trip to Louisville is the most excitement I’ve had in months.”

“Do you have the proper clothes,” Libby asked.

“Of course. Marguerite makes the most beautiful gowns and I rarely get to wear them. Why do you think I came along on this trip?” She glanced up. “You don’t think Mr. Thorpe would mind?”

“No, I think it will work well for our story.” Libby laughed. “Help our cover, so to speak, and make it more believable to have my companion accompany me. Don’t you think?”

Oui, I like it, especially if I can attend a party. I think we should go out and celebrate.”

“I agree.” Libby grabbed her hand and started for the door. “I’ve been dying to see the sights. Colin is meeting me at four o’clock downstairs. We have a couple of hours to kill.” She was dying to become better acquainted. “I’m so happy you’re here. It’s nice to have a friend.”

During lunch with Giselle, Libby forgot some of her homesickness. In the past weeks, there were moments where she really missed Bev. Her new companion seemed to fill that void. Giselle was closer in age—more like an equal. Berta was a wonderful friend, but Libby couldn’t shake the feeling that the older woman looked upon her as someone to watch over and care for, rather than a confidante.

After lunch, Libby and Giselle went sight-seeing. As the two walked through the crowded streets of Louisville, Libby was taken aback with all she saw. The city looked so different, the buildings unrecognizable. The river, the main focal point without the concrete and steel impediments of the future, was totally new to her. The water’s edge was visible as was the steamboat dock. There were no Humana or Aegon buildings. No tall skyscrapers reaching toward the heavens to impede the view.

Bigger than she imagined, Louisville in the past had a strong pulse and was alive. Libby then realized that no matter the time in history, cities were the lifeblood of the country. Activity hummed and the world went about its business, something that probably happened wherever people congregated.

They walked and gawked for a couple of hours, after which Libby’s feet hurt. Her walking boots were not made for walking as the song declared. Libby smiled at the thought that not much had changed in that area either. Fashionable shoes of any age hurt the feet after a few hours of wearing.

“I’ve seen enough. Let’s go back to the hotel and have a cool drink.” She glanced at Giselle. “How do you put up with all this junk you have to wear? It’s so hot.”

A look of confusion crossed her face.

“I’m not used to wearing a corset,” Libby said, hoping the explanation was enough.

Giselle shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve never known anything else, so I’m used to it.”

On the walk back to the hotel, Libby thought about her adventure. One thing she liked—it didn’t seem as hot and humid. Louisville could be worse than hell in July. The river breeze actually made it quite pleasant, despite the sun beating overhead. Besides, they were able to stay in the shade of the buildings, which made the heat easier to bear.

Smiling, Libby imagined wearing a pair of shorts and a sleeveless shirt in this crowd. Some of the ladies she watched go by would have heart attacks if they knew what people in the future wore on an everyday basis. She almost laughed out loud at that thought.

Libby still wondered how these women put up with all the constraints. Besides being dressed to the hilt, almost every woman Libby saw had a hat or bonnet covering her head. Even the men she saw wore hats, which seemed so odd in the middle of July.

“My feet are hurting,” Giselle said. “I am glad we’re finally back. Next time we should wear more comfortable shoes, n’est-ce pas?”

“You have comfortable shoes?” In this century? Libby was struck dumb.

“Of course. There’re not so pretty, but sometimes beauty is forfeited for comfort, non?”

“I agree.” Libby nodded. “Next time, we’ll wear more comfortable shoes while walking.”

Laughing, the two headed inside the hotel toward the restaurant. They were seated immediately. Libby pulled the ornate timepiece out of her pocket that Colin had given her. It was a pin, but Libby felt funny wearing it, which was why it was in her pocket.

They still had about a half an hour before she would meet Colin.

When their lemonade came, Libby lifted hers in a toast. “Here’s to friendship.”

She clinked glasses with Giselle as the memory of her and Bev sitting under the two oak trees and clinking soft drinks came to mind.

In response, Libby began to wonder when she’d be going home. The thought didn’t cheer her at all.

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