Sofia the First: Sofia's end...

By asherWilde_22

32.3K 553 57

(Warning! There are a few bad words in this story but I will not put any kind of dirty scenes for this is a c... More

The last wave
Return of the lost princess
All about that past
The magical Amulet
Please read!
The truth comes out
Oh My God!
The "Talk"
The tale of the age-less princess
The kingdom of Avalor
The kiss. Will it save her?
questions and answers
Happy birthday Sofia! 🎁🎉
The plan/party plan 😉
A few announcements. PLEASE READ 😅
On leave
Birthday surprise 🎉💍
New book description
Prolong to new story
New book!!
Should i make another one?

The endless woods

1.5K 30 2
By asherWilde_22

Hugo's POV

It's been 5 years since Sofia died. And it's all my fault!! If I had grabbed her before she went down that waterfall, she would still be alive! I can't believe I let my best friend die.

I can't believe I let the love of my life die...

Today, me, my brother, Axel, and our old friends are in the kingdom of Enchansia for the coronation of the new king: James. He was a really close friend but after Sofia's death, we plus everyone else drifted apart. We are only all together cause the Kings, Queens, and their offspring are to attend anytime a new king or queen is to rule. Or in our case, Kings, Queens, and their parents...

"I crown you, King James, of Enchansia!"

"All hale James! All hale James!" Everyone chanted.

As everyone clapped, I saw James's twin sister, Amber, talking to my father. Huh?

When I got to them, I heard them talking. "-and rope. There you go King Garrick. All you need for your trip."

He bowed. "Thank you princess."

"Father? What's going on?"

"Ah! Hugo! I am going on one last adventure before I pass my crown on to you."

"Father, I already told you! I don't want the throne!"

My brother Axel is the oldest, so he should get the crown, right? Well, since he married a woman from the neighborhood kingdom, he went to rule that kingdom. He thought that I would want to rule as well. Well, he was right, about 5 years ago. My family cannot rule unless we have a partner.

And mine was to be Sofia...

"Son," he put his hands on  my shoulders, "we don't have to do the arranged marriage if you don't want to. I know you are still suffering from losing Sofia and I understand. But for her, you have to take my place."

I let out a breath. "Alright. But I'm waiting till next Friday."

All he did was nod. Friday would have been Sofia's 19 birthday, the day she was supposed to pick who she wanted to marry. And the day before her 14 birthday, the day she died, James told me that she had a crush on me. But she didn't want to say anything about it cause she didn't want to ruin our relationship. That's why I was so happy when she picked me that day.

"So father. Where are you traveling to?"

"The endless Woods."

I gasped. "Father! If you go in there, like legend says, you will age a lot and you can't change back!"

"Son I can take care of myself. I promise I'll still look like this when you see me tomorrow."

I wanted to stop him but once my father makes up his mind about something, you can't change it. Instead, I asked if he could take me to Royal Prep. so I could ice skate. Ice skating is one of my best memories of Sofia, and I'm going to keep that alive.

For her.

King Garrick POV

After dropping Hugo off at the school, I made my way to the Endless Woods.

Once I got to the very front (or back, I'm not really sure), I tied a rope to the carriage. "Stay here coachmen, I won't be too long."

"Yes sir."

After traveling 10 minutes into the woods, I heard a voice.

"Hello? Is anyone out there?"


Wow! I was right! There is someone else here! "Hello out there! Who are you?!"

Just then I heard bushes rustle in front of me.

When that person walked out, I gasped! NO WAY!

"P-princess Sofia?!"

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